Harmony Bond (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Harry is rescued from the Dursleys by the Grangers, but they first time they touch, both Harry and Hermione c... More

Chapter 1: Soul Bond
Chapter 2: Last Day of School
Chapter 3: Meet the Parents
Chapter 4: At Home with the Grangers
Chapter 5: Summertime
Chapter 6: Felixstowe
Chapter 7: A Talk with Sirius
Chapter 8: Confronting Dumbledore
Chapter 9: Grimmauld Place
Chapter 10: Umbridge and the Founders
Chapter 11: Disclosure
Chapter 12: Alliances
Chapter 13: A Meeting Among Friends
Chapter 14: The Wizengamot
Chapter 15: Trainings
Chapter 16: Christmas Holidays
Chapter 17: A Snake in the House
Chapter 18: French Connections
Chapter 19: Training and Planning
Chapter 21: Horcrux Hunt
Chapter 22: Political Maneuvering
Chapter 23: Duel
Chapter 24: Magical Fire
Chapter 25: Recovery
Chapter 26: Snake Hunting
Chapter 27: Wrapping Fifth Year
Chapter 28: Druimoor
Chapter 29: A Plan Takes Shape
Chapter 30: Planning and Preparing
Chapter 31: Training
Chapter 32: Battle
Chapter 33: Aftermath
Chapter 34: Epilogue

Chapter 20: A Veela Cleansing

1.3K 42 1
By MarkyGalagate

The next couple of weeks proceeded with boring normality as the Potters schedule of classes, defense training, homework and Quidditch continued. As March dawned and the month continued, more snow melted off and a bit of the chill started to receded, making practices more enjoyable.

The normality was broken on the evening of March 8th when Harry was sitting in the library with most of his friends after dinner. Suddenly his scar was on fire and his head felt like it was being ripped open. Hermione cried out briefly, feeling his pain and all his friends stood around him, shielding him. As Madam Pince came hurrying over to confront them about the noise, a fierce look from both Blaise and Ginny stopped her in her tracks. Harry felt Hermione and tried to put up a shield to block her from the pain. She did the same from her side, but it didn't block everything. She saw flashes of the images that Harry was seeing. The Dark Lord was angry and a man lay on the floor, writhing under the cruciatus. Then the cold voice of Voldemort could be heard.

'Rodolphus, you disappoint me. I put that cup in yours and Bella's keeping. Retrieving it should have been simple.'

Voldemort stopped the curse and the man looked up, blood dribbling from a corner of his mouth.

'My lord…I...I'm s…orry. I sent m…my nephew, with my signature…authorizing his access of the vault, but…but the goblins refused to recognize the autho…rization since I'm a fugitive.'

'You fool! You shouldn't have trusted those animals with something so valuable. You should have foreseen this. When I take my rightful place, I will rid this world of them! Now, I think you should be taught a lesson. Perhaps that little village you adore so much that fills your childhood memories would be good for some practice.'

Voldemort began laughing and images invaded Harry's mind of a village that he knew would be the next target. He clung to any detail and Hermione dropped a bit of her barrier, fighting the pain that Harry was feeling and trying to remember everything. Finally, Voldemort's emotions settled and Harry was able to break the connection. He had bitten his lip and blood was dripped down his chin. Hermione wrapped her arms around him while Neville handed him a handkerchief. Harry was weak and hurting, so Hermione took control.

"Ron, we need to go see the headmaster. We'll explain later. Can you please gather our books and take them to the common room. We'll be back in a bit."

Ron nodded and everyone made way as Hermione finished cleaning Harry up and supported him as they hobbled out of the library. His head was still throbbing and she was trying to help him dull the pain. They arrived at the headmaster's office a couple minutes later and the door swung open. Hermione figured the gargoyle must have warned him. Dumbledore took one look at them and stepped forward, looking concerned. Hermione answered before he could ask.

"Headmaster, Harry had another vision. He's gotten quite good at blocking Voldemort, but he's tired and Voldemort was very angry. I saw some of it, but he put up a barrier to protect me. Voldemort had Rodolphus Lestrange under the cruciatus. He was angry that Rodolphus couldn't get a cup from the Lestrange vault. The cup must be very important with how angry he was. Anyway, he's going to take revenge by going after a village. I only saw a flash of it."

Harry nodded and forced himself to sit in an offered chair and tell what he saw.

"…the village…summer…it's a place Lestrange went in summer. He likes it a lot. Voldemort…saw it in his mind. He has to cross water to it…maybe island. Coast with trees and cliffs. I tried to…to see the name. Something B. Wait…black…something Black. The Blacks? Sorry, that's all I have. But he's attacking soon."

Dumbledore's look became fierce as he pulled out a mirror and began talking to someone. It sounded like Kingsley. Then he went to the floo and made a call. Mad-Eye stepped out and conferred with Dumbledore for a minute before crossing over to Harry.

"Harry, I know your head's pounding boy, but I need you to focus. I've studied the files on all the Death Eaters. The Lestranges were allies of the Blacks for centuries. There's an old Black castle and farm called Blackgang on Wight. The area used to be all magical, but muggles took a liking to it for vacations. Is that it?"

"Blackgang? Yes! Island. Please."

"We got it. You rest now boy. Albus, I've got the Order. You update Shack."

Dumbledore pulled out his mirror again and then looked to Hermione. She nodded and took hold of Harry, knowing they had done all they could. She led him to the hospital wing, where Madam Pomfrey healed his lip. She wanted to keep him, but Hermione insisted he would rest easier in their apartment. The healer gave her the pain potion and she took Harry back and tucked him in bed, gave him the pain potion and then curled up next to him until she felt him relax. Once she knew the potion had him well asleep, she left for the Gryffindor common room. Gathering all their Gryffindor friends, that still left Luna, Susan and Blaise. With at least one ally from each of the houses, she resolved that they needed to find a better way to summon everyone. Instead, she only told their Gryffindor friends that Harry's vision was being acted on and that she would update everyone later. She then collected hers and Harry's books and left to return to Harry. She studied for a while, hoping for news, but finally decided to go to bed as the night grew late. She didn't really sleep, but she curled up around Harry and rested some.

Shortly before three in the morning, Hermione was woken by a gentle nudge and turned over to see Dobby.

"Lady Potter, the headmaster has returned. He requests you in his office. Lord Potter as well if he is able."

