Unconditional Love

By Mithran_Ganesh0702

168K 12.6K 4.9K

Ashwin falls in love with Sivaangi due to her cuteness, boldness and naughtiness. He wants his rowdy don to b... More

Characters and Introduction
Chapter 1 - Bonding
Chapter 2 - Understanding
Chapter 3 - Breaking News
Chapter 4 - Unexpected First Meet
Chapter 5 - Careness
Chapter 6 - Police and Rowdy
Chapter 7 - Cute Moments
Chapter 8 - Lifesaver
Chapter 9 - She Touches My Heat
Chapter 10 - Feelings
Chapter 11 - Kadavul Setting
Chapter 12 - The Hug
Chapter 13 - The Ride
Chapter 14 - Happier Times
Chapter 15 - Mother's Love
Chapter 16 - Rain of Love
Chapter 17 - The Confession
Chapter 18 - The Past
Chapter 19 - Real KD Fellow
Chapter 20 - A Sweet Punishment
Chapter 21 - Together
Chapter 22 - Coimbatore
Chapter 23 - The Truth
Chapter 24 - The Cure
Chapter 25 - Coming Back To You
Chapter 26 - The Beach
Chapter 27 - Love Has Started
Chapter 28 - The Beginning
Chapter 29 - Cook with Comali
Chapter 30 - Hang Out
Chapter 31 - Planned
Chapter 32 - Kerala
Chapter 33 - Fun
Chapter 34 - Surprise Celebration
Chapter 35 - The Angel of Lion
An Annoucement For You All
Chapter 36 - Angel's Bestie
I'm Sorry Guys
Chapter 37 - Musical Love
Chapter 38 - Their Home
Chapter 39 - Beautiful Souls
Chapter 40 - Follow Your Heart
Chapter 41 - Something Is Here
Chapter 42 - It's Coming For You
Chapter 43 - The Mystery
Chapter 44 - Connecting Dots
Chapter 45 - Related?
Reached to 100K views
SPM ( Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia )
Cover Photo Of Chapter 47
Chapter 47 - Divine VS Evil
It's My Birthday
Starting of Season 2
Chapter 48 - New Journey
Chapter 49 - No Limits
Chapter 50 - Precious Time
Chapter 51 - Sun and Moon
Happy Diwali Folks!!!
Chapter 52 - No Mercy
Chapter 53 - Pyscho Killer
Voting Session
Chapter 54 - An Unknown Story?
Chapter 55 - The Final Battle
Chapter 56 - Spiced Up
Chapter 57 - Deadlier?
Announcement for this story
Chapter 58 - Check up?
Last Storylines
10000 Words Marathon

Chapter 46 - Biggest Danger

1.1K 127 117
By Mithran_Ganesh0702

10th of December 2019...........

The mansion which had been held by Ratnam's late family reached to 100 years of being in the land. Ratnam's family was actually from the connections of the great king kingdom, and the blood was keep running till now in the mansion.

Maya, a girl with full of hardwork and sweet for the whole time, her family had pampered her a lot and received a great amount of love. Her father Ratnam, her brother Santosh, her sister-in-law Divya, her relatives Janaki and Raji, made the whole family to shower their love to her. Maya's mother passed away when she was 3, due to a terrible accident.

Maya was Sivaangi's best friend, they were studying in the same college and the same class. Before she met Pavithra, Sakthi and Saranya, Maya was everything to her. They had a great time together either the college or at outside. Maya was very happy to live in a splendid life until she discovered something that she shouldn't had.

Maya was looking for her book which she had lost somewhere in the mansion. She looked around the whole area but couldn't found it, she went inside to Ratnam's room and continued to search. She looked at the cupboard and finally found her book, she smiled and was about to go out, when something strange caught her attention.

Maya found a suspicious document from the other side of the cupboard, she took it curiously and looked at it, it was a post mortem report of her mother's death. She read it desperately until something caught her eyes, it said the cause of her mother's dead was murdered by someone, she was shocked to see it as she had been told that her mother died by an accident.

