Kai Parker's Adventures

By rudekai

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I don't own these stories, they are written and published by Tumblr writers. Thank me later #1 on Tumblr and... More

I always get what i want
If you want it, take it (Part 1)
Midnight Surprises (Part 2)
Awwwh, am i being punished?(part 3)
Angel on fire
Hands to myself
First time
Feed on me
All i want
Just for tonight
Rule Breaker
More of you
Addicted to you
The Best Birthday
Having fun?


3K 53 14
By rudekai

Long summer nights , parties at the swimming hole and at the Grill were a few of the things Y/N was looking forward to after her first year at college. All her friends and she had gathered at the Grill , laughing and just enjoying each other’s company and everything was fine until Kai showed up. It wasn’t like she didn’t like him , because she did more than she cared to admit. There was something about him that drew her in like a magnet since day one but for the past few weeks he had been all over her , constantly saying she is too serious and that she needs to ‘chill’. Y/N was starting to get tired of listening to him going on and on about it.
  “Hey guys.” said Kai smiling widely , holding his drink in one hand and the other in his pocket. “Ahh Y/N , I didn’t think I’d see you here. Why do you have that scrunched forehead super serious look again ? It’s driving me nuts. It’s a party. Loosen up have some fun.”

Y/N clenched her jaw for a moment taking a step towards him. A playful smile spread on her face and she trailed her fingers across his chest. There was no need for her to look at her friends to know they are looking at her as if she had lost her mind. Who knew , maybe she had but if he was going to get on her nerves –
  “I do –” she said biting her lip. “– have fun. With people I like.”
Kai took a step towards her until their bodies almost pressed against each other.

    “Does that mean you don’t like me?”
  “Always so full of yourself …” she trailed off taking a sip from her club soda.

    “I am just concerned you are missing out on the fun part of life.” he said with concern / worry in his voice but also a hint of amusement. “Always so serious - ”

    “I am not serious.”

    “ - too serious for your own good. I bet you don’t even know how to drink. That is to be expected , you know – since all you ever drink is water.”

Her friends kept glancing between them trying to figure out what was happening and probably picking up on her heartbeat because they looked at her with confusion and a little shock in their eyes.
  “Is that a challenge ?” she wondered unable to tear her eyes away from his.
  “It’s the facts.” replied Kai taking a sip from his drink. “You need to -”
  “Chill.” said Caroline placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder seeing how at any moment she might try and strangle Kai. “He is just trying to get on your nerves.”
  “Yeah , Y/N. Chill.”
  “I will str-… ” she took  a deep breath trying to calm down , slipping her empty glass on the table. “You want me to chill ? Alright … Let’s do tequila shots.”
  “OH you do not want to see me on tequila -”

    “Come on Malachai … chill.” she smiled innocently at him. “Whoops , did I hit a nerve or something ?”

    “You are so on sweet cheeks.” he smirked at her , placing his hand on her back pushing her through the crowd towards the bed. His name sounded different when she said it , he almost liked it. Y/N pushed his hand away but that didn’t stop him from placing it on her back again.

Kai sat on one of the stools motioning for the bartender barely taking his eyes off her. Y/N was wearing a short t-shirt , ripped in the knees jeans and converses with her hair pulled in a loose side ponytail and he couldn’t help himself but reach to touch it for a few seconds.

    “I need to see her ID.” said the bartender pointing at Y/N who was smiling innocently , batting her eyelashes at Kai who looked her up and down seeing her press her lips together for a few seconds lightly licking them afterwards. Was he imagining it or did she really liked how he was looking at her in that moment ? No , not possible.
  “No. You don’t. Now get us two rounds of tequ-.”

    “Kai ?” she said innocently. “Get us a bottle extra añejo tequila –”
  “No , no. You have lost it. Are you sure ? That stuff is like really stro– ” he glanced at her with a mix of shock and amusement on his face. Y/N put her arm around his shoulder smiling innocently at him and his hand found its way on her waist again making her heart race like crazy ? “Oh-kay. What the lady said. Damn Y/N , maybe you are not as serious as I thought you were.”
  “Can we get this over with so I can get back home to finish my book ? I am right in the middle - ”
  “And there it is. What is that book about anyways ? Can’t be more interesting than spending time with me.” he wondered with a note of hurt in his voice.
  “Christian Grey is a good competition for you. ” she whispered in his ear before sitting on the stool next to him.