"Mmhmm, I'm here Dobby. We'll come."

They dressed quickly and then Dobby took hold of them and apparated them directly to the headmaster's office. Dumbledore looked tired and had a patch of salve on his cheek, but otherwise looked alright. Moody was there as well and didn't look any worse than he usually did. Harry and Hermione rushed further into the room, eager for news. They paused and took the seats that Dumbledore gestured to.

"Hello Harry. I thought the two of you would like an update as soon as possible. I'm sorry it took a while, we've been quite busy. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I've rested."

Dumbledore nodded. He could tell they were eager and continued without further delay.

"Very good. Now, I and many others have to thank you for your warning. The Order and a squad of Aurors arrived in Blackgang within minutes of each other. Although we knew the town from the records on the Lestranges, we didn't have many details on the town itself. All appeared well, but then we found a local policeman who was 'persuaded' to let us listen to his radio. Two groups of Death Eaters focused on a group of farms on the edge of town, as well as a local amusement park that was having some kind of party. We split and managed to confront both quickly. A total of approximately sixty Death Eaters were spread between the two locations. Fourteen are now dead. Another nineteen were captured. The others portkeyed away when things started to go badly. It seems this was a simple raid with no clear goal except murder and mayhem. Sixteen muggles were killed, another thirty or so are injured. Two are missing and may have been grabbed and taken when the Death Eaters activated the portkeys. Also, two Aurors were killed. The Order sustained several injuries. Remus was treated and released. Elphias will be in St. Mungo's for a few days. All told, it could have been worse without the warning. I know the vision was horrible for you, but it saved lives tonight."

Harry took a moment to absorb the information. Eighteen dead. Eighteen that he couldn't help.

Don't Harry, this is not your fault. Think of what would have happened without the warning. The Isle of Wight is remote enough that a response would have taken a while.

Dumbledore seemed to read the emotions crossing Harry's face and looked at him as Hermione wrapped him in her arms.

"Harry, do not lay any guilt on yourself. Quite the contrary. At the houses, there were around a hundred people who were being attacked. Only two died. At the amusement park, there were nearly five hundred. It could have been much worse."

Harry nodded and thanked the headmaster for the update. Moody gave them a few more specifics on the methods of the attacks and it seemed that the Death Eaters fought much as Tonks had warned them, straightforward, but deadly. Few of them moved and most of them had a set arsenal of spells that they didn't deviate from. Of course, none of Voldemort's inner circle were spotted, but the foot soldiers at least weren't very inventive. Once they were done discussing the events, Harry and Hermione had Dobby pop them back to their apartment. Sleep was elusive for a while, but using their meditation techniques, they eventually drifted off, comforted in each other's arms.

The next morning when all the friends gathered to work out, Harry detailed his vision and what happened after. Then Hermione updated everyone on what the outcome was. While the mood was somber, everyone was glad that Harry's pain at least seemed to have been valuable. Then they all began to run and fell back into a comforting routine.

That evening, as he and Hermione prepared for bed, Harry finally decided to discuss something that had been weighing on his mind. He had tried to block it from Hermione, but pieces had leaked through. She knew that when he was ready, he would talk. She knew how serious he was when he actually vocalized his thoughts.

"Hermione, I've been thinking about my vision and the ritual. I hate carrying around this damn horcrux, but it came in handy. If we're successful at banishing it, then we won't be getting any more warnings."

"No Harry, we will be successful. And I've thought the same thing, but I think if we left the horcrux in place, we grant Voldemort a small victory, even if just for a time. We can't let that bit of him live any longer. Just think, this is one step toward stopping him for good and saving thousands of lives. Yes, others may die before then, but you need to keep the big picture in view."

Harry nodded. He knew she was right, but as the time grew nearer, doubts invaded his thoughts.

The following week was the last leading up to the ritual. Both Harry and Hermione were nervous, but there was nothing else they could do. Defense classes with Tonks continued their gradual escalation as Tonks focused on refinement of skill and speed, emphasizing that the Death Eaters in Blackgang had been anything but speedy. Everyone was eager to learn new and fancier spells, but she insisted that having an entire spellbook wouldn't help without speed and accuracy. She focused on working them to exhaustion and making the spell casting so ingrained that it required little to no conscious thought. Her lesson on March 13th focused on making themselves moving targets, while insisting that each one of the group maintain their own accuracy. Spin, dive, cast, roll, jump, cast, duck, cast and repeat became common as Tonks paced the room, stinging random targets who missed or didn't move fast enough. By the end of the class, Harry was thinking that a week to relax with the veela might be welcome. Then again, he didn't know what the purification ritual entailed. He and Hermione had advised Tonks that they would be gone for the week, with little detail why. She could tell they were serious, and since Harry only said it was 'house business', she didn't press.

The morning of the 15th dawned and Harry and Hermione trained as usual with their friends, then cleaned up and went to breakfast before floo'ing to Gringotts at eight. Once there, they collected a chest of 10,000 galleons that Silverstaff had waiting for them. Once it was shrunk and lightened, they waited for their portkey that whisked them to France at a quarter past the hour. They landed in the foyer of Chateau Delacour and Apolline was waiting.

"Good morning my friends. I am ready to begin our travels, unless you have any additional questions?"

Harry and Hermione both shook their heads and Apolline nodded.

"Very well. Before we begin, I have amulets for you both. The valley where my sisters reside has heavy enchantments to repel all but veela. These will nullify the effect. Now, we have a long day of travel. We will floo, then catch a bus and then we will have a long hike. The mountains are still chilly as spring has not quite bloomed, do you both have jackets?"

Once Apolline was reassured that they were well supplied as they had previously discussed, Harry and Hermione put on the amulets and she led them to the floo. She took them each by a hand as the floo was quite large and they stepped through to the inn in Tournemire. Their arrival was noted by a couple, but a quick notice-me-not charm made them forgettable as they exited the small inn and walked across the village. The bus to Le Fau arrived twenty minutes later and the ride was quiet as they each watched the view and spoke little. The mountain scenery was quite spectacular as the bus gained altitude, climbing the narrow road. When they reached the small village and climbed off the bus, the chill caused everyone to reach for their jackets. Even with thick jumpers, the wind still cut through. They left the village and began the hike up the mountain. It wasn't long before both Harry and Hermione were glad for their regular workouts. Apolline was in excellent shape and handled the thinning mountain air with no trouble, setting a steady pace. They hiked for a couple hours, taking several forks and following her as the trail became virtually invisible. Finally they reached the overlook down into the valley and stopped to take in the view. It was Hermione who commented first.

