Brutal | Peter Parker

By maIiatates

6.3K 363 83

Davina Coleman doesn't like sharing with Spider-Man, but the two have to figure out a way to work together fo... More

summary & playlist
part one
one | two worlds
two | robbery gone wrong
three | best friends forever
four | behind the mask
six | partners in crime
seven | the cost to be a hero
eight | homecoming
nine | the final fight
ten | the right thing
part two

five | working together

366 23 10
By maIiatates

FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME, Mimic was relieved that Spider-Man could not hear her heartbeat as now she was certain that it would give her away. Mimic's mouth had also hit the floor, her face in shock as she stared at Peter Parker who was Spider-Man.

"Mimi!" Spider-Man quickly put his mask on, panicking. "What—"

But Spider-Man became distracted as his suit started to glow. Again, Mimic was shocked and a little annoyed as she realised that Spider-Man's suit had a built-in computer system. Yet, Tony had told Davina that she wouldn't need a suit that advanced.

"Hello? Hello?"

"Wonderful," muttered Mimic.

"Ah, thank you."

"Uh, hello, Bug Boy?"

"Right, right," said Spider-Man, looking at Mimic. "Classified? Why are you classified?"

"Who are you talking to?" Mimic demanded, having not adapted her hearing.

"You," Spider-Man admitted. "My suit is telling me that you're classified."

"Yeah, I am," Mimic confirmed. "And don't bother asking me about it."

"What are you doing here?" Spider-Man questioned instead.

"What am I doing?" Mimic repeated. "What are you doing?"

"Did you follow me?" Spider-Man asked, ignoring Mimic's questions.

"Maybe," said Mimic, suddenly realising that she needed to keep her identity intact too.

"I don't believe this," said Spider-Man, clutching his head with a groan. "How did you follow me?"

"I adapted myself to be able to track you," Mimic admitted.

"You can do that?"

"Well, I'm standing here, aren't I?"

Spider-Man let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't believe this," he repeated himself. "You've seen my face now. Mr Stark said I shouldn't tell you who I am."

"Just because I've seen your face, doesn't mean I know who you are," Mimic pointed out, crossing her arms, but her heartbeat had accelerated again. Was she really lying to Peter Parker?

...hang on, Mimic was talking to Peter Parker without fumbling for words or blushing. Maybe it was because Mimic was mad that she hadn't figured it out sooner or the fact that she didn't like the superhero version of her crush.

"Fine," Spider-Man answered. "Why did you follow me?"

"To see if you had a lead on the bad guys," Mimic continued her lies.

"Oh, I do!" Spider-Man told her. "I put a tracker on one of the guys. We can, uh, work together if you want? You know, since you followed me."

Mimic paused, knowing that was asking for trouble. "They are here?"

"Close by," Spider-Man said. "My suit is tracking them now."

If Tony or her mother found out that Mimic had snuck off to help Spider-Man with these bad guys, then she really was crossing the line. But... if the bad guys were here, where her classmates were close by, then shouldn't she do something? Though as much as she tried to find a reason not to, Mimic knew that she wanted to.

"Let's go," said Mimic.

With Spider-Man leading the way, Mimic flew behind him while invisible. Together, the two landed on the back of a car carrier. When Spider-Man jumped, Mimic jumped, landing gracefully on the grass bank.

"There are three individuals inside," Spider-Man repeated.

"I know," said Mimic. "I adapted myself to hear your suit."

Spider-Man didn't seem surprised by that as the two crouched behind a bush together. In front of them was a petrol station, where only one vehicle rested.

"Why is their secret lair in a gas station?" Spider-Man questioned in a whisper. "That's so lame."

"Are you sure it's their lair?" Mimic asked.

Spider-Man climbed up the side with Mimic following behind him. While Spider-Man crouched, Mimic simply sat on the edge with her legs swinging.

"Hey, suit lady, what are they doing?"

"Do you want to hear what they're saying?"

"I can hear what they're saying?" Spider-Man repeated. "Uh, yeah."

"Activating Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."

"I'll tell you what they're saying, Mimi," Spider-Man offered.

"Don't worry," Mimic answered. "I'm already listening."

Not only had Mimic adapted her ears to be able to hear, but she could see into the van. There were three guys: two at the front and one in the back.

"I go the gauntlet from the Lagos clean up. The rest is my design."

"Woah, that's so cool," Spider-Man commented.

Mimic frowned, suddenly hearing Peter Parker now, but her mind could not wonder about that as she focused again.

