The Neverending Hangover

By EvelynRaineWhitmore

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*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Eighteen

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By EvelynRaineWhitmore

Rev and I had steak for supper, or I should say I had some steak, but Rev ate most of it. We had gotten some whiskey and Sprite on our trip to town, and he made us each a drink as I did the dishes.

"If you ever come out here without me, you know it's critical you aren't followed, right?"

I sighed. "I know. I need to be more aware of my surroundings".

"Yep. We're going to practice that, also".

"Not tonight", I said. "Work is done now".

He chuckled. "Whatever you want, love".

I dried my hands and took the drink from him, taking a sip. I preferred flavored whiskey, straight, and this stuff was unappealing to me unless it was mixed, though I could drink it straight if I had to. Rev's was straight on the rocks.

"Can we listen to music again?", I asked. "Without my phone, I've been feeling deprived".

"Of course", he said, taking my hand and leading me into the living room. "Pick something", he said, as he started shutting off lights and lighting candles. It was getting dark out now but wasn't yet completely dark.

Then he had his hand on my lower back.

"This one", I said, pulling out Fleetwood Mac.

He grinned. "You know this?"

"I guess you'll find out", I said, one eyebrow raised as I spun away from him.

I proceeded to sing every song for him as we slowly sipped our whiskey. He watched me and listened, and frequently touched me in some way. A hand on my knee, my hair, my arm.

When the album was done, it was completely dark. I got up to find another album and he touched my arm.

"How do you have goosebumps already?", he asked, switching on the fireplace.

"I'm all right", I said. "I'll grab that flannel of yours in a second".

He pulled Fleetwood off the record player and slipped it in it's sleeve.

"What's this?", I asked, pulling a record out. The band was Black Pistol Fire. I had never heard of it.

"Ah, that's a good one. I don't know if you'll like it".

"Let's give it a shot", I said, handing it to him.

I quickly went upstairs, grabbed the flannel, started to head back down, then changed my mind. I took off my shirt and shorts then put the flannel back on, buttoning it up. I let my hair out of the ponytail holder, then unbuttoned two more of the top buttons on the flannel. There was no mirror up here.

I went downstairs as the music started, darted into the bathroom and checked the effect. Suggestive but not slutty. Perfect. I brushed my teeth, used the toilet, then went to find my man.

He had gotten himself another drink and was just sitting down. I still had half a glass and intended to keep it minimal. I wasn't going to give him any reason to say no to me, such as thinking I was under the influence.

I sat next to him and he automatically placed his hand on my bare knee. I saw him glance at my cleavage, which is what I wanted.

"I like it", I said. "It's like bluesy rock. Unique".

He laid his head back on the couch and absentmindedly stroked my leg, listening.

I watched him for a minute, got bored, and reached for my drink. I swirled it, took a sip, and set it on the coffee table again. I looked back at Rev. He was staring at me, his face unreadable.

"What?", I asked, scooting closer and leaning my elbow on the back of the couch next to him.

"You are so beautiful in the fire light", he said quietly, touching my face.

He stroked my cheek with his thumb and stared into my eyes.

"Would you do something for me, love?", he asked.

"Probably", I smiled, wondering what the topic was.

"Would you...take this off...", he asked, lowering his hand to the top button on the flannel, "and let me look at you?"

My heart started pounding violently.

He waited, his hand resting on my chest.

"Yeah, Rev", I said breathlessly. "I will".

This is exactly what I wanted, but now, I was nervous. I didn't know what he expected or what I should do. I felt my cheeks flaming.

He undid a button with one hand, then used both hands to undo the rest.

He looked into my eyes as he slowly slid the shirt back off one shoulder. I pulled my arm out, and then pulled my other arm out of it's sleeve. He was still staring into my eyes.

My heart was pounding so hard I felt like he should have been able to hear it. I slowly stood up and the shirt dropped away. I watched his eyes move over me like a caress, then they met mine again, and I saw that fierce desire I had seen before. That gave me confidence. I turned, stepped around the coffee table, walked to the middle of the small room, and slowly turned in a circle for him. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and watched me. Then I slowly walked back over to him and gently pushed his shoulder back with one hand. He leaned back and I climbed into his lap, one leg on either side of his.

"Thank you, love", he said, resting his hands on my thighs. "Now I can die a happy man".

"Hold off on that dying for a bit", I said, leaning over to place my mouth on his. He instantly slid his hands up to my hips, his fingers digging into me, and kissed me back fiercely.

