Slender Brothers x Reader One...

By Broken_Samurai_

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Request oneshots with your favorite Slender brothers! I do the main four and will do the others as well! Just... More

Request Page
Offender x Suicidal Non-Binary Reader (Fluff)
Slender x Pregnant Wife Reader (Lemon)
Slight Yandere Slender x Reader
Offender x Wolf Male Reader (BDSM Lemon)
Slender x Insane Fem! Reader (Forced/Stockholmed Lemon)
Splendor x Fem! Reader
Tenderman x Fem! Model Reader (Lemon)
Slender Brothers x Abandoned Fem! Slender Child Reader
Slender x Self Harming Fem Reader
Slender x Offender x Trender x Splendor x Fem! Kitsune Maid Reader (Lemons)
Trender x Gender Neutral Reader
Splendor x Fem! Reader (DDLG Oneshot)
Slenderman x Hunter Reader (BDSM Forced Lemon)
Splendor x Calm Reader (Lemon)
Slender x Male Proxy Reader
Trender x Model/Designer Male Reader
Slender x Disabled Fem! Reader (FORCED Lemon)
Slender x Reader
Splendor x Littlespace Reader
Offender x Shape Shifter BDSM (Lemon)
Slender x Fem! Reader (Lemon)
Male Feline/Neko In Heat Reader/Slender Brothers (Lemon)
Non-Binary Mad Scientist Reader x Splendor
Half-Human/Half-Robot Female Reader x Slender Brothers (Lemon)
Offenderman x Non-Binary Butler Reader (Lemon)
Slenderman x Fem! Alien Reader (Lemon)
Offender x Male Police Officer (Forced Lemon)
Slender x Stolkhom Reader
Splendor x Drider Reader
Slender Brothers x Succubus Reader (Lemon)
Splendor x Lepidopterophobia Female Reader
Offender x PTSD Male Reader
Slenderbrothers x Medusa Reader
Slender x Fem! Reader (Pet Play/Lemon)
Slenderman x Fem! Reader (Forced Lemon)
Splendor x Fem! Reader (Lemon)
Slender x Offender x Fem! Reader (Part Two)
Slender x Guitarist Fem! Reader (Forced Lemon)
Trender x Male Motorcycle Reader
Slender x Childhood Friend Reader
Slender x Infected Reader
Splendor x Fem! Reader
Mafia Slender x Fem! Reader
Slender Brothers x Abandoned Lamia Child Reader
Splendor x Trans Male Reader (Lemon)
Splendor x Queen Xenomorph Reader
Slender x Undercover Wife Reader
Yandere Splendor x Gender Neutral Reader
Slender x Single Mother Reader
Splendor x In Heat Gender Neutral Reader
Yandere Slender Brothers x Female Neko Reader
Slender x Accidental Victim Reader
Slenderman x Abused Reader

Slender x Fem! Reader x Offender (Part One)

4.1K 69 33
By Broken_Samurai_

Y/N smiles at Slender as she rests in his lap reading a book, his attention on his own book as well. Y/N returns her gaze to her novel, her cheeks dusting a slight pink as she continues her romance novel. Despite lack of eyes Slender was watching Y/N as well. He wasn't one for romance novels but Y/N had suggested a few that he actually liked. He liked watching her read them more than anything though. The faces she would make were absolutely adorable and Slender couldn't help falling in love with her all over again.

"Y/N," Slender calls, earning her attention.

"What's up?" She asks him, looking up from her novel.

"You'll never betray me. Right?" He asks her.

"Of course not," She tells him with a smile. "I could never betray you."

"Good. I'd have to kill you," He growls out.

"That's a bit extreme," Y/N laughs, looking up at Slender.

"I don't take betrayals lightly," Slender tells her.

Y/N grimaces at this but nods her head, returning to her novel. She made the promise but she didn't think of the consequences. Slender wasn't the only man she loved. She didn't mean for it to end up this way but it did. Y/N was in love with Slender and his brother Offenderman. Slender had asked her out first but Offender asked next. Y/N couldn't turn down either one. She wasn't meaning to fall for both the brothers but she did and now she was trying to keep her second relationship private. Offender knew Y/N was seeing Slender but Slender didn't know Y/N was also seeing Offender. Slender huffs softly when she returns to her book, gently stroking his fingers through her hair. Y/N smiles softly at this, relaxing into Slender's touch as she continues to read her novel.


