One Shots and Short Stories

By CSwartz

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One Shots and Short Stories
Never-ending Pain
A Glancing Future
Science Equals Chemistry
Billie-Jo and the Harley
Everytime I Think of You
Bathroom Time- for Two?
Wanting Something More
Accidental Saviours- Part 1
Accidental Saviours- Part 2
Always Tomorrow (Sterek oneshot)
Sell By: Poem
Judd and Thomas
"It Started with a Whisper"

Water Guns, Jack and Me

555 11 2
By CSwartz

Short Sotry Challenge for Hooha84:


Setting- Festival

Object- Jack Russel Terrier (dog)

Genre- Humor

       This blasted heat will be the death of me. It's suffocating and horrible. I'm just lucky that everyday was Casual Friday. There was no way I would have survived otherwise. Today Baton Rouge and tomorrow Sommersville.  

       Ding! Ding! 

       "We have a winner! You can pick any prize on the first shelf, sir." 

       The older man looked closely, as close as he could while squinting through his bifocals. He pointed his rough, bony finger at the small purple elephant hanging from the ceiling. His face lit up as soon as he saw it. This is the part of my job that I hate. If I don't give him the elephant he'll get mad and cause a scene, plus I'll feel bad for not giving the crazy old man an elephant.  

       I grabbed my hook and pulled the elephant down. It was my favorite one because it was hardly ever chosen. This particular little guy had been hanging up there since the beginning of this year's circuit.  

       "Here ya go sir. One elephant for the happy winner! Please take good care of him, Dumbo Jr. needs a good home." 

       The man grinned at me, missing teeth, age spots and all. I grinned back at him and watched him walk away, giving the elephant to the gentle older woman that was hanging on to his arm. I sighed internally. I always wonder what it would be like to be that old and in love.  

       Someone cleared there throat. 

       I looked down and saw a boy who was at least 70 years younger than the previous gentleman.  

       "What can I do for ya sir?" 

       He giggled.  

       "You're pretty." 

       I grinned at him and leaned over the side of the car. I tapped my finger on the edge of his cap. 

       "You aren't so bad yourself slugger. So what'll it be?" 

       He looked at the game thoughtfully. 

       "My daddy won't let me play with guns." 

       I smiled to myself. He looked so serious. 

       "Well, I have it on good authority that these here guns don't shoot people." 

       He looked at me speculatively. 

       "What do they do then?" 

       "They shoot water. The object of the game is to aim the gun at the hole in the wall there and shoot water in it. The first person to fill the balloon up with water and make it explode wins." 

       He grinned. 

       "I like it when things explode." 

       I threw my head back and laughed. 

       "Who doesn't? So do you want to play?" 

       He nodded his head enthusiastically. 

       "I've just got to wait for my Dad. He went to go get something to drink." 

       "He left you all by yourself?" 

       If possible the little boy puffed out his chest and frowned at me. 

       "He told me if I stayed in eyesight I could walk over here by myself." 

       "Ahh. Okay. That makes sense, because you're such a big boy." 

       He laughed. 

       "I'm only 10." 

       "Well that's fine. I'm only 22. We match let's go get married." 

       The little boy doubled over in a fit of laughter. 

        "I'd take her up on the offer, Michael. You won't get another one from any other pretty girl." 

       I looked up and focused my attention on the man behind him. The man was easily six feet two inches. Dark hair framed his face and chocolate eyes that make a woman dream about them. He was smiling at me and it widened when I didn't say anything. I cleared my throat. 

       "Well, if Hubby over here-" the little boy laughed harder- "would like to play the game it'll be five dollars for two people or six for two games.:" 

       The man pretended to stroke his imaginary beard and then looked down at the little boy. 

       "Well what do you think Michael? Do you want to play by yourself twice or do you want me to play with you?" 

       Michael looked at his father like he was crazy.  

       "Dad, it isn't any fun if I don't beat you." 