I slid my hand down his chest, still kissing him, and found the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up over his head and off. He stood, holding me up with one arm and grabbing the blanket off the couch with the other, tossing it on the ground, and laying me down on it, him laying on top of me and kissing me. I wrapped my leg around his back and he ran his hand over it, then he pulled his face away from mine and started kissing my neck, then my chest, then my stomach.

He moved back up to my mouth, and I caught his waistband, undoing his button and zipper, and yanking his pants down. He laid on his side and pulled them off the rest of the way. He grabbed a fistful of the side of my underwear and pulled them off with one quick yank, then his hand was between my legs as he crushed his mouth against mine.

I gasped as he moved down from my mouth to my neck again, and then to my breast, his hand driving me wild, rubbing me exactly the right way. He pulled his hand away, and rolled me on top of him, quickly undoing my bra and sliding it off. I started pulling off his underwear and then he helped. I reached for him and he gasped slightly as I grabbed ahold of his penis.

Then I climbed on top of him. His hands were on my breasts and he was watching me the whole time as I moved how it felt best for me. As I got closer to finishing, he grabbed my hips and aided my momentum. The ending was incredible and he wasn't done yet. He rolled me back over and held me tightly as he finally finished, then lay over me, his head next to mine and his arms supporting the weight of his body.

My legs were wrapped around him, we were both sweating, and I was so incredibly satisfied.

Finally he rolled off me but didn't leave. He laid on his side and looked at me.

"Now, love", he whispered. "Now I can die a happy man".

"How about don't die at all?", I whispered back, stroking his scruffy face, butterflies still fluttering around in my lower belly. He smiled and kissed my forehead then kept his head propped on one hand as he looked at my body and ran his fingertips all over it, leaving goosebumps behind.

The album ended. He looked at me.

"You can get up", I said, smiling. "It's okay".

He kissed my forehead again and got up to change the record. I grabbed his shirt, wrapped it around myself, and went to the bathroom.

When I came back out, he was waiting by the door, wearing only his underwear, and had an incredibly pleased smile on his face. I smiled and ducked my head, feeling my cheeks burn. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest.

He kissed my forehead and let me go. I put my underwear back on and sat on the couch, wrapping the blanket around me. He came out and sat next to me.

"Are you tired?", he asked with a smile, smoothing the hair away from my face.

"No", I replied, smiling at him.

"What do you want to do now?", he asked.

I leaned in to kiss him.

"More", I whispered, with a smile. "I want more".

He laughed softly and kissed me back.


Rev was happier than he had probably ever been in his entire life. His heart was full, his mind was blown, and his body craved more. At the back of his mind was a nagging little voice that reminded him that the more he cared, the more it would hurt when it all went to pot.

He couldn't bring himself to be bothered, or to do much more than bathe in the glory of these moments with her.

He hadn't been entirely sure if she was ready, but she seemed to be flirting with him all day. When he tested her about losing his shirt, she immediately complied, and then instigated everything that followed. She also immediately wanted to do it again.

He had wanted to please her, to ensure she enjoyed it enough to do it more than once. He also wanted to show her how he felt about her. She was special to him. Incredibly special. He was in love with her and that meant she could hurt him. Rev didn't ever knowingly put himself in a position where he could be badly hurt. It didn't make logical sense.

This wasn't logical. He knew she was probably just having sex with him, and would then return to Brad like nothing had happened, and he had to live with that.

He could and he would, but the deeper he got, the more he found himself wishing for a different outcome.

He gently squeezed the small naked woman who was lying on his chest on the couch. He never wanted to let her go.


I woke in the middle of the night, climbed over Rev on the couch, went to the bathroom, and when I walked back out he was waiting outside the door.

"Sorry I woke you ", I apologized, standing there completely naked, feeling even more so because he had chosen to put his underwear back on.

"Not a problem, love", he said. "Why don't we head up to bed?" 


I went upstairs and climbed into his bed, shivering slightly at the cold sheets. I had no interest in putting clothes on, maybe not ever again. The second time was as incredibly mind-blowing as the first.

Momentarily, Rev got into bed and reached for me, pulling me close. It wasn't long before his mouth was on mine and then we were tangled up in each other again.


Wednesday was one of the best days of my life. During the random moments when we weren't having sex or holding each other, he showed me how to work the generator, how to check the water in the holding tanks and fill them if needed, and how the solar panels and security system worked.

The security system wasn't a true house alarm, it was a perimeter alarm. After that alarm went off, it wouldn't continue to go off. It wasn't monitored by an alarm company. Rev had access to the cameras on his laptop, so he gave my fingerprints access to login to the laptop and showed me how to utilize the program.

