
By Sydney916569

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Leonardo Giovanni became a father at the age of twenty. The new mafia Don was a closed off cold man that left... More

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33.5K 980 322
By Sydney916569

I go to press the radio button on his car but he slaps my hand away. What is with this guy?

"No music." He grumbles out. Oops, this might've been my fault, I poked the bear this morning. He's been in a mood ever since the elevator.


"Because I said so." I sigh and look out the window. Tapping my feet and playing with my fingers I feel like I could rip my eyeballs out from the silence.

So I do what I do best.


"Okay so I am going to tell you a story. So when I was still in school a lot of bitches didn't like me. I don't know why though because I am a pretty cool person. Anyways, so I was walking around minding my own business when this bitch named Jessica pushed me into the lockers! You paying attention?" I speak a mile a minute. I look towards him and he looks amused.

"Very, a bitch named Jessica pushed you into the lockers. Did you deserve it?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Anyways," I continue ignoring his question. We both know I may have instigated the situation a little bit. "She was like 'why the hell you touching up on my man?' And I was so confused because I didn't even know who 'her man' was. But then I asked her who. This guys name was Evan and apparently he lied to her to save his own ass. So, what I said was 'you mean Evan the kid whose butt crack sticks out every time he bends down?' And then she slapped me because I was 'looking' at his butt crack. You following?"

Nardo nods his head so I continue. "Okay so then she made a comment about my bitties and-"

"What's bitties?"

"Oh, small tits." His mouth forms an o shape and he looks confused and slightly concerned. "She said my bitties were small, she totally body shamed me. So I told her she had a booger in her nose and then I ran."

I may be a dick to some but I will never body shame.

"Booger? That's all you could come up with? Why didn't you just punch her in her face?"

"Because I am not an animal Nardo."

"Whatever. Interesting story Maggie." He says pulling into the airport. "We are flying private so we don't need to go through security."

We walk through the crowded airport and I can't help but look around in awe. Up ahead was a moving floor so of course I hopped on.

"Seriously Maggie?" He sighs walking beside the slow moving strip.

"Nardo do you know how to live life?" I question him.

"Of course I do." He scoffs.

"Clearly you don't, seeing as you can't even take an extra five minutes of your day to stand on a moving floor. A MOVING FLOOR! It's incredible!" I tell him. "Now that I am around, you will get to experience the real meaning of fun."

"I know how to have fun." He dismisses shaking his head.

"Really? What do you do for fun?" I tilt my head trying to hide my grin. Talking with Nardo is fun because I can either subtly or outwardly insult him and he never responds.

"I like to read and have a drin-"

"Fun Nardo, not relaxed! Fun is skydiving or singing loudly in public. Pretending you're in a zombie apocalypse! That is fun."

He shakes his head dismissing me as I finally get off the strip. He holds my arm with his free hand because I kept walking away getting distracted.

There is just so many cool things to look at!

"Hello Mr. Giovanni." The flight attendant greats Nardo. She then looks to me with a questioning look.

"Maggie! Pleasure to meet you." I smile as I stick my hand out for her to shake.

"This is my daughter Maggie Giovanni." Nardo tells her more formally.

"Lovely to meet you Maggie, the flight will take off soon." We step into the plane and see an open area with nice couches, TVs, and tables.

"How loaded are you?" I question him aweing at the plane.

"Very." He answers smugly. I roll my eyes and flop on the couch.

Nardo pulls out his computer and starts doing stuff on it. I get up and plop myself down beside him. I nudge him a few times.


"Can I go on your laptop?" I smile up at him. I haven't used any technology since I was in school. He sighs and closes what he was doing.

"I have Netflix, the ride is three hours so you can watch a movie." He tells me. He gets this Netflix thingy set up and I look through the countless movies.

"I've only watched movies when I would sneak into the drive-in theatres during the summer. Wanna watch with me?" I get excited. I have never watched a movie with someone before! This is so exciting!

He nods with a very happy grin which makes me happy. "Ever seen 21 Jump Street?" He questions me. I shake my head no and he plays the movie. "It's my favourite."

I smile and sit back on the chair watching this blonde chubby guy get rejected for the school prom.

Poor guy.


We sit in a car that's being driven for us in silence. It's killing me. Nardo sits in the back with me and he's on his phone.

I like looking out at the massive buildings but at the same time I can't deal with the silence.

"Mr. Driver can you put music on please." I ask the driver politely.

"No." Nardo grumbles out before Mr. Driver could respond.

"I can't deal with the silence so either talk to me or let him play the damn music!" I get really frustrated.

"Fine play the damn radio." He agrees seeing my serious face. The driver puts the radio on and Macklemore starts playing.

Oh this is my jam. I start bopping around enjoying the song.

Right before I was about to scream the next lyrics Nardo slaps his hand on my mouth stopping me.

Don't do it. Do not do it Maggie.

Sorry Tina.

I stick my tongue out and lick his hand. He jerks it back and looks at me like I am insane. "What the fuck?!"