"Wow. It's beautiful."

"Yes. This is the home of my sisters for a millennia. This enclave was founded as a refuge away from men who would wish to use us. Other tribes of veela have similar places around the world. As you see, on the valley floor are the farms that provide most of the food that we need, as well as pastures for the animals. The buildings you see are all barns or workshops though. My sisters do not live on the valley floor. If you look across, you will see the cliffs that are dotted with caves. That is where my sisters reside. Now, while we can walk down and across, it will take many hours. From this point, we will fly. Do not be alarmed, I am about to transform. I believe you brought brooms with you?"

Harry pulled his shrunken broom out of his bag and cancelled the spell, allowing it to expand to full size. As he did so, Apolline transformed and he and Hermione both stood, staring in awe at the fearsome bird that replaced her lithe form. Then the bird took flight and Harry mounted the broom, steadied it, and then helped Hermione on. She hated brooms, but knew it was necessary now. She clung to Harry as he launched and followed Apolline. They flew for over an hour before finally approaching the cliffs, aiming for a large cave. Apolline landed gracefully and had transformed back by the time they touched down. She turned to them as Harry helped Hermione off the broom.

"Welcome to the home of my sisters. Come, we are due to meet the matriarch who has been awaiting your arrival."

Harry took Hermione's hand as they followed Apolline through the tunnels of the cave that were surprisingly well lit by regularly spaced, glowing baskets. After one turn, they arrived at a pair of bronze doors. Apolline knocked and the doors swung open to reveal a large, vaulted chamber. Although the walls and ceiling were stone, they featured small crystals embedded in the rock. The glow baskets from the halls were larger and suspended from the ceiling, causing the whole space to sparkle. The entire floor was covered in a large rug that at first glance looked Persian, but then they noticed the design was much more intricate. Following Apolline's lead, they left their shoes at the entrance and found slippers in various sizes. After finding ones that fit, she led them across the room to a sunken area. There, an elderly woman with snow white hair and ice blue eyes was waiting for them. She smiled and they instantly felt warm as she reached out her hands in welcome. Harry and Hermione stepped forward and they both felt it was only right to show deference to this lady as they each bowed upon reaching her. She reached and touched them both on the shoulder as her melodic voice resonated through the chamber.

"Come now children, there is no need for formality, although I appreciate the gesture. Welcome to my home, I am Rhea. Welcome home as well my dear Apolline. Now, I know your journey has been long. Let me offer you sustenance and we can talk further."

Harry and Hermione followed Rhea to a low table around which were arranged a number of seating cushions. The center of table had a number of dishes arranged with a variety of fruit, a vegetable soup, bread and cheeses. Apolline joined them as well and their nervousness left them as Rhea set an easygoing tone for the meal as she deftly maneuvered the conversation to learn more about them. She also provided a few details of what to expect over the next few days. They discovered that, as part of the purification, that night would be their last together for a week and then they would be separated. When Rhea mentioned this, they both grew nervous again and Harry had to interject a comment.

"Rhea, we appreciate everything you are doing for us, but is it really necessary that we be separated? We haven't been apart longer than a few hours since our bond settled. In the beginning we couldn't be apart longer than a few minutes without pain and fatigue."

"Hmm, yes, this was suspected and we believe we can counter the effect. Soul bonds are unique, but my people have worked with them before. The two of you are the first soul bonded that I have personally met, but our sibyl and healers are familiar with the issue."

Harry nodded, knowing that he had to accept it. Everything would be worth the cost if he could be rid of the piece of Voldemort's soul. Hermione fed him similar sentiments through their bond as the conversation diverged again.

Once their late lunch was complete, Rhea talked with Apolline for a moment and then excused herself. Apolline guided the Potters through a number of tunnels into another series of caves and led them to a room that had been assigned to them. Although they were in caves, they never felt cold and the use of rugs and textiles made the room feel cozy. Attached to it was a bath with all the necessities, including a steaming bath, a copper pipe that fed cold water into a carved stone basin, and a carved toilet that carried waste somewhere else. Apolline noticed their curiosity and smiled.

"Our sisterhood is quite modern in our conveniences. We are aided in this by the fact that our caves have a natural source of geothermal heat for water and keeping our homes warm. The fresh water is captured rain water fed from cisterns in caves above us. The waste utilizes gravity as well and is funneled to the bottom of the cave system to a series of vats where it is treated with a special mushroom that we cultivate that helps with the breakdown of the waste. The system is quite efficient."

"Well, the room is quite cozy Apolline. We appreciate the hospitality of the sisterhood. I'm glad though that you guided us. I'm afraid I would have gotten lost on my own."

"Of course Hermione. While you are both with us, you will always have an escort. Navigating the caves only comes naturally if you are born here. Also, you will find that some of my younger sisters will be quite curious about you. Outsiders have not seen our valley in nearly half a millennium. There will be a welcoming feast later tonight, then tomorrow the purification rituals will begin. You will be awakened at dawn, when the two of you will then need to separate. I will be nearby, but I am not as familiar with the rituals and you will each be assigned to a guide for the process. Now, if you like, I can give you a bit more of tour?"

"That sounds wonderful Apolline. First, one more question. When would be a good time to present our gift? At the feast? Is there a proper way that it should be presented?"

"Yes, the feast would be an appropriate time. Rituals are important in some things, but there is no proper way for gifts. After the meal concludes, I would recommend you offer it to the matriarch at that time."

Harry nodded and Apolline led them out of the room and to a lower series of caves. The lower network contained a number of workshops, producing all the necessary items for the community. There were workshops for weaving, tanning and wordworking. There was also a large communal kitchen that was busy with preparations for the welcoming feast. On the bottom level, there were workshops for a blacksmith and even a glassblower, with those trades arranged in an area where they could access the geothermal heat easily. Harry found it a bit unusual to see only women and to be the only man in the community, but every one of the sisters was focused on her tasks.

Once they reached the ground level of the cave system, they exited out to the valley floor and were shown the dairy. They had already enjoyed a couple of the delicious local cheeses and appreciated the fine quality that was produced. From there they passed the pig stalls and then crossed through some fields, with Apolline pointing out what different crops were currently in season. Finally, they reached the orchards that lined the edge of the valley. Through the orchards ran a stream that curled through some fields and Apolline indicated that the stream provided a ready supply of fish throughout most of the year. It was fascinating to see how the community managed to provide a large percentage of what it needed in a most efficient manner.

