Chapter 18: French Connections

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The rest of the month of January dragged on slowly as the Potters and their friends focused on their studies for school, as well as additional research into the horcruxes. The Prophet held little news that could give a clue about what Voldemort and his followers were up to. It appeared that the harsh winter was keeping them indoors as much as the students.

Despite Hermione's best efforts with all the reference material she was given, she was no closer to finding an answer to the horcrux problem. Luna also seemed frustrated when her father reported that the family archives didn't have any information on soul magic. Harry was feeling a bit down about the efforts as a whole when he was summoned to the headmaster's office one day. Hermione had been studying with him and decided to come along as well. When they reached the office, they were surprised to find that Dumbledore was not alone. Sitting across from him was Bill Weasley. As soon as they entered, Bill turned and stood up to greet them. The look on his face was hard to read, it was serious but tinged with something else.

"Harry, Hermione, I have some potential news for you on the hunt for horcrux knowledge. I know Albus is curious as well. Will you consent to his presence while we talk?"

"Sure Bill. Restricting information has only caused issues for us in the past."

Dumbledore gave the faintest nod as he recognized the subtle jibe at himself. Bill nodded and took his seat as Harry and Hermione took two chairs for themselves.

"Alright, I received permission for personal research within the goblin archives. My senior was curious as to why, but when I mentioned it was House Potter business, he allowed it without further explanation. The goblins hold your family in deep regard Harry. I can't tell you how unusual this is. Anyway, the archives are massive and I've been busy for the past couple months using whatever time I have to search them. Thankfully, they're well categorized or it would take me years. A couple days ago I came across a small reference to a soul magic device used by a sorcerer 827 years ago. It wasn't called a horcrux specifically, but I believe from the descriptions that it was much the same. This text I found the reference in is written in an ancient dialect of the goblin language. I daresay I am one of only a handful who can read it, and probably the only wizard. As part of my work in the vaults of Egypt, goblin based languages became my specialty. Anyway, I digress. The reference noted that the sorcerer and his soul magic were defeated with the 'singular abilities of the matriarch of the veela'. That's all it says. I know it's not much, but I've been thinking over the past couple days and have an idea."

Bill stopped and sipped a glass of water that had appeared at his elbow and then continued.

"Harry, you remember Fleur Delacour from the tournament I'm sure. As you are probably aware, she is one quarter veela. Her grandmother is full veela. Well, Fleur is working at Gringotts and I have been tutoring her on English. Over the past few months we've grown quite...close. I think it may be helpful to pursue the veela connection and I think Fleur and her family would be a good start. The veela are mysterious creatures of unique magic who guard their secrets closely. Perhaps having a family member who can intercede for you will help. I am aware that it would mean bringing Fleur and her family into your confidence. I have met Jean-Louis and Appoline Delacour and they are fine people. Jean-Louis is the director of the Bureau de Magie's International Cooperation department. They could potentially be excellent allies in France."

Harry took a minute to ponder everything Bill had told him and heard Hermione's musings overlaid with his own thoughts. He supposed that pursuing any direction was necessary. This was the first lead they had outside Dumbledore's research. It couldn't hurt to talk to the Delacours and see what he thought of them. Hermione seemed to think similar, a cautious but friendly approach. He was about to speak when Dumbledore cleared his throat and added another thought.

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