"You were asking for it putting your nasty ass hand on my mouth." I grumble. He takes hand sanitizer out of his coat and squirts some on his hand. He grimaces as he cleans his hands making me roll my eyes.

"Drama queen." I mutter. He looks at me with an incredulous look.

"You licked my damn hand!"

I shrug my shoulders and smirk looking out the window. "Why are the buildings so tall?" I change the subject. I didn't know buildings this tall existed.

"They hold multiple worldwide and national businesses. A lot of people work there. My building is actually coming up." He points out. He has a building?

"You have a building? Where?" I ask him excited. This is so cool.

"Right there." He points out and I gasp at the size of it. It's a tall modern building that has mirror like windows that reflect the sky. Speaking of, it's as tall as the clouds.


He smiles at my amazed smile. "Wow, indeed, once you're settled I'll take you there okay? My office is right at the top, you can see all over the city."

"I'd like that a lot." I smile at him. I haven't even made it to my new home and yet I am already in love with the idea of my new life.

Ever since this morning, after eating a full breakfast and talking with someone who seems to care, I've been on the biggest high of my life. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes could ever make me feel as great as I do right now.

I watched my first movie, went on my first elevator, rode in a plane, I've done so much in a morning and that's only the begginning.

I feel so blessed right now just sitting here with Nardo.

As the car turns into an underground parking lot I realize we are finally at our destination. "We're here." Nardo says hopping out of the car and moving to my side opening my door.

"Thank you Mr. Driver!" I thank the driver. He seemed nice. He gives me a small smile before waving at me. Nardo pulls me away and leads me to an elevator. This time however he presses the button and then blocks the panel with his back.

"Really?" I question him with a frown. How little does he think of me?

"Yes really, there are sixty floors in this building no way are we visiting each of them." I scowl at that and walk back and forth on the elevator. "Do you ever sit still?"


I hear him mutter the world great and that makes me smirk. He has no clue how much energy I actually have.

The elevator rings and we are brought to his floor. The door to his apartment has a keypad and he quickly types it in.

I gasp at the inside. The windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling. It's a big open space. There are couches and a massive tv. The floor is dark hardwood and the rest of the place has dark colours either on the wall or in the paintings.

"I'll give you a tour Mags." He says leading me into the living room. "This is the living room, right there is the ps5 you can play video games and whatever." He lazily points. He speaks about it like I am supposed to know what it is.

Get a load of this guy?

He shows me the spectacular kitchen and his office space. After that he shows me upstairs. He points out his office, the laundry room, and a guest bathroom. He shows me his massive bedroom that is all black and elegant.

"Okay so seeing as once I found out where you were, I left so I didn't get to decorate your room so it is just a bed and white walls for now, tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes and stuff for your room." I nod and he leads me into the massive plain bedroom. The windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling. It is spacious and ideas already bubble in my mind. My bathroom is elegant and I even have a walk-in closet.

"Thanks Nardo." I walk up to him wrapping my arms around his torso. He's quick to hug be back. "So what now?" I question him pulling him away.

He looks confused. "I don't know?" We both stand there confused and unsure. Neither of us have done this before. I scrunch my eyebrows thinking about what we could do now. It's late in the afternoon. I get if he doesn't want to go out.

"LEONARDO MILO GIOVANNI!" A loud manly voice calls from the front area of the place. I scrunch my eyebrows up.

"Your middle name is Milo?" I laugh at him a little.

"Shut up." He sighs annoyed. He turns to leave the room.

"Who is that?"

"Marco." He grumbles. Ooh it's him. Why isn't Nardo excited to see him? Whatever the reason may be I follow him down the stairs keeping my distance. You can't ever be too cautious.

"Leo oh thank god you are home! I've been bored out of my mind I'm telling you-" he speaks to Nardo but cuts himself off when he sees me lurking in the background. He pushes Nardo away.

"Why do you have a miniature you here?" He questions not taking his eyes off me. He has his mouth wide open. I smile a little, he then gasps. "Is that who I think it is?" He turns to Nardo looking like an excited puppy.

"Maggie say hi to your uncle." He tells me with a small smile. I wave at Marco.

"Hey there!" I greet him friendly. All of a sudden I am tackled into a hug.

"Hi there Maggie! Oh my god, you are really here. My names Marco I am your fathers younger brother. Oh god you are so cute." He squeezes the life out of me. I pat his back awkwardly.

"I know Nardo told me." I giggle. He pulls away and looks at me like I am crazy.


"She came up with it first time I saw her." Nardo speaks up smirking.

"HOW COME YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU FOUND MAGGIE!" Marco screams at his older brother. I cringe at the loudness of his voice. Nardo looks like he is going to smack the living shit out of his brother.

I was right like always, when I heard a nice loud smack as Nardos hand makes contact with Marcos face.



I may or may not change the cover of this book again. I am not too sure how I feel about it.

Lots of love 💕

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