Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...


172K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... Еще

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Gathering the Party: Part 3

1.7K 35 20

Warning, this chapter is fucked up. not just in a poorly written way.

Y/n's pov

I picked Nagisa up carefully, putting Jataro's staff in my bag before holding Nagisa's head to my chest while I went for the exit. I made sure he wouldn't be able to see the mess that was the mech with a growing pool of blood under it. I walked up to Kotoko and Jataro and smiled at them "let's head back to the hotel, Nagisa really needs to rest." they both nodded and so we headed back to the hotel. There weren't any monokuma around the path as we walked, which was good but still slightly concerning. We got to the hotel before noon, heading back to the room that we had cleaned the last time we were here. I set Nagisa down on the bed and carefully used a monokuma claw to cut the shock collar off his neck. He flinched a bit, but stayed still so he wouldn't get hurt. I set the shock collar off to the side and put my bag down. "Do you have any cuts or scrapes?" He shook his head, looking down. I sighed a bit and took out some food and water. handing him a bit. "Here, you need to eat a bit and get some rest. Kotoko and Jataro can look after you while I go out and get Masaru." He stared down at the food, nodding slowly before starting to eat. I gave Jataro his staff back, taking my baseball bat from him before heading out. 

I made sure my mask was properly over my face as I walked down the road. The streets were empty of Monokuma, but there was still evidence that they had been around. Claw marks in the pavement, smashed and torn apart vehicles, dried blood stains, and some broken claws left around the street. Even with the lack of Monokuma, there weren't any people around. The streets were completely silent other than the sound of the wind and sparking electricity from torn cables. My footstep echoed as I made it to the sports museum. The outside of the building was covered in blood, there were some bodies hung from the roof, and what used to be statues were now desecrated by having Monokuma heads replacing any round objects on them. I sighed and pulled my bat out, walking up to the door. I pushed the doors open and looked around, seeing that the entire place was remodeled. Instead of exhibits for famous players or events, There was an obstacle course that looked like a horrible carnival challenge. A LED sign flashed on an archway, 'Trials of Treachery. Enter here.' As stepped into the doorway and immediately a voice rang out "Welcome, Y/n. I've been waiting for you. You know, ever since you got me arrested, I've wanted to smash your head in and chain you up while I break everything you love. Now I've gotten a chance to do just that. I was given an offer by the boss, If I can beat you with the shit he provided, then I get to do whatever I want with the little shits that you seem to care so much about. So hurry up. I'm waiting at the end of the Trials." 

I glared at the speaker before looking back at the obstacle course. Right after the archway, there were two paths of glass, obviously one wouldn't be able to hold much weight. Bellow the bridges there was a deep pit with spikes at the bottom. There were a few bodies already down there, but even if I managed to survive a fall down, there was no way out of the pit. I looked at the glass before sighing and hitting one with the baseball bat, instead of breaking, the bat bounced off. I sighed and looked at the other bridge, hitting it with the same amount of force. Immediately half of the bridge shattered, showing that only half of the bridge was going to break. I sighed, guessing the same would be true for the one that didn't break. I slowly stepped onto the bridge that was left, and felt it bow slightly. I stepped carefully towards the middle, the glass bowing more the closer I got. When I started hearing cracking, I jumped to the other bridge, running quickly towards the safe spot as both bridges began falling. I managed to grab onto the ledge before the bridge completely fell, carefully pulling myself up instead of looking down. After I got up, the voice spoke out again "You survived that? good thing that wasn't the only thing there. You know, I think I know what I'm gonna do after I beat you. First I'll torture you, slowly of course. Then I'll make you watch as I carve up the worthless child of mine."  I grit my teeth as I stood up, ignoring his taunting as I looked ahead. 

The next thing was pillars across yet another pit. The pillars wouldn't be easy to stand on, since most were angled, and the fire sprinklers were going off above them, making them slippery. I put my bat back into my bag and sighed jumping to the first pillar, landing on both my hands and feet to get better traction. I carefully positioned myself for the next jump, noticing the angles of the next pillar was the opposite of the current one so I would slide forward instead of backwards. I looked at the pillar after that, seeing that the angle was sideways. I jumped to the next pillar, immediately jumping to the one after it so that I wouldn't slide down. I landed in a crouch, holding onto the higher side of the pillar to keep me up. I looked at the last pillar, luckily it was the opposite angle of the current one so I would be able to use my current position only reversed. After, repositioning and jumping again, I managed to get into the same crouch and grab, however I felt something sharp cutting into my fingertips. I held my grip tight despite the pain, carefully getting into a jumping position and jumping onto the safe platform. Yet again, the voice rang out "ohhh, hurts, doesn't it? Good! You deserve much more pain than just that... You know, after I'm done with my brat, I'll move onto the other boy. First, I'll tear his fingernails off, then I'll dip them in salt water and citric acid. While he screams in pain I'll cut out his tongue and hold his mouth shut so he can choke on his blood" I ignored him again and looked at my hand, the cuts weren't deep enough to cut any muscles, but they definitely needed to be wrapped so I wouldn't bleed too much. 