As they walked back to the caves, Hermione posed a couple questions and Apolline advised that the community included nearly six hundred, including about seventy minors. Veela were long lived and had to leave the community to find mates for children, so the daughters were cherished by all. They were considered children until the age of thirteen, when they became novices for three years. At sixteen, they were given full adult status in the community. It was all quite fascinating to the Potters and the time went quickly while they toured. By the time Apolline delivered them back at their room, they had only forty minutes to prepare before the feast that evening.

Harry and Hermione dressed in their finest robes with the Potter crest and were ready when Apolline arrived, wearing an elaborate dress in shades of cream and gold. Harry had the shrunken chest of gold under his arm and offered his other arm to his wife as they followed Apolline through the twisted passages. Their route took them gradually higher until they reached a large, silver door embossed with a fanciful forest scene done in elaborate detail. The door swung open when they approached and they were led into a large hall lit with crystal lanterns set above nine long tables. One table was set higher than the rest and Rhea was already seated with a group of twelve other older veela around her. Harry was led to one side of Rhea, while Hermione sat on the other side. She turned to each of them and greeted them before then introducing the council of elders, the additional twelve dining at their table. Conversation with the different elder veela was light as the rest of the hall filled up quickly as the sisterhood joined them. A group of young veela were the last to enter the hall and came bearing floating platters, tureens and dishes of food. As soon as all the food was arranged on the tables, the veela who had brought it seated themselves at different tables. Then Rhea lifted a tureen of vegetables high above her head in an apparent signal to begin. With that, the hall began to buzz as food was passed and conversations began.

Harry and Hermione were offered each dish first and the wealth of food was spectacular. A large roast was the center, flanked by vegetables prepared in a variety of ways. Potatoes came accompanied with a rich cheese sauce and bread was served with the creamiest butter they had ever tasted. Each offering seemed better than the last as they enjoyed the feast and talked easily with everyone. Once everyone was well stuffed, the young veela who had delivered the food stood in silent union and cleared the dishes. As they passed through the doors, another group brought a new selection of dishes and platters with an array of cakes, sweets, custards and pies. By the end, Hermione wondered how her robes were even managing to fit anymore. Once the dessert dishes were gathered, the crowd grew quiet as Rhea stood to address the hall.

"Good evening my sisters. Now that we have taken our repast, I wish to formally introduce you to the guests that you have all heard about. They will be residing with us for a week and come to do battle against evil using our ancient arts. While the details I may share are limited, I ask for your welcome to them throughout this time. This is a momentous occasion for us to welcome outsiders and the times are bleak that would call for this action. We are hopeful that our actions will meet with success. I am pleased now to introduce Lord Harry James Potter and his bride, Lady Hermione Jean Potter."

Rhea looked over at them and Harry stood, giving Hermione his hand. He hadn't been prepared for a speech and was unsure what was expected when he suddenly had an idea to propose to his wife while the assembled crowd clapped politely.

Hermione, I wasn't prepared to speak. I wonder though, given that this is a matriarchy, perhaps I will yield to you for a brief statement and to present our gift.

Hmm, yes, I think that may be a good idea. You'll owe me for taking this for you.

Harry chuckled mentally as Hermione waited for the clapping to die down before she addressed the hall.

"Thank you everyone for the welcome. And an especial thanks to the matriarch and elders for their hospitality and assistance with most grave matters. My husband and I are aware of what a unique opportunity has been offered to us and we are hopeful that our time here will foster an understanding between our peoples. While this hospitality has been offered without reserve, it is our desire to show our gratitude in a more tangible manner. Earlier today, we were kindly shown around and realize that most everything the sisterhood needs is supplied among yourselves. Even so, there may be occasions where dealing with the outside is necessary. I hope that our small gift may assist in that regard."

Hermione smiled at Harry and he placed the shrunken chest on the table. Then he tapped it with his wand and it expanded to full size. He stepped back and gave a bare nod to Rhea, who stepped forward to open the chest. She controlled herself well, but he saw the faint glimmer of surprise. That was followed by a full smile as she turned to them both and spoke loudly so that the hall could hear.

"My lord and lady, this is indeed generous and much appreciated. I too hope this week will help to foster a greater understanding between us."

Rhea then turned to dismiss the hall and everyone filed out in an orderly manner. Apolline approached the table of elders and paused, waiting for her signal. Rhea gestured to her and she came up to stand by Hermione. They all said good night to the elders and Apolline escorted them from the hall.

Once they were a short distance out of the hall, Apolline finally broke the silence as she turned to Hermione.

"You both did excellent. I hadn't realized that the feast was going to include the entire sisterhood with the novices serving. That is a rare honor. And the decision for you to make the presentation instead of Harry was well thought. You've made quite an impression."

"Well, that was Harry's last minute decision. We're glad that it went well. We really can't repay the sisterhood enough for what you all are doing."

Apolline smiled and then they reached their room and she turned to look at them.

"I will leave you for tonight. I will return at dawn with two of my sisters and your purification rituals will begin. From that time you will be separated until the full moon and will be in other quarters. Good evening."

The door closed and Harry and Hermione immediately began to shed their dress robes. Hermione was wearing a simple dress underneath and her husband came up behind her to nuzzle her neck. Feeling his arousal, both physically and mentally, she turned to him and began kissing him earnestly before pulling back with a smirk.

I suppose since we're going to be separated, we should make the most of this night…

Exactly my idea. I don't know how I'm going to stand a week away from you.

Well, Apolline seems to think her sisters have a way.

