In Another Life, I Guess (Qui...

By ImagoScurra

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Saito Satsujin, also known as the only delinquent in Asahi High School. He never attends classes and is usual... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

309 5 2
By ImagoScurra

"What are you doing?" Ichi-chan asked, curiously, as I tried to light a fire with my lighter and a few wood scraps I found scattered all over the place. Thankfully, it was enough to make a campfire out of. It's just that my lighter is not cooperating very well, probably because I've been using it for quite some time now. I seriously need to buy a new one once we get out of here. "Are you trying to light a cigarette, right now?" She exclaimed to which I responded with a dumbfounded expression.

"Since when did cigarettes become this fucking thick?" I sarcastically argued back which made her purse her lips and lean her back against the wall behind us. "Seriously though, why did you pull me to the side when those students came looking for the last log for the bonfire?" I asked, letting out a heavy sigh in the process. It's very unlike her to lose composure like that so I'm quite curious as to what explanation she has to say about her behavior earlier.

"W-well, they might get the wrong idea. After all, everybody thinks that you're going out with Nino, you know? They might think that you're two-timing or something if they saw us together alone in such a quiet place." She explained, stuttering quite a bit as she did. Wait. What? Does everybody really think I'm dating Nino-chan? I guess I can't blame them. Nino-chan has been following me around lately so I can't really blame them if they think that way.

"News flash, I'm not dating anybody, and to be honest with you, I'm not planning to." I coldly said and continued to light a fire on the piece of wood I was holding. After a while, my lighter finally cooperated which left quite a satisfied look on my face as I looked at the glorious fire I just made. However, I couldn't say the same for Ichi-chan who was currently wearing a dejected expression on her face. "What's with that sad look on your face?" I asked, quite curious as to why she suddenly had such an expression.

She quickly dismissed it and immediately hooked her head as if she was waking herself up from a trance. "It's nothing, really. I'm fine." She answered but it was already quite obvious that something is going on in her mind. She, then, started looking all over the place as if she was trying to find something of importance. "We should try to get out of here, you know? Otherwise, people will get the wrong idea once they find us tomorrow morning." She said, obviously trying to change the topic. I guess I should indulge in this little game of charades of hers since it's quite evident that she doesn't wanna talk about what's going on inside that head of hers.

"I hate to tell you this but the windows are far too small for any of us to fit. Plus, the wooden doors are barred shut. Surprisingly, as well, there's an alarm for it. I'm not sure why but one thing's for certain... there's no getting out of here until someone opens that stupid door for us." I carefully explained to her the predicament we are in which made her sigh, heavily. She, then, plopped down on the ground and started hugging her legs like she was some sort of lost child or something. "Don't worry. Chances are, your sisters are out there right now looking for you. Hopefully, one of them is smart enough to consider looking in here." I said, trying to reassure her, however, it seems that it doesn't have any effect on her. In fact, I think it just made things worse.

We both sat in silence in front of the small campfire I made. The only sounds that can be heard are the chirps of the crickets outside the cabin and the crackling embers of the firewood. Jeez. If only I knew this would happen, then I probably would've stepped up earlier before they locked the door. I guess we're really stuck here in the meantime. "How about we disarm the alarm and then break the door open? Would that work?" She suddenly asked out of nowhere as she gazed upon the alarm which was situated right on top of the wall we were leaning on.

Judging by the looks of the alarm, it seems like one of those advance modeled ones. The ones even renowned hackers can't break open. Seriously? Are they hiding gold bars in here? What's with all the security measures? Jeez. "Not possible. That right there is not just any alarm a normal high school student can disarm. This isn't a movie, you know? You can't just James Bond your way through alarms just like that." I argued to which she responded with a scoff followed by a relatively cute pout.

"And here I thought you're someone who would at least try in these kinds of situations." She mumbled under her breath but due to the lack of sound in the vicinity, it was quite audible enough for me to hear. Jeez. Who does she think I am? Batman? I admit I can put up a fight but that's pretty much it. I'm no superhero. If anything, I'm just one of the thugs Batman beats up for fun.

I can't help but sigh at our current disposition as I stood up and offered my hand to her. "I guess we can try," I said which made her look up to me with an expression of surprise. "Hurry up, will you? This alarm isn't gonna disarm itself, you know?" I continued which pulled her back to her senses.

"R-right." She said as she took my hand and I pulled her up from her sitting position. "So. How are we going to do this?" She asked as we both examine the device placed upon the wall.

