Speechless | Spencer Reid Fan...

By skylarjoy2017

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"I never thought I would say getting exposed to a deadly strain of anthrax was the best thing that ever happe... More

Chapter 1: Exposure
Chapter 2: Recovery
Chapter 3: Discharged
Chapter 4: The Pink Lotus
Chapter 5: Playing Her Game
Chapter 6: Air & Space
Chapter 7: Ponte Vecchio
Chapter 8: ER
Chapter 9: Nurse Annie
Chapter 10: Always Open
Chapter 11: Just One
Chapter 12: Pinky Promise
Chapter 13: All About You*
Chapter 14: Surprises*
Chapter 16: Dinner Party
Chapter 17: First Time*
Chapter 18: Sleepover*
Chapter 19: Who is Lila?*
Chapter 20: Blood & Scares
Chapter 21: Cocktails & Chicken Nuggets*
Chapter 22: Cuffing Season*
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday*
Chapter 24: Halloween*
Chapter 25: Nightmares
Chapter 26: Secrets Come Out*
Chapter 27: Vanilla Treat*
Chapter 28: Hooky
Chapter 29: Thanksgiving
Chapter 30: Spices & Cheese*
Chapter 31: Vegas Baby
Chapter 32: Tourmaline*
Chapter 33: Prying Eyes
Chapter 34: Christmas Eve Shenanigans
Chapter 35: Christmas*
Chapter 36: Taking Care*
Chapter 37: Office Christmas Party
Chapter 38: Solidarity*
Chapter 39: New Year's Eve*
Chapter 40: Insecure
Chapter 41: The Proposal*
Chapter 42: Brutal Brunch
Chapter 43: Endorphins*
Chapter 44: Mean Mugging*
Chapter 45: Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 46: Caught*
Chapter 47: Flep
Chapter 48: Say Yes to the Dress
Chapter 49: Orderly File*
Chapter 50: St. Patrick's Day*
Chapter 51: Lovely Lady Liberty*
Chapter 52: Anniversary*
Chapter 53: Buckle Up*
Chapter 54: My Friend, Too
Chapter 55: Home*
Chapter 56: Taking Time
Chapter 57: Hide & Seek
Chapter 58: Shot to the Heart
Chapter 59: Okay
Chapter 60: Reunions
Chapter 61: Recovery
Chapter 62: Walkthrough*
Chapter 63: Cockblocker*
Chapter 64: Telephone*
Chapter 65: Groom, Best Man, or Groomsman?*
Chapter 66: Rehearsal*
Chapter 67: I Do

Chapter 15: Aurora*

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By skylarjoy2017

     While Spencer is gone on his case one night after I get home from work I text Alison and Killian and see if they want to go out this weekend. We decide on going out Friday night to dinner and then want to check out a new club that just opened up in the area called Aurora. I call Spence to see how the case is going and to make sure that my plans don't interfere with his possibility of coming home.
      Spencer answers on the second ring "hey, Annie, everything okay?" I smile to myself and say "I'm fine, Spence, everything is great. Are you super slammed right now with work?" He hummed and said "eh a little bit, but I can talk for a minute. What's up?" I hummed in response and said "okay I'll make this quick then, babe, what's the earliest you think you'll come home by?" Spencer responds "probably this weekend, Saturday or Sunday most likely."
      I say "hmm okay well I was talking to the girls about going out to a club on Friday night and just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be coming in from the case that night or anything." I can almost hear him shaking his head in response as he says "no that should be fine. I don't mind you going out to a club with your friends for a girls night but please be careful. Use the night cap scrunchie thing I got you."
      I chuckle at his overprotectiveness and say "yes I'll be careful and yes I'll use the night cap. I'll even bring extras for the girls. Feel better about it? I know it's because you care and because of your job that you worry, baby." He says "thank you for listening and taking my concerns seriously, babe."
      I say "no problem. Is there anything you want to talk about before I let you get back to work?" He chuckles and says "hmm does missing you count?" I laugh and say "well I believe that would be a fairly redundant conversation, Dr. Reid." I hear his breathing hitch in his throat as he says "don't do that to me, please." I bite my lip and giggle as I say "do what, Dr. Reid?"
      His voice lowers as he says "you know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop or you'll regret it." I decide to take my chances and challenge his threat and say "okay I'll stop, Dr. Reid. Good luck with your case, love you!" He starts to say "Annie I mean it yo-" and I hang up on him. I laugh evilly to myself as I turn to cook myself some dinner. I hear my phone beep as a text comes in on my notifications.