Harry was still doubtful, but decided not to use their limited time worrying. Instead, he turned his attention to undressing his wife. As her dress fell, she discarded his shirt. When he began to fondle her breasts, she dropped his pants and wasted no time freeing his erection from its confinement. As Harry's fingers suddenly plunged into her, Hermione gasped and he lowered her to the bed. Then he was on his knees, eager to taste her. He skillfully brought her to the edge, only to leave her gasping as he kicked his shorts off his last leg and then leaned over to slowly enter her as he nibbled her neck and tweaked a nipple. Hermione gasped, already close from his early work, and she came suddenly with a small yelp, digging her fingers into his bum as she quested to have him bury himself deeper. Taking the hint, he shifted his position and pulled her tight to him. The position meant that he had to stop his work on her neck, so instead he focused on setting an insistent rhythm as she crested again and begged him to join her. Eyes locked, they moved in tandem, feeling and seeking the other's climax. Each small change in rhythm and position was adjusted until they felt their mutual peak approach. With two more hard thrusts, Harry came at the same time as Hermione. Their gasps and seizing were in mutual union as well as they let their orgasms roll through their bond, intensifying to near painful levels before finally reaching a final climax. As they both collapsed, Harry stayed as long as he could and only slipped from the body of his soul mate as they both succumbed to slumber.

They woke sometime later and joined once more without words, making love in a manner that only a bond as deep as theirs would allow. Their climax sent them both into a deep sleep that was only broken by a chiming that seemed to resonate from the walls. A quick tempus showed that it was quite early in the morning, but they both figured it was a signal and rose with yawn as they made their way to the wonderful geothermal fueled bath. They had just finished cleaning and dressed in simple clothes when a knock sounded to announce the arrival of Apolline with two of her sisters.

"Good morning Harry. Let me introduce Malee, who will be taking you to your new chambers. And Hermione, this is Nina, who will be your guide for the next week. Starting this morning, your purification for the ritual begins and you will not see each other until the full moon."

Harry took a deep breath and turned to Hermione, pulling her close. They didn't kiss, but instead rested their foreheads together and traded thoughts of their love and bond. When they pulled apart, it was difficult, but then Nina took Hermione by the arm and led her away. With a sigh, Harry turned to Malee and nodded. She smiled and gestured for him to follow. After a final goodbye to Apolline, Harry went in the opposite direction that Hermione had left.

Harry followed Malee for a few minutes, twisting and winding as they gradually ascended a couple levels. Soon they were in a sparse chamber with little decoration, except a ring of runes around center of the space. The chamber wasn't large, but featured a bed, wardrobe, desk and two padded chairs. To one side of the chamber was a door that he would find out later led to a simply appointed bath. There was a feeling of palpable magic in the air and Harry wondered if the runes were the reason. His observations were cut short as Malee spoke for the first time.

"Lord Potter, your breakfast will arrive shortly. In the meantime, please change into the provided clothing. All of your own things will stay in the chamber we just left. During this week, everything you need will be prepared carefully and provided."

"I see, um, thank you."

"Thanks are not necessary. We all serve our roles. I have only a general idea of the reason for this purification, but I know that it is a step toward fighting the evil in your country and that is reason enough. I will be leaving now, but will return in ten minutes."

Harry nodded and went to the wardrobe. Inside were seven white silk outfits. Each were identical and contained pants and a shirt. On the shelf below were a stack of seven white silk shorts. He discarded his clothing and put on the shorts, followed by pants and shirt. It felt a bit strange to be wearing the soft material, but he figured he would get used to it. He then went and sat in a chair to wait. Precisely ten minutes later, Malee returned with a breakfast tray. On the tray was a bowl of berries, a small loaf of seasoned bread and a glass of water. It looked simple, but Harry figured that this was all part of the purification process. This was confirmed when Malee spoke.

"Your meal this morning consists of pure fruit and bread seasoned with cleansing herbs. The water is from our sacred well and contains additional minerals for balancing your body. Now, before you partake, it will be helpful to have you center yourself. I sense a block on your mind, so I believe you may have some knowledge in the working of the mind. Please sit and let us center…"

Malee gestured to one of the chairs and Harry sat again, while she sat across from him. He took a moment to perform his centering exercises and then Malee reached and took both his hands. She chanted lightly and he fell deeper into his calm center. How long he remained there, he was unsure. He only realized that Malee had pulled her hands from his and moved the table with food over in front of him. He opened his eyes enough to see the food, but remained calm as he placidly began to take each bite slowly. The berries were sweet, but the herbs on the bread were bitter. He recognized an unfamiliar taste in the water, but found it quite satisfying. He ate methodically and finished all the food. Malee had remained quiet throughout and then stood and looked down on him. She produced a small pouch from a pocket of her robes and rubbed a strangely scented paste from this forehead down to the tip of his nose. Harry was still partially suspended in his meditation as he took her next instructions.

"Stay here now and meditate on your center. One will come for you in a time."

Harry nodded and refocused on deepening his meditation again, with only a passing thought for Hermione, wondering what was happening for her.

On the same level of the elaborate cave system, Hermione was undergoing a near identical ritual, although she found the centering to take a bit longer. Her logical mind kept trying to analyze and catalog everything that was happening, from the unusual runes in her cavern to what herbs were used for her breakfast. Gradually she quieted as she tried to meditate on her center.

Harry stayed in his state for the next four hours. His trance was interrupted only when Malee returned with a much older woman. He was still dazed as he smiled and tried to offer a proper greeting, only to be silenced by a gesture and a smile.

"No welcome is necessary my young lord. I am Tara, a shaman of my people. The chumlish has aided your meditation and you are well centered. Now it is time for the next step. I have prepared a cleansing bath for you. Please discard your clothing and follow me."

Harry was in a calm enough state that he didn't question. He stood and removed the three articles of clothing, laying them carefully on the bed. Then he followed Tara to the bath. The tub was steaming and oils had been added that perfumed the air. He followed her gesture and stepped into the steaming liquid. He submerged to his shoulders as Tara chanted over him, waving a bough of woven flora over him. Then she reached and placed a hand on his shoulder. With gentle pressure, he took the hint and took a deep breath before letting himself be submerged. After a few seconds under the water, he was pulled up. The process was repeated a total of seven times as Tara continued chanting. Then she took him by the hand and led him out of the bath, handing him a thick woolen towel as he exited. He dried as she watched and then followed her back to the main chamber. When she indicated, he dressed again and then turned to see that Malee had arrived back with his mid-day meal. This time it was a seasoned vegetable soup. He ate while Tara watched and, when the last bite was done, she took him by the hand and led him out of the chamber.

They walked only a short distance to another chamber. This one was a bit larger, but with a low ceiling decorated in crystals. A ring of runes glowed from the floor and six more of the sisterhood awaited them. Harry followed Tara's example and bowed as he entered the room. Then he went to sit in the center of the circle as Tara began to chant over him and he slipped back into a meditative state. Over the next several hours, the seven elders chanted over him as he sat unmoving in their center. Late in the afternoon, Tara rose and summoned him from his center before leaving the room with him following behind. He was led back to his own chamber and she turned and spoke directly to him for the first time in hours.