Kai looked at her with wide eyes as if seeing her for the first time. He had expected her to say it’s about something post apocalyptic since she appeared to like reading those quite a lot but not this. Perhaps he didn’t know her as well as he had thought.
  “There is no competition sweetheart.” he reached for the bottle just as the bartender gave it to them but Y/N was faster , pouring the liquid in the small glasses almost filling them completely. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. How had he missed seeing this side of her ? Maybe it had been because usually the parties had been happening on school nights when she had been studying. That he got , sort of.
  “Stop looking at me like that.”
Kai laughed under his breath. “Sorry , I just — I was thinking how , ahh never mind. Here , salt … lime -”

Y/N gripped his wrist licking the spot between his thumb and forefinger without taking her eyes off him , sprinkling a little salt on the spot

    “On three ?” she asked. Kai nodded still surprised at her behaviour. Y/N took her glass and he looked at her a little confused. “What ? In Mexico people drink it straight. I can go salt and lime for the next one -”

    “You are such a know it all.” he teased. Y/N tilted her head slightly , glaring at him. “Alright fine. We do it your way. One , two -  ”

Y/N looked into his eyes for a few seconds before drinking it in one gulp , throwing her head back before he had finished saying three. For a few seconds she closed her eyes , pressing her lips together while the alcohol burned its way down her throat. When her eyes opened Kai was looking at her with wide curious eyes and smile on his face.

    “How do you feel ?”

    “Like I need at least 5 more of those.”
Y/N laughed along with him, tapping her hands on the bar , motioning for him to get the next round ready. They went about eight rounds before he grabbed the bottle from her hands.

    “Alright , you are fun. I am very impressed but you are cut off.“ 

    “Oh-uh … the fun police is here. Now who is being the serious one ?” she pouted for a second.
  “I am being the responsible one , never the serious one.That’s your thing. Your friends will kill me if something happens to you.” he said holding the bottle over his head so she couldn’t get it. Not that it stopped her. Y/N kept trying to take it and their bodies kept pressing together. It felt as if electricity was floating between them, the feeling woke every fibre in his body and he found himself almost kissing her.
  “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG !” she placed her hands on his chest smiling wider than ever. There was something about her smile that made him smile. He had never seen her smile that much in the entire time they had known each other and she looked more beautiful than ever.
  “Y/N ? Wh-what are you doing ?!” he wondered looking around trying very hard to avoid any of her friends’ gazes while she climbed on the bar and started dancing on it , swaying her hips to the beat and throwing her hands in the air while singing along to ‘Sorry , not sorry’. Kai watched her dancing and laughing unable to tear his eyes off her wondering who this girl really was because she was the complete opposite of what he thought. A few moments later she almost slipped and he decided Y/N had had enough fun for one night ,  getting her off the bar almost in a flash.
  “Arrhhh –” she groaned , her hand reaching for her head.
  “I should probably take you home. You are drunk.” he held her steady.

    “Not drunk. Lightly buzzed.” she slurred her words a little , holding onto him. “I can totally drive -”

    “Yeah , no. C'mon. We are going home… your home , not mine. Don’t worry.”

    “You know , you are like really hot. How can you be so hot ?” she said hooking a hand around his neck , lightly trailing her fingertips on his jawline while he scooped her into his arms bridal style. Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes off him. How were his eyes bluer than usual and how did she notice that ? Was she really paying that much attention to everything he does ?  
  “You are so cute slurring your words like that.” he laughed under his breath , carrying her out of the bar without taking his eyes away from her until they got to his car. He let her sit on the passenger seat , did the seat belt for her and opened slightly the car window to let the cooler air in before getting in himself. Y/N reached for him the same moment , tapping his nose laughing under her breath at his expression.

    “Why are you being so sweet ? You don’t even like me –”
  “I don’t like the serious  ‘nose-stuck-in-a-book’ version of you. This version of you I like… and I like your smile. You should smile more often.” he replied putting the keys in the ignition. “Maybe we can do that again sometime ?”

    “Definitely … ”
Almost half an hour later he parked in front of her house and helped her get out of the car. Surprisingly he barely said a word the entire ride back , just kept glancing at her every few seconds while the cooler air coming from the window helped her sober up a little bit.

    “Thank you… for driving me home.” she gave him a small smile. “This is a little embarrassing. I usually don’t drink that much.”

