You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 40

253 8 30
By Girlwithoutname9719

After two months...

Nikki's caring hands caress the tummy that has grown so much. Evie is sitting on the couch, in his lap. She stares at the tummy, smiling. She is 40 weeks pregnant and she's waiting with Nikki for this baby to be born. The baby is kicking harder and harder, as if it is no longer taking place inside.

"The little one is not moving now," Nikki says to Evie, smiling at the tummy.

"Our baby is probably sleeping," Evie smiles. "It's been moving all day today. Maybe it's tired."

"I'm going to the kitchen," Nikki says, and gets up carefully from the couch so as not to disturb Evie. "Do you want me to bring you something?"

"No need, babe. I'm okay," she smiles softly.

Nikki goes to the kitchen and Evie is left alone in the living room. But not long after, one of the housekeeprs comes and says to her with a nervous face:

"Mrs. Sixx? Someone came to visit you."

"Oh, who?" Evie asks and gets up from the couch, holding on to her baby bump. "We weren't expecting anyone. I mean, no one called us and said he was coming."

"I don't know who is it... It's a woman. She says she wants to talk to you and Mr. Sixx. She said it was very important."

"Oh, okay," Evie is getting more and more confused. "Where is she now? Did you invite her home?"

"No. She's outside. In front of the door. I couldn't let her in. She didn't announce she was coming and I don't know who she is."

"You did very well," Evie smiles at the housekeeper and walks to the living room door.

The brunette goes to the foyer, accompanied by the housekeeper. They arrive at the front door, which the housekeeper opens and in front of them is a woman in her 50s who looks eager when she sees Evie. Her eyes fall on her baby bump. She looks up at Evie again and gets a little closer to her, but the brunette stops her and says:

"Stop! Wait a minute... Who are you?"

"Didn't Frankie tell you about me?" The woman asks her with a slightly hurt look.

"Frank?" Evie whispers confused.

She intends to ask the stranger who Frankie is. But a thought crosses her mind.

Frank was Nikki's name before she changed it.

Ok. This is getting weird.

If this woman refers to Evie's husband by his birth name... It means that she is someone from his past.

"No..." Evie stares at her, feeling bewildered. "What's your name? What are you doing here? If you don't answer me right away, you'll be out of my property!" Evie starts to panic.

"Calm down," the woman speaks gently, trying to calm her down. "I don't want to hurt you. My name is Deana Richards."

This woman's answer still doesn't clear Evie's confusion, who looks away thinking deeply. Who is this woman? Her name is not familiar to her. Nikki knows who she is? He never told her anything about a certain Deana Richards. Wait! He mentioned his mother's name several times! Deana!

The brunette raises her eyes in shock and looks at the woman who smiles weakly at her. Is it possible? She here? But why? And what does she want from them? If she looks at her more... at her face... Her eyes express something familiar to her. She has the same eyes as her husband!

"What are you doing here?"

A harsh voice is heard. Evie looks behind her and sees Nikki frowning at Deana. He, still looking at the woman, goes to his wife and puts a protective hand on her waist.

Evie is stunned to see her husband's annoyance in his eyes, looking at this woman. It reminds her of the way she looks at her grandmother who has fooled her for a lifetime that she is her mother. A hostile look.

The woman, Deana, smiles and approaches Nikki, speaking to her in a very gentle voice:

"Frankie, sweetie. I came to visit you. I was so disappointed to know that I was not invited to the wedding. But at least I'll be able to see my grandchild," she says looks at Evie's tummy again.

"Is she your mother?" Evie slowly turns her head to Nikki and asks him, carefully.

He looks at her with a neutral look and nods and then he stares irritated at Deana.

"Don't you introduce us?" Deana asks her son and looks curious at Evie. "I've heard a lot about your wife."

"Why didn't you announce that you were coming?" Nikki asks her, looking seriously.

"I wanted to make a surprise!" Deana answers cheerfully.

"There was no need for such a surprise,"

"Frank... I..."

The woman wants to say something, but Evie interrupts everything, putting a hand under her baby bump, moaning in pain and frowning. Nikki panics and asks her:

"Babe? Is everything okay?"

"I think... I think the baby is coming," Evie can barely speak, still holding her baby bump with her hands.

Nikki and his mother see a colorless liquid coming from under Evie's knee-length dress.

"Her water broke..." Deana puts a hand to her mouth.

"What?!" Nikki looks at her wife in a panic.

"Quick! Let's take her to the hospital!" Deana says. "As it looks... I think the baby is coming soon."