"My young lord, you have done well for your first day. The rituals are complete for this day, but I ask that you keep your meditation while I give you something to study. There are parchments on the desk that detail the origins of the magic that we will work on the full moon. These have been translated to your language especially for you. Please study and meditate on them. I will see you on the morrow."

Tara left and Harry crossed to the desk. While the parchment contained quite a bit of English, the meat of the ritual utilized runes and Harry was glad that he had been working with Hermione to catch up in the class. Still, he knew that understanding the complex ritual would be difficult. Thinking of his wife, he realized suddenly that he hadn't talked to her mentally all day. Feeling for her, he felt a soft thrumming that he recognized as her touch, but their communication was severed. He had been so involved in the ritual throughout the day that he hadn't realized. He supposed it was part of the veela magic, but it was disconcerting once he realized. He carefully focused back on his center and calmed himself before continuing to study the parchments that had been left for him.

In another chamber not far away, Hermione had realized that their connection was severed a few hours earlier. The elders had helped to calm her and she had managed to focus on her meditation again, but she still was left a bit uneasy. As the seven elders assigned to her chanted over her, she gradually calmed. Later, once she was presented with the details on the ritual, she found herself distracted by the fascinating study and found it a bit easier to set aside her disconnect from Harry.

Both Harry and Hermione studied and meditated until seven in the evening, when their guides each arrived with identical dinners. Harry looked down on the cornmeal cake, squash stuffed with a rice blend, salad sprinkled with herbs, and a baked and spiced apple and realized that all meat and dairy had been eliminated for the entire day. He wondered if the same would continue for the week, but figured it would be a small price to pay. He ate heartily and Malee appeared as soon as he finished. The food had all tasted fine, but it never filled him up and he was still quite hungry, but she didn't appear to be offering him anything else.

Before she gathered the dinner tray, Malee asked him to stand and remove all but his shorts. Harry did as requested and she stepped forward with another pouch and proceeded to outline figures on his chest and arms. His arms began to grow heavy as a tiredness enveloped him. She led him to the bathroom where he emptied his bladder before letting her lead him to the bed. She pulled the covers aside and he gratefully inserted himself between the soft sheets. By the time Malee exited with the dinner tray and waved off the lights, Harry was already fast asleep.

A couple passages away from Harry, Hermione was just drifting off to sleep as well after a near identical day of meditation, diet and study. Her mind took a while to calm and she implemented a passive meditation technique that she hadn't used in a couple years. Usually when she slept with Harry, their bond soothed them and allowed them to sleep. Either that or they wore themselves out making love and fell to sleep immediately after. Thinking about Harry didn't help to calm her and she had to purposefully redirect her thoughts. They hadn't spent so much time apart since they had bonded and she missed him, although not as badly as she had feared. She worried about the coming days, but then had to push that thought aside. Gradually she managed to get her mind to calm and was able to sleep.

Meanwhile, Harry's sleep had hit a deep rhythm and he began to dream. Surprisingly, the dream was one from childhood. He was about five or six and had been dusting the living room when he had knocked off one of the many pictures of Dudley. The glass had cracked and his aunt had appeared almost immediately to look aghast at what he had done. She wailed for a minute over the picture of her 'precious Duddykins' and then turned a fierce glare on Harry. Setting the picture aside, she had slapped his face hard, grabbed him by the collar and thrown him in his cupboard, kicking him just before she slammed the door closed. He heard the lock snick closed and then he was stuck. He remained in there for a couple of days. Twice the door was opened a crack and a glass of brownish water was pushed in, but food was denied. He hated drinking the water because he knew then he would have to use his cup to pee in, but he also knew he needed the moisture. Finally, his aunt's wrath abated and he was allowed out. She also had guests due that night and needed the entire house cleaned. Finally, after a day of cleaning, he was permitted one sandwich before being sent back to his cupboard.

The memory was just one of many from Harry's dark childhood. What he remembered most was the hunger and how it made him feel weak. Then the dream dissolved and was replaced with Hermione's face and her reassurance that he wasn't weak. Her voice soothed him and his memory slowly dissolved into a pleasant nothingness, with only her voice in the distance.

When Harry woke the next morning, he found himself surprisingly rested and not as hungry as he had anticipated. Malee appeared precisely on time and told him to gather clothes for the day. Then she went and prepared his bath, steaming hot with a fresh batch of herbs and oils that smelled slightly different than before. She let him bathe on his own and he dressed in the same simple white garments. When he emerged from the bath, he found his breakfast waiting, identical to the day before. The rest of the day proceeded the same as the previous, except for the night when his dreams varied.

Harry's dreams his second night featured a memory from about the age of nine when Dudley and his gang had caught Harry behind the dumpsters at school. There was an all school fire drill happening and they had been lost in the rush. Dudley directed his friends on how and where to hit Harry and soon he was writhing in pain with cracked ribs, a black eye and cigarette burns on his bum. Then Piers started talking about what else he wanted to do to the freak while his pants were down. Harry then knew real fear and was only saved by the sound of a teacher who was nearby. Dudley had yanked Harry up, pulled his pants up and dared him to go crying to the teacher. Unwilling to give his cousin the satisfaction of seeing him cry, Harry had calmed his tears and ran away as the teacher came and ordered them all back to class. When questioned later, he claimed to have run into a door and given himself a black eye. No one else saw the other marks and Harry managed to never get cornered again. As he tossed in his sleep with the memory, the jeers of Dudley and his gang were replaced by the cheers of Gryffindor when he caught the snitch for the first time. No longer was he the outcast, the cousin of the school bully that needed to be avoided at all costs. The memory soothed him and another fear was set aside as sleep claimed him.

The first four days and nights of their purifications were much the same for Harry and Hermione. On the fifth day, their afternoon meditations were changed. After a brief meditation, a new elder came into each of their chambers. For Harry, he was assigned one of the eldest among the sisterhood. Her name was Hera and she came to teach. He was still deep within meditation when she called to him.

"My young lord, return to us now. We have much to discuss."

Harry's eyes gradually opened and he looked at the little woman sitting on a cushion in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Hera. You have come far in only a few days. Now we will see how your purification is affecting your magic. You are still tainted, but the taint is lessened. Please now cast a simple spell. Perhaps try to levitate this book."