Maya was dumbfounded to know the truth, but she didn't know that it's just the beginning of the complete truth. Her eyes started to well up with tears, her family had hid this from her for the whole time, suddenly she heard some footsteps coming toward the room, she quickly went inside the cupboard and closed to hide herself.

Ratnam had arrived to his room with one of his man, he was thinking about something deeply, Maya was looking out with a small hole to hear their talks.

The Man: Sir, what are we going to do now?

Ratnam: There is no other choice, we have to complete it today.

The Man: Today? Do you think it's possible for that?

Ratnam: Of course, I can make that happen.

The Man: But how? Your target has been missing everytime.

Ratnam: She is not just a target, she had insulted Raji and Janaki a lot, she shouldn't be dying that easily, I will give her the hard way of death.

Maya MV: My dad.............is going to kill someone? ( wides her eyes )

Ratnam: Her name is Sivaangi Krishnakumar right?

The Man: Yes sir.

Maya MV: What?!! Sivaangi ah?!!!

Ratnam: We had already know that she is going to a mall right now, let's go and kill her hardly, call out the group.

The Man: Yes sir.

Ratnam and the man went out from his room, Maya slowly went out from the cupboard and covered her mouth in shocked.

Maya: Sivaangi.......Sivaangi is in danger, I should let her know about this.

Maya immediately went inside her room and took out her phone, she dialled Sivaangi's phone number and it can't be reached, she tried it many times but it didn't answer.

Maya: I need to go there to save her now.

Maya went out from the mansion and drove her scooty to the mall, she was wearing a red saree which will make her father to recognize her. In the other hand, Sivaangi was waiting for Maya to show up, she looked at the time as she had arrived earlier.

Sivaangi: Where did this Maya go? She always shows up late.

Meanwhile, Ratnam and the man had arrived at the mall, they spotted Sivaangi who was waiting for Maya outside the mall, he signalled to the men to catch her at the right time.

Ratnam: Guys, don't do something foolish, this is our chance.

As it was the right time, the men were ready to go, but Ratnam stopped them from going when he saw something.

Ratnam: Wait, it's Maya there.

Maya came at the mall just in time, she looked at Sivaangi standing alone outside the mall, she immediately ran to her and asked her to go away.

Sivaangi: Maya, why are you late?! I had been waiting here for ages.

Maya: Sivaangi, you are not supposed to be here right now, you have to go.

Sivaangi: What? What do you mean Maya?

Maya: I will tell you everything, come with me for now.

Sivaangi: Where?!

Maya: Just come.

Maya dragged Sivaangi to her scooter and made her to sit behind, Ratnam was frustrated by her sudden appearance, he can tell that she was taking her somewhere else, she drove her scooter in a fast speed and gone from there.

Ratnam: Deiii, what are you waiting for?! Follow them!!!

Three black cars were following Sivaangi and Maya from behind, she knew that it was her father and his men who came to kill Sivaangi, she wanted to let her alive no matter what happens.

Sivaangi: Maya, where are we going?

Maya: Sivaangi, I think you should go back to Kerala now.

Sivaangi: Why? What's wrong?

Maya: Your parents had called me to talk about you, they wanted you to come over and meet them.

Sivaangi: Oh really? They didn't say anything to me.

Maya: Whatever, you should go to Kerala now, I will come back soon.

Sivaangi: Are you not coming with me?

Maya: No, I have some works to finish, I will come back sooner or later.

Sivaangi: Ummmm......fine........but how do I get there?

Maya: You are going by the train.

Sivaangi: Train?

Maya: Yes, and here is your ticket.

Maya took out the ticket and gave it to Sivaangi, she had already planned this to save her from Ratnam and his men, she was glancing at the side mirror in every minute, to see that they were still following them, she was thinking of how to make them got lost of their tracks.

Maya was looking around, until she had an idea, she took out some firecrackers from the bag and lighted it up, without Sivaangi's knowledge, she slowly threw it to the back and it hitted on the front mirror of the car, soon it started to burst out loud. Ratnam was taken aback from the sudden appearance of the firecrackers, he stopped the car and can't saw Maya and Sivaangi as the smoke blocked their views.

