I am Sasuke's twin sister...

By LadyXenia843

34.8K 1.1K 205

The war ended. Hearts are broken. Feelings have changed. Will things go back to the same? Third Season of IAS... More

Before starting.


1K 37 1
By LadyXenia843

"Come on, hold my hand so you don't get lost." Nozaki offered and Saki took it without questioning.

They were going back home as they had already saw everything. Kakashi made his leg move and follow them. They went back to where Kakashi had made his summons look for Kakashi, and Kakashi thought it would be best and activated his Sharingan. He saw Nozaki tell something to Saki, and Saki closed her eyes. While that happened, Nozaki began to make hand signs, and then part of the seal was lifted which he used to enter. After seeing this, Kakashi immediately sent a note to Itachi and Sasuke.

"Have you heard anything about Saki?" Sasuke asked Itachi as he just came from a mission that the elders made him do.

Itachi shook his head. They were very anxious and getting kind of depressed as their only family had disappeared. As they were getting sad, a tiny dog appeared.

"This is from Kakashi." The dog said and handed a note before disappearing.

Itachi took it and opened, Sasuke got behind him to read it.

I found her. Come meet me where Sasuke looked for her.

The note was simple and straightforward. The brothers didn't wanted any longer, and made their way to where Kakashi was. It was a one day trip, but they made it in six hours.

"... You two are not going to like this." Kakashi announced as they were a little far from where Saki and Nozaki had entered.

"You found her, right?" Sasuke asked him.

Kakashi nodded.

"Is... Is she alive?" Itachi asked as he heard what Kakashi had said.

"Yes, but..."

"But what?" Sasuke got more and more impatient.

"She seems like she had lost her memory." Kakashi told them.

"What?" Itachi and Sasuke said at the same time.

"I am not entirely sure, but it would make sense why we haven't heard from her. Why she hadn't broken free, and... why she seems close to a complete stranger." Kakashi explained his thoughts.

"What did you exactly saw?" Itachi asked Kakashi.

Kakashi began to tell them exactly how things happened.

*Somewhere close...

"How was your first time out?" Nozaki asked Saki as they sat down in the sofa.

"It was fun." Saki answered with a smile.

"I am glad you had fun."

They already had dinner, so they went to sleep. Saki couldn't sleep.

He was really cute... Saki thought of the guy she saw in the night market. What! No, you already have a lover that lives you so much! Why are you thinking about other guy??? Saki thought frustrated.

Saki just stood there, but then her mind wandered again.


But he was really handsome... Huh...? Saki thought as she felt her private parts getting tingly.

Saki rubbed her legs to relieve her parts.

I don't know what it was, but he was really handsome... He had broad shoulders, and looked fit. Saki thought as she began to feel hot.

"Looks like someone needs help." The man she saw in the darker market said as he got behind her, and slowly bite her ear.

"What...!" Saki exclaimed startled.

The man began to move his hands through her body, and then his hand went inside her pants.

"W-wait...! Where are you touching?!" Saki cried as she felt his big hands explore her body.

Her body began to get hot everywhere he touched, and then she twitched as she felt a electric feeling when he pinched her clitoris.

"Ahhh...!" Saki moaned.

"You are wet." The man said as he played with her inner folds.

"No... don't..." Saki tried to complain, but only moans came out of her mouth.

The man began to insert his fingers inside her, and Saki began to moan more. The man grabbed her head with his free hand, and move her head to the side. He kissed her, and Saki got wetter.



The man began to move his fingers faster, and the pleasure was too much for Saki. She immediately came.

"Don't get too comfortable, we are just getting started." The man said as he pulled his pants down, and showed his erection.

Saki's mouth dried, and she began to panic.

"T-that's not going to fit...!" Saki cried as she tried to flee.

"Don't worry, I am sure it will." He said with a smirk that made Saki blush.


Saki opened her eyes and she was in her room, and it was daylight.

"It was a dream." Saki said embarrassed.

I cannot believe I dreamed that... wait... isn't this... cheating?!?!? What am I going to do??? I just cheated on Nozaki, and with a guy I just met yesterday in the night market!!! I am terrible. I can't believe I did that. Saki repented herself.

"Saki? Did you woke up?" Nozaki called her from outside the door.

"Y-yeah...! I just woke up." Saki answered as she immediately stood up, and got ready.

"I will cook breakfast, so just come when you are ready."

"Okay!" Saki answered.

Saki immediately stood up, and changed. She didn't wanted to act differently. They began to eat until Nozaki talked.

"We are running out of groceries, so I will go out of town to buy them. Don't go out, okay? It can be dangerous." Nozaki said to me.

I nodded.

"But why don't you just buy them here?" Saki asked him.

Nozaki froze for a second.

"We don't have the things we need here in the town."

Saki nodded, and didn't asked any questions. Nozaki got ready, and then went to the door with Saki.

"I will come in three hours. It takes one hour from the other village." He said and then kissed her.

Saki kissed him back a bit late.

It feels different... Saki thought as she saw Nozaki leave the house. What am I thinking? I haven't kissed anyone else, but Nozaki.

Saki went to the living room, and sat in the sofa. She didn't had anything to do as she didn't know how to read or write from what Nozaki told her. She was about to fall asleep, until someone knocked on the door.

No one has ever knocked on the door... what do I do??? Saki panicked, but didn't moved.

They kept knocking on the door.

"Nozaki isn't here!" Saki cried nervously.