"Most alarms have the same interior design. Hopefully, it's the same as the ones I disarmed before." I said which made her look at me, once again.

"How do you suppose we reach it, though?" She asked which made me survey the room we are currently in to see if there were any objects I can use to boost me up. Sadly, I couldn't find any. I guess we have to go to plan B, then.

"That's where you come in, I guess," I said. She looked at me quizzically, at first, but she soon realized what I meant by those words. "Don't worry. I won't let you fall." I said as I got down on my knees.

"You sure? I mean, I'm quite heavy, you know?" She asked, quite wary about her weight. Well, hopefully, she's not as heavy as Itsuki. That girl should really stop overeating.

"Who's not trying now? Dummy." I teased to which she responded with yet another cute pout forming on her lips. "As I said earlier, I won't let you fall. Now hurry up. We don't get all day." I said as I tapped both my shoulders, signaling her to get on.

At first, she was quite hesitant about getting on my back, however, after a while of her self-contemplation, she finally hopped on my back. "No enjoying of my thighs, got that?" She warned as she carefully placed both her legs on my shoulders. The heat radiating from her thighs made it hard for me not to enjoy the feeling of it. It was like I was wearing a scarf. A very heavy yet soft scarf. If that makes sense.

"Please, the only thighs I'll ever enjoy are chicken thighs and that's it," I said, trying to lighten up the mood since I can feel that she was quite tense due to the situation we are currently in. "Are you ready?" I asked as I looked up towards her face to see if she was alright with all of this. She responded with a nod of approval which opted me to slowly raise her up. Surprisingly, she wasn't as heavy as I thought she would be. And here I thought she would at least weigh the same as Itsuki. I guess no matter how similar they all look, some of their attributes are far different from each other, huh?

"Don't drop me, ok?" She said, a terrified tone was quite evident in her voice. For someone who acts all tough in front of her sisters, she's quite the scaredy-cat, herself, huh?

"Don't worry. I won't. Now, tell me. What do you see on the alarm box?" I asked, grunting a little bit as I did. Since I carried Itsuki all the way back to the campsite, my legs were quite tired already. Fuck. At this rate, I might have to bring her down earlier than I should.

She carefully examined the device we are trying to disarm, at the moment. "I'm not really sure what I should tell you. You have to be more specific." She said as she looked down on me. I couldn't help but sigh at her response. I knew this was gonna be harder than I thought it would be.

"Can you open it without a screwdriver, at least?" I asked. She, then, tried to pry open the alarm box, and surprisingly, she managed to do so. Jeez. I guess the alarm wasn't as advanced as I thought it is. "Great. Now, can you tell me what do you see inside the box?" I asked which made her probe through the alarm even further.

"There's a lot of wires and buttons, I'm not sure what they are all for." She answered. Typical, answer, I guess. It's not like I expected anything more than that, if I'm gonna be honest with you.

"Do you see a blue wire?" I asked and I could feel my legs were about to give up on me. Fuck. This is bad. We need to hurry up and disarm this thing. Otherwise, all this effort will be for nothing.

"Y-yeah. There is." She hurriedly said, stuttering in the process. I guess she could also feel that our time was quite limited now that my legs are starting to give up on me.

"Pull it. But be careful not to touch anything else." I ordered. She immediately did what I told her to do and sure enough, the alarm didn't go off. So far, so good. "Now, do you see a green wire over there?" I asked.

"Yeah. There is." She replied and I could feel that she was enjoying herself quite a bit. I guess this is one of her goals in life. Jeez. If I didn't know any better, I would say she would make a pretty great cat burglar. "Slight problem, though. There are three green wires." She said the happiness in her voice faded like snow in the summer. That is a slight problem. Usually, there's only one green wire in the alarms I've disarmed in the past. I guess this really is a new model. One that I wasn't trained for to disarm.

"Does one of them connect to the mainframe of the network?" I asked and I couldn't help but let out a grunt as I did. I'm really pushing my legs to the limit here. Pretty soon, I have to let her down. Fuck.

"Can you dumb that down for me?" She said which ultimately, made me facepalm myself, mentally. I forgot that this girl has basically, failed her exams over and over again until we had to tutor them. Of course, she's not gonna get what I said.

"Does any of the green wire connect to the big box with the big red bulb on it?" I said, dialing it down to a level she would definitely understand.

She immediately scanned all over the box to see if any of them are true, connected to the box I was referring to. Her face brightened up, almost immediately. "Yeah. There is." She answered.

