Life at Waley Fields (BoyxBoy)

Da RaawrImaDinosaur

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The last thing Russell had been expecting was someone to pay his bail; especially some teenage brat who looke... Altro

Life at Waley Fields (BoyxBoy)

Chapter One

210 13 5
Da RaawrImaDinosaur

In case you aren't aware, I have begun a Facebook group with story updates, facts and insights into my stories and my characters. The group is under my username :) (And no, I'm not going to shut up about it for a while xD).


“So, what’s a kid like you doing running a farm anyway?” Russell asked dryly as he pulled his duffle bag from the Ute. He still couldn't believe that he was going to work for the brat, but thinking about it, he realized that he really had no choice.

Riley didn’t look fazed and locked the doors. “I’m twenty one. I’m not a kid.”

“Compared to me, you’re a kid,” He snorted and slung his bag over his shoulder.

“To answer your question, I wanted to try something new.”

“I hope you’re aware that Cattle Station work is the most dangerous job in Australia because of the amount of injuries and deaths every year?” He asked, dryly.

“I know. It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”


“C’mon, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” Russell followed Riley into the large stone brick home and started a tour. “This is the living room; over here is the kitchen and dining room. Follow me down this hall and to the left is your room, with the bathroom at the end of the hall on the right. Across from your room is mine and down from that is Luke’s room and across from there is Graham’s.


“Luke and Graham. They’re my other employees. Luke’s another drover so you’ll be working closely with him. Graham does yard work with me.”

“Right. Did you force them to work here too?” Russell asked, dryly.

Riley shrugged. “Not really; Luke is the son of one of my father’s acquaintances. Graham’s wife passed a few years ago and wanted to try something new so he stumbled across an advertisement in the paper and applied.”

“So I’m the only one whose been forced,” He stated.

Riley rolled his eyes. “Work starts tomorrow at five am sharp. I’ll give you your schedule at breakfast. For now, settle in and relax. We have a big day tomorrow.”


“Oh; and for future reference, breakfast is at eight pm during our breaks, lunch is one and dinner is seven. Questions?”


“Great. I’ll see you in a few hours for dinner,” Riley replied cheerfully before leaving Riley to his own devices. Russell held back a groan and entered his new room. It wasn’t large but it was… spacious he supposed. It was furnished with an ensemble bed which had already been made, a brown chest of drawers and a built in closet. There was also a low, brown bookcase which Russell doubted he’d even get to use. There was also a plump, white towel, neatly folded on the end of the bed.

Letting out a sigh, Russell dumped his duffle bag on the bed and began to unpack his things. He didn’t have much-really, he didn’t need a lot. Clothes, money and toiletries were all that he needed. He didn’t have personal items because, to be honest, he’s never felt the need. He didn’t talk to his parents who had buggered off back to America as soon as he turned eighteen and, at that stage, he hadn’t wanted to return with them. Anywhere was better than with them.

A couple of hours later, Riley knocked on the door to collect Russell for dinner. Feeling slightly awkward, Russell almost decided to skip out, only his stomach had protested at the thought. He exited the room and threaded his fingers through his hair, tying it up with an elastic band. Riley ushered him into the kitchen and sat him at the table with two other men.

“Luke, Graham; this is Russell White. He’s our new drover.”

“Hey, isn’t he the guy that punched Norton Garrick in the face?” The red haired man asked curiously. “And Max Hedland?”

“Yes, he is but that doesn’t matter,” Riley finalized before glancing at Russell with his never ending smile. “Russell, this is Luke Davis and Graham Peters; You’ll be working with Luke from now on, so he’ll be able to take you around the property and tell you what you’ll be doing.”

Russell merely nodded at them, still feeling awkward.

Riley sat down and began a conversation with Graham, hence beginning dinner. Russell remanded as quiet as he could, hoping to avoid all sort of conversation completely. Nearing the end, he thought he was safe from conversation when Riley turned to him.

“Russell, how old are you?” he asked.

Russell frowned slightly and lowered his fork. “Thirty three.”

“How long have you been a drover for?”

“I’ve been droving for six years. I’ve been a vet for eight,” I replied.

“A vet? So you’ve had education?” Riley asked.

“Of course I’ve had education,” He replied, dryly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude. I just hadn’t-”

“Not many people do,” He replied, stiffly and they all fell into silence for a couple of minutes before Luke decided to speak up.

“So… you’re American?”


“How long have you been in Australia?” He asked. Russell frowned.

“Nineteen years. I moved here when I was fourteen and have been a citizen since I was fifteen.”

“Oh. That’s pretty cool. I’ve never met an American before. Your accent is still so strong as well, even after nineteen years. Where abouts in America are you from?” Luke asked, excitedly.

“Detroit, Michigan.”

“Cool! And are your pare-”

“Luke, that’s enough. You’re making him uncomfortable,” Graham cut in, causing the other man to sigh.

“Right!” Riley said as he plopped back into his seat when Graham and Luke began to clear the table. Russell was slightly stunned as he hadn’t noticed the younger man move. “Graham, I need you to sign some paperwork; need your tax file number, emergency contacts and all that icky stuff.”