Spence ❤️

That's 3 strikes, Annie. Hope they were worth it.

      I think to myself that I don't fully understand what he means, but I am definitely intrigued to this new side of Spencer. I don't respond because I know he's busy and he doesn't need anymore distraction than I've already given him. I continue cooking and immediately forget that conversation with Spence. He does not.


     It's Friday night at 6 pm and Alison and Killian are getting ready with me at my apartment before we go out to dinner and then to the club. I'm sitting at my vanity, Killian is sitting on the floor in front of my big leaning mirror, and Alison is in my bathroom as we all apply makeup and do our hair with music playing in the background.
     Killian turns to me and says "so Annie, do you have any tea for us?" with a knowing glint in her eye. I give her a quizzical look in the mirror and say "tea? What are you talking about?" Killian fully turns around and says "Alison told me Spence went down on you. I was just curious if you had any more..activities..to tell us about?
     I roll my eyes, smiling, and say "what exactly do you want to know?" Killian stands up rushing over to me, clapping her hands excitedly in the process. She stands behind me and says "I want to know everything! Have you had sex yet?" I shake my head "no, we haven't had sex yet." Killian looks disappointed and she says "did he only go down on you?" I feel my face heat up and I say nothing, she says "oh my God did you go down on him?"
      I look down and feel my face grow redder as I nod my confirmation and say "okay that is the extent of what I'm telling you!" She said "wait but is he big? Is he packing like we thought he is?" I look at her and say "I mean I don't have anything personally to compare it to but it wasn't an easy feat, I'll tell you that." Alison comes out of the bathroom while putting earrings in and says "scale of 1-10, 1 being a shot glass and 10 being a hydro flask."
      My jaw drops at the range and say "Um I'd say a 7 or 8. I guess it was like the size of a water bottle, but not a hydro flask." Alison laughed and said "good, if he were the size of a hydro flask you might would never walk again when you finally do the deed." I gulp as I nod and say "it's honestly terrifying to think about." Killian laughs and says "oh honey, after the first couple of times it shouldn't bother you at all." I nod and say "whew, well I hope you're right. We ready to go?" The girls nod as we grab our purses and head out the door.


      We get to the club early enough that we didn't have to pay more than $20 for the cover. After we get in, Killian and Alison go to find a table for us while I go get drinks. As I walk up to the bar and try to get the bartender's attention a blonde haired, blue eyed man leans over and says to me "whatcha drinking, pretty girl?" I smile at him and say "oh thanks but I'm getting drinks for my whole table so you don't have to buy."
      Just then the bartender catches my eye and I say, or really yell, "3 diet rum and Coke's with lime and 3 lemon drop shots, please!" The bartender nods and goes to get my drinks after I discreetly hand the bartender my debit card without showing the man next to me any of my identifying information or card information. I turn to catch the eye of Alison and she comes to help me carry the drinks over to the table.
      Before Alison can get there the man says again "let me buy you a drink," but with a much more aggressive tone. I still smile and try to hide the fact that I'm very uncomfortable and say "I appreciate the offer but I have a boyfriend." He looks at me with a sadistic smile and says "I don't see him here with you." I still smile and say "oh he's working right now, but he will be home before I get home tonight from our little girls night." Which isn't true, but he doesn't have to know that. Hopefully he will turn his focus to another girl soon.
      As I see our drinks coming towards us from the bar I pull out my night cap covers and put them on all of our drinks. The man scoffs and says "think I'm going to drug your drink, huh?" I give him a confused look and say "no I never said that? This is just a precaution. I'm sure there is at least one man in here who would do such a thing. It's been nice talking to you but my friend and I are going to find our other friend before she does something crazy!"
      Alison carries the drinks as I carry the shots over to the table. Killian says "fuck what took so long!? I'm ready to get drunk!" Alison laughs and says "Annie had to fight off an asshole at the bar who doesn't understand body language." We all take our shots together. As we sit and drink our drinks I tell Alison and Killian more about the awkward and intense encounter I just had at the bar. Alison says "I can always call Luke to come pick us up earlier and hang out with us if we need some muscle." I laugh and say "no, we will be okay. Let's go dance after we finish these drinks!"