Thursday morning, after breakfast, he quizzed me on everything. Thankfully, I passed. Then he showed me how to make a call through the laptop.

"I need to leave for a couple hours today. Once I get to where I'm going, I will check my phone, and again before I leave. Do not turn on your phone and don't leave the house. If you do leave the house...".

"I know. Wear a gun. When are you leaving?"

"Now.  Keys for the black truck are on the island if there's an emergency".

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He kissed me, then moved my hair back away from my face.

"You have your ears pierced, yes?", he asked.

"Yep. Twice. Did it myself as a teenager with an ice cube and a needle".

He chuckled. "'Course you did. I thought I had seen you wearing earrings before".

I currently wasn't. "I've been lazy about it lately because I don't have a full time job where I dress up every day, but yeah, I've got tons".

Rev tucked a gun in his waistband, selected another, and left.

Ugh. I didn't want to lose any time with him. I felt Friday looming around the corner and I knew I had to go back, for the wedding if for no other reason. I had plans to practice the wedding songs again Saturday morning, and then the wedding was the following weekend.

I had no idea what to do about Rev or Brad. I loved them both. I didn't want to give Rev up but I didn't want to let Brad go, and I knew I couldn't keep them both. Either way, one of them was getting hurt...and no matter what, I sure as fuck was.

Why did I have to fall for Rev? Why couldn't things have gone along as they were with Brad? We loved each other. He wanted to get married.

I cringed. Yeah, he did.  I didn't feel ready when he brought it up, but clearly Bre, Andy, and Kendra all thought I should.

If Drew had lived, I had no doubt that I would have been completely on board with marrying Brad. I would have wanted my child to have as much stability as possible, and a dad full time in the house, even if it wasn't his biological father. Brad would have been a great step-dad and I knew he would be an excellent husband.

Now that motherhood was taken out of the picture, though, I felt the possibility of a different trajectory for my life, and it wasn't traditional.

Since I had been working on self defense, and especially since Rev had been training me, I had felt more whole and more alive than ever before. Nailing a target in the bullseye or getting away from Rev's holds felt similar to how I felt when I sang. Deeply rewarding and thrilling to my soul. I had no idea what that meant, though. Was I to become an assassin?  Probably not, but I embraced the skills just the same.

I went upstairs, sat on his bed, and stared into the trees.  Indecision wasn't me, and the deciding was always the hardest part, but I could do hard things. I'd done tons. The problem was, my judgment was often skewed with men, which led me down the wrong path, and in this situation it was critical that I make the right decision.

Tears started running down my face. I loved Brad immensely. He had been a perfect fit for me up until recently, when we both seemed to have changed enough for there to be tension. It reminded me of when I was pregnant, and Brad and I had fought so much, we decided I would be healthier if he left. 

I thought some more.

Brad and I were perfect together, until I disagreed with him.  That's what it was.  He never came outright and said it, and he maybe wasn't even aware of it, but if he couldn't get me to come around to his way of thinking, we weren't going to move past the issue. We were both too stubborn, and what incensed me was that Brad always thought he knew what was best for me. Always. Clearly, I had made poor decisions in the past, but as I told Rev, I felt like I had earned a right to make my own.

I had been feeling stifled by Brad and I hadn't even realized it. He had been sheltering me out of love, but it was holding me back. I was ready to do more and he didn't think I could.

I felt a flushing in my cheeks. I had wanted to perform with that band because it would have been similar to what I do at church except I'd be getting paid, and I let him talk me right out of it.

I let him.

Did he want me to be dependent on him?  Where was my self esteem?  If I wanted to do something, I needed to push for it. It actually wasn't Brad's fault if he thought I agreed with him. I hadn't fought with him about the band at all, but I realized it was affecting my self esteem to be completely financially dependent on him.

I wanted to be earning money again. I wanted to be able to take care of myself. Physically, financially, emotionally, and mentally. After the intensive therapy I received after Drew, I had grown a ton and realized I couldn't rely on others for my mental and emotional health.
Well, sitting on that bed I realized I had still been relying on Brad for my financial needs, and that it was holding me back mentally, too.

Brad and I had an intense connection, immediately. I had never believed in love at first sight until it happened with him. When he was gone, and tragedies were happening to me, half a world away he was feeling it and dreaming about me being in danger. For God's sake, the man called while I was committing suicide because he had a nightmare about me dying.