    “No , no. It’s okay.” he said softly helping her get out of the car wounding one of his hands around her waist before walking her to the door. “Do you need help getting to the couch or upstairs ?”
  “I um –”

Y/N reached in her pocket getting out her keys and they slipped through her fingers onto the ground. Kai got them for her meeting her eyes a moment later as he pushed the key in the lock pressing his body against hers while unlocking the door. There it was again - the electricity he had felt almost an hour ago along with the desire to kiss her only this time the feeling was stronger. He brushed his fingertips against her cheek noticing her eyes darting between his eyes and lips. Y/N’s heart was beating so fast , each beat calling out to him and then he kissed her , gently at first slowly deepening the kiss as he pressed her body against the door. Thousands of butterflies flapped their wings in her stomach and her heart fluttered like hummingbird’s wings as his hands found their way on her waist and hers hooked around his neck pulling him closer before he pulled away.

They gazed into each other’s eyes for a few seconds then Y/N’s lips crashed against his hungry for more. Kai wrapped his hands around her , moving them up and down her back towards her ass , pulling her closer to him. Y/N broke the kiss long enough to invite him in and a moment later the door swung open. He backed her inside , kicking the door closed behind him while she pushed off his jacket and he pulled her shirt over her head , almost ripping her jeans off her right after sending clothes flying everywhere.
  “Damn Y/N – Where have you been hiding this entire time?” he scooped her up , shoving her against the wall suffocating her with kisses while Y/N’s hands hooked around his neck and her legs wound around his waist. Kai couldn’t believe he had kissed her and she hadn’t slapped him and then she had kissed him and invited him in. Everything was happening too slow and too fast at the same time and he could feel his heart about to leap out of his chest just like hers while he kissed her neck , lighting up her skin on fire everywhere his lips touched her.
  “Right under your nose.” she moaned gripping on his hair until their lips crashed against each other again. It almost felt as if the kiss was a competition for who will suck the air out of the other’s lungs faster.

    “Bedroom ?” he asked breathing heavily.
  “Upstairs , second door on the — left. Wow , someone’s fast.” she said just as he almost tossed her onto the bed. Kai grinned at her trailing his fingers on her inner thighs sending shivers through her body, kissing his way up stomach without taking his eyes off her until their eyes were on the same level.  A sideways smirk showed on his face and he pinned her hands over her head while pushing his crotch hard against hers making her moan out.
  “Such a beautiful sound. I can’t wait to make you scream my name –”
A tingly feeling spread like a tidal wave through her body. Everywhere he touched her , it was like lighting a match lighting on fire while his hand slipped behind her back undoing her bra. He slipped slightly down her body , sucking and nibbling on her nipples , tearing panties off in a split second.
  “I have barely touched you and you are already wet - ” he nibbled on her earlobe , brushing his fingers against her clit spreading her arousal around. “You will be dripping by the time I am done with you…”

Their lips crashed together and she moaned into the kiss when his fingers began drawing rough figure eights, turning her moans into whimpers. She spread her legs even wider, giving him better access while he kissed her neck and his crotch grounded against her hip. Y/N could feel him getting harder with every passing second , barely able to wait to feel him inside her. Kai’s fingers found their way inside her making her gasp , going in to the last knuckle slowly curling around feeling every inch while his thumb drew circles on her clit , pulling out and repeating again going in faster and rougher every time while sucking on a spot on her neck marking her as his. 
  “OH fuck , I’m so close..” she moaned , spurring him to go faster. Kai had been driving her nuts for weeks but this was a whole new level. He had lit up her entire body on fire and only he could put the fire out or more like make it even bigger.
  “Ahh so tight around my fingers. It will feel so good stretching you later.” he cooed , watching her eyes roll in her head and her her back arch a little more off the bed with every curl. He loved listening to her moans turn into small screams while his fingers continued assaulting her , cheating with vampire speed to pump even faster. It was driving him nuts and those walls clenching around his fingers – he could barely wait to know what it feels like being inside her. Kai couldn’t tear his eyes away from her , seeing her thrash and squirm on the bed as her orgasm tore through her body and she moaned his name so loud , the sound was almost a scream.

    “Mmmmm you taste amazing.” he moaned tasting her on his fingers. “I just want to slip between your legs and eat you out for the rest of the night – ”

Y/N felt her cheeks blush and she rolled on top of him , grounding her core against his lenght through the fabric , biting her lip when she realised how hard he had gotten contemplating whats going to happen next. Kai placed his hands on her waist making her hips move a little faster on him and he could swear there was electricity coming from where her hands were on his chest. Y/N leaned in and kissed him both of them moaning into the kiss while her hips grounded against him a little harder, tugging at his lip at the end of the kiss.
  “How are you doing this ?” he thought out loud , tangling his fingers in her hair while her lips made their way on his neck and onto his chest. Kai propped himself on his elbows unable to look away.
  “Doing what?” she wondered , kissing down his stomach without taking her eyes off him for a second. Y/N palmed him through his briefs , moving her hand slowly up and down on him listening to him moan softly watching him bite his lip  when  she pressed her mouth on his lenght letting her breath on it.
  “Driving me completely out of my mind.” he moaned watching her fingers hitch on the waistband of his briefs slowly pulling them down his legs.