~Spencer's POV~

     I'm on the jet coming home from the case, we unexpectedly caught the unsub pretty soon after I got off the phone with Annie. It took a few days to find the last victims even though the unsub was in custody, but we figured it out and we are almost home. I track Annie's location - we both share each others location on find my iPhone just for safety precautions - and see that she's at the club she told me about on the phone. I text Alison and tell her to pretend I'm her husband when I call her in a minute. She likes the message and I wait two minutes before calling her.
      She says "Hi, Luke, what's up?" I tell her "hey the jet is about to land at Quantico, do you think it would be okay if I surprised Annie at the bar? I don't want to interrupt your girls night." She waits a second and says "yeah that would be nice for sure." I then say "what about if I invite my team would that be okay, we all kind of need to unwind after our case." She then says "even better, okay I really have to get back to the girls now. See you at home." I say goodbye and tell her we will be there in about 30 minutes.
      I turn to my team on the jet and say "hey Annie is at this new club close by called Aurora and I'm going to go surprise her, any of you guys want to join?" Everybody but Rossi chimes in saying they will join, even Hotch wants to come which is weird. Penelope pops in on the screen and says "I will most definitely be there, wonder boy." I laugh and tell them to just let me surprise Annie first before she sees anybody else. They all agree. Shortly after that, the jet lands and we file out to our cars, not stopping at the BAU like normal, except for Morgan who is picking up Penelope.
      I get to the entrance of the bar with my team, discreetly put a $100 bill in the bouncer's hand, and he lets us in without another word. It helps that I also knew the bouncer previously from working local cases and having to interview him multiple times. I turn to Hotch and say "you all owe me like $10 each." Hotch smiles, a rarity honestly, and nods. We walk in together and I search the crowd for Annie and her friends.

