Austerity, Miguel Diaz²

By Iavendergirl

148K 6.2K 8.3K

Cobra Kai, Seasons Four━Five Pain is weakness leaving the body. miguel diaz x fem! oc | sequel to 'severity' ... More

act four.
𝒊. yes sensei
𝒊𝒊. court-mandated therapy
𝒊𝒊𝒊. no mercy
𝒊𝒗. anger issues
𝒗. balance is crucial
𝒗𝒊. prove them wrong
𝒗𝒊𝒊. the jackass effect
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. fight for yourself
𝒊𝒙. recruitment
𝒙𝒊. you're my one
𝒙𝒊𝒊. bad blood
𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. all valley champion
austerity memes
act five.
𝒙𝒊𝒗. mal de ojo
𝒙𝒗. el hoyo verde

𝒙. prom dates

7.4K 342 592
By Iavendergirl

❛ what an idiot. ❜

     HEADS TURNED AT WEST VALLEY AS Tory Nichols walked through the doors.

Ayane's included, because she never thought she'd see the girl back here again.

They stopped her to scan the metal detector over her. Ayane looked around, adjusting her backpack. Tory saw her standing there, then glanced away.

Ayane reasoned with herself, trying to decide what to do. Tory was seen as a psycho by nearly everyone here. Ayane had more reasons than anyone to hate her.

She started to walk toward her.

Tory looked like she felt out of place. Ayane wondered why the hell she was deciding to be nice to her.

"How'd you get back in?"

She glanced down. "You really don't wanna know the answer."

Ayane frowned, shaking her head. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

Tory rubbed her arm.

"I had to get one of your parents to sign off on a paper saying I could come back to school and your dad signed. But before you get mad, I just wanna say... thanks."

Ayane was visibly pissed upon hearing this, but more so because Ennis had signed the paper without even asking Ayane how she felt. Typical.

"Don't thank me. I didn't have anything to do with it," Ayane muttered.

"No, I'm saying thank you because... you're probably the only person that's gonna talk to me. I know how everyone else feels."

Ayane looked up at her for a moment, then shrugged.

"You got a schedule? I can show you where you need to go."


Both girls turned, seeing Sam standing there. Ayane glanced between the two, wondering if she should walk away.

"Uh... I'll see you at lunch."

With that, Ayane turned and walked away.

She was about to have a serious discussion with her father.


     "CLASS, FALL IN."

All of the Cobra Kai students did as Kreese said, lining up in rows.

Piper was at the dojo today, and it had made for an awkward moment that she thankfully forgot about when Ayane changed the subject.

Kreese and Silver stood up front.

"Today we have a very important lesson, don't we Sensei Silver?"

"Yes, we do," Silver replied. "Weakness."

Kreese continued, "Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible."

"At the tournament," Silver picked up, "you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one."

"Sensei Kreese doesn't," Tory replied.

Silver looked at her. "Of course he does. We all do. Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. Got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright, prepare for combat."

Each student gathered around the edge of the mat, taking their seats.

Ayane was hoping she would not be called first. She wanted to wait and see everyone else first.

"Cain," Kreese called her name. She sighed, climbing to her feet.

"Elswith," Silver called Piper's last name. She smiled, standing up and walking over to him.

Ayane turned to Kreese.

"What's her weakness, Miss Cain?"

"She telegraphs her kicks. Relies on showmanship and tricks more than actual fighting."

Kreese smiled ever so slightly. "Make this quick, then."

Ayane turned, stepping onto the mat. Piper faced her, putting her fists up.

Instead of doing the same, Ayane left her arms at her sides.


Piper turned a cartwheel. Ayane stepped out of the way, standing there casually. Putting forward a kick, Ayane dodged it with ease.

"Are you actually trying?" Ayane asked, making a face.

Piper's smile dropped a little, coming at Ayane with strikes. Ayane blocked, bringing her knee to Piper's stomach. She doubled over and Ayane grabbed her arm, flipping her over onto the ground.

She looked down at Piper who was smirking again.

Ayane offered a hand, to which Piper took and allowed her to pull her up.

"We should spar one on one."

Ayane only laughed and pushed past her, walking back to her spot.

"That was a good move, Sensei Kreese," Silver said. "Who's next?"

Watching a few more students go, Ayane realized that Silver knew every weakness of every student. It was making Ayane nervous, because she began to wonder if he knew hers.

"Double or nothing?" Silver asked Kreese at once.