Y/N ran her tongue on the underside of his thick shaft , blowing a light stream of air on the head while her fingers wrapped him. Her tongue swirled around the head then straight through the middle while her other hand gently fondled his balls. Kai bit his lip letting out a throaty growl feeling her nibbling on the head while stroking him at a steady pace looking at him with innocent puppy dog eyes running her tongue all over , drawing circles and other figurines. For a second his eyes fluttered closed and when they opened , his eyes were black with lust.
  “So innocent.” he moaned , watching her every move. “Maybe not that innocent though.. Who knew you were this naughty ?”
  “There is a lot about me you don’t know.” she winked at him , swinging her leg over his waist while her hand was still wrapped around him , both straddling half of his lenght while stroking the other at a steady pace. Kai’s hands found their way on her hips and he couldn’t tear his eyes away. A few more moments like this and he’ll lose it. Y/N threw her head back , moaning softly while her thumb drew circles on the tip , gathering the pre-cum before bringing it to her lips to taste him. 
  “So fucking hot.” he pulled her down for a kiss while she continued straddling him a little faster. Their lips moved hungrily against each other while their tongues swirled together exploring the other’s mouth. Kai’s hands roamed all over her body , lightly pushing his hips up at her. “I want you more than ever now.”
Y/N smiled innocently at him , resting her forehead on his straddling him a little faster daring her tongue to lick his lower lip for a second pushing him right over the edge. “Owh ?”

    “Yes.” he moaned , rolling on top of her in vampire speed.  ” – and I always get what I want.“

Kai pinned her wrists on either side of her head while he rested his forehead on hers. For a few long moments he teased her, slowly sliding just the tip inside watching her lose it completely. Y/N pushed her hips down on him , hoping to get more of him but he was step ahead of her withdrawing in that exact same moment and she almost groaned in frustration  Her eyes were begging for him , all of him but he wanted to hear her say it. .

    “Please Kai –”
  “Please ‘what’ ? What does my girl want ? Tell me.” he smiled innocently , brushing his nose against hers. Kai’s breath on her face was intoxicating her completely and there was only one thing she wanted - him. All of him.
   "Fuck me… Malachai. I want to feel every inch of you.“
   "You know , I don’t like when people use my full name.” he growled. “It gets me – upset.”

    “Then teach me a lesson.” she dared him. “Maalaach–”

Kai’s lips crashed against hers as he entered her with one hard thrust making her moan into the kiss , withdrawing slowly making her feel every inch of him on the way out , leaving just the tip inside before filling her in again. His thrusts were slow but hard at first picking up the pace every time and he couldn’t help but notice how somehow they were a perfect fit for each other.

    “C'mon Malachai , don’t be so soft. I am not going to break.” she teased him.

A low growl came from his throat and he picked up the pace cheating with his vampirism every few thrusts, going in harder and deeper hitting her spot every time. Y/N’s walls were so tight around him it was driving him nuts , even more when they clenched around him. He rested his forehead on hers , unable to take his eyes off hers. Why had she said his full name again , considering he had just warned her what happens when people do that ? Then it hit him.
  “You are so tight around me. I fucking love it.” he groaned , withdrawing almost completely before going in even harder than before turning her moans into small screams. Her body jolted forward a little and he could hear the bed screech on the floor but what got to him was the way she screamed his name. It turned him on like crazy and he wanted to hear her scream it louder.

    “OH fucK  MALACHAI –” she screamed , her head almost hitting the headboard and Kai grinned. Their lips crashed together and their fingers intertwined together while he continued to pound relentlessly inside her. Each thrust rougher than the last turning her skin to fire , the unmistakable sounds of flesh on flesh , his groans and her screams filling the air.
Kai swung one of her legs over his shoulder , listening to her scream his name louder every time his lenght buried deeper inside her. Y/N’s eyes rolled in the back of her head and her walls clenched around him again pushing his emotions on complete overdrive. For a few seconds purple / black veins flashed under his eyes and he could hear her heart skip a beat and her breath get caught in her throat.

