Two Sides to Every Love (Gene...

By Shadowlumi

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Sequel to "Two Sides to Every Girl" It was almost the end of summer before Y/n's senior year, and she was hap... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1~ Relationships
Chapter 2~ Sudden Vacation
Chapter 3~ Coincidence? I Think Not
Chapter 4~ Kept Secret
Chapter 5~ Rekindle an Old Flame
Chapter 6~ Katelyn's Care
Chapter 7~ Heartbreak
Chapter 8~ Breakups Suck
Chapter 9~ Clothes and Soup
Chapter 10~ Big News
Chapter 12~ The Prospect of Love
Chapter 13~ I'm Feelin' Twenty Tw- Five. Twenty Five.
Chapter 14~ Falling For You
Chapter 15~ Way Home
Chapter 16~ Fireworks
Chapter 17~ Start Anew
Chapter 18~ Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter 19~ Siblings
Chapter 20~ Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21~ Business Proposal
Chapter 22~ Worry About You
Chapter 23~ Healing
Chapter 24~ Smile
Chapter 25~ The End of All Things
Chapter 26~ Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter 27~ Dear Diary
Chapter 28~ Our Spot
Chapter 29 🍋~ Greedy
Chapter 30~ Maid Café Shenanigans
Final Author's Note
Side Story 1~ OKAY I PULL UP
Side Story 2~ A "Little Bit" Drunk
Side Story 3~ Prom Night
Side Story 4~ New Year('s Eve), New Friend

Chapter 11~ Work = Fun?

129 3 4
By Shadowlumi

My alarm sound blared in my ears, and I quickly turned it off as I yawned. Getting up at 8:30 AM feels too cruel...but if I wanted to meet Masami— um, I mean meet up with Gene in an hour, it was necessary!

"Ughhh...what time is it...?" Katelyn groaned.

Whoops, guess my alarm woke her up... "Sorry, Katelyn! It's still pretty early morning."

"Why are you awake?"

"I have plans," I replied.

"With who in the morning?"

Oh boy... "Gene."

Suddenly she jolted to a seated position, causing Aph to make grumbling sounds. "What?"

I shrugged. "He invited me to something." I wanna burst out and say it, but she might get jealous! This is my main character moment. I get to meet my idol! Who's younger than me, but whatever, it's a two year difference!

"Hmm...okay... If anything is up, you better let me know."

I nodded. "Will do! But Gene and I are chill now, it'll be fine."

With a dismissive huff, Katelyn returned to her slumber, leaving me to get ready. By the time I finished showering, drying myself off, and everything else, it was 9:20 AM. I was standing around the kitchen after eating breakfast, figuring out the best route. Soon enough, I headed out. It amazed me how people were already out and about in high spirits so early... Maybe this is normal, and I'm just the furthest thing from a morning person.

Although that was true, I couldn't help but feel rejuvenated. Is this island really a cure? Am I just really excited to meet Masami? Do I look forward to seeing what Gene— the thought dispersed before concluding. If mornings make me feel like this here, maybe I wouldn't mind vacationing here again! If I could ever afford it... While lost in thought, I eventually arrived at Love~Love's very own record label. To my surprise, the building was on the smaller side. I mean, it's obvious that the food, drinks, and waterparks are the main focus here. It's surprising that there's a record label here at all! This made me wonder, why would Masami want to sign with a label that's so small? I could imagine it earlier in her career, but now? When she's as successful as she is? Especially since she wants to reach as many people's hearts as possible. She wants to save others...

A tap on my shoulder tore me from my deep thoughts.

"Morning," Gene greeted. "Practicing what you're gonna be saying to Masami?"

I greeted him back before sheepishly laughing, hoping to avoid the question. Thankfully, Gene moved on and led me into the building. He instructed me to sit in the break room, as he had things to take care of before showing anything off. 

I sighed as soon as he left. I needed to be occupied...the anticipation to meet Masami and the worry about her career was gonna eat me alive. Registering that I was beginning to bite my nails, I shook my head and decided to take in my surroundings. Thankfully, I was kept occupied with the album arts decorating the walls. The range between simple and intricate piqued my interest. I didn't really recognize any of the covers, and I wondered if it was possible for a nobody like me to have their art showcased. Huh, now that I think about it...I do have some very brief experience with album art.

"Hey Y/n, you do art or whatever, right?"

It was junior year and I was in study hall, my last period of the day, when Zenix approached me.

"Uh, yeah. We were kinda in the same art class all of last year," I replied.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You listen to some hardcore music, right? So you know what cool album art looks like?"

I nodded. This is coming from out of nowhere... Hm, GirlDeMo's first album had a pretty cool cover. Would that meet Zenix's definition of 'hardcore'? Irene I wish he'd stop with the word... 