"Can't believe they're still cleaning up that Triskelion mess."

"I love it. They keep making messes, we keep getting rich."

"Target inbound."

"Woah, they're in the middle of a heist," said Spider-Man. "I could catch them red-handed. This is awesome."

"We can catch them," Mimic corrected.

"So, are we partners now?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Definitely not," Mimic answered. "Now concentrate, Bug Boy."

"Aye, aye, Mimi," said Spider-Man. "I'll get closer to see what's happening."

"Would you like me to engage Enhanced Combat Mode?"

"Uh, Enhanced Combat Mode? Yeah."

"Activating instant kill."

Surprised, Mimic's head whipped around to see Spider-Man's eyes turn red.

"No, no, no," Spider-Man panicked. "I don't want to kill anybody."

"Deactivating instant kill."

"I'll get closer," Mimic decided. "Clearly, you and your suit are going through something."

Then, Mimic turned invisible as she dropped to the floor. Silently, she approached the van, but Spider-Man had trouble with his web shooter as he dropped to the floor with a groan.

"Did you hear that?" A man questioned in the van.

"Are you serious?" Mimic whispered, harshly. "Do you want to get us caught?"

"What the hell just happened?" Spider-Man questioned. "What was that?"

"You jumped off the sign and landed on your face."

Again, Spider-Man tried shooting his web as it fired multiple webs, sticking to the sign above them. Each one splattered with the sound echoing. Mimic felt like putting her head in her hands as she struggled to suppress an agitated sigh. This was her crush?

"Suit lady! What's wrong with my web shooters?"

"Rapid-fire is the default for Enhanced Combat Mode," the suit explained as Spider-Man hid.

"Why would I need rapid-fire?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Would you like to see more options?" Spider-Man looked down at his hands. "You have 576 possible web shooter combinations."

"Woah, Mr Stark really overdid it."

"Just pick one, Bug Boy," Mimic told him. "We don't have all night."

"You two wait here," Mimic heard.

"Spider-Man!" Mimic hissed.

"Woah, you called me Spider-Man," said Spider-Man, surprised, and then he returned to picking which web shooter again. "Okay, okay. That one."

"Great choice. Would you like me to set this as your new default?"

Mimic preprepared herself to start their attack for a second time, but Spider-Man's web ended up lighting up with electricity. She watched him struggle to detach himself from the web before he ran towards the building.

"What was that?" Spider-Man demanded.

"Taser webs."

"Taser webs?" Spider-Man questioned. "I don't want taser webs!"

"What we want," said Mimic, joining Spider-Man on the roof of the building. "Is to stop these bad guys, right?"

"You seem to be unfamiliar with your web shooter settings. Would you like to run a refresher course?"

"No," said Spider-Man as Mimic crouched down next to him, watching the van again. " choose."

"Sure thing."

"You shouldn't have hacked your suit," Mimic told him.

"You shouldn't have followed me here," Spider-Man argued back. "Mr Stark's already mad that I've gotten you into trouble."

Mimic had no time to reply, though, as three lorries came into view with the bad guys claiming that they have a vision of their target. Whatever was inside those lorries, Mimic couldn't let them get.

However, things became more complicated as the Vulture appeared, gliding through the air with his metallic wings. Seeing him, Mimic's hands curled into fists, determined to be the one to stop him.

"Oh, that's him," Spider-Man spotted the Vulture too.

"Let's go," said Mimic.

For Spider-Man, it was a mission to swing without being spotted. Yet, for Mimic, she simply flew while being invisible. The Vulture was on top of one lorry, using some strange device to create a gateway for him to get into the lorry without any detection. His wings were flying above him, attached with rope, ready for his escape.

Together, the two young heroes crept closer, peeking inside.

Spider-Man's hand reached forward, hovering above the glowing purple window. "Woah, cool," said Spider-Man. "It's like some kind of matter phase shifter."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Mimic agreed.

The two backed off, waiting for the Vulture to return for them to surprise him with their attack. It wasn't long before he appeared with a bag full of stolen goods.

Both Spider-Man and Mimic stood side-by-side as Spider-Man used his web to pull the bag away from the Vulture. Spider-Man held it, ready to face off with their enemy.

"Hey, Big Bird," Spider-Man shouted. "This doesn't belong to you!"

The Vulture glared at them, which terrified Spider-Man, and then the criminal jumped backwards with his wings catching him. He dived at them as Spider-Man jumped over the Vulture while Mimic crouched before taking to the sky herself. Spider-Man's webs did nothing against the Vulture, which didn't surprise Mimic at this point.

