I'm Only Yours

By PSHarry64

1.3K 87 18

Just being me it's amazing More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 6

75 5 0
By PSHarry64

Y/N pov

It's morning 10 o'clock and I found myself on a couch and still on my party dress . I have a bad headache and I barely remember what happened last night but as far as I remembered that I had my kiss at midnight. How stupid I am that I don't even remember his anything not even his name but also his face or whatever but I don't remember anything. I wake up and sit on couch and see the whole house is so mess. I mean there is a lot of chips packet here and there and empty bottles.
I noticed Lucy is coming from upstairs and there is a boy with her and I bet they had sex last night.

"Baby you wake up!!" Lucy asked
The boy comes and sit the next couch with me.

"Yeah just wake up and my head is giving me so pain. I think I have I have to take a painkiller." I said on my morning voice and boy is sitting quietly.

"Maybe you drink a lot last night that's why it affect you so much. Yes, you should take painkiller" Lucy said I just nodded her

"By the way meet Kelvin he is one of my friend and he stays with me last night cause he got no taxi to go home last night so he stayed" Lucy explained and I bet she is lying girls he is just a hooker for her.

I just smiled and waved him he did the same. Then he went home Lucy goodbyes him and come again join me.

"Lucy Lucy you know I had my kiss at midnight last night" I said with excited

"Oh my gosh babe who's the lucky boy got your taste" Lucy asked

"That's the whole problem I don't even know who he is or how he looks like." I said with a sad tone

Lucy put her hand on my shoulder and I rested my head on her shoulder. Suddenly my phone started ringing it's from unknown number. I take the call and it's from a company that I applied for job, they want me to meet them in 12 o'clock that means I have to get ready fast. I borrowed some formal clothes from Lucy but my mind still stuck on last night. I just wish I remember anything from last night I wish I remember his name. It's already 11 o'clock and I left the house. I really need this job now I have live by my own cause I leave my parents and I can't stay at Lucy's house.

Harry POV

Today is the last day in Chicago. It's early morning and I can't stop thinking about last night, the kiss that girl, Stella. I wish I could meet her one more time. I was getting ready for leaving this hotel and way to England my hometown. Olivia is not going with me is just me so I just get into the car and the driver started driving. I was so lost in in my mind suddenly the driver got break because of the traffic light. Then I saw someone who is crossing the street someone is so familiar. Oh my God it's her it's Stella. She is crossing the road and she looks so innocent. I mean last night she was absolutely the hottest badass but now she is so formal. I cannot believe I am seeing her again. Does she remember? Because I think she don't cuz she was wasted last night. I wanted to go to her but if I get down from the car there is a lot of people in here and maybe I'll scared her. What should I do? It's 2.30 o'clock and my flight is 4 o'clock. My heart saying go for it and mind want to stop . That's it

I take a scarf and put a sunglass and get down from the car and said to my driver that he can go wherever he wants. I started searching her. She was in there front of my eyes now she is gone. F*** I lost her again. I was walking back but my eyes was found I don't see what happening in my back suddenly I got crushed with girl. And she was saying sorry and somehow the voice is so familiar. I look I turn around so it's she its Stella. I remove my farmers in say hi to her

"Hi it's okay" I said
Without looking she was saying " No I'm sorry I was too excited that I got blind and I---" she suddenly stop when she saw me. Her eyes went big she stand like statue. I maybe scared her

"What happen?" I asked
"You can't be real. My fate isn't that good. No I'm dreaming. Fuck Stella. Don't drink too much" she started mumbling and getting away from me. Maybe she didn't believe yet that I'm real. Maybe she is my fan. I hold her hand from behind. Her hand is so cold.
"Hey what happen?" I asked
" You're Harry Styles right?" She is so confused making me a smile
"Yes I am" I said while holding her hands. She is maybe getting normal.

"Hi, it's Stella." She said

"And I am.."

"I know you're Harry Styles the singer also actor" she said

"Yeah" we both laughed a little.

"So where you're going?" She asked

"I missed my flight so I guess I have to back at my hotel." I said

"You?" I asked her

" I just found a job now I'm going to my friend house then I have to find a house for me lots of work to do" she said

"Why? Where is your family? Is they live far from you? Are you new here?" I asked too many questions and her face suddenly change and turn into sadness.

"It's a long story. Forgot it" she said

Maybe I made her sad so

" I'm so hungry. And I can't go any diner because of Fame" I said in a cute

" You can come with me. My friend house is near you can have a lunch with us if you don't mind." She said

Finally I was looking for it. I just want to spend time with her. So without thinking anything I just said yes.....

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