"We are not here to see Nozaki." A voice answered back.

"T-then... you have the wrong house." Saki said to the person.

"Can you open the door? I just want to see if I have the wrong house? We will go away after making sure, can you do that?" The voice asked.

He doesn't hear like a bad person... He sounds warm... Saki thought.

Saki slowly walked to the door, and opened the door. Three man were standing in front the door. What Saki looked at more were the man with black hair. It was the same color at her.

"... Like you have seen I am not the one you are looking for." Saki said to them.

"No. You are Saki." The nice man said with a sad smile.

"How do you know my name?" Saki asked confused.

His eyes seemed very sad.

"I am Itachi Uchiha, your brother." The man said to Saki.

Saki frowned.

"Don't lie. I don't have family. Nozaki said that-"

"Saki, we are twins." Sasuke interrupted her looking straight at her.

"You should have the wrong person... please leave." Saki said while her hand began to tremble.

She felt her heart brake, but she didn't knew why.

"Saki. Do... Did you really forgot about us?" Kakashi asked Saki.

Saki looked at him, and he seemed familiar, but didn't know from where. Saki shook her head at his question, and then asked for them to go away again.

"... We are going to come again tomorrow, Saki." Itachi said and left.

Saki closed the door, and the moment she sat down in the sofa tears began to roll down her face.

"Why... Why am I crying?" Saki said as she tried to make her tears stop.

Nozaki came and the night came.

"Did something happened while I was gone?" Nozaki asked her.

"Um... I..." Saki began to talk, but for some odd reason she couldn't say it.


"I got bored and slept for an hour." Saki answered with a smile.

Nozaki patted her head, and smiled back.

"Maybe I should buy you some things to kill time with while I am gone, right? I am thinking of going back to work when you feel more comfortable." Nozaki began to talk, and Saki only nodded and smiled.

Why didn't I said anything? Saki thought as she laid down in her bed.

And with that thought she fell asleep.

"Saki!" A young kid called her name with a bright smile.

Saki smiled back.

"Let's go! Nii-san is waiting for us!" The young kid exclimed.

Saki wanted to ask who is Nii-san was, but couldn't.

"Itachi-nii!!! Wait for us!!!" Saki yelled as she ran to the door.

The young kid hugged the older kid, and laughed brightly. Saki also then hugged the two of them.

"Let's go, Saki and Sasuke." The older kid said with a smile.


"What was that dream? Wait... haven't I heard that name?... Mmm..." Saki said trying to remember.

"I am Itachi Uchiha, your brother."

Saki remembered the weird man saying that yesterday.

"Saki, do you want to go to the village with me to get you some things so you aren't bored when I am not home?" Nozaki asked Saki.

"Yes! I want to go!" Saki answered excitedly.

They got ready and went out, they walked the usual, and go to the village. They didn't noticed that there were three men following them. As they were walking, someone called Nozaki.

"Saki. Sit here, and wait for me. Don't talk to anyone because they can hurt you." Nozaki said and left Saki.

Saki did what told and sat in the bench that Nozaki told her to.

There are not many people today... Oh wait... That guy is cute. Saki said as she saw a silver haired man that had half of his face covered, and hid one of his eyes. But why do I feel like I have seen him... Ah! Yeah, he came with the other two yesterday.

* A few moments before...

"They are going out." Sasuke said as they watched them walking away.

"I will stay to see if I can't find any way to break the seal or any clue for the memory loss." Itachi said to them.

Kakahsi and Sasuke nodded, and followed them. Then, they saw how Nozaki left Saki there.

"Go follow him, and I will see Saki." Kakashi said and Sasuke only followed the instructions because he was still the Hokage.

Kakashi then walked close to Saki.

"Can I sit here?" Kakashi asked her.

Saki was panicking inside herself, but calmly nodded.

"You might not remember-"

"You were with the other two guys." Saki cut him.

So this doesn't count as talking to unknown people right? Saki thought to herself.

"Yes, but I have seen you before. I was dressed differently thought." Kakashi said and then transformed into the one that he dressed up last time.

Saki widened her eyes realizing he was the same person she had a weird dream with.

"So... what are you to me?" Saki tried to calm down.


"The two guys said that they were my family. What are you, my... uncle?" Saki said scared for the answer.

"No! I am not your part of your family." Kakashi immediately answer seeing what she was thinking.

Saki sighed.

"But why does that matter?" Kakashi asked Saki.

Saki blushed making Kakashi smile.

"You still don't answer my question..." Saki said after some minutes of silence.

"Hmm... I am going to leave that to you to answer, but here." Kakashi said standing up, and handing her an envelope.

Saki took it.

"Hide it, Nozaki might take it away if he sees it." Kakashi whispered in her ear.

Saki felt her heart thump faster.

"Then, see you later." Kakashi said to her.

"W-wait...!" Saki stopped him.

Kakashi waited for her question.

"What... What's your name?" Saki asked him.

"I am Kakashi, Kakashi Hatake." He said and disappeared.

"Kakashi..." Saki whispered the name so she wouldn't forget.

"Saki! Let's go!" Nozaki abruptly came and took her hand harshly.

"W-wait...! Nozaki! You are hurting me!" Saki cried as she was being dragged away.

Nozaki immediately free her.

"I am sorry, I just... I just saw someone, and got scare." Nozaki said to Saki.


2104 words

(A/n- AHHHHH!!!)


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