"Say that I knew someone that produced a song and was looking for a cover artist. Would you be able to help them out?"

Zenix, asking for my help? "What's in it for me?" I asked.

"I won't tell Gene that you've been writing poetry about him in our creative writing class."

Ugh, am I that obvious?! Gene would tease me endlessly... Why does Zenix have to be in study hall and creative writing of all my classes? "...Fine, I'll do it. Do you have the song on you so I can get an idea?"

He shook his head. "You don't get to hear it."

"Then how am I gonna design something suitable?"

"I'll describe what I I mean my friend wants."

"You have other friends outside of Gene and Sasha?" I questioned.

"...I will kill you."

"Go ahead. Good luck finding a new artist!"

He sighed. "Okay, fine. My friend is self-conscious and doesn't want people knowing that he sings."

"What a surprise that you're friends with someone like that!" I remarked.

"I'm friends with you aren't I?"

"We're friends?"

He furiously shook his head. "NO! I only tolerate you cause you're dating Gene, and Sasha doesn't hate you. You're annoying, and I don't like you hanging out with Sasha and I."

The old leader of the Shadow Knights was wayyy better. "Oooh, is it cause you want to be aloneeee with Sasha?"

Zenix began to seethe. "Anyways." He began going on about his specifications, and his descriptions of a character to be on the cover oddly sounded like him. Piecing things together, I confirmed my suspicions.

Zenix SINGS.

My Irene, what an edgy piece I had created back then... If only I had gotten to hear the song I designed art for. It's hard for me to imagine what Zenix singing sounds like...

"I'm back!" Gene announced. "What are you smiling about?"

"Being surrounded by album covers makes me think about the one I created a long time ago for Zenix."

"For Zenix?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he was trying to hide that it was his song, but he didn't do a good job of it."

"Why did you help him? You two never really got along."

No way can I tell Gene why. "Eh... I don't really remember."

"Huh. Is that right? You remember that you did something for him, but not why?"

"Yeah, that's what not really remembering means."

"Maybe I'll ask him." Gene pulled out his phone, but I furiously shook my head, standing up and reaching out in attempt to take the device from him. However, he held it up too high. "Why so desperate?"

I sheepishly laughed. "Zenix probably doesn't remember either... It'd be a waste of time!"

"It'd take like ten seconds. I have quick fingers."

"...Um... I-I have an idea, don't text Zenix, and I'll take you out for lunch!" 

"If you're getting this desperate, I have to know." He began typing, holding the phone up out of my reach, signaling me to act fast. My best bet? Standing on the chair. I tried to grab his phone, but he stepped backwards, so I leaned forward, causing him to move backwards again. Grabbing at empty air, I began to tip, so I braced myself for impact. Luckily, Gene placed his hands on my sides, steadying me, and my hands fell upon his shoulders. His eyes met with mine, as if searching for something.

I averted my eyes, sighed in defeat, and sat back down, my face hot with embarrassment.

"My Irene, if you're willing to get yourself hurt, fine. I won't send the message." He glanced at his phone before grimacing. "...Never mind."

"What?" I questioned.

"Accidentally pressed send when I caught you, I guess."

"Delete it before he sees!"

"Too late, he already saw it. Huh, he must not have work today if he saw it so fast. Wonder why he's up so early... Oh wait, wouldn't there be a time diff—"

"GENE!" I erupted.

"Calm down, I'll just tell him that I don't need to know any—" He burst out laughing. "You wrote poetry about me?"

I covered my face with my hands and began to whine. 

"No, no, it's cute! I mean, I like poetry. I'm sure 16 year old Y/n wrote amazing pieces."

"I was so blunt back then! Obviously I struggled during the poetry unit... Ugh, whatever! You know now."

He smirked. "So, do you still have any of your old poetry?"

"Obviously not, I threw it all away. Why would I keep anything from school?" I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, don't you have a job to be doing?"

He shrugged. "I mean, I guess. I am at work after all. There's an hour until the meeting, so if you'll follow me, we're going to sift through a lot of either really good music, or the worst thing you've ever heard!" He led me to an office with a multitude of shelves. Upon closer inspection, they were all labeled by genre. "So, what do you feel like listening to?" Gene asked.

An hour had eventually passed, and we sadly didn't end up finding artists with potential. However, the bit of dejection swept away as we arrived at the meeting room, where shortly after Masami Iwasawa stepped into the room, followed by a small team of people. I sat next to Gene on a corner of the left side of the table, with his co-workers filling the rest of the side and Masami and her team on the right side. Pleasantries were exchanged, and Masami scanned our side of the table, and she made eye contact with me!!! I sent an awkward grin her way and a sliver of a smile appeared on her face. My heart was racing and butterflies filled my stomach. Masami was gorgeous in person. Her pinkish red hair was vibrant and neat, and her red eyes resembled rubies; beautiful, but appearing to hold a form of mystifying darkness within. I always imagined going to a concert of her's one day and noticing her distinct aura despite being meters away, but never in my wildest dreams was I so close to her! 

