Chapter 28: Druimoor

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The Express arrived at King's Cross to the welcome of a number of Aurors, which was actually a relief to Harry. Other than the DMLE presence, the station was its usual chaos. Still, there was an undertone that those who were familiar with the summer holidays would know was not the usual. Harry gathered his and Hermione's shrunken trunks into a simple bag, while she kept a tight hold on Crookshanks' carrier. He had once again allowed Hedwig to fly on ahead, much to his familiar's pleasure. They said goodbye to their friends and promised to be in touch in a week or so when plans for the summer firmed up some. Then they carefully made their way through the crowds, keeping a hand inside their pockets and ready to grab their wands. Rather than make their way through the magical barrier, they went to the edge of the magical platform and found a loo. Now that they could apparate, they had informed the Grangers not to bother with London traffic. As soon as they were in an alcove out of immediate sight, they each apparated to the Grangers' backyard.

Hermione and Harry landed moments later in the welcome confines of the fenced, manicured backyard that they knew so well. Jean and Neil were sitting in nearby chairs and stood immediately to come greet them. As soon as hugs were exchanged, the disgusted feline who was making his displeasure known was released from his confines and Crookshanks bolted across the yard. For the first time Harry let out a breath and felt like he could relax as Neil stepped over toward the grill.

"So Hermione, come and get a drink and tell us about the troubles you alluded to in your last letter. You mentioned that your hunt went well, but there were complications?"

Hermione sighed and traded a couple of mental comments with Harry, but he was fine to let her lead. By the time dinner was ready, the Grangers were apprised of the last few weeks of happenings. Everything from horcrux hunting and forest fires to school exams was covered.

"Well you two have certainly had an eventful school year. So, obviously Voldemort is your focus when he is found. As much as I hate to say that. Until then, what is the plan? Do you plan to keep training?"

"Some. Honestly, I would like a bit of a break. Also, we need to start looking at the Potter properties. You and Neil have been great Jean and I know we're family, but I need to look at what my family left me. I especially want to see about Druimoor. It's my ancestral home, but it hasn't had any house elves or other magic in it for years. I know Gringotts has had it maintained, so it must be at least in decent shape, but I probably need to go talk to them. My account manager can tell me how to get there as well. I checked a map and it's about three and a half hours from here. So, we need to visit Gringotts in a couple of days."

"So, you'll stay here to start the summer and then maybe go to Druimoor if it's in habitable condition?"

"Perhaps, but if we do, we'd want you to come. At least on the weekends when you don't have the practice to run. And all this depends on Voldemort. I'm sorry Jean, I wish we had more definite plans."

"That's fine, I understand. What I don't understand is this Jean bit. What happened to mum?"

Harry blushed and looked at his feet.

"Sorry, I sort of forgot. Its new to me mum, but it does feel good. Dad, do you mind…mind that?"

"Of course not Harry. Just because we haven't seen you for months doesn't change anything. You are married to my daughter. As for the summer, we'll see how it goes."

The rest of the evening went well and, after watching a brief, stupid game show on the telly, Hermione declared she was tired and everyone retired early.

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