After a while, the smoke was gone, so did Maya and Sivaangi. Ratnam and his men looked around, he ran his hand on his hair and shouted like a crazy man.

Maya and Sivaangi had arrived to the train station, they got down and went inside, Maya dragged Sivaangi to the platform and saw no one was there. She looked at the right side and saw a train was approaching toward them.

Maya: Sivaangi, get inside the train and reach there safe, ok?

Sivaangi: But............are you not going to come along?

Maya: ( smiles ) I will come back to you anytime, just wait for me.

Sivaangi: Ok, keep your words in your head.

Sivaangi hugged Maya tightly as she was going to miss her a lot, without knowing that she was going to miss her for the whole life.

Sivaangi: I will miss you Maya.......

Maya: I will miss you too Sivaangi.

Just then, Ratnam and the men had arrived at the train station.

Ratnam: Dei, I don't care who's going to die today, but I will kill that Sivaangi for sure. Guys, search for them!!!!!

Ratnam and the men spilted away their ways to find Sivaangi and Maya. Here, Sivaangi had gone inside the train and took a seat, she looked out from the window and smiled at Maya, she smiled back at her for a responce. Soon, the train started to move, Sivaangi waved her hand to Maya while she did the same.

Maya's eyes were welled up with tears as she knew that she had saved her from Ratnam and the men, the train started to move faster and it left from the platform. Just then, someone hit hard on Maya's head and caused her to fall on the floor, she holded her head and looked back, to find Janaki and Raji standing with Ratnam and the other men.

Ratnam: You had ruined it everything, don't you?

Maya: Appa, why do you want to kill Sivaangi?! She didn't do anything wrong.

Raji: She didn't do anything wrong?! Huh, look how her best friend trusts her so much.

Janaki: You were destined to die from our hands.

Maya: You all are cheaters, you all even told lie about my mother's death.

Ratnam: Huh, so you know about it? Let me tell you something then, I'm the one who killed your mother!!!!!

Maya: What?!!!!!

Ratnam: Yes, she had came to know that I'm a murdered for many dead people, that's why she's dead by my hands.

Janaki: And now I think that your daughter is going to die in our hands, Anna.

Just then, someone grabbed her head and pulled her up to stand, she looked behind to see Divya holding her head harshly. Without any warning, she stabbed her side back with a sharp knife, made her to gasp loudly.

Maya: D.......D.......Di........Divya?........

Divya: Ama di!!

Maya: You jerk!!.....

Another stab welcomed on the other side of her back, she gasped loudly and looked at the other side, to see her brother smirked devilishly at her.

Maya: ( cries ) ....An......Anna.....neeyuma?

Santosh: Ellame unnalethan di.

Ratnam: Maya, you had done the biggest mistake, you had ruined our plan for what we wanted to achieve in this world.

Maya: Are you even a human? Tried to kill someone just to achieve something.........

Janaki: You don't have to get know about that, cause you are going to leave this world now.

Raji: Amma, why don't we show our true power to her?

Janaki: Of course dear.

Janaki and Raji started to hit Maya with thick metal pipes, her body was bleeding from the area she was getting hurt, Divya and Santosh soon joined them until her body became weaker.

Ratnam: You see Maya? No one can stop me that easily.

Divya and Santosh stabbed her stomach for a numerous time until they got satisfied, her heartbeat and her breathing was getting even weaker from the huge amount of blood loss, she was looking at everyone with a dead glare while she was dying on the ground.

Maya: You.......you all won't get escaped......from me.......I will kill you all.........I will destroy your family........you can't do anything to Sivaangi either..................

Ratnam: ( laughs evily ) We'll see about that, bye bye my dear daughter.

And that's the last breath, Maya closed her eyes slowly as death welcomed to her body. Ratnam, Janaki, Raji, Santosh and Divya were laughing evily to kill her in a hard way they wanted.

Ratnam: Now that this woman had gone, let's bury her someone without anyone's knowledge.

Ratnam told his men to bury Maya's death body to somewhere far away, they had buried her body deep inside the ground, but they didn't realise that it was buried behind Sivaangi's house. They went out of the place happily with a victorious smile on their faces.

.....The End Of Maya's Past.....