Russell nodded and began to fill out the paperwork.

“I also need to know if you have any known medical conditions, such as allergies or whether you can or can’t lift a certain weight,” He said, looking at him.

Russell grimaced. “Oh. Normally I don’t have to mention medical conditions.”

“Well while you’re here, I’d like to know so you don’t magically drop dead on me for no apparent reason,” Riley snorted. “So?”

“I’m… I’m bipolar,” He replied, awkwardly.

“I see… and do you take any medication for that?” Riley asked.

“Yes. I take Prozac and occasionally Epilim, depending on how bad I’m feeling that day. I have type 2 so I don’t really suffer from mania-well… not often. The day I punched Norton was the day I was supposed to get more. He refused to let me go, after promising I could go. I wasn’t exactly in control of my emotions at the time. It’s the same with Max. I just… loose my head for a bit,” He murmured awkwardly. “In fact, I haven’t been able to grab some yet. In the morning… do you-?”

“Sure, I’ll drop you in. I need to do a couple of things anyway,” Riley replied, unfazed. “I still expect you to do stuff in the morning though. We’ll go into town around ten. How’s that sound?”

“Fine,” He replied.

“Great; just try not to bust Luke up too much. He may be annoying but we kind of need him.”

“Oi!” Luke shouted from the kitchen. Riley ignored him while Russell finished filling out the paperwork. Once done, he handed it to Riley who smiled. “Great. You can turn in now, if you’d like. It doesn’t look like you’ve gotten much sleep during your stay with the police.”

Russell grimaced at that but nodded.

“Great. See you in the morning. I’ll bang on your door around four.”

Russell only nodded before stopping by his room to grab the towel and snatching a quick shower before turning in. He wasn’t looking forward to the morning.


“So, first things first, I need to know if you can ride a quad,” Luke began as he and Russell walked outside around four thirty in the morning.


“You will. Riley doesn’t know either so I’m in the process of teaching him myself. Hopeless, he is; fancy starting up a farm and not knowing how to ride a bike,” Luke snorted. “Can you ride a horse at least?”

“Of course I can ride a horse,” Russell replied, dryly.

“Good. Riley told me that you can use his mare until you get one of your own. I know for a fact that Riley got a young colt with the other three, so possibly when it’s older you can try to break him in.”

Russell said nothing. They headed over to the stables and saddled the horses and walking around the property. That morning, the main thing Russell had to do was learn his way around the property and check on the cattle. The ride around the property took a good two hours, and the sun was up by the time they got to the cattle. “So, last night you mentioned you were also a vet?”


“Great. That saves us the money of calling one in every now and again. I know that the cattle need their shots soon so if you could get your hands on-”

“Got it.”

“Great. So today we’re manly counting cattle and making sure none are injured. We’ve had foxes prowling around lately and one was taken down a week or two ago. At the moment we have… fift-no fourteen cows and two bulls. We’ll then let them out to graze a couple of hours.”

Riley nodded and helped Luke count them before letting them out. By the time they were done, it was around eight o’clock and time for breakfast. They headed back to the house, ate with the others before Riley declared that it was time to head into town. Russell was glad. He was slowly beginning to lose his grip. Riley noticed and smiled.

“Losing patience with Luke?”

“He talks a lot.”

“Yeah, he does that but you get used to it. It’ll be easier once you take your medication. I’ve brought a water bottle with us so I want you to take the medication straight away.”


Riley nodded and parked the Ute. They both got out, and Riley lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. “Right. I’ll be in the corner shop picking up some things for dinner. Tonight it’s my night to cook. You want anything in particular?”

“Not really.”

“Alright, then anything’ll do then?”


Riley nodded. We generally take turns with the cooking and cleaning, but we’re going to keep to our normal schedule for a week or two so that I can fix up a new one and include you. We all pitch in because we all live there; understand?”


“You don’t talk much,” Riley noted but didn’t wait for a reply before pointing out the chemists. “So the chemist is over there. I don’t see why they wouldn’t have your medication but in case they don’t, we might have to drive into the city. That’s a good hour away, but I’m willing to take time out of the day to go that far. Meet me in the corner shop after you’ve taken your medication, yeah?”

Russell only nodded and walked into the chemists. He was almost relieved when they had his medication and after a short wait, it was handed to him and he paid before heading back to the Ute. He opened the car and sat in the passenger’s side and took his medication. He sat there for a few moments before locking the car and heading into the corner shop. He found Riley near the meat.

The blonde smiled at him. “Did they have it?”

“Yeah. It takes an hour or so to kick in though.”

“Cool. All this meat is local, as are the fruit and vegetables. Do you eat pork?”

“No. I can’t stomach it.”

“Good, neither can I,” Riley replied and placed the pork back in the fridge. “Any other meat you don’t eat?”

“Veal. I eat everything else.”

“Cool. Spaghetti good for tonight?” Riley asked and dumped beef mince into the trolley.


“Alright; let’s grab some soft drink, and we’ll be good to go,” Riley responded happily and began walking down to the back of the shop. Russell followed sullenly.

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