
By theweebcordaille

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There are two close friends who hasn't seen each other in ten years since the day that they separated from di... More

Chapter 1 : ' A new beginning'
Chapter 2 : ' Remember me? '
Chapter 3 : ' The Battle Is On'
Chapter 4 : ' Sweet '
Chapter 5 : ' Group Problems'
Chapter 6 : 'The Principal's Office'
Chapter 7 : 'Who's Property?"
Chapter 8 : ' Let's Work'
Chapter 10 : 'Home sweet Home'
The End~(Please read before leaving)

Chapter 9 : 'Lunch Together'

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By theweebcordaille


*buzz* "Who's calling me at this time?" I wondered to myself. 

When answered my phone the first thing I heard was someone yelling out my name.

Tae and Xin-lang On The Phone


"What?" "Why weren't you answering my phone yesterday?!"

"Okay, first off, please stop yelling at me."

"Sorry- But I need to know if you are ignoring me or not?!" 


"Fine. I'm sorry but just answer the question."

"Fine. I did not answer  my phone yesterday because Marie came over by me to finish our project. Then when she had left I fell asleep." 

"Marie? At your place? Project? You sure she didn't just want to find out something about you to go tell Emica?" 

"Why would you think that? Marie's only my group partner."

"Hello? It's Marie we're talking about. That little minion of Emica. She tells the girl everything she finds out of someone."

"Okay? But I never told her anything about my personal life so I don't see how anything would happen."

"If you say so. Anyways, I'm waiting for you." 

"For what?" 

"To come to school, dummy. You know how hard it is for me to go through out a whole day of school without you being here by me." 

"Okay, okay, I get it." 

*Tae hangs up*


"Hey guys." Kaito said to Tae and I when I arrived. "I was wondering if you all would like to have lunch together as friends with me."

"Lunch? Together? My mom doesn't know about that." Tae said. "Same." I replied. "Can you guys at least try to call them after school and tell them that your having lunch with a best friend today?" 

"Um, I can try." Tae replied. "Same. I'll see what my mom has to say." 



"I am so hungry." Tae said. "Me too." I joined saying. "Have you guys called your parents?" Kaito asked. "No." We both replied. 

"Well, call them!" 

"Oh right." 

After Tae and I asked our parents if we could get the permission to eat out with a friend today, Kaito Tae and I headed to the Chafu restaurant down the street. 


Waitress: "  Good day" 

A nearby waitress said to us. " How many?" She asked. "A table for three please."  Kaito requested. 

"Sure. Go at the very end of this restaurant . The last table." 

"Okay, thanks." We all replied. 


Waitress: " I will be with you in a few minutes, okay?" 


" So, what do we do now?" Tae asked. "I don't know. We wait." I replied. 

"You know what, I should use the restroom." Tae said randomly. 


Xin-lang's P.OV  

I wish that Tae hadn't left me with Kaito here. Or was it intentional?  This is so  tricky. None of us wasn't talking or at least have the courage to start a conversation. 

" So-Kaito?" 


" What was your best friend like?" I asked  enthusiastically. "Um- She was kind, sassy just a little bit, adorable and kind of sweet actually. Why?" 

"No reason." I replied. 

"So you're just going to ask me questions like that without any reasonings?" 

"Yeah-" "Hmm." 

"Okay. So do you have other friends instead of Tae?" He asked. "Me? No. Tae's the only person who came up to me and saw me as a 'good' person. I never told her to become my friend but maybe sometimes we need certain people in our lives." 

"True; but when you say 'good' person, do you mean that other people in the school never liked you?" 

"That's right." 

"I mean if you asked me, I found you very riveting the first time you spoken to me." 

Jeez. Why is he telling me this now? Does he not realize what his telling me? 

"Thank you-"  I said nervously. " I also found you very um-you know, interesting."  

"Really?" "Yep." 

"Sorry guys I had to leave, but it was flowing heavy." Tae said while coming back to our table. 

"What are we talking about?" She asked. "Nothing. We were saying how beautiful this place was." Kaito replied. 

"The chairs um, the silk tables, um- food." I continued.  " The food hasn't even been served so how is that possible?" She asked being concerned. 