Sivaangi: Maya, how can you not tell this to me earlier?!!! ( cries )

Maya: I was trying to, but I wanted to save you from them so they won't hurt you.

Sivaangi: Maya......how could you.....( cries )

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, don't cry please... ( wipes his tears )

Pavithra: What kind of family is this?! They even killed their own family member without any hesitation.........

Sakthi: Che, such a great disgusting family of all.

Saranya: I kind of feel bad for Maya, she did all this just to save Sivaangi.

Rakshan: Yes Saranya, if Maya wasn't there, our Sivaangi wouldn't have been with us by now.

Ashwin: Thanks for saving my Sivaangi ma............

Maya: Ashwin, you are very lucky to have Sivaangi in your life, unlike me.....

Sivaangi: Maya, don't said like that anymore.

Maya: All right Sivaangi.

Suddenly, thunderstorms started to appear in the dark sky, strong wind blowed througout Shivan Temple, Swami can tell that it's the sign of a danger ahead, he looked back to see the divine lamp had vanished from the wind.

Sivaangi: Swami, what is happening?!

Maya: Are any evils coming again?!

Swami: No, it's a sign of danger ahead.

Ashwin: Danger?!!!!

Rakshan: For us?!!

Swami: No, for this world!!!!!

Pavithra: Enna soldringa Swami?!!!!!

Swami: Lord Shiva is telling us......that our Earth is in danger, evils are approaching to destroy our Earth!!!!!

Sakthi: Destroy our Earth?!!!!!

Sivaangi: I don't understand, Swami.

Maya: Don't you get it Sivaangi? It's all because of my so called dad.

Sivaangi: Why?

Maya: He's doing all this evil stuff to achieve something, but it's not like what we want like money, fortune, gold or anything......I also know everything about this by my own.

Ashwin: Then what he wants to achieve?

Maya: ..........Evil Powers...........

All: What?!!!!

Maya: My dad doesn't like our Earth which is beautiful and in peace right now, he wanted to take over this Earth and destroyed everything. So, he went out to find someone who could help him.

Sivaangi: That Ratnam........( fumes in anger )

Maya: He was busy searching until he found someone who could help him, he was living in a dark cave on a mountain, his name is Brahma.

Rakshan: Brahma va?

Maya: Ama, he and his people are someone who would live with corpse and demons, they did many horrible acts just to gain evil powers.

Ashwin: Brahma........and how do they two get along?

Maya: They had the same mind, Ashwin. He also wanted to destroy this world, but that's not easy after all.

Pavithra: Wait, I don't get feel easy about this.

Swami: Maya, you had became a spirit after your family had killed you brutally, but you need to protect them all from those evil until the day comes.

Maya: I know, but I'm scared for the future ahead........

Swami: Sivaangi, you need to be very careful from them, they will do anything to kill you, and also you need the reason for it.

Sivaangi: Reason?

Maya: Sivaangi, this is not the place to talk about it, let's go back to home and I will tell it all.

Swami: Wait, guys.

Swami took out some divine lockets and gave it to everyone.

Swami: Wear this all the time, don't remove or lost them, or else your life will be in danger.

Sivaangi: All right Swami, thanks for saving Maya tonight.

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, look at your palm, it's bleeding, let's go to a hospital now.

Sivaangi: But Ashwineyyy, I'm fine......

Ashwin: But I'm not, I will take you there to stop this bleeding.

Ashwin dragged Sivaangi to his car and everyone followed them before wearing the lockets, when Maya was about to go with them, Swami called her back.

Swami: Maya.

Maya: Swami? Do you have anything to say?

Swami: Sivaangi had faced many problems in her life, but not until it turn into danger. You must protect them until the day of Solar Eclipse, and the lockets they are wearing right now will lose the powers at that time, you got it?

Maya: Seri Swami, I will.

Swami: And, for the Solar Eclipse day, make sure you bring them to the temple which is at the mountain.

Maya: Temple? Which temple?

Swami: Amman Temple, this one is inside a cave, which is located at the mountain, I will let you know the location, you just have to protect them until the day comes.

Maya: Ok Swami, Kandipa naa seiren.

