This is Us

By hazzaloveshislou2010

1.5K 68 6

Previously Just A Little Bit of Us....... Harry is Mob boss of a gang called Allegiant. Louis is a boy fresh... More



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By hazzaloveshislou2010

This is just a short filler chapter that my best friend Gabby helped me write. Thank you so much to everyone who Continues to vote and comment on chapters it really means a lot to me and makes me and to write more so I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great rest of your day......

🦔 Louis

My limbs all felt heavy and my head was pounding. It was like everything was coming back to me as I gained consciousness in a dim room that was just four walls and a bed. I was handcuffed to the headboard of the bed. Looking around I was trying to piece together how I could have ended up here. Everything was a blur and the more I tried to focus the more my head hurt. Forgoing the explanation of how I got here I decided to look around and see if there was a way out of whatever situation I seemed to be in. The four walls were all concrete, which could mean that I was in a basement. That and there are no windows so there isn't much to suggest otherwise. On one of the four walls there looks to be a small wooden door and it is closed. I don't know if there is any light in the room. With my head pounding and no one in sight, I decided to lay my head down and conserve my strength.
After what seemed like forever the door creaked open and there was a sudden burst of bright light. I was blinded for a minute while my eyes adjusted. There were two people who must have kidnapped me. I couldn't see their faces, they had masks on that made it impossible. The taller of the two started to chuckle.

"Look who finally woke up, guess the drug finally wore off? Time for the fun to begin." the tall guys said while looking at the other masked person.

"Now, you're going to answer all of our questions. If you don't, well let's just say it will be quite painful for you." He said to turning to me and coming closer as if stalking towards me.

Being cuffed to the bed made it hard to move away from this person. What kind of questions did he think I knew the answer to. I mean, I am just a kid that's fresh out of high school. He grabbed me and then the next thing I know he was dragging me off the bed and encircled his arms around me to restrain me so that the other person could release the cuffs on my wrist. I was struggling but he was too strong for me. I could barely move and when I tried he jabbed me in the ribs and it became slightly harder for me to breathe. Once the cuff was open they both dragged me into the room with the bright light. I was thrown into a chair that appeared to be bolted to the floor. They then began to tighten what appeared to be belts across my wrists and ankles.

          "What do you want from me?" I asked still  a little out of breath.

"What do we want from you? Well boy we want some information about flu powder" the slightly shorter one said as he was walking over words what appeared to be a table.

           Flu powder what the heck is flu powder I have never herd any thing of the sort. "I'm sorry you must have the wrong person because I have no idea what that is" I said

          "Well we will see about that" the taller of the two said as he brought a belt down over my arm with a big cracking noise. I jumped in pain trying to pull my arm to my chest but being unsuccessful due to being tied down to the chair.

          "Now we will ask again what is Flu powder and how are we to get it" he said once again.

        Still with tears in my eyes I responded "I don't know what your talking about" just for yet another smack to come down on the other arm.

         "What do you know about the gang Allegiant?" Was the next question out of his mouth

"Nothing I know nothing" I yelled back

The tall guy went walking behind the chair I was in so that he was out of view so I wasn't expecting when a sharp pain went into my side from behind. He just stabbed me I screamed even louder moaning in pain.

"It would do you well to learn to tell us what we want to know" he whispers in my ear

"But I don't know the answers to your questions" I pleaded with them. There was another sharp pain in my side making me screen out once more. They must not be stabbing to deep as I don't feel any blood poring out but it definitely is deep enough to hurt like hell.

"Dude I think that's enough for now we will come back later with the boss" the other man agreed and they both left leaving me still tied to the chair. What I failed to notice was the camera the shorter guy was carrying out with him.

(A/N)   Well this is the next chapter written with the help from my friend Gabby i hope you liked it and are ready for the next chapter. please be sure to vote and comment i look forward to hearing from you

All The Love 


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