Austerity, Miguel Diaz²

By Iavendergirl

137K 6.1K 8.3K

Cobra Kai, Seasons Four━Five Pain is weakness leaving the body. miguel diaz x fem! oc | sequel to 'severity' ... More

act four.
𝒊. yes sensei
𝒊𝒊. court-mandated therapy
𝒊𝒊𝒊. no mercy
𝒗. balance is crucial
𝒗𝒊. prove them wrong
𝒗𝒊𝒊. the jackass effect
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. fight for yourself
𝒊𝒙. recruitment
𝒙. prom dates
𝒙𝒊. you're my one
𝒙𝒊𝒊. bad blood
𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. all valley champion
austerity memes
act five.
𝒙𝒊𝒗. mal de ojo
𝒙𝒗. el hoyo verde

𝒊𝒗. anger issues

6.7K 331 467
By Iavendergirl

❛ i didn't mean to kick you in the dick. ❜

     AYANE TOOK MIGUEL HOME SO HE DID not have to take a dump in the woods, and then headed to her own home.

She pulled into the garage with a deep huff, walking into her house. She was already preparing for an unnecessarily long punishment.

Ayane heard her father's voice, distorted and unable to make out what he was saying. Then, she frowned when she heard another man's voice.

Quickly, Ayane walked into the living room and stopped outside of Ennis' office, listening around the corner.

"Your daughter's good, Ennis," the unfamiliar voice spoke. "I've seen the videos of some of her fights, and she's got more potential than any other kid I've ever seen."

"Thank you," Ennis curtly replied. "But I'm concerned about her. She doesn't want to be in Cobra Kai, and it makes me wonder if she'll try to do something to sabotage us at the tournament."

The other man laughed. "Leave that to me. I'll talk to her soon."

Ayane's eyes widened, wondering who in God's name this man was.

She did not have to question much longer as he and Ennis came walking out of the office, while Ayane scrambled to make it look like she was coming around the corner.

"Oh– you must be the famous Ayane I've heard all about."

Ayane came face to face with a very tall man with grey hair to his chin, even taller than Ennis.

She furrowed her eyebrows, not saying anything.

"Yes, this is my daughter," Ennis cleared his throat, shooting Ayane a look.

Finally she moved, smiling briefly.


The man smiled back, but there was something very, extremely off about him. Ayane could not pin it just yet, though.

"Ayane, my name is Terry Silver. I helped start up Cobra Kai many, many years ago."

He went forward, outstretching a hand to her.

Ayane's jaw clenched, taking the man's hand. So that's what it was that was off about him. He was Cobra Kai.

She withdrew her hand, looking around awkwardly.

"So... you know my dad?"

"Oh yeah," Terry flashed another smile, putting an arm around Ennis. "Your father and I met in the Vietnam war, just like I met your Sensei Kreese."

Great, now there's three psycho warheads with PTSD running this dojo, she thought.

"Does that mean you'll be at Cobra Kai?" she then asked, almost faltering.

Terry pursed his lips.

"We'll catch up soon, Miss Cain."

With that, Terry Silver left the Cain residence.


DESPITE HER MIND RUNNING WILD trying to figure out who Terry Silver was and what he wanted, Ayane continued to work alongside Robby at the dojo.

The two of them were the best fighters there, as everyone knew.

Kreese especially knew this, but today he was going to determine who was truly the best.

During warmups, the doors opened. Ayane glanced over from the front of the room, noticing a rather small boy walk in.

She looked away, continuing the warmup.

God, she hoped he was not going to try and join.

"Mr. Keene," Kreese said to the side. Robby stopped, looking over. "You have a visitor."

All of the students stopped and turned to the boy.

"You know this kid?" Tory questioned. Robby shook his head.

"I-I'm Kenny. My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me."

Ayane did not know who that was, but Robby did.

"I didn't know Shawn had a brother. Is he out?"

Kenny replied, "No. That's why I'm here. These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so–"

"This is a dojo," Kreese cut him off, staring down at Kenny. "You are interrupting my class."

Kenny stammered, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know–"

"Sensei," Robby looked over at Kreese. "Shawn Payne was one of the toughest guys in juvie. Kicked my ass a few times."

Kreese chuckled a bit. "You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how. But you have to prove that you're worthy."

Kenny had no hesitation. "How do I do that?"

"Take your shoes off and get on the mat."

Ayane looked over at Robby, wondering if he was going to say something. He didn't, simply staring at Kenny.

Everyone gathered around the mat, sitting on their knees while Kenny stood in the middle.

"Alright, Mr. Payne, let's see what you got," Kreese said. "Mr. Park."

Kyler looked all too happy to stand up, walking over to face Kenny.

"But– h-how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?" Kenny's voice squeaked unsurely.

"To be a Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct."