Swami: Ellam antha aandavar thunai, Om Namah Shivayah.

11.45 pm

At Brahma's Cave,

Ratnam: Shit! Shit! Shit! We had lost her in the right time to destroy her.

Brahma: Calm down Ratnam, it's no use to get angry right now.

Ratnam: What are we gonna do now? She will protect them completely until the day comes.

Brahma: Will I let her go that easily, Ratnam? I had already planned everything from the beginning.

Brahma went in front of a devil statue and chanted some evil mantras, he took out a small picture of Maya with limes on his other hand and went back to Ratnam.

Ratnam: Brahma, why are you holding her photo?

Brahma: It's needed Ratnam, we can't stop her from protecting them, but she can't stop us from doing our biggest move.

Ratnam: You're right, but are you sure it's going to be fine?

Brahma: Trust this Brahma, Ratnam. Everything will come to our hands in the end, and no one will stop us from destroying this Earth.

At Sivaangi's house,

Sivaangi: What are you saying, Maya?! They had planned this big?!

Maya: Yes Sivaangi, they are gaining the evils so they can destroy this Earth.

Ashwin: So........does that mean the Earth is going to face a danger?

Maya: Yes Ashwin! They are going to destroy everything!

Pavithra: No, we can't give up on our Earth.

Saranya: Our Earth has been living in this universe for more than billions of years, how can we let it destroy?

Rakshan: Guys, I'm getting the creeps all over my body.

Maya: But, in order to gain the evil, they need some lives of humans.

Sakthi: Humans? You mean just anyone?

Maya: Not anyone, they were searching for people who are born in Full Moon.

Sivaangi: What?!

Maya: And Ashwin, do you remember the murder case of someone had been killed near the beach? ( Refer to Chapter 3 )

Ashwin: Yes, what is that about now?

Maya: The whole victims that you had investigated were actually born on the day of Full Moon.

All: WHAT?!!!!!

Rakshan: Wait, so does that mean Ashwin and I had been investigating the victims for gaining evil powers?

Maya: Yes, and there is no doubt that the killers for all the cases were Ratnam's men.

Ashwin: So this means It had already begin even before I had met Sivaangi ma.

Maya: Actually their evil plans had made you both to meet each other.

Sivaangi: What are you saying, Maya?

Maya: Do you remember the time when you saved an old lady? ( Refer to Chapter 4 )

Sivaangi: Yes.......why?

Maya: That's because she's also involved in the murder case, she was almost to become the victims, but you saved her at the time which made you and Ashwin to meet.

Sivaangi: So their evil plans are crossing repeatedly since we had met?

Maya: Yes Sivaangi, these signs are giving you to know the truth.

Everyone was getting shocked to know the complete truth, it was getting exposing till the end, Ashwin thought for a while and asked Maya again.

Ashwin: Maya, don't tell me that the masked man who tried to kill me at the hospital....... ( Refer to Chapter 8 )

Maya: No doubt Ashwin, that's also the part of Ratnam's plan.

Ashwin: WHAT?!!

Maya: In short, they just wanted to kill you all so they can destroy this world. But, it had changed to one particular thing.

Pavithra: What is it?


Brahma: Ratnam, this is our greatest chance, we just only need Sivaangi so we can proceed our move.

Ratnam: Ok but why her?

Brahma: You don't know one thing Ratnam, she has a powerful boon from Goddess Amman.

Ratnam: What?!!

Brahma: Yes, she is been blessed by the Goddess Amman, that's why we need her, we need to make her sacrifice for our evil rituals so it will give us more evil powers to destroy this Earth completely.

Ratnam: So our whole target is Sivaangi after all, we will get her no matter what.

Brahma: But Ratnam, there is one thing you need to remember carefully.

Ratnam: Ennathu athu?

Brahma: If she's alive even after the moon eclipses the sun completely, then we will get destroyed instead of this Earth.

Ratnam: Then we should be careful about this.

Brahma: And I hope you still remember the process to complete this biggest ritual.

Ratnam: Of course I do, how can I forget that easily?