Kreese shrugged. "Mr. Keene."

Silver already knew the name he would call. "Cain."

Ayane stood to her feet, pursing her lips. She walked over to Silver, placing her hands behind her back.

"Do you know his weakness?"

She glanced back at Robby. "Physically? No. Mentally? Yes."

Silver started to grin, patting her shoulder. "Atta girl."

Ayane turned, stepping onto the mat. Robby seemed reluctant enough already. They both got into their fighting positions.


She decided to strike first for once, sweeping at Robby's shin. He jumped up just in time, bouncing on the mat. Robby went forward with two punches and and a kick, Ayane deflecting. She was about to make things more interesting.

Ayane flipped backwards, hitting Robby in the arm. She landed on her feet and saw him coming straight at her, though Ayane ducked and planted her left foot, kicking him in the back with her right. Robby stumbled, turning around.

"Back to your corners," Kreese said after a moment.

Ayane walked over to Silver. "Should I drag it out longer?"

He shook his head.

"Nah. Go ahead."

She turned back around, waiting for Robby to finish talking with Kreese. They were both on the mat again, bowing.

Ayane raised her fists, keeping herself grounded and her feet planted.


Robby came forward with a hook kick, and Ayane allowed him to hit her. She kept herself balanced, not falling to the ground. Ayane winced, leaning over and grabbing her shoulder.

"Ayane, are you okay?" Robby reached out to place a hand on her.

She grabbed his arm and pulled it closer, hooking her leg behind Robby's and sending him to the ground.

"Never better, how about you?" she replied, looking down at Robby with a small sympathetic shrug.

Silver laughed, stepping on the mat.

"Class, can anyone tell me Miss Cain's weakness?"

They were all quiet. Robby went back to his spot and sat down, while Ayane stayed in the middle.

"No one?" he continued.

Silver turned to face Ayane just then. "I know your weakness all too well, Ayane. You like to keep it a secret, but some secrets slip from time to time."

She glanced down, folding her hands behind her back.

Ayane knew her weakness. And now she knew that Silver had figured it out, too.

Miguel was her weakness.


     THE NEXT DAY, JOHNNY SHOWED UP to West Valley again.

But this time, he was here to take some kids on a field trip.

"Alright Diaz, Ayannie, let's hit the road."

They both turned, seeing Johnny standing there.

Ayane frowned. "I didn't know you meant, like, in the middle of the school day."

Johnny waved a hand. "School is for nerds anyway. C'mon, let's roll."

She glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention, sighing. She followed Miguel and Johnny out of the school.

Ten minutes later, Ayane was introduced to the unofficial dojo of Eagle Fang: an abandoned warehouse.

"There's asbestos in every corner," she said, shaking her head.

Johnny uncovered a crate of watermelons, pulling one up by a chain. Ayane exchanged a look with Miguel, though he simply shrugged.

"What's with the watermelons?" Miguel finally asked.

Johnny replied, "One of the most badass kicks in karate... is the flying tornado."

Ayane frowned. "Uh... I think that's a taekwondo move."

He looked over at her, shaking his head.

"No it's not."

She nodded. "Pretty sure it is."

"Pretty sure it's not," he countered. Ayane decided not to argue.

Johnny looked between her and Miguel. "Now, if anybody would be ready for this kick, it'd be you two. It's a pain in the ass to master, but... we don't mind a little pain, do we?"

"I guess not," Ayane replied while Miguel said, "No, sensei."

Johnny placed his hands on his hips and sighed.

After nearly two hours of working on one kick, Johnny called it a day and let Ayane and Miguel go. He took them back to the school in his interestingly designed van.

"I have to go prom dress shopping after practice," Ayane sighed, walking to her car with Miguel.

"What color are you going for?" he asked, leaning against her car.

Ayane shrugged. "I like baby blue. But I may change my mind."

Miguel nodded. "Well, whatever color you wear, you'll still look pretty as ever. You could wear a trash bag and you'd still be pretty."

She laughed, shaking her head.

"What an idiot."

"But I'm your favorite one, aren't I?"

Ayane looked around the parking lot before going in to kiss Miguel.

"Always will be."

Though Ayane thought she could escape the prom talk at practice, she was dead wrong. That was all that was being discussed.

Kyler came up to Ayane at the beginning of practice. "Hey, Ayane, so you know prom is soon and I was wondering if–"

"No. No, absolutely not."