"Y/N!" Offender grins, tackling his girlfriend in a tight hug and pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Offender!" Y/N laughs, hugging him with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you. Plus, Slender is out for the day so I thought we could hang out," He explains with a grin. "What do you say?"

"Absolutely!" Y/N smiles, taking his hand and leading him to her room.

They climb into bed and Y/N happily snuggles with Offender, a chuckle leaving his lips. She was absolutely beautiful. He didn't care she was dating his brother as well. He loved her. Besides, his method of killing wasn't exactly faithful so he saw nothing wrong with it. Y/N loved both of them and he wasn't going to ask her to choose just one of them. Offender smiles and presses a kiss to the top of her head. Y/N smiles and tilts her head up, Offender leaning down to give her a kiss. Y/N giggles and wraps her arms around Offender's neck, the two getting into a heated make out session. Offender pulls Y/N into his lap, his hands squeezing her ass as he pulls her close. The two jump back when the slamming of a door interrupts them.

"Sl-Slender?!" Y/N asks in shock, her eyes wide as she bites her lip. "L-Look, I can explain."

"Really? How could you possibly explain cheating on me with my brother?" Slender snarls back.

"It's my fault brother. I came onto her," Offender tries to defend. "Be mad at me, not her."

"I've been standing here for twenty minutes. Try again," Slender snaps.

"Slender, I'm sorry. I meant to talk to you about it. I love both of you and I couldn't choose between the two of you. I'm sorry," Y/N tells him, climbing out of bed and going over to Slender. "Please don't be mad."

"Mad? Oh, I'm not mad. I'm livid!" Slender spits back.

"I'm sorry! Let me explain!" Y/N pleads, latching onto his arm. "Please Slender."

"Remember your promise," Slender growls, gently grabbing Y/N's chin and making her look up at him.

"I know. I know, I'm sorry," Y/N tells him. "Please, just let me help you understand."

"Oh I understand," Slender purrs, holding her cheek before pressing his other hand to her other cheek.

"You do?" Y/N asks in surprise, smiling in relief as she presses into Slender's touch.

"Yes I do," Slender tells her, his muscles tightening before he snaps Y/N's neck, dropping her dead body on the floor.

"SLENDER?!" Offender shouts in shock, rushing over to Y/N. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!"

"I warned her," Slender hisses back. "You're lucky I don't kick you out too brother."

"You didn't have to kill her!" Offender cries, cradling her dead body in his arms. "The fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Oh please. She's just another whore on your long list of names. You'll forget her," Slender snaps, grunting when Offender suddenly punches him.

Slender snarls and the two lunge at one another, grappling on the floor. Offender plays dirty and bites and claws at Slender, Slender punching his brother in return. They wind up trashing the room as they throw furniture at one another, each trying to get the upper hand. Their commotion draws attention, Trender and Splendor coming to diffuse the situation.

"What is going on?!" Trender snaps with an irritated snarl.

"He killed Y/N!" Offender snarls back, squirming against Splendor's hold.

"You did WHAT?!" Splendor cries, his eyes widening when he sees Y/N's dead body.

"What the hell Slender?!" Trender snaps.

"She promised not to betray me. She's been seeing Offender behind my back. I've simply followed through on my promise," Slender tells them.

Slender's three brothers are in complete shock at this, none of them knowing what to really do. Slender was volatile, everyone knew this. They just never expected him to do something quite like this! What were they going to tell the others? They would wonder what happened. Do they say it was a freak accident?! She ran into demons maybe. Something other than Slender killing her because who knew how the pastas would react to Slender killing one of his own. Offender is the first to move, scooping Y/N's lifeless body in his arms and teleporting. If Slender had eyes he'd be rolling them. He warned her. So much drama over one measly creature. It was obnoxious in his opinion. His brothers teleport away and to Offender. Y/N's body is laying in his arms as he cries, Trender and Splendor kneeling beside him and placing comforting hands on his shoulder.

"It will be okay brother," Splendor says gently. "We'll miss her but we move on. We've been doing it for centuries."