Brahma: But still, let me tell you again, it's a good thing that Maya had killed Janaki, Raji, Santosh and Divya. ( smirks devilishly )

Ratnam: What do you mean it's a good thing, Brahma?


Maya: They need your soul to complete this ritual Sivaangi, because you have a powerful boon from Goddess Amman.

Sivaangi: What?!!!

Maya: Yes, they take advangate of it to start their evil plan.

Pavithra: Does that mean they need Sivaangi's life to complete their ritual?

Maya: Yes...........

Ashwin: NOOOO!!!!! I won't let my love Sivaangi ma to sacrifice her life!!!!!

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy...........

Ashwin: I need you ma, I love you from the bottom of my heart, please don't leave me!!!!! Please!!!!!!! ( cries )

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy, we have to fight for our Mother Earth, it's ok if my life is going to be taken.

Ashwin: NOOO!!! If they do, I will kill myself and come to you!!!

Sivaangi: ASHWINEYYY!!!!!

Ashwin hugged Sivaangi tightly and cried out loud, he had the fear of losing her in front of him for this tough battle ahead.

Ashwin: Please ma, don't leave me........ ( cries )

Sivaangi: ( hugs him back ) I won't Ashwineyyy, please don't cry. ( cries )

Rakshan: Dei Ashwin, we are here for you all da.

Pavithra: Do you think we will let that happen to Sivaangi? We won't.

Saranya: Yes Ashwin Anna, I don't want Sivaangi to leave us that easily.

Sakthi: Bro, let's see in this tough battle ahead, if they are going to win or us.

Ashwin: But isn't there any way to save my Sivaangi ma?

Maya: There is one, Ashwin.

Everyone's eyes widened and landed on Maya's spirit.

Ashwin: Appadiya?! Eppadi?!! Sollu Maya!!! Sollu!!


Ashwin: .........Ennathu?

Maya: Ama Ashwin, the Goddess who gave a powerful boon to Sivaangi can save her from that evil, we can call her down to destroy them.

Sivaangi: Really?

Maya: Yes, only Goddess Amman can save our Earth from those evil people, Swami had told me everything.

Pavithra: Swami? What did he say?

Maya: We all have to gather at Amman Temple which is in a cave, it's located at a mountain.

Saranya: Amman Temple?

Maya: Yes, we just have to be there so we can do the rituals to call out the Goddess Amman.

Ashwin: So..........so my Sivaangi ma can be saved, right? You're sure about this, right? She will be safe, right?

Sivaangi looked at Ashwin who's having a broken and emotional face, she can clearly told that he didn't want her to leave him alone, only because he loved her so much.

Maya: ( smiles ) Ashwin, Sivaangi had faced many problem, but trust me, she will be saved and come back to you completely.

Ashwin: ( holds her hands ) All right, I don't want to lose her at any state.

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy....... ( looks at him )

Maya: And one more thing, the lockets you are wearing right now will lose it's powers when the Solar Eclipse begin, so it won't last long.

Saranya: ( sighs ) Raksha, I'm very scared right now......

Rakshan: Don't worry Baby, we are here for you all, don't be afraid.

Suddenly, thunderstorms appeared in the dark sky, strong wind blowed across the houses, a sign of a biggest battle.

Maya: Let's see, who are going to win in this battle!!!!

Brahma: We will win this Ratnam, no one can stop us from this, it will be all in our hands!!!!!!!!!! ( laughs out evily )

And that's it, the beginning of the battle of Divine and Evil begins.

Who is going to win? Stay in touch for the marvelous longest thrilling chapter ahead.

To be continued..................

( 4149 words )

Hi guys. Thanks for reading. I have been buys with my studies but I'm glad I have some extra time to update this chapter. So, for your information, the next chapter will be the end of Season 1 of Unconditional Love, Season 2 will start after the upcoming chapter ends. We are going to see another new journey of Ashaangi after this season ends, the next season will be more thrilling and more unexpected, so be sure to stay in touch for it.

Anyway, what do you think about this chapter? Leave your thoughts in the comment section down below, stay in touch to find out more about the story. Until then, I will see you guys in the next chapter. Bye, guys.💜💜💜💜💜

With Love,

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