Evie is so wrapped up in such spontaneous pain that she barely realizes that now she is in the car. In the back seat she sits with Deana and Nikki drives the car completely agitated and stressed.

"You have to calm down," Deana tells him . "Everything will be alright."

He doesn't say anything to her. He quickly looks at his wife, asking if she is okay. Somehow they succeed and get to the hospital in a very short time.

Deana was right when she said that the baby seems to be coming soon. At the hospital, Evie's dilation is being checked and it appears that she is already very dilated. The baby is in a hurry to be born.

Evie is already in the delivery room, with Nikki by her side holding her hand and encouraging her, telling her that everything will be fine.

The contractions become unbearable for Evie and she squeezes Nikk's hand and she can't help but scream. Nikki feels like she's going to break his hand, but he doesn't say anything to her. The doctor is with them there and looks at Evie who has completely dilated and is already starting to push.

"I'll kill you for that later! I hope you know that!" Evie yells at Nikki.

"Now you have to focus and give birth to our baby," Nikki tells her, leaning a little toward her. "You can kill me later, honey."

"I can see the head!" The Doctor shouts. "Push again!"

Evie listens and does exactly that. After pushing, she feels the baby's head come out. The doctor gently pulls it, placing it and she pushes again and the baby comes out completely, the doctor taking it in his hands.

The cries of the newborn can be heard everywhere in that room.

Evie and Nikki stare in amazement at their baby.

"Congratulations," says the doctor. "You have a son."

Evie and Nikki smile broadly and look at each other with some euphoric expressions.

The doctor puts the newborn on his mother's chest and covers him with a blanket.

Evie, with tears in her eyes, caresses her son's head. The little one has a lot of dark brown hair, most likely inherited from his mother.

Nikki leans over to get a better look at his son.

"He's so perfect," he says, looking at him affectionately.

"He looks just like you," his wife says to him and she looks up at him, still with tears in her eyes. "He has all your features."

Nikki is touched for his wife to say such a thing. He looks more closely at the baby and he really looks like him. He strokes his head and approaches her wife and kisses her on the forehead. 

"You did a wonderful job, honey."

"You helped me too," Evie smiles. "Look at this perfect human being we created."

After a while, Nikki cut the cord. His son is taken, cleaned and weighed and then brought to take him in his arms.

A very touching moment. His son is so small that he feels like he will fall out of his hands.

He never held a smaller creature in his arms till now.

The newborn stops crying. As if immediately feeling the warmth and protection in his father's arms.

"I can't believe you're here..." Nikki can barely find his words. "Your mother and I were waiting for you... Welcome to this world. Your mother and I love you very much."

Evie looks at them both tenderly, feeling that she will start to cry uncontrollably.

After one hour...

Nikki watches how Evie breastfeeds their son. His heart melts at such a scene.

Nikki leaves the room and arrives in the hospital lobby. There, on a chair, sits his mother. Deana gets up immediately and walks hurriedly towards her son.

"Is everything okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Yes... Evie and the baby are fine."

Deana reaches Nikki and sees that the door to Evie's room is open. She sees the young woman in bed, with her son in her arms.

Instantly a smile appears on her face and she asks:

"What is it? Boy or girl?"

Nikki looks at Evie with a smile and says proudly:

"We have a son."

"Oh. How wonderful! Congratulations! Oh... How cute he is... Can I see him more closely?"

Nikki looks with some insecurity at Deana and then at his wife. Evie smiles and nods. So Nikki gestures to his mother that she may come closer. Deana walks over to Evie, her eyes on her grandson.

"He has a lot of hair and it is so dark," she says. "He certainly took that from you," Deana says, looking at Evie. "Frank was bald when he was born."

Evie can't help but chuckle when she hears this and looks at Nikki. He looks at their son with a faint smile on his face.

"What's his name?" Deana asks.

Nikki walks over to Evie, reaches her bed. He puts a hand on his son's head and says with a smile to his wife:

"Evie and I decided a few months before the birth to the name in case it's a boy. Our son's name is Asher Frank."

"Wonderful name!" Deana exclaims, smiling at the newborn.

"Yes, it's a wonderful name," Evie says, looking dearly at her husband.

Nikki smiles too, but his mind is darkened by today's events. It has nothing to do with the birth of his son. It is one of the happiest days of his life. But he does not know what to feel exactly about the surprise arrival of his mother with whom he has not spoken for years. He doesn't know what will happen between them from now on.


So I'm not sure if Nikki was really bald when he was born. Lol. I wrote this because I thought it was cute.
And what would you think if Deana will be back to her son's life?

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