Pay Attention, Mr. Iero (Frer...

By sinisteroceans

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Frank Iero is a college freshman who couldn't care any less about his classes or about school at all... that... More

1 - Art Class? You're Joking.
2 - Over-asking Questions
3 - Fantasies and Mixed Feelings
4 - Flirting Or Just Being Friendly?
5 - Arising Problems
6 - Brothers Not Lovers
7 - Interrogation Time
8 - Being Sneaky
9 - R.I.P.
10 - As It Turns Out
11 - Ruining the Moments
12 - The Email
13 - Just the Two of Us
14 - Not A Role-model Student
15 - Bad Boy
17 - I'm a Mess
18 - Liar Liar
19 - Trust Me
20 - We Weren't Meant to Be
21 - Of Course, I Forgive You
22 - Just Pretend
23 - Cream Filled Donuts

16 - No Combo Birthdays

1.5K 49 52
By sinisteroceans

A week passed by and things were going fairly well. My grades were good considering I was almost halfway through the semester- a couple of B's and C's here and there, which was much better than what I received in high school. Not to mention, I even had an A in my art class with Professor Way. I still couldn't quite tell if that was because I was actually doing well in his class or he just felt sorry for me... or maybe he just loved me?

Whatever the case was with my grades, I was pretty happy about it. I'm sure my parents back home would be proud to hear I was doing well after forcing me to go to college. Maybe their money wasn't going to get wasted on me after all.

Waking up late one day, I rummaged through my small dorm room closet to get something decent to wear for the day. The weather was starting to get colder out, so walks to class were becoming slightly more enjoyable than the obnoxious end-of-summer heat.

With the weather getting more chilly, that also meant a special day of mine was coming up. It wouldn't be long now before I gained another year on me. I'm sure I wouldn't be throwing the biggest party on campus or anything, especially as a freshman, but I'm sure I'd find something fun to do.

I went to take a shower. I stood in there a while, imagining the possibilities. For once, I'd be away from my parents for my birthday, which meant no more forced Spiderman-themed parties at the bowling alley with all my relatives sitting around drinking Sprite and eating cold, cardboard pizza. Maybe I could try going out to a club to dance with Ray and some buddies. Or rent a hotel room off campus where we could all drink and have fun. I had been meaning to hang out more with some of my more casual classmates I had been talking to in my other classes anyway. This was the perfect opportunity.

By the time I was done imagining the scenarios in my head in the shower, I walked out to find Ray was back at the dorm flipping through one of his textbooks at his desk and writing down notes- you know, the stuff a devoted student, unlike me, would normally be doing.

"Oh, hey Frank," he turned around and waved, "Finally out of bed I see?"

I chuckled as I zipped up my hooded jacket, "Nice to see you too". We laughed a moment before he turned back to his studies, but I grabbed his attention again shortly after. "How has school been treating you lately?"

He groaned, yet smiled, "It's been stressful, but I think it's going okay! I'm just trying to keep up all my grades. I want to keep a 4.0 GPA as long as I can. It's a lot of work, but I'm trying really hard. Gotta make sure I make that Dean's list."

I mentally rolled my eyes at his extreme effort, but was supportive regardless, "Oh wow, that's awesome. Have you met anyone new to study with?"

"Yeah, I little bit. I've met some people here and there in my classes that I've been talking to. I hope we all end up being friends. It'd be nice to have a little circle around. You?"

"It's about the same for me. I haven't really had the chance to hang out with anyone new I've met though."

He smirked in response, "Seems to me you've been too busy hanging out with your teacher".

"What- no!" I started to try to defend myself, but soon realized he was right. I had been spending a lot of time with my teacher compared to people my age that could potentially be my friends. It probably wasn't the greatest way of going about things now that I thought about it...

I think Ray sensed my embarrassment, as he immediately apologized, "Hey, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I was just joking around. I know how happy you guys are around each other."

I told him it was fine. I wasn't mad at him. I was more mad at myself for not socializing more. Hell, the only friends I had right now were my high school best friend, my teacher, and technically maybe my teacher's brother. I realized college was really going to start to suck if I didn't get out there more. I didn't want to be the loner kid coming home every Friday night just to head off to bed.

I scrolled through my phone on my bed for a while, casually chatting with Ray as he continued to be productive.

Eventually, I brought up the birthday topic I had been thinking about earlier. I couldn't resist, "You know, I was thinking, maybe for my birthday we could hold some sort of get together."

Ray fully spun around in his chair at this topic, "I almost forgot your birthday was coming up! I almost always forget because it's on Halloween. We should totally do something fun!"

I smiled at his agreement, "Well maybe I could invite some of the people I've been talking to and you could do the same. It could be a little Halloween party, but we could also celebrate my birthday on the side. No gifts or anything- just fun."

"Alright! I'll help you plan it then. I'm already excited."

There was a brief pause in which Ray seemed to be contemplating something. Suddenly, he perked back up, "Hey, maybe we could do a combined birthday party considering it's already going to be a combo thing with Halloween!"