"Pull it!" I screamed. She, then, pulled the wire as soon as she heard my cries. She started celebrating a little bit after pulling it. "Great! Now, is the big red bulb still blinking?" I asked. If the model of the alarm was the same as the ones I disarmed before, it should be off by now.

"Nope. It's still on." She answered, casually, as if that wasn't a huge problem on our part. Is it supposed to be off?" She asked the dumbest question I have heard in my entire life.

"Yes! That means the alarm is still connected to a power source." I exclaimed, however, judging from her expression, I'm guessing she doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about. That's not surprising at all, to be honest. "Are there any—" I said, however, I was cut off by the fact that one of my legs suddenly curled up, disrupting our balance and ultimately, causing the fall of Ichi-chan from her current elevated state. I tried my best to shift her position in a way that she wouldn't get hurt, however, I immediately noticed that the log we placed on the side was falling fast, as well. Fuck.

The adrenaline inside of me was ramped up to max and it was as if everything slowed down for us. I quickly grabbed ahold of her nape which gave me ample room to hug her tightly so that her fall was not as bad as it would be. I, then, placed my body on top of her so that I could protect her from the falling log that was headed straight for us. And sure enough, I managed to pull off one of the best and worst scenarios I've seen in my life. Even dramas and animes got nothing on the stunt I just pulled, right at this very moment.

The log came smashing down on my back, almost crushing it due to how heavy the fucking thing is. "I'm sorry I lied," I said, trying to act all tough, even though I wanted to scream from the pain the heavy log has caused me. Jeez. What a pain this day has been, literally.

"Huh?" Ichi-chan asked, quite confused as to what I meant by those words. I didn't notice it earlier because I was too busy focusing on the ache I was feeling in my back region but I soon realized that Ichi-chan's face was burning bright red. Maybe it was because of the orange light illuminating around us that made her face seem that way. Yeah. That must be it.

"I broke my promise that I wouldn't let you fall. I'm sorry." I said, grunting quite a bit due to the pain I was feeling. I, then, laid down on the side which made the log fall off my back and down to the ground where it can't hurt anybody. We should've done that from the start, to be honest. Fuck. I guess I was equally stupid as the girls I'm tutoring with Fuutarou-kun. Once my back finally managed to lay down on the ground, I was surprised that Ichi-chan followed my position which led to her being on top of me. Fuck. I forgot my hand was still on her nape which made me accidentally pull her up against me. "Shit. Sorry. I forgot." I said as I finally released my grasp and placed both my hands to the side.

"I-it's fine. I don't mind." She said as she covered her face with her hand. She seemed flustered in our current disposition and I honestly can't blame her. I mean, who wouldn't? Right? "I'm sorry for lying too." She said which made me let out a confused expression.

"What are you–" I tried to ask her, however, I wasn't able to continue my sentence as her face suddenly came crashing into mine. She, then, cupped my face so that I won't be able to move my head to the side. Our lips met and I could feel the intense heat radiating off her face meeting mine. The kiss was aggressive like it was something she has been longing for, for quite some time now. I was too surprised to even react to it that I just let her do it.

After a while, our lips parted. Ichi-chan tried her best to hide her face with her hair, however, because it was shorter than my hair, she terribly failed in her attempt to do so. "I've been meaning to do that ever since the fireworks festival happened." She mumbled. I barely heard her say it but since there was no background noise surrounding us, I heard it perfectly clear. So... does that mean... she likes me, as well?

Now, this just complicates things even more. Fuck. What should I do?

We both sat in silence underneath the shelter of the storage room. My back still hurts like hell so we weren't able to continue our plan of disarming the alarm system on the door. Right now, we're technically, back to square one. No plans, no nothing. Jeez. This situation is really such a pain in the ass and my back, it seems.

Especially, since Ichi-chan just confessed to me her true feelings. It was a bit unexpected but I had my doubts before. I guess that kiss just confirmed all of my suspicions. Because of that, we barely managed to hold up a proper conversation. We can't even look at each other properly. That's how bad the situation is, as of the current moment. I need to do something and fast before we freeze here to death. The fire I made earlier was already dimming and there aren't any more materials left to burn inside the storage room.

"L-look. Ichi-chan." I said which immediately caught her attention. Even with the moonlight, it was hard to see the expression she had on her face, however, this isn't the time for that. "We can worry about this later. Right now, we have to focus on getting out of here." I continued. She seemed like she understands the situation we are in and I could see a slight nod heading towards my way.

"Y-you're right." She stammered as she looked away. I still wasn't able to distinguish the countenance she had on her face but my guesses are, she has quite the flustered expression, as of the current moment. "So, what do you propose we should do?" She asked as she stood up from the ground we were sitting on.