Harry nodded and took his wand that Hera offered him. The spell was simple, but the book she had placed in front of him was a massive tome. He focused intently and cast the spell. He had planned on raising it about a meter off the floor. Instead, the book floated halfway to the ceiling. Hera gave the barest of smiles and nodded.

"Very good, now hold it there. Do not let it waver. Use your meditation to center your magic. Hold it…"

Harry hadn't tried holding anything in mid-air for longer than a couple minutes, but soon ten minutes passed. As he approached fifteen, he began to feel drained and focused harder, trying to let his magic flow unrestrained. Finally, at twenty-two minutes, the book faltered a bit. Hera began chanting and the sound seemed to center him more as the falter ended. At twenty-five minutes, Hera spoke again.

"Very good. Now lower it carefully and set it on the table."

That final exercise took the last of Harry's control, but he managed to keep the book from crashing to the table. Once it was in place, he took a long, shuddering breath.

"Breathe deep my young lord. Feel the breath of life fill and renew you. Focus...center…"

Hera's last words dissolved into a chant and Harry descended into meditation again for another half hour. As her chant lessened, Hera spoke again.

"Now, one more exercise for the day. Light this candle and keep it lit."

Harry momentarily had the thought that at least they were ending easy and he lit the candle she placed in front of him. Then a wind blew across the candle and he had just a moment to focus and keep it from going out. The wind was directed and blew stronger, amazingly only disturbing the space immediately around the candle, and it took more of Harry's focus to keep it burning brightly.

"You are fighting the wind my young lord. Rather than fight, perhaps you should redirect. Set aside your strictures and focus your intent. Move the air…"

Hera's focusing chant began again as Harry contemplated what she said. He was tired, but decided to focus on the wind, while still having to keep the candle burning. It was difficult to split his efforts and he briefly wished he had Hermione's mind available to him. As he thought of her and how much he missed her, his focus failed a bit and the candle almost went out before he caught it. Hera's chanting increased in volume and he centered himself again. He knew no spell to specifically redirect the wind, but instead focused on the intent of moving it elsewhere. Surprisingly it worked as the wind instead blew over Hera, leaving the candle undisturbed. She smiled and nodded as her chanting diminished.

"Excellent my young lord, remember your focus and intent. Now, proceed with your meditation."

Harry's eyes gradually closed as he meditated and he didn't notice when Hera left. He was only brought to the present when Malee returned to take him back to his chambers.

The final three days of the week continued the same for Harry and Hermione as they continued with their ritual of cleansing, meditation and practicing their focus. Each night featured dreams that challenged them to face fears and overcome them. The week was long, but each felt raw and strong by the end. Their separation from each other was difficult, but the elders assigned to them worked spells to lessen the effects.

On the day of the 23rd, Malee arrived at the usual time, but did not direct Harry to the bath. She instead delivered his breakfast and waited for him to eat. He had no other changes of clothes, but had learned to be patient and did not ask. When he finished his simple repast, Malee gestured and he followed her. He was in just his shorts, but he accepted it as he had learned to accept each stage of the process. They traveled further up the caverns and arrived in a chamber with a large pool that steamed more than the bath in his chamber. Malee directed him to remove his shorts and Harry did as requested and then walked into the pool when she pointed. The water was almost too hot, but he implemented his meditation and endured the heat as his body adjusted. Once he was submerged to his neck, his elders appeared wearing simple white shifts and stood around the pool, chanting. Various herbs were tossed in the water and none directly addressed Harry as he waited and continued meditating. After an hour, the elders chant reached a high pitch and he was suddenly floated out of the water and set to stand on a nearby rock. Still deep within his meditation, he felt no shyness as he stood naked within the steam. Then the elders approached and began to rub his body in a pattern with different leaves, serums and salves. Then Hera stepped forward with a small pot and a brush and began to draw runes across his skin. The substance burned as it was applied, although it left no lasting mark, and Harry was forced to delve deeper into his magic as he blocked his senses and focused. It took Hera nearly two hours to complete the runes that covered his entire body, marking each of his energy points. Once she finished, the elders left and Malee returned. She provided Harry a simple white shift and then led him to another chamber. Once there, he was offered a simple broth with herbs, but no vegetables. Once he finished, he was taken to very small chamber that was lined in runes. It was only a bit over a meter high and she directed him to sit. Harry crawled in and did as he was told. Then Malee closed the door and he was on his own.

One level up, Hermione was enduring a similar ritual and was also placed in a final lone meditation chamber. Like Harry, she would remain in the space until the rising of the moon.

As the evening began, Harry and Hermione's guides were sent to their meditation chambers to retrieve each of them. They were then led up a long series of passages to the top of the cave system. Before they exited onto the top of the cliff, each was taken to a final preparation room. Hera was waiting for Harry and removed his shift. The runes she had placed on him had taken on a blue glow and she chanted over him before placing a kiss on his head and smiling.

"My young lord. You have done well. Now the time of the final purification has come. Step out and follow our matriarch's lead. Your mate awaits you."

Harry said nothing, but went to the directed doorway and found himself stepping out into the cool of the spring evening. He saw Rhea a short distance away, standing on an altar around which burned seven small fires. She gestured to him and he walked the path straight to her. Then he looked across and saw Hermione coming from the opposite direction. She was also adorned in nothing but runes and her essence called to him. They reached spots a couple meters from Rhea and she gestured them to stop. Harry had a sense of others joining them and did not need to look to know that the other elders were surrounding them. Then Rhea began chanting and Harry felt himself focusing as his meditation began. Rhea continued chanting until the time when the moon was fully risen. The magic in the air was thick and unlike anything Harry or Hermione had felt before, but they were both deeply focused within. Then Rhea's voice cut through to them as she called them forward. She stepped back off the large, round altar stone and Harry and Hermione both stepped up on it. Rhea's voice was now joined by the elders, who were now encased in a second ring of twenty-one small fires. As the mutual chant increased, Harry felt his desire flare. Hermione was feeling the same, but their training from the last week kept them from reaching for each other.