"Suit lady, what was that?!"

"You told me to choose."

Mimic ignored Spider-Man as she charged herself into the Vulture, knocking them both further back into the air. His body twisted, wings catching Mimic harshly as she was flung back down onto the lorry. Mimic rolled, falling into the purple matter as she fell with a crash.

Sighing, Mimic adapted her body to be even stronger to face the Vulture's wings, but a body crashed on top of hers instead. At the impact, Mimic's head whacked against the floor with darkness pulling her under.

Waking up, Mimic had clutched her head as she quickly adapted herself to heal. She was more embarrassed that they had failed so miserably, than being knocked out. The two just couldn't work together very well.

Glancing over, Spider-Man was unconscious too as Mimic moved towards him, relieved to hear his heartbeat still. They had failed so much that they had both ended up being knocked out.

Some heroes they were.

Outside the container, there was a whirling sound as it started to rumble with the container swaying, being moved. As Mimic sat up, the container was dropped onto the ground with a thud. The motion caused Spider-Man to wake, eyes falling on Mimic, who was sitting close to him.

"My head," Spider-Man moaned.

"You appear to have a mild concussion."

"Morning, Sunshine," Mimic greeted.

"Mimi, are you okay?" Spider-Man questioned, sitting up as his fingers brushed against the back of her masked head. "I'm so sorry."

Quickly, Mimic made her own heartbeat immune to Spider-Man's senses again as the pace of her heart quickened. "I'm okay. Are you?"

"I'm okay," Spider-Man repeated with Mimic hearing Peter Parker again.

Then, Spider-Man was standing with Mimic fighting the urge to help him. She was supposed to dislike Spider-Man; the two had always bickered, never getting on, or even being able to work together properly, but Mimic couldn't ignore that he was now Peter too.

"Hey, so where are we right now?" Spider-Man asked.

"I'm not sure. The container walls are hindering my sensors."

"I can't adapt myself to figure things out either," Mimic confessed. "It's like I'm blocked."

"Wait a minute," said Spider-Man. "They must have hijacked the truck and taken us to their evil lair. Okay, suit lady, Mimic, we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one."

"Three, two..."

"I don't think—"


Ignoring Mimic, Spider-Man had crashed through the container doors, revealing an open space that the two were alone together in. Mimic followed him, eyes roaming the place as she noticed that they were in a storage unit.

"Some lair," Mimic commented.

"What is this place?" Spider-Man questioned. "Suit lady, where are we?"

"You're in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard," the suit informed them. "The Damage Control deep-storage vault."

"No!" Spider-Man's hands clutched his head. "Seriously!"

"Perfect," said Mimic. "I'm so screwed now."

"You're screwed? I'm supposed to be somewhere!"

"So am I! And I promised Tony and my mom that I would stay out of this!"

"I told Mr Stark that I would stay away from you!"

Mimic frowned at that, not understanding why Tony would keep them apart when he knew that Davina had a crush on Peter. If they were both teenagers with powers, then it would have been nice to have someone who understood what that was like.

Both Mimic and Spider-Man resulted in trying to open the concrete doors themselves. Not even Mimic could adapt herself to open the doors. They were sealed shut for the purpose of keeping those with powers out.

"The door will most likely remain closed until morning."

"Morning?" Spider-Man repeated before his head turned to face Mimic. "So, what do we do?"

Mimic sighed, realising that it was going to be a long night. For some reason, Spider-Man ended up creating a hammock for himself out of webs while Mimic sat on top of the containers, wanting some space.

It was still a struggle to wrap her head around the fact that Spider-Man was Peter Parker, and somehow, he hadn't worked out that Mimic was Davina. Of course, it had to stay that way, but Mimic didn't like the lies nor did she like that Spider-Man and Peter were the same person.

"Hey, suit lady," said Spider-Man beneath Mimic. "I kind of feel bad calling you suit lady, you know? I think I should probably give you a name. Like Liz. No, no, no."

Mimic frowned. "Liz?"

"God, that's... that's weird," Spider-Man confessed.

Spider-Man ended up swinging around, trying a few names. "What about Karen?"

"You can call me Karen if you like."

Eventually, Mimic ended up laying on a container with Spider-Man hanging upside down nearby. Now that they were alone, Mimic had no idea what to say to him.

"Hey, Karen, what else can this suit do?" Spider-Man gasped as Mimic sat up, witnessing small wings that appeared to be made of webs. "What?"