"But I could have had her for the future centuries! I hate Slender! I HATE him!" Offender screams, his body shaking as he cries. "I just want her back."

"I'm sorry Offender. Once a pasta dies they're gone. It's like they just disappear," Trender tells his brother. "They probably go to limbo, never really passing on."

"I'm going to kill him," Offender hisses getting to his feet.

His brothers grab him immediately but Offender doesn't teleport. Instead he stands in surprise when a letter falls out if Y/N's pocket. He lays her on a bed of roses before picking up the note and reading it.

"My dearest loves. I hope this letter finds you well. If you've found it that means I'm no longer here. I know hiding my relationship between the two of you is wrong and I'm sorry for that. I just love you both so much. Slender, I never meant to betray you. My heart just has room for others and I had hoped yours would too. You're probably the one who killed me but that's okay. I messed up. I made a mistake and for that I'm sorry. I don't know if you'll ever find it in your heart to forgive me but I hope someday you do."

"Offender, my dearest Offender. Please do not weep over my absence. I played a dangerous game and simply lost, but that's okay. This year with you has been amazing. You're always to attentive and patient. There's someone out there for you. Someone who can love you and only you. I'm sorry to break your heart but you're strong. I know you can get through this. Lay my body to rest in my favorite place. May as well be content after passing on right?"

"Tell them all it was Zalgo who killed me. I got a little too confident and I paid the price for it. I don't know if they'll believe but don't tell them the true cause of my death. They'd probably hate me for it and that's okay but I don't want them to hate either one of you. I made a mistake and paid the price but that's okay. I got to see both of you one last time before it all ended."

Offender crumples the letter in his hand as harder sobs leave him, Splendor gently taking the note to look it over. Trender rubs Offender's back, not knowing how he could comfort his brother.

"She knew she was going to die?" Splendor questions.

"She was ready to tell Slender the truth. Reveal that she loved two creatures instead of one. I never thought Slender would kill her for it. I thought we could talk it out but he acted instantly. I guess she knew it was possible she'd lose her life." Offender manages to get out.

"Slender does have quite the temper. Hopefully this letter will calm him even just a little," Trender sighs. "We'll gather the pastas together. Offender, wrap her in roses. I don't want anyone to witness her dead face. We can present a picture so that's the last thing they see."

Offender nods and carefully wraps vines around Y/N until she's complete covered, growing roses after.

Offender manages to get calm enough to move again. He gently picks up Y/N's body and the three brothers return to Slender mansion. Everyone rushes outside when Trender tells everyone telepathically. The pastas are in shock as Offender holds Y/N's body. Slender follows everyone but stands at a distance. She deserved to be buried some place where it's nothing but shit in his opinion. She didn't deserve a proper burial. His brothers are quick to make arrangements and we all come together to mourn her loss. A few are angry, actually believing it was Zalgo who had killed her. He didn't care if they knew. It would be a lesson not to cross him.

Offender cries for days after burying Y/N in her favorite place, hiding away in his bedroom with no light. Slender goes on like normal but there's a small part of him that aches. There's some part of him that is mourning too. A part of him hated himself for killing her. She was his too. He loved her too. Still, he shoves those feelings back, ignoring the ache in his chest. He had no time for such trivial things. He had a mansion to run and a forest to protect. He'd probably let loose on some unsuspecting campers. That'll keep him nice and distracted.

The pastas mourn the loss of one of their own. Some believed the story and others were unsure. She would never be so reckless, everyone knew this. She would never take in Zalgo alone.....but, there's nothing they can do and say. If the Slender brothers wanted to hide her death then they respect that for Offender's sake. They're surprised when Slender doesn't mourn, everyone wondering what happened to make him so indifferent to her death. Did he not love her? Were they fighting? No one was sure but a seed of hatred settles in their hearts. If Slender didn't care for the one creature who loved him did he even care about the rest of them?

They try to keep the seed outside. Trying desperately not to hate Slender but it's still there. In their voices, sometimes in their actions, the feeling of hatred was there. They would mourn each other, that's what Y/N and everyone deserved. They all banded together and would visit her grave, bringing fresh flowers and just sitting and talking to her. They weren't sure if she could hear them but they all hoped she could.

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