Finally, as the chant reached a crescendo, Rhea reached and placed a hand on each of their arms. Each spoke the words that they had learned during their studies. The language was ancient and unknown to them, but the meaning was clear as their voices were added to the chants around them. When they finished, Rhea raised her hands above her head in a loud clap. That was the signal as they each let out a long breath and reached for each other. With the chant continuing around them, they kissed with passionate fire as desire unlike anything they had known burned in them worse than the application of the runes to their skin. Harry lowered his bride to the well-worn altar stone and sealed his lips to hers as he entered the body of his beloved. Their eyes were locked and, for the first time in a week, their minds were joined as each felt pleasure from the moment of their joining. As Harry set a rhythm in time to the chanting, he began to feel a new burning starting in his head. As it grew worse, only Hermione's voice calling out in ecstasy kept him focused on the task of loving her. Exerting all his strength, he blocked the pain and continued to plunge in and out of his wife, desperately seeking his fulfillment as waves of pleasure suffused him. At the moment when he released, his head exploded in utter agony, only to be driven away by the purest and most intense pleasure he had ever felt. He threw his head back as he screamed to the moon and kept pulsing and ejecting seed into his love. Below him, Hermione also called to the heavens as she convulsed continually in a mixture of exquisite joy and pain, feeling everything for herself and Harry. Their combined emotions flowed back and forth as each strengthened the other.

While the young couple climaxed and the ritual called the last taint from Harry's body, four of the elders incanted a rare rite nearby as they placed a pig on a secondary altar and held the beast down while it squealed at the intrusion of blackness that suddenly fell upon it. When their rite was done, the sisterhood's sibyl stepped forth and began her own work, dousing the pig in sacred water as she drew a series of runes around it. The runes shifted as images appeared and she read the portents. Meanwhile, the pig's thrashing grew worse and the sibyl gave the signal that she was done. With her confirmation, the other four opened the belly of the pig with an ancient dagger. Then the entrails were drawn forth and thrown on the largest of the sacred fires, sending the blackness screaming away as the chanting finished.

When the sacred glade quieted, the fires burned low and two of the elders approached the sleeping couple entwined together on the altar. One leaned forward to apply a salve to the open and bleeding wound on Harry's head. Then they were bundled together and transported back to their first chamber. Neither woke until the next morning.

When Hermione did wake, she was the first to regain consciousness and looked around to see that they were back in their original guest chamber. She looked over at Harry and smiled at how peaceful he looked. Then his eyes fluttered open and he smiled at her, pulling her close as they held each other. Although neither had received confirmation, they felt that the ritual had worked. Each smiled as they shared the memories of that most unique and intense union. Then they decided on a bath and made their way together. They soaked in the warm waters for a while, deciding that they were now allowed to do as they wished since no one had come for them. The runes were no longer visible, although they each felt a bit of a lasting sting when they entered the warm water. They washed each other and reveled in the joy of being together again. When Harry splashed water on his face and cleared the salve, Hermione gasped.

What's wrong love?

Nothing! Your scar, it's there, but barely. I have to really look to even see it faintly.

Harry was shocked and climbed out of the tub to cross to a mirror. He ran a finger across his forehead and smiled.

Finally. I've wanted that damn thing gone my whole life.

Hermione came up behind him and wrapped him in a hug. Then they dried each other and dressed in their own clothes since none others had been provided. When they returned to the bedchamber, Apolline was waiting and smiled at them.

"It's good to see Apolline. I hope you had a good week with your sisters."

"Thank you. The week was pleasant. I have heard you met with success. Now, the matriarch has breakfast waiting."

They nodded and followed her back through the passageways until they came to the first chamber they had met Rhea in. When they entered, she smiled and came to clasp hands with them both.

"My lord and lady, come and eat with me. The working of the rites always leaves one with a hunger."

They followed Rhea and went to sit at the low table. As soon as they were in place, several novices arrived with platters. The meal was the largest they had seen in a week and Harry felt his stomach growl and had an urge to reach for everything. Then he remembered his training and used his meditation to focus himself and control his urges. Rhea must have felt it, because she smiled at him. They ate mostly in silence until the end. As the novices cleared the dishes, Rhea smiled and looked up as a side door opened. In walked another older woman, although she wasn't one of the elders that they remembered.

"My friends, this is the Sibyl. As planned, we were able to trap the darkness when it fled from you and she was able to do a reading in hopes of locating the rest of the darkness. She is here now to tell you what she saw."

The Sibyl stood, not looking at anyone as she stared at some far distant point and began to speak.

"The rest of what you seek has been scattered amongst your lands.

The circle of gold for his family is ancient indeed but tainted for sure, residing where his mother once immured.

That chain from which hangs another resides in the house of the blackest brother.

A circlet of wisdom has returned to its home and is placed in the room holding lost tomes.

The cup of the most loyal hides deep within the caverns of golden toil.

Finally the last, close to the host, slithers and turns and will trouble the most."

As the Sibyl uttered the last, she turned and left the room with no further words, leaving Hermione reciting quickly to commit the words to memory. Rhea sensed her need and passed a piece of parchment as she quickly wrote everything down while the matriarch addressed her guests.

"And that is the way with the Sibyl. Her words are true, but not always easy. Still, I believe this will bring you closer on your quest. I am afraid the sisterhood can offer you nothing more."

Hermione looked up from her completed notes and took Rhea's hands in hers.

"You and your sisters have done more than we can ever thank you for. You have freed my husband from a terrible fate. There is still work to be done, but we now have something to work with. It may not be enough, but I thank you from the depths of my soul. Know that if you ever need an ally in Britain, you have it."

Rhea seemed moved and nodded as she stared in both their eyes. Then she hugged them both before leading them back to the door. Apolline was waiting and the matriarch addressed her.

"Take them home now Apolline. Their path is brighter, but still with much to be done. I have confidence in our young lord and lady though. And I hope that you will return to your sisters more often with less bleak news."

Apolline nodded and accepted the matriarch's embrace. Then she led them back to their guest chamber. They packed quickly and then she led them down a couple of levels to the entrance where Harry's broom was waiting. On the way, they stopped to say goodbye to Malee and Nina, who each embraced their charges and wished them well on their journey.

As the sun reached its zenith at noon, Harry touched down with his broom just outside the valley and Apolline landed and transformed next to them. She took the amulets that they had been given and suddenly the valley disappeared and they each felt a push to continue further down the path toward Le Fau. Apolline led the way, taking them on the last stages of their journey to return back to Hogwarts. The week had been difficult, but successful, and now they had a guide for the rest of their quest.

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