You Deserve Better: August Al...

By AnNeverEndingStory

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Ahmira is a 22 year old from Nola. What happens when she comes across August and this roller coaster they cal... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty One

221 10 8
By AnNeverEndingStory

Tuesday- 2:34pm-Ahmira

I was in the kitchen sitting at the island looking at the tv. It was nothing in it so I was just basically daydreaming

"Mymy" Chris said coming downstairs

"Yes Chris" I said fairly annoyed.

"Yeah naw no attitude, here" he said handing me my pill bottle and going in the fridge and pulling out a jug of apple juice

"I want water to take it" I said holding my pill in my hand

"Apple juice make it taste less bad" he said grabbing two glasses and pouring the juice. He gave it to me

"Count of three we a take our medicine togetha" he said holding his pill. I nodded

"1 2 3" he said as we both took our pills and drunk the juice.

"How was it" he said wiping his mouth. I nodded

"It wasn't bad" I said smiling

"Told ya" he said. I looked up at the tv and seen Marcus picture in the news.

"Turn that up" I said standing to my feet as Chris turned the tv up

"38 year old Marcus Kelly found in his home dead. The reporters say that his body been in his home for the past 5 months. The cause of this man's death is unknown, we'll be back with more information here on CW news"

My heart dropped. No, who could've done that. Whoever did it was gonna catch hell from Marcus people.

"You knew that Nigga" Chris said. I nodded.

"That was my ex, the one I told you about" I said. He nodded and looked at me.

"You straight" he said hugging me.

"Yeah I'm good" I said reassuring him. "Have you talked to Kenzie today" I asked him changing the subject

"Naw I was gonna ask you the same thing" he said sighing

"No she haven't texted me back, I'm gonna stop by there" I said picking up my phone

Text message

Unknown: Ahmira I want to meet you

I scrunched my face.

Me: who is this and how'd you get my number ?

Unknown: it's your father

My heart dropped .

"You good? Look like you seen a ghost" Chris said chuckling making a bowl of cereal.

"'s my father" I said looking up at him.

"Yo father " he said confused

"Yeah, hey I'll be back later" I said grabbing my purse.

"Naw listen you can just go without knowing if that's really him or not" he said grabbing my arm

"I'm okay" I said reaching in my purse and pulling out my gun. He chuckled

"I'm going with you" he said lifting up his shirt showing his gun in his waist band. I laughed

"Plus you didn't eat nun" he said going in the fridge and pulling out a ensure milk drink.

"Ew those are nasty" I said. He opened it and drunk a lil

"It's good to me. Besides you don't eat real food so you gotta drink these to keep strength" he said handing it to me and folding his arms. I took a deep and gulped it down and threw it away.

"Happy" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Delighted" he said in rich snobby voice. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys

"Yo ass is not drivin" he said snatching my keys out my hand and walking to the car

"Why not?" I said folding my arms. He got in the car

"Yo short ass can't drive" he said. I got in

"I can drive " I said putting on my seat belt

"You ran over my feet in my own damn car" he said pulling off

"That was one time" I said smaking my forehead. He laughed

"Ight where he said meet him at" he said looking over at me. I looked down at my phone and told him the address. Moments later we pulled up to a small house on the south side of Atlanta.

I looked out the window and looked at the house. It looked broken down and it looked like it's been up before Christ.

"You ready" Chris said. I nodded and got out the car.

We walked up the stairs that led to the house and they were creaking with every step. I knocked on the door and it creaked opened. I looked back and Chris shrugged

We walked in and it was a mess. I looked around and I seen pictures everywhere. I picked one up and seen it was my mom. I smiled as I heard someone come from the kitchen

"Ahmira?" he said. I looked up and seen him

"Dad" I said walking up to him. He pulled me into a hug

"Please sit sit" he said motioning me to the couch. I sat down and looked up at Chris.

"Please sit" my dad said. Chris shook his head

"Nah I'm good standing" he said. My dad nodded

"I missed you pumpkin" he said. I titled my head

"I missed you too" I said confused. Chris stared at him.

"Look how big you've gotten" he said. I smiled weakly And looked around the room

"How long have you been staying here" I asked him. He looked around

"For about as long as I could remember" he said. I nodded. A whistle came from the kitchen.