Becoming curious, Mimic joined Spider-Man as he started out trying all the gadgets that came with his suit. Mimic couldn't help but notice the yellow decathlon blazar that made her heart tremble again.

"Maybe we should run the refresher course," said Spider-Man.

"Hold on," Mimic told him. "Let me adapt myself to be fireproof first."

"Mimi, I won't set you on fire," Spider-Man reassured.

"I don't trust you, Bug Boy," Mimic confessed. "And that's why we failed tonight."

It was amusing for Mimic to watch Spider-Man try out his new gadgets, though. While Spider-Man was annoying, it was in an adorable kind of way. The two ended up skipping together with webs that resulted in Mimic laughing.

"I've never heard you laugh like that before," Spider-Man realised. "I like it."

"This doesn't mean we're friends," Mimic told him. "I still don't like you."

Yet, even that was a lie now.

However, the two end up laying together on a container, staring up at the blinding lights.

"Should I tell Liz that I'm Spider-Man?"

At that, Mimic froze as her heart sank. "Who's Liz?"

"Who's Liz?" Spider-Man repeated. "She's...She's just a girl who goes to my school. And, uh, yeah, I just — I don't know whether I should tell her, but it's kind of weird, you know? Do you like anyone, Mimi?"

Mimic found herself about ready to combust as her face become red under the mask. But... right now, she was Mimic and not Davina. "There's this one guy I like," said Mimic, hating how nervous she sounded. "But I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me."

"What?" Spider-Man's head turned, looking at Mimic. "Why wouldn't he like you?"

"I'm awkward and shy," Mimic admitted. "I... never went to school as a child as I spent more time in hospital than with kids my own age, so... I don't get high school, but I'm trying to in my own way."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," said Spider-Man. "That sounds tough."

"It was," Mimic agreed. "It still is hard to deal with, but Mimic's helped me. Anyway, the guy I like likes someone else."

"How do you know that?" Spider-Man asked. "Maybe he likes someone else to get over who he truly likes."

"What do you mean?" Mimic asked.

"There's this girl at school," said Spider-Man. "Every time I see her, I find myself lost for words."

Mimic's heartbeat stilled with the next questions falling from her mouth before she can even stop herself. "What's her name?"

"I can't tell you that or you'll tell her!"

"I have no idea who you are, remember? I just saw your face."

"Oh, yeah," Spider-Man realised. "Well, I guess I told you about Liz."

"So, who is she?" Mimic questioned.

"Her name is Davina."

Mimic couldn't believe what she was hearing. Once again, she was relieved to know that Spider-Man could not sense her heartbeat.

"Davina?" Mimic repeated, desperate to hear more. "What's she like?"

"She's so pretty," Spider-Man instantly answered, causing Mimic to become all gooey. "And she has this smile that just... well, she makes me smile when I see it. I don't know how she does it, but Davina always has these really cool hairstyles too. She just amazes me."

Mimic couldn't help but smile at the words. "You really like her?"

"I do, Mimi," said Spider-Man. "I really do."

"So, then why like Liz?" Mimic questioned.

"Because Davina will never like me," Spider-Man confessed. "So I'm trying to get over her."

Mimic laughed at that. "You're so clueless."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," said Mimic. "Just ask Davina."

"I can't do that," Spider-Man panicked. "That's too scary."

"Maybe she's scared too," Mimic pointed out.

"Maybe," Spider-Man realised. "I wanted to ask Davina to homecoming."

"I think you should ask her," Mimic encouraged him.

"Maybe," Spider-Man repeated, sounding anxious.

Mimic felt butterflies explode in her stomach, finding herself in complete disbelief from the night. First, Spider-Man was Peter Parker, and now Peter had a crush on Davina. Peter was silly enough to like Liz just to try getting over Davina. Now, her heart would not settle.

"Hey, how long we been here anyway?" Spider-Man changed the conversation, oblivious to the impact of his words.

"Thirty-seven minutes."

"What?" Spider-Man and Mimic exclaimed.

"Thirty-seven minutes," said Spider-Man. "That's insane. I cannot take this anymore. We gotta get out of here, Mimi."

"Then let's get out of here," Mimi decided.

The two jumped down from the container as Spider-Man started to remove his blazer. "There's got to be something in here we can use," said Spider-Man, crouching to reach his backpack. "Mimi, there might be something for you to adapt?"

Both Mimic and Spider-Man looked through the stuff, pulling out multiple things that neither could understand. As Mimic adapted her mind, her eyes froze on the orb that glowed within his hands.