A determined yet mischievous smile escaped my lips which ultimately made her look at me with a worried expression. I mean, at least, I think she has a worried expression. No matter. The only thing that matters right now is getting out of here. "Since we can't disable the alarm anymore, I suggest we just wing it and make a run for it," I said, upholding the mischievous expression on my face.

She seemed confused with my sudden suggestion. "Wing it? What do you mean?" She asked but I could already tell that she understands my plan quite well already. "No. No way. If we do that, then we're gonna get into a lot more trouble." She quickly denied my suggestion and even shook her head furiously.

"It's not like we have any other choice. Besides, we'll only get in trouble if we get caught." I said, trying to convince her that there is no other way out of here apart from the plan I just made. "The fire is about to burn out. We're gonna freeze here to death if we don't do this." I continued but she still seemed reluctant. I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. "Do you trust me?" I suddenly asked and even I was surprised that I managed to say a thing just like that. I feel like one of those cliche protagonists who are about to do a suicide mission with the female lead. It honestly feels so cringe to say that.

"O-of course, I do. It's just that. I don't want the others to find out what happened here. At least, not now." She said as she turned the other way. I guess she's worried about what Nino would feel if she knew that her older sister also likes the same guy as her. Of course, that would cause a major discord in their relationship. Frankly, I don't want that to happen, as well. Ugh. Why must my life be so complicated? Fuck.

"Don't worry. A lot of things can go wrong but I assure you, I won't tell the others. It's your job to do that." I reassured her. It seemed to have worked, seeing as her stiff shoulders earlier, started to loosen up.

"You're right." She simply said as she held out her hand for me to grab. "Let's do this, then. No going back now." Ichi-chan continued and even if the darkness was engulfing half of her face, as of the current moment, I was still able to distinguish the determined smile she has on her face.

I quickly grabbed her hand which opted for her to pull me off the ground. "Let's," I replied with an equally determined smile. Our exchange of smiles went on for a little while longer than it should and after a while, we both felt the awkward atmosphere slowly getting the best of us. She immediately let go of my hand and turned towards the opposite direction, once again, hiding her face, in the process. I couldn't help but smile at her flustered state. "Right, then," I said, feeling quite amused by how cute she's acting, as of the moment. I slowly walked up to the log that fell over and carried one of the ends of it. "Come on. We don't get all day." I said.

She, then, looked back towards me and immediately realized that the plan was already in motion. She quickly took the other end and carried it, as well. "Are you sure about this?" She asked, quite wary of the consequences this plan will bring.

"I'm positive. As I said before, we'll only get in trouble if we get caught so make sure to run as fast as you can, ok?" I reassured her, once again. She still seemed hesitant but I'm guessing she already knows what will happen if we don't go through with this plan. "You ready?" I asked to which she responded with a loud hum. "Let's do this. On the count of three. One. Two. Three!" I yelled. We both started charging towards the front with all our might. Please break, please break, please break.

Due to our combined efforts, we managed to break through the door with ease and as expected, the alarm went off, right after we broke through. "Run!" I yelled, however, I immediately stopped when I realized that Ichi-chan was running too slow behind me. Fuck. I forgot that she injured her foot earlier. Now, that's something I didn't take into account for. I, then, heard a few footsteps hurriedly inching towards us. "Fuck. I guess I have no choice." I mumbled to myself as I instantly picked her up, bridal style.

"W-what are you doing?!" She exclaimed as she tried to struggle away from my grasp. I instantly felt the backlash of it on my back but I paid it no mind. Right now, I have to keep my promise to her that we won't get caught. That's all I'm thinking about.

"Stop squirming and keep your voice down. They're coming." I warned her to which she immediately followed. I guess she realized that I'm doing my best to keep us away from all the perfect teachers just so that we wouldn't get in trouble. After finally gaining some distance, I, then, put Ichi-chan down to take a little rest, almost plopping her down on the ground due to how tired I was feeling, as of the current moment. I couldn't help but pant heavily, seeing as I barely have enough energy to even run, let alone carrying a 50kg girl in my arms.

"Are you ok, Satsujin-kun?" Ichi-chan asked as she looked at me, worriedly. I wasn't able to answer her immediately which made her worry even more.