"Oh my tea, I'll be back" he said getting up. I smiled and looked up at Chris

"Come on loosen up" I said. He shook his head and rubbed his chin

"That didn't sound like a kettle whistle" he said looking around. I thought for a moment

"It didn't?" I questioned. He looked around the room and picked up a book

"My mom use to read this to me" he said goofy. I rolled my eyes. It was quite until he spoke

"I thought you said he never seen you before so how he gon say you got big" Chris said looking through the book

"I was thinking the same" I said. I looked up at him and was reading something

"What's that " I said standing up. He shook his head

"What's your father name" he asked. I shrugged

"Albert, why?" I said looking up at him.

"Johnson?" He asked looking at me. I nodded

"Yeah why" I said.

"Mymy this is your fathers obituary" he said taking out a folded paper out of the book

"What no" I said looking at it.

"It is, he died 5 years ago" he said pointing towards the date.

"But how—-" I started but he walked back in

"Now tea anyone" he said sitting down.

"It's a setup" Chris said in my ear. I slowly reached my hand in my purse and took my gun off safety

I looked at the obituary then back at him. They looked nothing alike. I slid the picture in my purse.

"Hey dad when's the last time you seen mom" I said sitting down. Chris sat next to me.

"About a few years ago. I've been looking for your guys" he said. I nodded and smiled

"Yeah I haven't seen her in over 10 years" I said nodding.

"You know I had to look for you" he said smirking

"Why" I said confused.

"Because of Marcus" he said standing up and reaching for his gun.

Me and Chris immediately stood up as others came out from the kitchen. We took out our guns and Shots were fired...everywhere....


I sat up in the studio and played back a few tracks. I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a energy drink but my phone went off and it was McKenzie

"Wassup" I said drinking my drink. She stared crying

"It's— its Ahmira and Chris" she said crying. My heart stopped

"Kenzie, breathe " I said into the phone

"We don't know what happened they won't let me see them" she said fast. I grabbed my keys and walked to the car

"Slow down, who won't let you see them" I said walking to my car

"The Emory hospital. They got shot" she's cried. I clenched my jaw and drove off speeding to the hospital. I pulled up and walked in to see Kenzie in the corner crying.

"Sir you can't just walk in here" a lady behind the desk

"Bitch shut up" I said hugging Kenzie. She looked up at me

"The hospital called me, I don't know what to do. Nobody is saying anything to me" she said wiping her .

"Ight sit down and relax, ion want you getting upset" I said as she took a deep breath. Just then the doctors came out.

"Christopher Brown" the doctors announced. Kenzie immediately got up.

"Right here" she said as I walked behind her

"Mr. brown is in good condition. We were able to pull the bullets from his knee and shoulder. The bullets could've shifted but Luckily you brought him  here as quick as possible" the doctor stated

"Me? I didn't bring him here?" Kenzie said confused

"But you are McKenzie White right? " he said looking at Kenzie

"Yes" she said unsure

"My doctor told me you dropped him off" he said unsure. I tilted my head

"Wait, what about Ahmira" I said looking at the doctor. He scrunched his face and flipped pages on his keyboard. Just then a female walked up to us.

"Um Doctor Williams I can take it from here, they're paging you on floor 3" she said taking over his clipboard. He walked away and she nodded her head towards the corner and we followed

"Hi I'm Destiny and I'm sorry about the confusion but Ahmira dropped him off" she said lowly

"But why would he say Kenzie did" I said confused. Kenzie put her hand on my shoulder

"Um it's a lot you don't know about August" Kenzie said looking up at me.

I scrunched my face but it softened when I realized the shit that I read was true.

"Ight I'll talk to her later about that but for na where did she say she was going" I asked the doctor

"I don't know she said she wanted to be alone" she said shrugging. I shook my head

"Wait.. Every time she said she wanted to be alone  she went to the pier on the north side" Kenzie said talking my shoulder. I hugged Kenzie and was about to leave when the doctor stopped me

"Wait take this" she said handing me a first aid kit. I nodded at her.

"Preciate it let Chris know" I said as the doctor took Kenzie to Chris room.