I had to go back. I had responsibilities and I needed to talk to Brad about all this.  I owed him that. How it was going to go, I had no idea, but we had to talk.

I decided the best course of action would be to get more of my things and check into a hotel room until, and unless, I could feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with Brad.  I needed to focus on Steve and Bre's wedding first, and next would be deciding on what I wanted to do for work or volunteering, and if Brad fit into my life, he would compromise.

Oh, but Rev.

I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart when I pictured leaving this place and going back home to Brad.  I started sobbing.

Rev felt like freedom, excitement, adventure, and passion. Sex with him was incredible, mind-blowing. He was rougher than Brad, and a little more aggressive when he felt like instigating it, but he seemed to prefer me initiating and then taking over. He paid attention, reading my responses, and focusing on pleasing me. Rev and I understood each other without words. Rev believed in me. He didn't see me as frail and helpless. He would protect me, yes, even with his life, I knew, but that didn't mean he wanted to prevent me from doing anything I wanted to. I felt something between us, too. I felt like he loved me, and I loved him, but neither of us had verbalized it. However, he told me that everything he owned was mine if he died. That was pretty intense.

What happened to him if I went back to Brad?  His loneliness hurt my heart. His world enticed me and his home gave me peace. I knew he was strong, but I was the first person he had let into his heart and his world for fourteen years. If I left him, would he ever trust anyone again?

I threw myself face first on the bed and sobbed uncontrollably until I had no tears left.

Why did my life need to be so hard?  Why were things always dramatic and complicated?  Why couldn't I be like Bre?  Simple, devoted, consistent, with clear, unchanging life goals.

I felt like I was constantly changing and evolving.  My life had been one traumatic event after another. I didn't want the drama, but honestly, I didn't want boring consistency either. I think that's why I had always cringed about marriage. It seemed like a lifetime of the same everything. No adventure, no freedom, no change. With the right person, that probably wouldn't be the case, but that's what I worried about.

I got up, blew my nose and pulled my shit together. I would have to explain all of this to Rev when he returned.

I went to the piano, opened it, and started refreshing what I knew. I had not had lessons because I hadn't had real parents, but one of my foster moms had played and taught me the basics. I also had excellent auditory memory, and could play more by hearing than I could by reading the music. I stumbled around until I worked out the cobwebs, and started plunking out some songs I knew.

The perimeter alarm went off and I jumped up so fast, I bashed my knee on the piano.


I knew it was probably Rev returning, but still. I checked the monitors like he had showed me. Yes, there was his old truck.  I felt a flutter in the pit of my stomach. Excitement to see him but nervous to talk to him.


Rev drove into the nearest town of substance and parked at the small mall.  He turned on his phone and checked for messages. Clint needed to talk to him. He said it was urgent. He quickly gave him a call.

"Hey man", Clint answered, sounding serious.

"What's up?", Rev asked.

"Blade isn't talking but we've had eyes on Jay, and he's on the move. Heading toward your girl. We're pretty sure he's trying to round up any associates of the Judge to see if his supply chain can be re-established, so I don't think it has anything to do with her, but I figured you would want to know".

"Damn right", Rev growled, feeling a nagging worry start in the pit of his stomach. "I appreciate the heads up", he said genuinely.

"You gonna try and get eyes on him?", Clint asked. 

"You know it", Rev said. Hopefully his hands, too.

"Keep me posted".

"I will. Thanks, man".

He sighed. He also had messages from
Andy and Brad, which he ignored.

Rev went into the mall and found a jewelry store.  He carefully selected the right pair of earrings for what he wanted to accomplish. He purchased a pair of small diamond studs with screw on backs, and paid with cash.

He drove away and stopped at a gas station, then started heading back. Once he was into a more secluded area, he pulled off onto a back road, grabbed a small tool kit off the floor of his old truck, and found the right tools.  He carefully put a dot of glue on a small, silver item. He loaded the tiny tracking device into the gap between the diamond and the base of the earring and made sure it was tucked safely in between, so it wasn't visible to anyone else.

He turned his phone on and activated the device. He loaded the information onto his phone and linked to the tracker. It was working. Then he did the same with the other earring and turned his phone back off.

Paige had very quickly become the most important thing in his life, and her safety was his first priority.


I opened the front door and stood on the porch waiting for him to park in the garage and close the doors around his truck.

He walked up the steps and picked me up in one fluid motion, wrapping my legs around him and tipping his face up to mine.

I leaned in and kissed him.

"I missed you", I said.

"I missed you, too, love", he said, walking back inside, still carrying me. He set me on the island and pulled something out of his pocket. 