~Annie's POV~

       We get up to dance after finishing the drinks and are dancing on the dance floor in our own little circle to Megan Thee Stallion playing over the speakers. Halfway through the song I feel a hand snake around my waist and a body start to grind against me from behind. I turn to slap the person and get them off me, realizing it's the asshole from the bar. I tell him to get off me and he says "you wouldn't be dancing like this right in front of me if you didn't want this," and tightens his grip.
     I try to wriggle out of his grasp and can't, right when Alison and Killian notice what's happening I hear a familiar voice say "she said stop so get the fuck off of her now!" I turn to see Spencer and his team and have never been more grateful to see him in my life. The asshole turns and says "and what are you going to do about it, pipsqueak, huh?" Spencer stands his ground and doesn't back down.
      The man lunges at Spencer, punching him in the face. I cover my face in fear and worry. Spencer doesn't throw another punch, he just reaches into his pocket saying "you're going to wish you hadn't done that," he pulls out his credentials and says "you just assaulted a federal agent. You're going to prison," as he handcuffs the guy. The guy looks at Spencer with horror and anger at the realization. It was honestly really hot to see Spencer like that. Morgan takes the guy and gets him out of the club and to the nearest police officers before coming back to us.
      I turn to Spencer and hug him and say "Thank you for being my knight in shining armor. That guy has been bothering me all night." Spencer hums and says "I'm glad I decided to surprise you, let's go sit down for a minute, your heart is racing." I nod and follow his lead as he takes me to an empty booth in the corner, away from everybody else, even the team.
      I start shivering once we sit down and Spencer takes off his jacket, putting it on my shoulders. I thank him and he holds me against his chest as I calm down, focusing on the sound of his beating heart against my ear. After a few minutes I've calmed down and he says "you okay?" And I nod saying I just needed a minute. He nods in response before saying "do you want to go home or do you want to stay here?" I bite my bottom lip, turning to look at him and say "that depends. Will you dance with me, Dr. Reid?"
     His eyes darken and he says "of course I will. And I haven't forgotten about those strikes, sweetheart, so you need to be on your best behavior tonight." I visibly gulp and nod, having forgotten all about that conversation. I mentally scold myself for thinking my boyfriend with an eidetic memory would forget such a conversation. I stand up and take his hand and take him out to the dance floor, giving him his jacket back.
      Emily, JJ, Penelope, Alison and Killian are all dancing together on the middle of the dance floor while Hotch and Morgan are sitting at a table. I tell them to come on out with us to the dance floor and let loose. Morgan stands up and says "don't have to tell me twice," and Hotch gives me a look before smiling and says "oh alright. Just don't make us arrest anybody else tonight, I'm not here to work." I nod my head and pull Spencer out with me to the dance floor.
      I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands easily find their position on my waist. After I can tell Spencer is more comfortable on the dance floor with me I turn around and guide him to hold me around my waist and pull me against him. He falls into a natural rhythm of us dancing together while the team dances around us, too. He takes his head down to my neck, leaving light kisses in his wake. He pulls some hair from my left shoulder and puts his mouth next to my ear saying "when were you going to show me this little number you're wearing, hmm?"
      I giggle and say "we haven't had anything to go to where I needed to wear something quite like this. I think I'm starting to prefer wearing almost nothing when I'm with you more than anything else." I feel Spencer take a sharp intake of breath before he says "I think I prefer that, too. How much have you had to drink tonight, baby?"
      I turn around to face him, returning to our original position and say "only one drink and one shot, I'm fully sober now, though." Spencer smiles and says "want to get out of here?" I bite my lip and nod and tell him "let me go close my tab, then we can go." He nods and goes to talk to Morgan as I close my tab. After I close my tab and tip the bartender I make my way back to Spencer.
     I see Morgan clap him on the back upon seeing me and says "y'all don't have too much fun tonight, baby girl!" I roll my eyes and tell him and everybody else goodnight as we walk out of the bar. As we walk to Spencer's car since I didn't drive he grabs my hand and says gently "you sure you're okay?" I squeeze his hand and say "Spencer, don't let that asshole ruin my surprise of you coming home early. If you're not careful he will ruin your night, too."
      Spencer chuckles as he says "well he is spending his night in a holding cell while I get to spend my night tangled up with you." He kisses me before opening the passenger door and letting me into his car. On the short drive to my apartment Spencer rests his hand on my thigh, assuming I don't notice it slowly traveling up towards my heat. I click my tongue at him and say "somebody is not being patient tonight." Spencer laughs and says "five days is much too long to be apart from you, baby." I chuckle and say "well you still have to wait until we get inside or you will sleep in the guest room."
     He shakes his head and laughs, slowly taking his hand back down my thigh towards my knee. I smile and say "good to know you can follow directions, Dr. Reid." We make it to my apartment complex and up the stairs. I get into the apartment and go to let Ryder out. As soon as I do Spencer pins me against the door and says "it took every ounce of my self control to wait until you let Ryder out." I chuckle and thank him for his patience.
      He flips me around, pressing the front of my body into the door now and slowly pulls the zipper of my dress down, peeling it off of my body until it falls to the floor in a puddle of fabric at my feet. He turns me back around and says "look at this cute little matching set you have on, I'll have to buy you some more pretty things like this that only I can see you wear." My breathing hitches as I say "I bought it for you, but decided to try it on tonight before putting it to use with you." He hums and says "I'm getting happier and happier that I came home early, baby."