I went to my car and pulled off. I sent a quick test to tony and Moments later I pulled up to the pier and seen her car. I hopped out and walked along the pier. I seen her blood trails and heard her crying. I ran to her side

"Mira" I said looking down at her. She was holding her side. I removed her hand and seen her side gushing out.

"Lay back" I said as she did what I told her. I looked at her and was stuck, I didn't know what to do first

"August you have to take the bullet out" she said through her teeth.

I nodded and looked through the first aid kit. I picked up the tweezers and took my phone out for more light. She took her jacket and bit down on it and nodded her head.

I put the tweezers towards the womb and started looking for the bulled. She screamed while I took out the bullet.

"That's it" I asked her. She nodded and sat up and ripped her shirt and tying it around her waist.

"Come on" I said helping her up. We walked to my car and I opened the door for her.

"No I can drive myself " she said walking to her car and stepped in front of her

"Getcho ass in the car, somebody coming to get it for you" I said looking down at her. She rolled her eyes and got in

The ride was silent on the way to her house until she spoke.

"I haven't been at home" she said looking straight forward. I scrunched my face

"So where you been" I said looking at hers

"Chris house, my stuff is there" she said. I scoffed and laughed a little.

I pulled up to Chris house and parked and got out to help her in the house. She took out her key and opened the door. She sat at the kitchen table and took off her jacket.

"Can you give me that mirror and the first aid kit out the closet in the hallway " she said. I went to get the stuff she needed

"You know his house well" I said handing her the mirror and first aid kit. She chuckled

"Don't start" she said taking off her shirt. She opened the first aid kit and wiped her wound and pursed alcohol on it. She hissed and started sewing her wound close. I tilted my head to the side as I watched her

"Not yo first rodeo huh" i said. She looked up at me as she put gauges on it and wrapped her waist down

"Nope" she said washing her hands off and taking out an ensure and drinking it.

"Was i the only one that didn't know?" I said looking at her.

"Look how was I suppose to tell you some thing like that?" She said resting her hands on the counter

"So Chris knew" I said. She just looked at me and looked down at her feet

"I'm yo Nigga and you told him" I said standing up

"You're not mines anymore august, you decided that when you fucked those girls" she shouted. I clenched my jaw

"So you didn't think to tell me that your real name isn't Ahmira" I said standing up.

"It is Ahmira" she said through her teeth. I shook my head

"It isn't, it's not on yo birth certificate. You changed yo name when you turned 18 because of what Marcus" I said looking down at her. She stood up and closed her eyes and took a deep breath

"You think you got me figured out" she said looking at me. I just looked at her

"So I got my information wrong? Yea right" I said waving her off

"Obviously you do. I changed my name to Ahmira right before working at the strip club with Kenzie at 18 through the law" she said sitting down in a chair. I leaned back and listened to her

"So legally my name is Ahmira Johnson, not Kynnedy Johnson. I changed my name because of Marcus, Yes but that's not the full story" she said dragging her hand down her face.

"Marcus is the biggest drug dealer in the A on the south side. I was helping him when I was living with my grandmother because I needed the extra money. I went to school here until Marcus notice people were talking about our age difference so I dropped out. One night we were in the trap house and it got raided. One thing led to another and I had to kill some people" she said staring into space

"People like who" I said. She bit her lip and looked at me

"The FBI " she said. I was taken back by this.

"Wasn't you only like 14" I asked her. She nodded

"I was around 16 at that time, I had to go into hiding until I turned 18 to change my name. That's when Marcus started looking for me, but he couldn't find me. I was hiding in every abandoned house there was until I seen Blue diamond" she said smiling a little

"That's when I met kenize and she let me live with her until I got on my feet. I ended up closing out on the house and living this private life until that night that you seen me with Marcus. He had finally caught me for running away" she said standing up. I looked at her

"That's when you saved me, I'm pretty sure you know you the rest right" she said sarcastically. I sighed and walked up to her

"I don't need your sympathy" she said stepping back.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry mamas" I said grabbing her grabbing her hand and wiping her face.

"Don't call me that" she said moving her head while wiping her face.

"I love you you know I do" I said looking down at her

"August I love you too but we can't do this" she shaking her head. I sighed And walked to the door and looked back at her

"My lil Soulja, foreva" I said to her as I walked to my car

Welp the secrets is spilling Chile

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