Cinnamon & Rubies // The Outs...

By akila47

131K 2.1K 720

Darry Curtis had noticed her all this time. Caroline Montgomery had heard the stories about the Curtis boys... More



3.7K 68 14
By akila47

Darry was dreading waking up, but he was somehow awake before his alarm. His eyes stared blankly up at the white popcorn ceiling above him, the ache growing in his chest. Inhaling deeply, he shut his eyes and ran a hand over his face. Flashes appeared in his mind.

The red and blue lights. Sodapop wailing. Ponyboy just staring off into space.

The shot that took Dally down echoed across his mind. Johnny. His parents.


The lights faded into rich brown eyes and a bright smile. The shot rang and then shifted into the light, bell-like laugh that he, needed to hear. He didn't deserve to be in the presence of such an angel.

The alarm rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. Sighing, Darry slammed his hand down on the clock and swung his legs over the edge of his bed and sat up. His shoulders sagged under the weight of the day. Just one day. He could get through it.

Caroline, on the other hand, was having just an average day. It was a Wednesday, meaning Darry would show up for lunch at the Dingo. It's not like she was expecting him or anything or that she was hoping for him to show up, but something about the idea of seeing him gave her enough push to get through the day. It felt like a personal victory when she was able to make him smile.

When lunchtime had come and gone and Darry still hadn't come in, Caroline felt her mood fall slightly. She silently cleaned up the tables and didn't even glance up when the doorbell chimed. Someone cleared their throat and she lifted her head up, surprised to see Steve Randle standing there, his hands shoved in his pockets and looking uncomfortable.

"Hello Steve, is there anything that I can help you with?" she asked gently, trying to ease his clear discomfort.

"Nah, jus' figured you oughta know that today...uh, well, the Soda's ma and pa died today last year...and they're at the cemetery an' I don't know if they wanna cook dinner or anythin' but...yeah, I need some help," he groaned, running his hand over his greased up hair.

"You wanna help them, but you don't know how to cook," she finished his thoughts. "Well, my shift is up in ten minutes if you wanna wait. We'll run by the store an' I'll pick up some stuff, ya dig?"

He nodded and sat silently at the counter, his eyes fixated on the counter in front of him. Caroline's gaze softened at the sight of Steve looking like a lost child. Sliding over a cup of coffee to him, Caroline skated away quickly to go help her table.

Once she clocked out, Caroline nodded at Steve and he silently stood up, leading the way out to her car. She slid into the passenger seat and switched her skates for her sneakers and then pulled her brown hair up into a ponytail, securing it with a tie and ribbon. Steve was already driving towards the local grocers before she was fully settled in and Caroline took the time to study him. He looked nervous, his whole body tense and hands tapping against the wheel constantly. Worry tugged at his face and she understood where he was coming from.

"Steve, it's good that you want to help your friends," she reminded him quietly. "But you were close to the Curtises', right? So, it's fine to also be sad. You don't gotta cry, I know that'll ruin your tuff attitude, but you can still be sad."

"Thanks," he said eventually. "They're right, y'know? You know people."

"Nah," she chuckled. "People are just easy to read."

Their grocery shopping was relatively easy since Caroline knew what she wanted. She just needed some chicken, vegetables, and soup items so she could whip up chicken a la king. They were walking towards the checkout when Steve suddenly froze, tugging on her arm and leading her down an aisle.

"Steve, what's goin' on? No Soc would come this far in Greaser territory."

"Nah, but Curly Shepard's out there and I got no clue what kinda trouble he may try to start right now. Darry don't want you being involved in all the gangs n' fightin'."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much," she huffed.

"Think we don't know that, Montgomery? Everyone knows you gotta stubborn streak in ya. Darry just wanna keep you safe because he cares 'bout ya. Believe me when I say that while Tim knows not to do extremely dumb shit, Curly ain't got the same brain capacity."

Caroline opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by someone speaking up.

"Talkin' bout me, Randle?" a voice sneered from behind them. They whirled around, coming face to face with Curly Shepard and two of his cronies.

"Good to see you outta the cooler," Steve regarded him coolly.

"Curly, pleased to meet you," Caroline spoke up. "I'm Car-"

"Caroline Montgomery, yeah. We know Curtis' new pet."

"Well, I don't know where you heard of me in that regard considering ain't no one own me like a dog. I'm no one's pet and I ain't no one's in general. I'm their friend. Now, if you excuse us, we best be goin'."

A fire grew in her eyes and they glinted dangerously as she spat her final words at him, whirling around so her ponytail swung behind her. Heading to the cashier, she stopped when Curly called out for her.

"When you want a real tuff man that'll treat you right, you find me, ya dig?"

"Why, you know someone I don't? Gonna introduce me?" she shot back and quickly placed her items on the belt, ignoring the eyes staring at her from around the store. Shoving some bills into the cashiers hand, she grabbed the bags and hurried out the door, knowing Steve would follow soon. He unlocked the car and she set her bags in the bag and climbed in silently. They were five minutes away from the Curtises when Steve finally burst into laughter, eliciting some chuckles from Caroline.

"Now, that is a side I've never seen before," he wheezed. "His face!"

"He was aggrivatin' me," she said simply. Steve wiped away tears of mirth from his eyes and grinned.

"Thank you, Montgomery. I needed that laugh."

"Anytime, Randle."

Steve pulled up to the small house and killed the engine, grabbing one of her bags and leading the way to the front door. Caroline was a little concerned when it was unlocked and Steve did little to assuage that fear when he informed her that it was always unlocked. She understood why, though.

"I got this," she reassured him and Steve left to go watch TV in the living room while she puttered around the kitchen.

Darry finally coerced his brothers to leave the cemetery after spending a few hours there. He was well and truly exhausted, his feet dragging as he walked up the steps to the front porch. The sounds of the TV indicated that somebody was over and he assumed it was Steve, knowing Two-Bit was probably off somewhere drunk and would stumble in around one in the morning. Something else was off, however. Something was cooking.

Steve couldn't cook.

Opening the door, Darry nodded wordlessly to Steve who was laying on the couch and nudged Soda and Pony to go join him while he checked out the kitchen. Turning around the corner, he could see long tresses of light brown hair and a familiar blue uniform. Leaning against the doorframe, he watched as she flitted around the kitchen, cleaning up bowls and dishes and laying out food on the table. Turning, she jumped at the sight of him as a loud gasp tore past her lips.

"Sorry, you musta not heard us come in," he apologized.

"You enjoy scarin' me and don't you lie about it," she admonished jokingly, wagging her finger at him.

"What's all this?"

"Steve told me what today is and he figured you wouldn't want to cook so I came by to help out, was that alright?"

"That is more than alright. Thank you, Caroline," he breathed. She stepped closer, extending a hand towards him and he grasped it, pulling her into a tight hug. Reaching up, Caroline pressed her lips to his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders.

"I will always help," she murmured. "Whenever you need me."

"The same can be said for me," he whispered, not wanting this moment to end. She was the light in the darkness. The calm to his storm.

And he was hers.

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