      He leads me to the bed and lays me down. He takes off his jacket and his button down before kicking off his shoes and socks. He leans down to kiss me before trailing his hands up and down my sides, I arch my back so he can unhook my bra. He takes off my bra, throwing it in no specific direction into the room. He kisses me in the valley between my breasts before briefly taking each nipple into his mouth one at a time in sloppy kisses. I gasp in response and he stands back up and lifts my left leg to take off my strappy high heel before repeating the same action on my right leg.
     He tosses the shoes to the side and kisses up my leg, I think to myself how grateful I am that I shaved and put on lotion before going out tonight. He makes his way to my clothed heat before gently trailing one finger down it. I shudder at the contact and he says "I didn't forget about those strikes, baby. You ready to make them up to me?" I nod, thinking it won't be anything too different or crazy.
      He continues to lightly trail his fingers up and down my clothed core and says "we are going to try something a little different tonight. Like always, you can stop me whenever and I won't get upset. Understand?" I nod and he says "use your words, Anneliese." I gulp and say "yes, I understand." He says "good girl. You have to tell me tonight when you're close to cumming. Every time. Or I won't touch you again until I get back from the case after next. Do you understand?" My eyes widen at the statement and I nod and say "yes, I understand." He smiles at me and says "good girl, can I take these off?"
       I nod and say "yes," before he hooks his fingers into my panties, sliding them down my legs. I'm sure there's a wet spot in them at this point. He slowly trails his finger tips through my folds and says "did you touch yourself while I was gone? Be honest. You won't be in trouble no matter the answer." I take a deep breath and say "yes, just once. It wasn't as good as when you touch me." He hums and says "from now on I want you to ask me before you touch yourself, even when I'm on cases. Is that okay?" I nod in response.
      He lightly hits my thigh and tells me "words, Anneliese, or we will stop right now." I cry out slightly, more out of surprise than pain, and breathlessly say "yes, that's okay." He hums in approval, taking his mouth closer to my aching core and says "remember the rules. You have to tell me when you're close," and with that he latches on to my clit. I moan out in shock and pleasure at his actions. After just a minute I feel my orgasm swiftly approaching faster than it ever has before. I wait about 20 seconds before I say "Spencer, I'm close, oh my God."
     He immediately removes himself from me and I feel the intense orgasm dissipate into nothing. I groan out in frustration and disappointment. Spencer lightly rubs my leg and says "that is your first orgasm denial for strike one, knowingly teasing me on a case." He waits another minute before taking his thumb and using it to rub fast circles on my clit applying more pressure than his tongue did just minutes before. After a minute of rubbing my clit he also takes his mouth to my folds, driving me crazy with his tongue.
      My orgasm approaches at an embarrassingly fast pace again, and when I feel like I'm dangerously close I tell him "I'm close, I'm close!" He immediately stops, pulling all contact from my body. He says "that's two, for teasing me again." I feel the orgasm dissipate and pout at Spencer. He gives me a stern look and says "quit pouting or you won't cum all night." I quickly change my expression to which he responds "good girl. One more time. You okay?" I nod my head and say "I'm okay."
     With that he takes his mouth back to my clit and plunges a finger into my heat. His tongue attacks my clit with ferocity as he adds another finger and begins to rub my g spot with his fingertips. All at once I feel my orgasm approaching faster than ever before and I tell him "Fuck I'm close, I'm so close, please!" He pulls away for the final denial and says "that's three, for hanging up on me." He lightly rubs my hip as I feel tears prick my eyes.
      Spencer notices and says "you did such a good job, baby. You ready to go again?" I sniffle and nod my head and say "yes." He smiles and says "good girl," before attaching his mouth to my clit again just like two minutes prior. He accompanies his mouth by thrusting two fingers into me again at a fast pace, rubbing my g spot. I feel my orgasm coming on in less than a minute and say "Spencer, I'm close, please!" He looks at me and says "you want to cum?" I nod my head, feeling tears run down my cheeks and say "yes, please. Please let me cum." He looks at me and says "cum," before increasing his speed with both his tongue and fingers.
        My orgasm hits me like a train and I cry out at the intensity, it's almost painful. All the while it lasts Spencer continues pumping his fingers in me and says "give me another one, Annie, then we can be done," I nod as I feel my next orgasm hit me with absolutely no warning and I cry out with a pornographic moan and collapse into the sheets. Immediately after that he goes to get a wash cloth and comes back to clean the mess he's made of me.
      After throwing the washcloth in the hamper he comes over to me, stroking my check with his thumb and says "you okay?" I give him a tired nod and smile at him. He says "did you enjoy that or do you prefer the original way?" I close my eyes and say "it was intense. You are so hot when you are authoritative." He chuckles and says "I'm glad you liked it. You sleepy?"
      I shake my head and say, "I don't want to be done yet." He gives me a confused look and says "baby, we both have the next two days off. We have 48 hours to fool around like this, we need to stop for tonight so you don't over exert yourself." I pout at his statement and he chuckles and says "that isn't going to work tonight, baby. You need to rest."
      I look at the erection straining against his boxers and say "no I need to take care of you like you took care of me." He smiles softly and says "I'm fine. It gives me immense pleasure to watch you enjoy yourself like you did tonight. Now, you need to pee and go to sleep." He carries me to the bathroom and sets me on the toilet and leaves to go get stuff ready for bed.
     I pee and then stand, lightly wobbling to the sink and wash my hands. He brings me one of his shirts and some panties and Nike shorts to wear to sleep. I opt to not wear the Nike shorts and walk out and curl up into bed with Spencer, him on his back and me laying with my head on his chest and arm across his stomach. He kisses my head and says "I love you, Annie, sweet dreams." I hum and say "sweet dreams, I love you, too, Spence."

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