"Remind me again not to smoke on a regular basis. Fuck. My lungs are killing me!" I exclaimed whilst panting, heavily, which made her chuckle, a little bit. "Anyways, the main hall is just a few meters away. We should get going." I said as I laid out my hand for her to grab. She gave me a warm smile and grabbed it which allowed me to pull her up, however, she flinched the moment she placed pressure on her bruised foot. "It still hurts, huh?" I asked as I gazed upon her injury. I guess I have no other choice.

I started positioning myself in front of her and opted to hunch my back, indicating that she should get on it. "W-what? Aren't you tired from carrying me already?" Ichi-chan asked a hint of worriedness can be heard from her tone.

"It's not like I have a choice. You can barely walk enough, as it is. My conscience won't let me walk you on your own with that injury." I said as I gestured for her to get on already. "Come on. We don't have all day. They're probably gonna do headcounts to make sure that none of the students were responsible for breaking the door of the storage room. It's best if we're there when that happens." I persuaded. She seemed convinced by it and immediately got on my back.

I, then, carried her through the forest. It was quite a long walk, however, after a few minutes have passed, we finally managed to get to the main hall where a few students were still loitering outside. One of which is a familiar sight. "Ichika! Saito-san!" An awfully cheery voice greeted us as she ran immediately towards our position. "We were worried sick. Where have you guys been?" She asked, as soon as she got near us.

"I was strolling around the woods when I noticed Ichi-chan was struggling to walk back to the main hall. I wanted to rush her back here but she said she wanted to get some fresh air first so we ended up walking through the forest and eventually, we got lost. Luckily, though, I managed to spot the lights coming from this way which ultimately led us to this position." I lied, however, it sounded quite convincing enough for her to believe it. Yotsuba-san then look over to her sister who was still looking quite distressed. Fuck. If this keeps up, we're gonna get caught for sure.

She seemed to take notice of our stares towards her which led her to smile vigorously. "Yeah. That's pretty much it. I tripped inside the forest so that's why I was struggling to walk. Good thing Satsujin-kun was there. Otherwise, I don't know what would've happened to me." She lied, as well, with an unsurprising believable tone. She is an actress after all. Things like these are her specialty.

Yotsuba-san seems convinced with our lies and gave us both a smile filled with gladness and worry. "Well, I'm glad you're both safe now. Itsuki and Nino we're so worried about you two that they both head off on the forest, looking for you guys." She said, letting out a sigh of relief. She, then, pulled out her phone, probably to call her sisters to come back.

"Ichika! Satsu-kun!" A familiar voice called which immediately caught both of our attention. A running Nino-chan and Itsuki-san came rushing towards us, both having an expression of relief on their faces. "Where have you two been? We've been looking all over for you guys!" Nino-chan exclaimed as soon as she got near us.

"Long story. Ichi-chan and Yotsuba-san can fill you in on that story. Right now, I kinda wanna rest." I said as I put down Ichi-chan and started walking towards the entrance of the main hall, leaving the four sisters outside. My back is killing me. I need to lie down and hope that the pain goes away after I get a good night's rest. I don't even have the energy to take a shower at this point.

As I was walking towards my designated room, I immediately noticed a figure standing behind a corner which almost instantly made me stop walking. "Mind telling me why in the hell are you looking at me like that pip-squeak?" I asked, quite annoyed because I got cut off from my plans of laying down on my bed. The figure, then, decided to walk out from the shadows, revealing a blonde boy with a confident smirk on his face. Who in the hell is this guy? Is he seriously looking for a fight? I'm not in the mood for fighting but if he keeps up this attitude, I might just have to get in the mood.

"Ohh nothing. I just find you very amusing. That's all." He said, slightly chuckling in the process. I started gritting my teeth due to the anger welling up inside my veins. What does this guy want?

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I clenched my fists which were currently inside my pockets, as of this moment. His confident smirk intensified even more.

"You're quite the adventurous one, aren't you, Saito-san. I'm quite surprised that Nakano-san even entrusted to you his five lovely daughters. It's almost as if... you're not even supposed to be in the picture. Does he know what kind of person are you? Or better yet, does he even know you exist?" He said as if he was some third-rate villain like in the movies. Jeez. If he's trying to intimidate me, then he's seriously failing at it, horribly.

"I don't really have any time for your games so why don't we just cut to the chase and tell me exactly what you're after," I asked, quite annoyed at the predicament I'm currently in. I even scratched the back of my head to show my annoyance.