I didn't like the sound of this. As selfish as it sounds, I wanted my birthday to still only be about me. I didn't mind the halloween thing because that would make the theme cool. But making my birthday a combo celebration with someone else? Ugh. Lame. Who else's birthday even was it?

I stared at him, raising an eyebrow as I waited for him to elaborate.

"Well you see," he giggled, "Mikey's birthday was on September 10th".

"Uh, wasn't that like over a month ago by now?" I said with a bit too much attitude.

"Well yeah, but Mikey never got the chance to celebrate. He told me that he had been too busy moving in for the start of the school semester to do much. I think he mentioned going out with his brother, but he didn't have a party or anything super big".

"So you're supposing we combine our birthdays into one party?"

I received an excited nod in return. I thought about it for a moment. As much as I was realizing Mikey wasn't as lame as I thought he was, I still didn't think he'd be the life of the party or anything. In fact, he'd probably be the one who would ask for no alcohol and no playing songs with profanity in them. But thinking about how happy it'd make Ray to do something nice for Mikey and how I owed them for helping me out so much with Professor Way... I guess I could suck it up. 

"Alright, let's do it".

Ray cheered with excitement. No turning back on the decision now. 

Eventually, after talking with Ray for a while longer, I had to pack up my stuff and head to class for the day. Most of the day went fairly fast. My teachers were beginning to like me a bit more due to my extra effort, so I wasn't as miserable throughout the day. I had been so distracted with thinking of the upcoming party and actually being liked by my teachers that I almost forgot I was going to get to see Professor Way that evening in art class.

By the time I made it there, I was in a great mood... and luckily not horny for once. After Professor Way made his entrance into the class, he quickly snuck in a smile at me before he began the lesson. I couldn't help but admire how talented he was as he drew an example on the board for us with ease. Everything he created looked so amazing. I'd never understand why he hid all his artworks he spent even longer on tucked away in his house for no one to see.

When I wasn't practicing drawing his examples, I stared at him lovingly. Every so often we'd meet eyes, causing him to show off his toothy grin. He was the cutest...

We had some free time to do some drawings for homework in class, and Professor Way took a seat over at his desk. I looked over every so often to find him looking at me too. We just couldn't take our eyes off each other. 

I began to stand up to go over and pretend to ask him important questions, but I stopped myself before I even managed to leave my seat. I suddenly remembered Ray's comment about me spending all my time with my teacher... It was making me feel embarrassed and stupid, even if Ray had only been joking around. 

I decided to stay put in my seat the rest of the class time. It actually did help me to accomplish all my homework that was assigned by Prof. Way. Now I wouldn't have to mess with it later. 

Soon after I finished, the class was dismissed. Everyone packed up their bags and filed out one after another. It wasn't long before it was only me and my teacher. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Prof. Way walked up to my seat right away. "You didn't visit me at my desk today. That's unusual for you."

I looked up at him, pushing aside my thoughts, "Oh, I'm fine. I just wanted to get all my homework done. That's all."

"Well that's good to hear," he said before leaning down and kissing me softly. "You know, as a teacher, I always appreciate when students try hard".

He moved his head to my side, where he started nuzzling playfully against my cheek and neck like a cat, making me giggle.

"Oh! By the way, I was checking over my attendance list today as usual," Prof. Way stood back up straight. "But it tells me all the students birthdays on there. I noticed someone's is coming up".

"Wait really?" I was surprised. Apparently he had been thinking about my birthday today as well. 

"Yes really," he let out a little chuckle, "Maybe we could do something together? I'd love to spend your special day with you. Or do you already have something planned?"

I started to blush at how kind he was being to me. I really wanted to do something with Prof. Way, but I already had my party planned. Maybe I could invite him...?

"Well actually..." I stopped myself. Ray's words entered my head again. I shouldn't invite my teacher... this was about me hanging out with friends. I couldn't have my teacher around. I would just end up hanging out with him the whole time instead of making new friends. Plus, he couldn't go to the party anyway. Surely someone would find it weird that a professor was at a college student's birthday party. He'd be too anxious about feeling out of place or getting caught being romantic with me anyway.

I decided to not even mention it.

"I'm going to be busy on my actual birthday. My parents are driving up to see me and take me out to eat dinner. But uh, maybe we could celebrate together the day after?" 

"Sounds great," he replied, not even questioning it as he surprised me with a kiss on the lips again. "I have to get home and finish grading some big projects for one of my more advanced classes, but I'll see you soon okay?" 

I walked out of the classroom with him so he could lock everything up. Quickly, he gave me a hug before taking off and waving to me across the hall. I lingered behind, watching him as he left the building. 

I had lied to him. Surely, he wouldn't mind though, right? It's not like he'd actually be able to go to the party. I was just making sure his feelings didn't get hurt. If he didn't know about my party, then he couldn't be upset about not being able to go. I was doing him a favor. This was my night to make some friends and be around people my own age. I'd see him the next day anyway, so it would all work out okay.

I assured myself everything would be fine before heading back to my dorm. 

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