He stood there for a moment, then awkwardly turned and walked away. Vincent watched the whole thing play out, and it was making him more nervous by the second. He had planned on asking her if no one else had, but... now he was starting to think twice.

"So you're gonna go?" Robby asked, warming up with Ayane.

She nodded. "I don't see why not."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you already have a date?"

Ayane simply shook her head, throwing a punch.

"No. It's not like I really need one."

Silver approached them out of nowhere, seeming to have overheard their conversation. "You should go with Mr. Keene, here."

Ayane looked up, making a face of disgust.


Robby started to smile. "You know what... you should, Ayane. Take me to prom."

Silver grinned, looking between the two. Ayane was trying to think of an excuse, any excuse at all, to say no.

"What do you say, Ayane?" Silver asked, giving her a knowing look.

Fuck. Ayane knew she could not say no, because Terry was sending her a silent threat as they stood there.

She looked at Robby, exhaling deeply.

"Are you sure about this?"

Robby grinned. "What, do you think I'm a bad dancer or something?"

Ayane rolled her eyes.

"Well, since you're going," Silver said, "you're going in style."

To their left, Vincent overheard the entire conversation. So much for asking her to prom, he thought. Vincent sighed, looking at Piper who he was warming up with.

"Do you need a prom date?"

Piper faltered for a moment, then smiled. "I'm down if you're down."

Robby looked at Ayane. "What time should I pick you up?"

Ayane wanted to scream. She didn't want to go to prom with Robby, she wanted to go with Miguel. She wanted to have one normal night of her teenage life which she could enjoy with the one person she truly loved.

"Six. Don't be late."

He started to smile.

"The Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs are gonna be so pissed," he laughed, throwing a punch.

Ayane nodded dismally, glancing off. 

One in particular was going to be very pissed.



She had her heels on, hair and makeup done, and when she looked in the mirror she was actually surprised.

Liana nitpicked, fluffing out Ayane's hair or pinching the tiniest speck of lint off of her dress.

Ayane smoothed it out, pursing her lips.

"I think it's fine, mom," she finally said, turning her head to her mother.

Liana met Ayane's eyes, exhaling. "You look so... grown up."

She stepped away from the mirror, grabbing her phone off of the dresser. Ayane drew in a breath, then headed downstairs.

She had not expected Robby to be waiting on her, but he and Ennis were both standing there.

Ayane did not look enthused, but she tried her best. Robby actually did look nice with the tuxedo he had on.

But he was not Miguel.

"I need pictures before you go," Liana said, pulling out her phone. "Alright, scoot in."

Ayane smiled briefly at Robby, putting an arm over his shoulder as he put an arm around her waist. They both smiled, but as soon as Liana was done, Ayane's smile dropped.

"Be safe," Ennis told them, seeing them out of the front door.

Ayane raised her eyebrows at the nice car sitting outside. "Holy shit," she breathed. "Sensei's letting you drive this thing?"

Robby opened the passenger door for her, allowing her in and shutting it behind her.

"I'm actually a great driver, you know."

She shrugged as he started up the car. "I guess we'll see."

Robby mostly did the talking on the way there, because Ayane was only thinking of how many things could go wrong. She had not told Miguel who her date was, and she was scared for him to find out.

They arrived at the school. Ayane grabbed her phone and put it in the dress pocket, getting out of the car.

"You ready?" Robby asked, offering an arm.

Ayane tilted her head, then hooked her arm around his. "Ready as I'll ever be."

They walked through the entrance, music already blaring as the room continued filling up with people.

Some heads turned when they walked in, more so surprised by Robby's appearance. The first thing Ayane did was look around for Miguel.

She spotted him standing at a table with Demetri and Hawk, noting the absence of his mohawk. Miguel met her eyes, suddenly frowning. He had to blink a few times to make sure he was seeing correctly.

"Is that... Ayane and Robby?" Eli asked, confused.

Miguel did not realize the grip he had on his punch glass. He set it down on the table, his jaw already clenched.

"I don't know what I was expecting tonight, but it definitely wasn't that," Demetri interjected.

Ayane looked at Miguel apologetically, but it was not her that he was mad at.

Miguel knew he was going to be fighting someone tonight.


so i decided on ayane and robby as prom dates (btw i didn't know so many of y'all shipped them like hello??? well okay then) but they're still completely platonic and will STAY THAT WAY

it won't be until the after party that things get intense 😈

any predictions for the next chapter?

i'll update tmrw as soon as i can, we're getting closer to the end bestiesss

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