"Fine then. I want you to step down from being their tutor. I can understand why their father chose Uesugi-kun. You, on the other hand. I just don't think you're cut out for something like that. Why don't you just go back to being the gangster you truly are and leave the girls out of it. You and I both know it's for the best." Blondie boy answered, sternly. Judging by his expression and tone, I'm guessing he has some ulterior motive to this, however, I also can't deny the fact that he is somewhat correct. It is better if I leave the girls alone due to my current lifestyle. Sooner or later, they'll be put in danger because of me and that's something I don't want to happen.

"You're right. It is for the best if I leave them alone." I said as I turned my back on him. "However, I can't just leave them alone. After everything all of us have been through, that's not something any of us can just let go of. If you're worried about their safety, then don't. I'll always put my life on the line just to make sure each and every one of them is safe. You have my word on that." I added as I continued to walk towards my designated room, however, his next words immediately made me stop, dead on my tracks.

"I knew you'd say something like that." He simply said as if he already expected that I would strongly decline his offers. "I guess I'll just have to explain to the perfect about your current endeavors earlier this evening. I wonder what would they say once they learned that you were responsible for breaking down the storage room doors." He finished with a mischievous smirk forming on his lips. Fuck. He saw all of that? If word gets out that we were the ones responsible for breaking down that door, then the other girls will find out that I lied to them. Fuck. This really is quite the predicament.

I was about to retort to his threats, however, a certain someone decided to butt in on our conversation. "Jeez. You can't even handle a pip-squeak's empty threats. You seriously are hopeless, Satsujin." The voice said as he walked slowly towards us. It was none other than Tsukamoto, himself. "You're Takeda-san, correct?" He said as he slid both of his hands into his pockets. The guy was quite surprised at the sudden appearance of Tsukamoto that he barely managed to get a word out of his mouth. "There's only one person who can threaten Satsujin like that and that person is none other than me. The next time I see you threaten him like that, I'll make sure you wouldn't live to tell the tale about it. Got that?" He threatened blondie boy and even let out an equally scary expression that ultimately, scared the living shit out of blondie boy.

"D-do you think I'm scared of you?" Takeda asked, stuttering in the process. He tried his best to hide his frightened expression with a smirk, however, it was already quite obvious that he is.

"Ohh, don't I scare you? Then maybe I should give you a reason to." He said as he continued pacing towards him. He, then, held Takeda by his collar and raised him high up in the air with just one hand. Both Takeda's feet left the ground. "Maybe this is enough to let you know that I am someone to be feared." He said as he let out yet another devilish smirk.

"I get it! I get it! Please let me go, already!" Takeda exclaimed as he struggled to move away from Tsukamoto's grasp, however, he failed miserably at it. Tsukamoto, then, eyed him as if he was expecting another answer coming from Takeda. "Fine! I won't tell the prefects about Saito-san. Just please let me go." He said which opted Tsukamoto to let go of his collar, dropping him down to the ground.

"Now, scram." He said as he pointed at his back with his thumb. Takeda immediately made a run for it, not even daring to look back. Jeez. Since when did I lose my ability to threaten people like that? Fuck. I really am losing my touch.

"I didn't need your help." I said as I turned my back once again to walk back towards my room. I know I said that I didn't need his help but it was already quite obvious that I did. If he hadn't jumped in on our conversation, things would've went sideways for me.

"You're welcome." He said as he turned his back, as well, opting to walk towards his own designated quarters.

"Why did you even help me?" I asked, before both of us walk on different paths. It was very unlike him to help me out like that so I'm quite curious about his answer.

"Don't get me wrong. I wasn't really trying to help you. I just thought that if you lose your relationship with those girls, then you'd slack off with regards to our plan. I did it for my benefit, not yours." He answered and continued walking towards wherever the fuck he's decided to go to. "You better not slack off." He finished before disappearing out of my line of sight.

That guy... if only time and circumstance were on our side. Maybe we would've been good friends. That's not the case, however, in our current situation. Right now, there's only one thing going on in his mind and that is revenge. As for me, I only have one sole purpose in mind and that is to protect those close to me, as of the moment. Helping him in his quest for vengeance will allow me to do just that. I guess I'm now more inclined in helping him, seeing as he is this serious about it. It's the least I can do for him for saving my skin.

For the quintuplets, Fuutarou-kun, my siblings and most especially... for Suyuki-chan, as well.


I'm really sorry for this very late update. I was really caught up with the whole college life thing and also life in general so I had a hard time finding the right moment to update this story. I'll make it up to you guys by updating this story as early as I can.

Again, I'm really sorry for the late update. Anyways, thank you so much guys for your support through this story. We're quite far off from ending this so I hope you'll be there until the end. As always, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Ja ne.

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