A Different Kind Of Crush

By immagentlebitch

7.5K 319 12

Y/n have been crushing on this girl for almost 6 years now and her name is Ariana. She have been known her ba... More

2: Missing The Feeling
3: Unexpectedly Turn Of Events
4: New Feelings
5: Hitting A Spot
6: Because I Am
7: Guilty
8: Everything Feels Surreal
9: Late Introduction
10: A Different Reaction
11: Invalid Emotions
12: Mutual Understanding
13: Comfortable Silence

1: The Differences

1.3K 33 0
By immagentlebitch

I was finally finished preparing everything until I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n, you ready?"

The sound was from the voice of my cousin, Anne.

I zipped up my bag and took a hold of it before responding back, "Yeah, give me a minute!" and took some of the things that are coming with me as I ran back at the door, opening it.

I was faced with Anne excitedly looking at me with her smug face before suddenly grabbing my arm and dragging me down the stairs while I quickly grabbed my things from falling.

"damn slow down dwarf!" I said, letting out a laugh as I looked at her small, kind of chubby body and laugh at the fact that she's stronger than me physically even with that small body of hers.

"did you make sure you didn't forget anything, Y/n?" my mother asked, coming out from the kitchen with an apron hanging on her neck.

"of course mom" I responded as I give out a smile at her.

She nodded, kind of a bit worried before asking again. "are you sure you don't want me to cook for you guys? You might starve there.."

I looked at my cousin beside me and chuckled before glancing back at her with a cheeky smile. "mom, it's a resort. Of course they have food there. We won't starve to death okay?" I told her. Reassuring her that we won't starve for a week.

I went to give her a warm hug and placed a kiss on her temple. "we're gonna be okay there and enjoy the beach. Don't you worry too much."

She give me a nod before smiling at me as she squeeze my shoulder, pulling away and glance at the open door. "you guys should go before traffic eats you guy's ass" she stated and we all let out a laugh as we pick up the remaining things on the ground beside the door.

"the only thing eating my ass is the white sand there" I respond as my cousin and I went outside the house grabbing our things to the car while I heard my mother laugh behind us.

"are you sure you can drive the car" my mother asked me again.

"yes mom" I responded as we carefully put our things at the back of Neil's car since it does look like a truck kinda where you can put things at the back.

We have two cars we're gonna use for the trip and we're six in total but only 5 can fit at Neil's car so I insisted to use my dad's car since I already do have my driver's license months ago. But both of my cousins, which is Anna and Lauren, are coming with me since they don't want me to die here in boredom for hours of driving and only one in the car.

"okay.." I heard her respond and saw her glance at Angel which is Anne's older sister who just got out of the car with her boyfriend and soon to be brother in law. Neil and Nick.

"is everything's ready?" she asked as she glance at everyone.

"yup, we're good to go" I stated as I glance back at my mom, smiling at her before picking up my car keys from my pocket. She looked at me with that look and I sighed but laugh anyways. "oh don't give me that look. It's just for a week" I laugh at her as she glared at me before secretly wiping her eyes.

"but I won't see you for a week.." she mumbled. "you always stay in the house so I'm used to seeing you there all the time"

"but I'm basically an adult now mom, of course I can have errands of my own anytime" I told her as she stare at somewhere else. "we'll be fine. I'm gonna miss you mom, especially your cooking" I said, cheering her up and I worked.

"of course you do. You can't cook anything besides instant noodles" she stated and I scratch the back of my neck as I heard my cousin's laugh behind me.

"well, it's time" I said for the last time before pressing the car key to unlock the car and watch Anne and Lauren went in before me. I saw the rest went inside the truck as well and heard their car's engine went on. I pull down the car's window and looked at mom after I watched the truck went off to the road.

"take care mom"

"have fun, Y/n"

I smiled before pulling off of the driveway and heading the road as well.

Should I think about it? I asked myself.

But it's gonna make me look obsessed or something.. maybe it's time to stop.

It is sure late for the introduction but my name is Y/n Y/sn and I have been crushing on this girl I met back in high school. It was in second grade the first time I've seen her. She was one of the popular kids in our campus and I was in the circle of an average student.. who just happens to be in that school. She was so popular that every person at different levels probably knows her. I don't actually consider myself a popular student but at some point from the higher level knows me. Probably because of my older sister who's actually popular as well, studying in the same campus as mine so when I walk past through the higher levels corridor, they'll eventually greets me as my sister's "little version".

But let's get back to the topic. She knows my sister so she probably know me I guess.. But we did past each other a lot of times back in high school so I'm sure she do know what I look like.

At least I'm thankful about that..

So what I mean about what I said earlier.. Is that I always automatically think about her when I go out of the house. It's like I'm hoping that wherever I go, I'll get the chance to see her again. Maybe because I haven't seen her in like 3 years already. I missed watching her from a far because I'm coward who can't function properly when around her.

In 4 years of us studying in the same campus, I haven't even got the chance to talk to her or have small conversations at least. Maybe because I know it's hard to reach out to her when she's always around with the popular guys and I always have been a shy person.

I always admire her from a far. Take a few glances when she's near me and watch her do her things from a far. Basically looked like a normal crush of a person, right?. But that's not really it.. The thing is..

I don't wanna date her.

Not proofread.

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