Waitress: "What can I get you all?" 

"Right. I would like, the chicken flamingo dish and a glass of water." Tae replied. 

Waitress: "Okay. And you two?" 

"Um, can I get shredded chicken and sweet dumplings? If it isn't already sold out." I said. 

Waitress: " Yes it still has more. Would you still want it?" "Sure." 

"I will have what Xin's having, thank you." Kaito ordered. 

Waitress: " Okay. And any drinks for the both of you?" "No." 

"I don't want anything." 

Waitress: " Okay. I will be with you all shortly." 

"Why did you order the exact same thing as me?" I asked. "Let's just assume that I've never really been to this restaurant before ever since I moved back." He answered. 

"Hmm, that explains it." "I thought you were a copycat." 

"Haha, a copycat, really? Now why would I copy you?" 

"I don't know." 

"Can we just eat already? I am so starving that I can't even take you guys seriously. This is wired. All that laughing and giggling at each other. It almost makes me feel like you two are on a date while I'm the odd one sitting here. What do they call them again? Oh right, A THRID WHEEL." Tae said angrily. 

"DATE? No. Tae I'm sorry you feel that way but please keep your thoughts to yourself because if not you know what happens." I said. 

"Okay- But like really I need to eat." 

"Then let's eat."

AFTER EATING ( at 2:15)  

"Much better. My tummy is full." Tae said while slouching on the chair like a snake. 

"We should do this often, don't you guys think?" She asked happily. "Why? For the food or to hang with us?" I asked. 

"Why would you ask that? I'm obviously saying that to hang with you all.'' Tae said while scoffing soon after. 

"Hey guys, it's a bit too early to go back home, don't you think?" Kaito asked. 

"What are you suggesting Kaito?" I asked. "Well, it's only mutual that when friends hang out they normally do something else before going home." 

"Okay? What are you getting at?" Tae asked. "Can we go see the ducks in the pond?" 

"Ducks? Right  now?" Tae and I asked. "Yeah, no one checks on them anyways. Think about it. We'd be giving them a surprise invitation." 

"Ducks don't talk Kaito. So even if went to see them they wouldn't speak back at us because DUCKS DON'T TALK." Tae replied. 

"Where does talking come into this? All Kaito is asking is if we can go an visit the ducks. It won't hurt us." I replied. 

"Fine. To the ducks we go but first who's paying?" Tae asked. "Right. I will. Waitress?" Kaito said. 

Waitress: " Are you all done?" 

"Indeed we are." Tae replied in a sarcastic tone. 

Waitress: " That will be twenty dollars." 

"Here you go." 

Waitress: "Thank you all for coming again. See you next time." 

She said while Tae, Kaito and I started to leave the building. "See you next time~ Give me a break." Tae mocked while exiting.  

"Was that really necessary  ?" I asked. 

"What? She said it not me." Tae answered. 

After wards Kiato, Tae and I all went to see the ducks and spent one hour doing that. After we made another stop by the ice cream shop. We laughed, played primary games together and had a good time overall. Until when we started dropping each other at our different homes, we noticed that it was getting pretty late. 

Tae was the first one to leave and Kaito and I were the only one's left as usual. 

WALKING WITH KAITO ( at 5:00pm) 

"Wow! I didn't realize how fast time goes by." Is said surprisingly. "Yeah it does. At least we spent it in a positive way. We ate. Had a little fun." Kaito started to say while taking my both hands and dancing in a funny way. 

"Haha, yeah it was fun." I laughed out. 


"Well, I'll see you again buddy?" He asked me in a silly tone while wishing me a farewell with a handshake. "Haha, till we meet again." Is said while accepting his handshake. When suddenly it began to rain. 

" Shoot, wait here let me get an umbrella for you." I said.

" No. You should go inside, I don't want you to catch a cold." He replied. "It's fine. I'll be quick." 

I went inside and took an umbrella for Kaito and gave it to him. I got a little wet though while doing it but hey, helping is caring right? 

"Thanks." He said. "No problem." 

"Bye." He said as he started smiling at me while waving. "Haha, okay bye bye." I responded. 

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