Kyler cracked his knuckles. Ayane wanted to cover her eyes, only sighing.

"Fighting positions!"

"Don't worry man," Kyler said, "I'll go easy on you."


He went forward suddenly and Kenny yelped, backing off of the mat. Everyone began laughing.

"C'mon man, grow some pubes, get back on the mat."

Kenny did walk back onto the mat, putting his fists up in a poor stance.

"It's alright, Mr. Payne. Try again."

They both prepared.


Kyler came at Kenny with a kick who backed away once more fearfully. Some of the students started laughing once more.

"Alright, I've seen enough," Kreese said.

The laughter continued, until Kreese interrupted, "What's so funny? The All Valley's just a few short months away." He looked at Kenny. "We don't have time for losers. Or cowards."

Kenny's face fell. At once he turned, grabbing his stuff and walking out of the dojo.

Ayane turned her head to Robby.

"You need to help that kid."

He looked back at her. "Come with me, then."

They both stood up as Kreese dismissed them, Ayane shaking her head.

"Go with you where?"

Robby picked up a bag that was not his, holding it up. It was Kenny's. "To Kenny's house. We're gonna teach him to defend himself."

"Hey Ayane."

She turned, seeing Vincent standing behind her. Robby walked off to go get changed.


Vincent twisted his fingers. "I, uh– I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out this afternoon? I-I know this great arcade place, if you're into that sort of thing."

Ayane wavered. If she really wanted to know the truth about Vincent, there was only one way to do it.

"What time?"

Vincent started to smile. "Maybe... two o'clock? If that's good for you."

At once, she nodded. "Sure. Text me and let me know where we're going, and I'll be there."

He nodded back with a big smile, then left the dojo.

Ayane went to change into her regular clothes, and then she started thinking. She wondered how Miguel would feel about her doing this for a moment, but then dismissed it. As far as Ayane was concerned, she and Vincent were friends and she had no intention of anything else.

Robby was waiting for Ayane when she walked out. "You ready?"

She nodded. "Yeah, sure. Where are we going, exactly?"

They walked outside, both getting into Ayane's car.

"I'll show you," he replied.

Neither of them said much. Things were still quite tense between the two after everything that had happened, especially Robby's refusal to apologize to Miguel. Ayane had not forgotten about that.

They arrived at Kenny's house, Robby knocking on the door. A few moments later, Kenny answered.

"How did you know where I live?" Was his first question.

Robby showed the backpack strap, which had Kenny's name and address on it.

Kenny sighed, taking the bag from Robby. "Thanks." He turned to walk away.

"So, how's Shawn?" Robby asked. "Is he finally getting out this summer?"

Kenny looked down. "They gave him an extra month because he spit in a guard's face."

Robby laughed a little. "Okay. Yeah, that sounds like him."

Kenny was quiet for a second, shaking his head.

"It's my fault. Shawn had some bad friends at school. I caught one of them stealing from my parents. Guy came at me, but– Shawn got between us. Beat him pretty bad. He was just defending me. With him gone... I've got no one."

Ayane's heart pained upon hearing this. Yeah, Kenny deserved her and Robby's help.

"We'll help you, Kenny," Ayane spoke up. "I'm Ayane, by the way."

He looked between her and Robby. "Wait– really? Y-You guys will help me?"

Ayane and Robby looked at each other, then back to Kenny.

"Hell yeah. You have a backyard?"


Ayane got out of her car at the arcade.

She knew this arcade. It was the same place she and Miguel came to play laser tag.

Vincent was waiting for her outside, smiling as she walked up.

"You like to be right on time, huh?"

She shrugged, laughing a little. "I'm punctual, I guess."

Following Vincent inside, Ayane started forming a list of questions in her mind. Every time she saw him she could feel the bruise on her jaw, and it made her question him more and more.

"My personal favorite game is Mrs. Pac-Man," Vincent said. "But I like Revolution Dance Dance too."

Ayane laughed a genuine laugh, shaking her head.

"You're a nerd, aren't you Vincent?"

He turned to her, holding up a finger. "Not a nerd. I'm just... intellectually mature and I have an affinity for video games."

"You would love my friend Demetri," Ayane responded, following Vincent through the arcade.

After they played a few games against each other, Ayane took the chance to start asking questions.

"So you never actually told me what you're in therapy for," she said, grabbing the bag of popcorn from the concessions employee.

Vincent glanced down, thinking of what to say.

"Uh... well– it's kind of a complicated situation. I'm– going for more than one reason."

She slowly began to nod. "Same here. My dad just got out of prison a few weeks ago, and I'm living with him again. He hit me."

Vincent looked over, raising his eyebrows. "I-I'm so sorry. That's... terrible."

Ayane agreed.

"Yeah. And another reason I'm in therapy is because, according to my doctor, I have pretty bad anger issues."