"Hey, it's like the glowy thing," Spider-Man said.

"That's a bomb," Mimic announced.

"That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core."

"Woah, woah, woah," Spider-Man dropped it. "You mean, we've been carrying around a bomb?"

"What do you mean by we?" Mimic demanded.

"It would require radiation to transform it into an explosive state."

Spider-Man pulled out his phone, trying to call Ned as Mimic's heart dropped. "No, no, no!"

Mimic was horrified. "You left a bomb with your classmates?"

"I didn't know!" Spider-Man argued.

Panicking, Spider-Man rushed to open the doors himself. Mimic followed him, adapting her body to be as strong as possible to pull the stone doors apart.

"Hey! Please! Please, somebody let us out! Hey!" Then Spider-Man's head turned. "Mimi, you have to override that time lock."

Mimic's eyes fell on the box, quickly flying towards it as she adapted her mind to figure out how it worked. "Bug Boy, get Karen to lower the voltage."

Karen did just that as Mimic sighed, realising that her mind was locked to the sequence code. There were no fingerprints on the digits either so she couldn't figure it out that way.

"Okay, we just have to try every sequence," Mimic explained.

Come to the two-hundred and forty-seventh trial, Mimic was exhausted. However, the two were surprised as the doors opened.

"It worked," Spider-Man exclaimed. "It works!"

"Then let's go!" Mimic hurried him.

The two rushed back to the city, realising that Ned's phone was off. Given the time, they were at the decathlon competition, so all phones would be turned off. With that in mind, the two hurried as quickly as they could.

"Bug Boy, I'm gonna have to carry you," Mimic told him.

"What? No!" Spider-Man jumped into another vehicle.

"It's the fastest way," said Mimic.

Spider-Man sighed at that before nodding in agreement. It was strange as Mimic adapted herself to be stronger, picking up Spider-Man as she flew the two while invisible.

As they reached the city, Spider-Man's phone started to ring as he answered. "Oh, Ned, you're alive!"

"Peter, are you okay?" Ned asked.

"Ned, Ned, Ned," Peter panicked. "Where's the glowy thing? The glowy thing?"

"It's safe," Ned reassured. "It's in my backpack."

"No, Ned, listen!" Spider-Man tried. "The glowy thing is dangerous!"

"You missed the decathlon," said Ned. "I covered for you."

"Ned, listen!"

"What is wrong with him?"

"We're at the Washington Monument."

"Peter, is that you?"

Mimic couldn't help but frown at who it was.

"Hey, Liz. Put Ned back on the phone!"

"Is that Liz?" Karen cut in. "You should tell her how you feel."

Mimic wanted to tell Karen to shut up, but she remained silent instead.

"You flake," Liz complained. "You are so lucky we won. You know, I want to be mad, but I'm more worried. Like, what is going on with you?"

Spider-Man was attracting attention as he darted by crowds, who didn't see Mimic carrying him. If this ended up on the news, then Mimic was certainly in trouble.

"I have to talk to Ned," said Spider-Man. "It's really important. There's something in Ned's backpack. It's dangerous. Don't let it go through an x-ray. Liz? Liz! Damn it!"

Then, Spider-Man hung up with the two knowing that a visit to the Washington Monument would have an x-ray for security. Spider-Man threw his bag towards a tree, using a web to secure it in place.

Mimic put Spider-Man down on the floor as she became visible, rushing towards the monument. The roof on top crumbled with the bomb starting to explode.

"No, no, no," said Spider-Man. "Karen, what's going on up there?"

"The Chitauri core has detonated and caused severe structural damage to the elevator."

"Oh, no," whispered Spider-Man.

"My friends are up there!" MJ cried.

Startled, Mimic turned, seeing her best friend close by. While Mimic was relieved to know that MJ was not in the monument, she was also alarmed by the fact that MJ's eyes had now fallen on her. Surprise lit up MJ's face, likely putting the final pieces together.

"What?" Spider-Man realised. "Uh, don't worry, ma'am, everything's gonna be okay."

Both Mimic and Spider-Man rushed towards the monument, where they both realised how tall the building really was. Mimic turned invisible as she shot upwards to the sky while Spider-Man climbed.

"Estimating ten minutes before catastrophic failure."

"The safety systems are completely failing."

"The occupants are in imminent mortal danger."

"I'm going as fast as I can," Spider-Man said.

Mimic, however, had reached the top as she circled the building with her eyes falling on the windows being their only options. Beneath her, the ground seemed miles away, but Mimic refused to let herself look.