The talk of business began to transpire; terms, conditions, flexibility, and structure were being discussed, while I attempted to follow along. I didn't know the process of how artists sign to labels, nor did I really know the effects of signing with one label over another, so I would obviously be unable to say anything, even though I held doubts. Plus, Gene could get in trouble if I made an outburst. He's been wanting to get away from Phoenix Drop, so I can't ruin things for him. This is his big shot, after all. It was difficult to drill that into my brain, as my loyalty as a fan to Masami was deep. I'm sure Masami's team will figure out what's best.

"You, on the corner. If I were to guess, you're the one who's been a fan of mine for a while?" 

I felt myself freeze as I realized Masami was talking to me. My mouth moved, but no words came out. Oh my Irene. Oh my Irene. Don't look like an idiot in front of one of your favorite artists! I felt a small kick to my ankle, and I stole a glance at Gene, who was expressionless except for his urging eyes.

"Y-Yeah, that'd be me. My name's Y/n," I replied, finding courage. "I've been a fan since you were starting out with Girls Dead Monster, so around my sophomore year of high school."

"Y/n, what feelings do you get from my music?" she asked.

I thought back to when Masami released "My Song", which launched speculation that she was splitting from GirlDeMo, even though they were together for just a year at that point. In the end, Masami continued with GirlDeMo for a while, just releasing solo singles here and there. I could never forget, it was when my adoptive parents legally relinquished me... "There's a lot of emotion. Some songs give me the courage to carry on, while others hurt, giving something to relate to. No matter what, you establish a genuine connection between you and your audience. For me, you express both the harshness of reality and the reassurance of hope."

"Love~Love you think someone like me makes sense to associate with this place?"

"Masami, what are you doing asking a fan—"

She cut the man next to her off. "I care about my fans, above all. Y/n?"

The memories of vacation so far swirled within my mind. "Love~Love a place for both the past and the future. That doesn't exactly answer the question, so I'll elaborate. The past holds all of the struggles we've ever known, while the future has endless possibilities. My friends and I have all faced our past on this island, as well as having light shined on the moments to look forward to. Like you, Masami, this place brings people together, so without a doubt you'd make sense here." Despite having my doubts all day...I can say that with full confidence.


"Watch out, Gene, I might come for your job," I joked.

It was half past noon, and Gene and I were out for lunch, chatting as we ate. The meeting with Masami was a major success from what it looked like!

"Yeah, okay, you barely were able to get your words out," he retorted. "You'd be too intimidated to survive a single meeting by yourself."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. I just spoke to one of my favorite artists. I think I could do anything now. You're lucky I'm not pursuing music!"

"I will admit that you did help with cementing Masami's decision. Your words impressed everyone..." He trailed off. "So, I heard you're here for the rest of the summer. Any plans?"

"Hm, nope! Just going a day at a time. Today's July 21st, so...oh man, there's exactly two weeks left. We go back on August 4th."

His eyes widened. "Oh. That isn't that long at all."

"Yup...back to reality and all that." The problem of finding a new job and a place to live isn't something I can ignore anymore.

"Now that I think about it, how have all of you been gone from your jobs for so long?" Gene questioned.

"I'm...not really sure for everyone else. As for me, well..." I glanced down to the side. "I got fired," I mumbled.

"Yikes. Why's that?"

"I was in a slump for a bit too long," I replied. "If you don't mind me going into detail, um. My brother was pestering me about love, and it made me feel kinda...lonely, I guess. I mean, I have great friends and all, but I feel like everyone's involved with someone, while I'm at a stand-still. I don't need anything that serious or anything,'s just been a while."

Gene nodded. "Yeah, I get that. I kinda feel the same. But hey, the right person will come your way, Y/n. And if it helps you feel any better, your old employers definitely made a mistake."

I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Gene."

He smiled back. "By the way, how do you have no plans when your birthday is coming up?"

I was stunned. "You remember my birthday?"

"July 29th, right?"

"Yeah. It'll be my first birthday without any family, now that I think about it."

"Seriously? You're with them every year?" he questioned.

I nodded. "It's partially to make up for lost time but mostly cause of how close my family is."

"Ah, that makes sense. Well, I'm sure this year will still go great!" He got up from his seat. "Anyways, I gotta get back to work, but I'll see you later."

I stood up as well. "Alright, bye! Thanks for today, it was really fun. Good luck with the rest of your day!"

He smiled and suddenly brought me into a hug. I awkwardly brought my arms around him. Then, he wordlessly walked off.

A/n: so touch-starved I want a hug smh

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow🎮

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