‘So hot.’ she mouthed and Kai grinned at her , making her scream out louder in the next second. His thick shaft pushed inside her so hard all the air got knocked out of her lungs at once and her bed screeched on the floor hitting the wall a split second later. Kai listened to her heart rate and breathing try to do the impossible and catch up with each other failing every time.
  “Fuck go f-faster - ” she moaned , her walls clenching again feeling his lenght twitch inside her. Kai let out a throaty growl and wrapped his fingers around her neck , holding her steady while her fingers wrapped around his wrist for support. Purple black veins flashed under his eyes again and he cheated using his vampirism to go faster , unable to stop himself even if he wanted to. He was going in so hard and deep as if wanting to bury his entire self in her , each thrust knocking the air out of her lungs and leaving her craving more.

Y/N’s back arched off the bed a little  and she gripped the sheets so tight he could almost hear them starting to rip. The headboard hit the wall again , making a slight dent in it. He loved everything about her in that moment , seeing her eyes roll in the back of her head , feeling her walls contract around him but there was something else. He could tell she was holding it knowing he was close too, wanting them to finish at the same time.

All his emotions blurred into one again , purple black veins flashing under his eyes and he leaned in sinking his teeth into her neck. Y/N gasped for a few seconds and tangled her fingers in his hair , enjoying him feeding on her just as much as he did. Last thing he expected after getting a taste of her blood was for her to cup his face and pull him down for a kiss not caring about his bloody lips. This kiss felt different as they poured every emotion they felt towards the other into it, their lips moving fiercely against each other leaving the other completely breathless at the end. They gazed into each other’s eyes searching for something in the other’s eyes and his lips crashed against hers again , demanding and greedier than ever while she held onto his biceps and he continued fucking her senseless almost getting her tip over the edge without him.
  “You look even hotter covered in blood.” she moaned out.
  “Damn Y/N. I don’t know you at all.” he groaned wondering who this girl was , because clearly he had misjudged her completely. Y/N was driving him completely insane and he couldn’t get enough. Their hearts thumping like crazy threatening to leap out of their chests and into the other’s arms. Her walls clenched around him again a little more intensely triggering his orgasm with hers following closely behind. Kai pressed his lips against hers , drowning her in a deep passionate kiss riding through both their highs until they were finished before collapsing on top of her.
  “Wow – Had I known how good it would feel being with you that way –  I would’ve done that weeks ago.” he grinned trying to catch his breath.

    “Why didn’t you ?”
  “I didn’t think you’d want me to.”  he rolled onto the bed next to her without taking his eyes off her.
  “How are you going to know if you don’t ask ?” she turned towards him. “Is that why you kept saying I need to ‘chill’ ? To find out without asking ?”

    “No. I kept telling you you are too serious because that’s what I saw… Obviously there is a lot more than meets the eye with you. I kind of really like this version of you.”

    “Likewise.” she smiled at him.
  “Where is that book ?”

    “What book ?”

    “Right , so we are playing the ’I have no idea what you are talking about’ game.”
  “There is no competition , Malachai.”
  “Why do you keep calling me by my full name ? Do you know how many people have called me that and gotten to live afterwards ? Only one … you.”
  “Only … me ? Why ?”
  “I don’t know …” he sighed.
  “Well , let me know when you figure it out. And I like your name. I like Kai too but — I really really like your full name.” she snuggled closer to him , resting her head on his chest. “Also – I like what you just did when I called you Ma- ”

    “Don’t say it.” he warned.
  “ - lachai.” she grinned at him seeing how he was suddenly towering over her. His jaw was clenched but he didn’t look mad. He looked — ready to break her or the bed. Or both. Definitely both. It made her skin on fire just seeing him like this. Kai’s knee was between her legs and she slid down the bed a little until her core grounded against it looking at him innocently, daring him to kiss her. To teach her another lesson.

    “You are in so much trouble young lady.” he smashed his lips against hers , pulling out the air out of her lungs. “You are not leaving the bed until you learn your lesson…”

Yes I'm back. I know I haven't uploaded anything in well...4 months. I'm sorry to inform u that I'm not planning on neither continuing the fanfiction nor posting these stories. I want to thank every single one of u for commenting, dming me and saving this story in their reading lists, u manage to make me smile every single time.

Now, I do not know whether or not I will log out but I might start posting some short poems-imagines-stories if anyone is interested because I really enjoy writing in general. That's all I had to say. I hope u all have a wonderful 2022. Love u!

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