"You now have a hundred-and-twenty-five seconds until catastrophic failure."

"What? Why?"

"Unexpected motion has caused the deterioration to escalate."

"How do we get in there?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Activating reconnaissance drone."

"Don't bother, Karen," said Mimic. "Our only way is the window. Bug Boy, come to the southwest side!"

"All right, I'm on my way."

Mimic's fist pounded on the glass as it bounced back. As Spider-Man reached Mimic, his body turned, finally realising how high he was. Even Mimic was terrified, but she continued to fight the urge to look down.

"Okay," said Spider-Man. "Oh my God."

"Hey," Mimic became visible once again, capturing Spider-Man's attention. "We've got this, Bug Boy. I won't let you fall."

"I know, I know," said Spider-Man.

"Help me with the window," Mimic told him.

Together, the two pounded the window with their feet. Mimic adapted herself to be able to break the window, receiving a crack, but she didn't have enough force.

"Why is it not breaking?"

"It's four-inch ballistic glass," said Karen. "You'll have to create more momentum."

Not wasting any time, Spider-Man used his web to swing his body around for his feet to have more force. The response left a bigger crack as Mimic flew away from the building while invisible again, ready to increase the force of her body.

The Metro Police caused Mimic to pause as the helicopter flew close to her. They didn't have time for the police to get involved.

"This is D.C. Metro Police," a voice spoke. "Identify yourself."

"My friends are in there!" Spider-Man shouted. "Stop!"

"Spider-Man, move out of the way!" Mimic cried.

"Return to the ground immediately."

Mimic saw the gun as her heart pounded. "Spider-Man, break the window," said Mimic. "I'll stop the police."

"Return to the ground immediately."

The two stuck to the plan as Mimic flew towards the helicopter, snatching the gun from the police officer with a frown. "We're just trying to save those who need help."

"Who are you?" An officer demanded. "Where are you?"

Mimic held the gun while invisible before snapping the weapon into two. She handed it back to the man, who was speechless, and then Spider-Man's body was darting above the helicopter. Panicking, Davina became visible as she chased him, watching as his web caught the helicopter to enable him to swing.

Quickly, Mimic flew after him, witnessing Spider-Man's body crash through the tiny window with the shards of glass raining around him. Following him, Mimic's body fit through the window as she rolled on the floor, becoming visible once again.

Spider-Man had shot his web, catching the lift just in time before it had fallen. Not wasting any time, Mimic dived over the edge, reaching the carriage as she landed on the floor of the lift. Ned, Liz, and her teacher were still stuck on the lift as they stared at Mimic in surprise.

However, Spider-Man couldn't hold the lift any longer and he fell with the four of them falling too. Spider-Man fell to the floor, luckily missing Mimic this time before he saved them with another web shot, holding them with his feet resting on the ceiling.

"Hey, how you doing?" Spider-Man changed his voice. "Don't worry. I got you."

"Yes! Yes!" Ned cried.

"Hey, you," Mimic pointed at him. "Enough of that!"

Ned's eyes widened. "Sorry, Mimic."

"Have you got them?" Mimic asked Spider-Man. "If you hold, I'll fly them to safety."

"Ladies first," said Spider-Man. "I'll start pulling it up."

Mimic nodded her head, approaching Liz. "I'm going to carry you now."

Liz, who was too shocked to say anything, simply stared at Mimic. Wrapping an arm around Liz, Mimic shot upwards as she felt Liz cling to her suit in fear and relief. Above them, a worker reached to help Liz, who stared back at Mimic in disbelief.

"Thank you," said Liz.

Mimic smiled. "You're welcome."

Then, she was jumping back over the edge as Spider-Man had started to pull the life back up again. Next was Ned, who looked terrified of Mimic, which made her frown.

"I'm not scary," Mimic reassured him before flying Ned back up to safety again.

Finally, Mr Harrington left the lift as Spider-Man had pulled the lift back up before Mimic could even fly to save the final person. Offering her hand, Mimic helped her teacher exit the lift as she let out a shaky breath in relief.

They had done it.


The lift shook as Mimic turned, eyes widening as the lift dropped once again, but Spider-Man remained upside down.

"That was close," said Spider-Man. "Is everybody okay?"

And then Spider-Man fell with Mimic laughing at his stupidity once again before diving down the lift shaft after him. Behind the two, their teacher thanked them.

Peter and Davina truly warm my heart. Do you think Peter's going to ask Davina to homecoming?

This is the last chapter that has already been written, so updates will be slower now!

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