It's Dark Inside (BbRae)

By CrestfallenRose

23.2K 465 143

A Teen Titans Fanfiction [BBRAE] & a little bit of [ROBSTAR] Trapped in despair, Raven struggles to control... More

Author's Note // Regards


2.1K 23 7
By CrestfallenRose

It was just another day fighting Cinder block. Cinder block had escaped from prison and the Titans were easily alerted.

Robin was the first to arrive at the scene, followed by Star Fire and Raven flying behind Robin. Cyborg and Beast Boy were not far behind.

"Give it up Cinder Block, there's no where to run." Robin says, his eyebrows knitting together behind his mask. He was in a fighting stance and the team behind him had their powers at the ready.

Before Robin can say anything else, Cinder Block charges toward them, dropping the jewels he had been carrying behind. Civillians were now screaming, running from the scene.

"Titans, go!" Robin yells, and with that, the team splits from their position. Raven picks up debris from the scene with her dark powers and launches it at Cinder, he blocks with his hands, creating an x above his head.

He may have blocked one blow, but more followed. Robin sent a foot to his torso, and StarFire was already sending her starbolts in his direction. Beast Boy turned into a wolf and Cyborg sent a punch to his face as Robin landed underneath him.

"How did he get out?" Beast Boy asks after the Titans easily won the fight. Cinder Block was being escorted into one of the prisoner vans and the elite guards were holding their position outside of the doors in case Cinder Block got any ideas.

"An energy malfunction." Cyborg replies. "The prison's main frame has average reduction. Its system needs more stability."

"Uhmm, English?!" Beast Boy says, and Cyborg sighs, explaining it once more.

After a bit of catching their breaths and coming back together once the battle was won, Beast Boy announces, "Let's go for pizza to celebrate!"

The team soon finds themselves at pizza corner. Nobody decided to go against the idea, not even Raven. The group had had a long day due to the Prison's power malfunctioning.

It had caused multiple prisoners a chance to escape, and many of them took it. They still had a lot more to track down despite the four they recaptured today.

They had captured Cinder Block, Overload, mad mod, and control freak, but there was plenty more out there that had escaped.

Proud of his team, Robin praises the Titans as they head back to the tower to call it a night.

"We'll track down mumbo, doctor light, plasmas, and killer moth tomorrow. In the meantime, be ready for anything." Robin instructs his team.

Each titan begins to leave into the hallway, until StarFire notices Robin still focused on the computer he had been looking at. "Robin?"

He was accessing files, zooming into certain locations, squinting. There were definitely traces of Slade. "It's Slade." Robin replies.

"But what if it isn't?"

Robin turns to face StarFire. "It has to be."


Raven walked into her cold, dark room. She levitated over to her seance and remembered she hadn't meditated since this morning.

She was tired, but if she didn't meditate, she would not be able to sleep. Crossing her legs and letting her arms relax on her thighs, she began her very much needed meditation. "Azarath metrion zinthos. Azarath metrion zinthos. Azarath met--" She continued for a good long while. Then she heard a noise, right on time.


The tower was peaceful and as Beast Boy tucked himself under his covers, his stomach growled. His eyes felt droopy, and his body was tired of moving, but nonetheless, he couldn't help it. He stood up frustrated.

Beast Boy made his way into the kitchen, where he found his supply of tofu. Lucky for him, everyone else in the tower disliked tofu. His supply would last him at least a week or two.

Beast Boy cluttered the kitchen with plates and cups. The counters were quite dirty, and the smell of tofu suffocated the fresh air.

After his snack, Beast Boy noticed the beautiful sunrise out the window just behind the Titan's large couch. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He was exhausted, yet he still couldn't sleep. His stomach would keep him awake for the next 15 minutes or so.

Then he saw a dark hand float off of the rooftop, then back in to where it had originated. Beast Boy recognized it immediately, but it made him wonder, what was Raven doing on the rooftop at five in the morning?

Curiousity got the better of him. Despite the fact he could finally sleep soon, Beast Boy didn't care. He rubbed his eyes as he climbed his way up to the top floor of the tower.

When he reached the door to the rooftop, Beast Boy hesitated. He and Raven didn't quite get along. Raven was creepy, and she didn't exactly like Beast Boy. Especially his jokes. Why couldn't she like his jokes? They were happy, light, and put a smile on your face!

Maybe it was because Raven wasn't happy. He couldn't quite figure her out, but the one thing he knew was that Raven didn't even know how to smile. Maybe he could change that? If she let him though.

Raven didn't like to be around Beast Boy, and the two didn't interact much. Who was Beastboy kidding though, Raven didn't interact much with anyone!

Not letting himself hesitate any longer, Beast Boy pushed the door open. Levitating with her legs crossed, Raven sat facing the sunrise.

Why in the world was she awake right now? Beast Boy could tell she was meditating, but why? He never really understood Raven, she was strange. How could he figure anything out about her though? Raven kept pretty much everything to herself.

She was like a mystery to him that he desperately wanted to solve. She seemed worried about something. Maybe she needed someone to help her? Someone like Beast Boy?

"Uhhh, Raven?" Beast Boy begins, after stepping towards her. He was now standing a foot or so behind her. Raven had her hood up, and did not move a muscle.

Beast Boy stood in silence, watching Raven's cloak flow backward due to the breeze. Beast Boy's dark green hair, tousled, slightly blew back behind him.

Raven keeps her eyes closed, ignoring him. Beast Boy walks up next to her, noticing her scrunched eyes, confused.

"What are you doing up here?" Beast Boy presses. Raven stays quiet and the sound of the ocean waves hitting the soft sand below fills the air.

Beast Boy was about to leave, regretting his decision to try and talk to Raven while she meditated, when she finally spoke.

"What does it look like?" She peeks at him with one eye. Why couldn't he let her meditate in peace? She needed to gain control again!

Beast Boy ignores her question. "You really should enjoy the view, it's not everyday you get to see the sunrise."

"Unless you're me." Raven croaks.

"You mean.. you come up here every morning to see the sunrise? But you're not even looking at it!" Beast Boy gestures to the sunrise with his hands as he keeps eye contact.

Raven rolls her eyes. She was exhausted, why did she have to deal with Beast Boy right now? "I wouldn't expect you to understand." She fires back.

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