"I got you an early birthday gift".

He opened it and I was startled to see a pair of diamond earrings.

What does this mean?

That's why he had asked if my ears were pierced.

He pulled one out.

"These have screw on backs so they shouldn't fall out". He showed me how the back unscrewed and dropped it into my hand, then brushed my hair back away from my face and over my shoulder.

"I don't want you taking these out, ever", he said, and I looked at his face, wondering what he meant.  He looked serious.

"I've installed tracking devices in them. As long as you are wearing these, I can find you, no matter where you are".

I felt tears spring to my eyes. Rev might not be as sensitive as Steve or Brad, but he had floored me with this gesture more than professing his love would have.

I stuck the earrings into the second hole in each ear and looked into his eyes, overwhelmed, tears stinging my eyes.

"They're beautiful, Rev. Thank you".

I felt like sobbing. I was accepting this amazing gift and would then turn around and break his heart.

"It looks like you have some things to talk to me about?", Rev asked.

I nodded and looked down as a tear escaped.

He waited.  I met his eyes.

"I need to go back tomorrow. I don't want to but I have to practice Saturday morning for Bre and Steve's wedding".

I felt a sob rising and choked it back while dropping my gaze.

"I need to talk to Brad.  I don't know what I'm going to do with him yet but I need to talk to him".

"What are you going to tell him?", Rev asked. I checked his face. He looked troubled.

"What I've realized. That he's holding me back. I don't think he's aware of it but I'm not sure.  It could be intentional to keep me dependent on him. He's been supportive, and he's taken care of me, but I want to make my own money again. He doesn't seem to believe that I'm capable of anything, even making my own decisions".

"You love him, though?", Rev asked, watching my face.


Rev waited.

"I love you, too", I said quietly.

Rev's face stopped looking so troubled and he put his hand on the back of my neck. He kissed me on the mouth then said, "I want you to stay but I understand why you can't. I knew what I was getting into.  I'll be all right".

Tears started pouring down my face.

"Rev, I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to leave you".

"I know".

"I'm going to get a hotel room until I'm sure how to proceed with Brad".

"All right, love".

"How can you be so calm about all this?!?", I snapped at him.

"Because before I let you have sex with me, I told myself you would probably go back to him.  I told myself I was probably going to get hurt, and I decided I wanted to do it anyway, because you were worth it".

I choked and dropped my head against his muscular chest.

"Do you regret it?", he asked quietly, his hand on my head.

I sat upright and looked at him.

"It's complicated. I feel guilty for cheating on Brad but I don't regret anything I've done with you. I know it doesn't make sense but that's how I feel, and I would do it again. I will do it again, if you'll let me".

"Oh, love", he said. "Anytime, anywhere", and he aggressively pressed his mouth to mine.


I was laying against Rev with my head on his chest and my leg across his. He had his arm around me and was casually running his hand up and down my arm. I was staring at the trees gently moving in the breeze, and enjoying my last day in paradise.

"There's something I need to tell you, love", Rev said suddenly.

I lifted my head and looked into his greenish brown eyes.

"Jay might be in town when we get back. I'm going to need to look into it, and I will stick close to you when I can, but it might be safer for you to stay at Andy's or Steve's if you don't want to stay with Brad. You shouldn't be alone and a hotel doesn't provide much security".

I felt a surge of anger.

How fucking dare he set foot in the town I live in.


"Why what?", he asked.

"Why's he in town?  The judge?"

"Probably. I'm guessing he's trying to pick up the pieces of the route that dissolved when the judge died", Rev answered.

I nodded.

"If I resolve things with Brad, and decide to work it out...", I closed my eyes as my voice broke, "I will stay with him. I will not stay with anyone else. I've disrupted Bre and Steve's life together way too many times, and I will not endanger my unborn niece".

Rev's eyes registered that look of respect he got sometimes when I was being determined.

"We'll figure it out then, love, but I need you to be smart and to stay safe".

I nodded again.

He looked at me questioningly. "How do you feel about this?", he asked.

"Fucking angry", I snapped. "How dare he continue to disrupt my life!"

"Scared?", Rev asked, watching me carefully.

I thought for a long moment then met Rev's eyes again.

"No. I'm not scared of him anymore. I know everyone thinks I am but I'm not. The nightmares aren't because I'm scared. It's because it's unresolved. It's trauma from my time with him that my brain is trying to work through, and it's doing it while I sleep, so it seems real. Most of them are memories, or a memory put into a current situation.  I was scared when it happened but I'm not the same person I was. I meant what I told you before. If he gets me, either I die or he will. I'm prepared for that but I guarantee you he isn't. Let's hope it works to my advantage".