       We laughed together and paused a beat. He handed me the money and lifted Michael up to sit on the stool. He walked over to the gun. 

       "Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have two young men here getting ready to play. Who will win? No one knows. The first one to fill the balloon and make it explode wins. When the bell dings you two gentlemen pull the trigger and have at it." 

       One of the perks of this job is the microphone attached to my ear. I love it. I watched them both for a second lifted my hand up and pushed the bell. They raced, neck in neck. Michael had a hard time staying on target and his dad was beating him but when he saw Michael losing he slowed down a little without being too obvious, letting him win. 

       Ding! Ding!  

       "Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! Now here's the deal buddy. You can pick anything you want out of this booth. Anything at all." 

       He smiled at me and then turned to look at all the different prizes available. He stood on his tip-toes to get a better look and he let out a squeal when his dad lifted him on his shoulders. His eyes caught on to something he wanted. 

       "I want that one!" 

       I turned to look to see what he was pointing at. It was a life-sized Jack Russel Terrier plushy. I smiled a little at him and went to grab it with the hook. I handed it to him and he grinned at me. I tapped his hat and smiled at him again. 

       "Take good care of Jack, little man. He's a good dog." 

       He looked at me weird. 

       "He's the best dog ever. He sits where you put him, he stays, he's always happy to see you, he cuddles with you, and you can't ever forget to feed him cuz he doesn't eat. He'll always listen to your problems and keep you out of trouble." 

       I smiled at him one last time and I turned around to put stuff up, refilling stock. I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and saw the father looking at me. I smiled a little. 

       "I don't give my phone number out and I especially don't go out with married men. Sorry."  

       I would have turned around but he threw his head back and laughed. Even his huge laugh was down right sexy. I bit my lip and his eyes focused in on it. I cleared my throat. 

       "Oh right. I don't want any of those things. And I'm not married. I just wanted to know why you were sad when you saw the plushy." 

       "I'd rather not say. It's none of your business." 

       He nodded his head. 

       "Fair enough. I just wanted to tell you thank you for the plushy you gave my son. He didn't earn that nice of one on that shelf. Thank you it made his day." 

       This time I smiled genuinely at him. 

       "Don't worry about it. It was a pleasure to meet him. He's a nice boy." 

       "Yeah he is." 

       An unspoken question hung in the air. One that I wasn't comfortable with asking. 

       "Do you want to go out for coffee sometime?" 

       I smiled at him sadly. 

       "I leave tonight for Sommersville. I'd love to but I can't." 

       He smiled at me. 

       "What if I give you my phone number? We could talk?" 

       "I don't even know your name." 

       "My name is Jameson. What's yours?" 


       "Nice to meet you Heather. Here's my card." 

       He wrote a phone number on the back. 

       "That's my cell phone. Please feel free to call or text me. I would really look forward to getting to know you better." 

       I smiled. 

       "I'd like that." 

       It took all my courage to call him three days later. I'd been debating on it for a while and, with my token gay friend egging me on, I finally did. He remembered me and my name and said he was waiting for my call. After that we continued talking every night on the phone, up until the season was over.  

       "The circuit is over today. It's been fun." 

       There was a slight pause. 

       "So will you be coming home?" 

       My heart thudded faster at that. 


       "To Baton Rouge? I mean, to visit me and Michael? He talks about wanting to see his wife again." 

       We chuckled at that. 

       "I might visit. I have see how much money I've got first. I think it's a definite possibility Jameson." 

       Two days later I got of the train and was greeted by two large welcoming smiles. I smiled in return and walked towards them. 

       "Hi hubby." 

       The little boy laughed at me and gave me a hug. He surprised me so much that I dropped by bags on the platform. I looked up at Jameson and saw him smiling at me. I closed my eyes and hugged Michael back.  

       For some reason it felt like my place was here. Without knowing, without wondering I later told Jameson that it was like coming home. My heart was here.

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