Vincent chewed his inner lip, not looking at her. Ayane supposed she had struck a nerve.

"So do I," he finally replied, taking a seat on a bench beside Ayane. "I kinda lied to you that day at therapy. I'm sorry."

So her suspicions were correct.

"It's alright. Looks like we're in the same boat, huh?"

He laughed somberly. "I guess so."

She ate a piece of popcorn, then offered him some. Vincent grabbed a handful.

"But I guess since you shared your reasons with me, I should tell you everything too. My dad... he passed away not too long ago from cancer. That was sort of when I started lashing out and... getting into fights. My mom thought it would be best for me to get some professional help."

Ayane sat there, not knowing what to say.

"Well, now we've both gotten that out of the way."

Vincent smiled in agreement, standing up.

"I've really been liking Cobra Kai, by the way. I think hitting people is a different form of therapy."

Ayane stood up as well, tossing her popcorn bag in the garbage.

"Oh, it absolutely is. Just– you know– as long as you don't take it too far and seriously hurt someone."

He nodded. "Yeah, of course."

Ayane checked her phone as it began buzzing, seeing it was Miguel calling.

"Just a sec, it's my– mom."

She walked out of earshot to answer.


"Hey," Miguel said. "You'll never believe this."


"Mr. LaRusso showed me how to fix a car today and I might even get to drive it tomorrow."

Ayane laughed lightly. "Miguel the mechanic, huh? Has a nice ring to it. And you'd look hot in one of those mechanic suits."

"Aw, you're making me blush," he replied sarcastically. "Where even are you? There's a lot of noise in the background."

She hesitated. "Uh... I'm at the arcade. With some Cobra Kais."

Miguel sighed a little. "Fun times. So when are we gonna meet up again? Sorry last night got cut short because of my irritable bowels."

Ayane snorted with laughter.

"It's up to you. I don't know how much longer I can manage to keep sneaking out, though. I think my dad is onto me."

"Well, we'll see each other at school then. It's alright."

Ayane realized she should be getting back to Vincent now, as he might begin to think she had ditched him or something.

"Okay, well I'll talk to you in a bit alright? I love you."

"I love you too," Miguel replied. "Bye."


      THE NEXT DAY AT PRACTICE, KREESE was finally able to get what he wanted.

A fight between Ayane and Robby.

"Miss Cain and Mr. Keene. On the mat," he instructed.

They exchanged a look, but both did so.

"I have yet to see the two of you fight. So today, that's what I wanna see."

Ayane turned to Kreese. "What? We spar all the time."

"Sparring is not fighting, Miss Cain. I want to see you both use your full potential, so we can narrow down who the best fighter in the dojo really is."

She turned at once, facing Robby. He had the same reluctant expression as her, but he did not protest with Kreese. Instead, he raised his arms and got into position.

Ayane did the same, the muscle in her jaw tightening.

"Ready? Ais!"

She waited. Perhaps it was an old habit from Miyagi-Do, but she liked to let people come at her first.

Robby knew what she was doing already, circling around the mat. Everyone was getting impatient, waiting for someone to strike.

Finally, Ayane did. She came forward with a wheel kick close to Robby's head, to which he blocked and hit her in the arm. Ayane grunted, leaning forward to punch Robby in the gut. He grabbed her forearm and Ayane brought her knee up to break his grip, flipping backwards. She raised her fists again, taking in a breath.

Robby came at her with strikes, Ayane blocking them. She dodged to the side, turning on her heel to kick Robby. He jumped over her leg, making Ayane more irritated. She bounced on her feet, throwing a punch at Robby's face. He could not move out of the way this time, stumbling back and grabbing his face for a moment. His nose had barely healed from the first time she punched him.

He was aggravated now, his face growing choleric and frenzied. Robby spun into a kick, to which Ayane ducked underneath and rolled out of the way. She stood straight up and jumped off of her feet, using a kick to Robby's groin. He suddenly groaned, falling back onto the mat.

She felt bad now, knowing that had to have hurt. But at least he had given up now.

Ayane turned to Kreese, bowing.

Robby looked a mixture of embarrassed and angry. She stepped toward him, holding out a hand.

He slapped her hand away and got to his feet on his own, looking at Kreese.

"I want a rematch, sensei."

Ayane rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean to kick you in the dick."

"Miss Cain won fair and square, Mr. Keene. And now... we know who Cobra Kai's best fighter is."

ayane kicking robby in the dick is something she definitely did on purpose

i miss my brotp and i hope i can make it to where they have an emotional moment that will make them actual friends again!

vincent is good deep down, but i am afraid he can be quick to anger and might cause some drama...

but anyway, ayane and johnny interaction coming soon hehe!!!

do you think ayane will end up trusting terry silver?

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