Rev grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face to his. He kissed me then looked into my eyes. "You are the most formidable little woman I've ever met. I guarantee you would kill him and walk away from it. There's no doubt in my mind...but if I get the chance first, I'm taking it. One way or another we're resolving it for you, love. One way or another, justice will served".

A little nagging thought popped into my head. An idea that had been kicking around finally came to fruition.

"Why did Andy call you to come here?", I asked.

"Because you saw a car on your road that looked like one of Jay's".

"Was it?"

"I don't know, love, but it's possible".

"Has Jay been here before?", I asked, starting to feel suspicious. "That you know of?"

Rev hesitated. "Yeah, love. Once I got here I realized his connection to the judge and found out he had been here in May".

I sat straight up in bed.

"And everyone knew that but me?!?", I snapped, incredulous. "That's why Brad's been so overprotective? That's why you were following me everywhere?"

Rev simply looked at me, obviously guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me?!?!", I raged at him.

"I'm sorry, love. At first, it was because Andy and Brad told me not to, and I didn't have a right to intervene. Then, I got distracted by your naked body, and now...I'm telling you".

I rubbed my forehead with my hand. It explained a lot of Brad's behavior...however, it didn't erase the fact that him and Andy chose to hide it from me, which went right back to the main point about him taking away my control because he thought he knew best.

Rev waited quietly while I thought. I took a deep breath. It didn't change anything, really. At least I knew now. I laid back down on his chest and he wrapped that arm back around me.


Bre was so worried about Paige, she felt sick. She still hadn't responded to her or Brad since Tuesday. Brad said neither Andy nor Kendra heard anything. Kate had called her today, as well, worrying because Paige hadn't shown for her shift at the shelter, and she couldn't get ahold of her.  Bre felt like it was time to clue her in, so she gave her the run down, leaving out the details about Rev probably killing the judge.

Kate was equally horrified, and terrified for Paige, and said she would pray for her safety.


Brad was beside himself. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and was medicating with alcohol just to get a few hours rest.

This is like Japan all over again.

Andy cautioned him to try to take him mind off it, to sleep, and to stay rational. 

"If you aren't acting stable when she returns, it's not going to go over well", Andy cautioned him.

All Brad could think about was smashing Rev in his smug fucking face and ripping his girlfriend away from him, but he knew Andy was right.  Paige left because he was acting irrational so continuing to act that way wasn't going to get him very far.


Thursday night we were both pretty quiet, neither of us looking forward to what the next day would bring.

After we ate supper and I was washing dishes, Rev asked if I wanted to listen to music.

"Do you play the piano?", I asked.

"A little", he admitted.

I dried my hands and turned to look at him.

"It was my mum's. My dad bought it for her for an anniversary present. She taught us to play a bit. It cost a small fortune to bring it with us to the states but she refused to leave it behind".

"Were your parents good to you?", I asked.

"Very. They were hardworking, dedicated to us and to each other. I couldn't have asked for better.  My dad was a detective, too. My parents decided that there was more opportunity for us here, my dad applied for a position in New York, and he got it. It was major culture shock and nothing like we had expected. We loved the arts and the adventures in the city but all my dad saw was the crime. When I got older, that's all I saw, too".

I went to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, laying my head on his chest.

"Will you play something for me?", I asked.

"Sure, love", he said, kissing my forehead. He released me and went into the living room, sitting down at the bench. I hovered at his shoulder. He started playing by memory. It was a beautiful, mournful tune. Melodic and sad. I felt tears spring to my eyes. He finished the song and I put my arms around his neck. He leaned back against me.

I rested my forehead on the top of his bald head and started crying.

"Love", he said quietly, turning slowly.

I sat in his lap and sobbed against his chest. I didn't want to leave him or this place. Because I had moved around so much as a child and as an adult, I really had the ability to feel at home wherever I was.

Here, though. Here, it felt like a vacation. It felt relaxing and peaceful and perfect. It felt like home, especially with Rev here.

"I don't want to leave!", I cried. "I want this to be my reality".

"It can be, love", Rev replied. "You need to make that decision, though. You've got me tonight, and as long as you want, but we both need to go take care of some things tomorrow".

I stopped crying.

"You're right", I said, drying my tears, and standing. I took his hand.

"I'm wasting valuable time crying".

I led him up to the bedroom to make the most of the time we had left.


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