I took out a roll a bandage from my bag and quickly wrapped up the hand before looking ahead at the next area. Next was a hole in the wall jump. The wall was made up of glass with shapes broken out in the middle to have sharp edges sticking out. there were 3 walls, each having a different shape. before the wall, there is a pit (riveting I'm sure), and just after the wall is a platform to land on. I sighed and looked at the first shape, it was vaguely rectangular so it would be easy to jump through. I took a slight running start before jumping though and landing on the platform safely. Next shape was a triangle. I did the same a before, taking a short running start before jumping through to the next platform. There was a slight stinging feeling on my cheek, so I guessed that I had been nicked by a piece of glass on my way through. Finally, the last shape was a small circle, barely enough room to dive roll through. I sighed and went for the jump, ignoring the blood dripping down the side of my face. I managed to dive through the glass, but by bat clipped against the glass, breaking some off. Since my momentum was off, instead of rolling on the safe platform, I flopped and slid slightly, getting a bit of rug burn from it as the glass that broke off showered onto my back a bit. After the glass had settled, the voice sounded again. "Still not dead huh? two more obstacles in the way between us and my revenge. I'll tell you what I'll do to that masked freak next. First, I'll dunk his head into a barrel of oil, maybe hold him down there for a bit. Then I'll light it on fire and melt that leather onto his head permanently. If he lives through that, then I'll cut off his hands and choke him with them, either cramming them down his throat or forcing him to strangle himself." I laid there for a moment to catch my breath before getting up slowly, making sure there weren't any pieces of glass in my back. 

After I was sure I was fine, I looked at the next obstacle, it was barbed wire lines over a floor covered in shattered glass bits. Instead of trying to avoid the wire, I just used my bat to knock them down, deciding to wrap the wire around the bat to add spike to it. The glass floor didn't really bother me that much since my shoes were good enough to keep glass from peaking through. After clearing my way to the other end of the platform, the voice started again "What a cheater. Do you have no integrity or shame? Oh well. I guess it's time to tell you what I'll do to those girls. I'll be real rough with the pink bitch. I heard she is already well acquainted with that though. Maybe when I'm done I'll choke her or just bash her head into the ground until her brain splatters. Then I'll go onto the green one. Weak legs, soft face, and your favorite one? I'll keep her as a pet. I'll break her in front of you, let you watch her cry and beg. When I'm done with her, She'll forget all about her 'big brother' and only have room to focus on her new master." My vision started to get clouded. I couldn't move, or feel anything other than the anger growing in my body. It grew and grew until it suddenly just stopped. My body began moving, without my direction. "How disgusting. How disrespectful. How... boring" 

The next obstacle was supposed to be swinging blades, but my body walked through without getting hit by a single one. The end of the course lead into a stadium where the man was waiting. Off to the side, Masaru was sat in a cage, broken bottles surrounding him with cuts and bruises all over his body. In the center of the room was robot, multiple weapons attached onto it, with enough armor to protect any vital spot from being damaged. The man held onto a controller, scowling "Boring? You dare call me boring!? I'll show you. I'll DESTROY YOU!" He held the controller up and directed the robot to begin attacking. Each attack was avoided perfectly as my body approached the robot. When I got to close, the robot attempted to crush me with many of the things on it at the same time, only for my body to thrust the baseball bat forward and tip the robot over. Because of all the armor, the robot didn't have enough room to get any of the things on it to push itself up. The man screamed out in frustsration "Worthless piece of shit! Fine, I'll finish this myself!" He threw the controller at my, but it only bounced off me harmlessly. He pulled a knife out of his jacket and charged at me screaming, only to be knocked down effortlessly, dropping the knife on his way down. My body kicked the knife away and slammed my foot down on the mans chest, causing him to yell out in pain. My voice spoke out plain and dull "You're not going to be touching any of them. and you will never. Ever. Speak of doing anything to my little sister." 

The man opened his mouth to scream back, only for his jaw to be dislocated by the bat. Unable to make any coherent words, the man only screamed out gibberish sounds. He began thrashing around, trying to get my foot off his chest, but my body didn't budge. The next moment, a loud sound ended the mans movement. Then the sound happened again. and again. and again and again and again and again and again and again. Where the man's head once was, was only a pink mess spreading across the ground. The noises stopped and my bat rested against the ground, the barbed wire was mostly off of the end, what remained of it dripping pink as it slide down and fell to the floor. I slide the bat on the man's jacket, wiping the pink off before turning away and walking over to the cage Masaru was in. I opened the door and looked down at him. He was shaking, his eyes unfocused while he stared at the ground. He was curled into a ball with his hands over his head in a protective manner. I put my bat back into my backpack and picked him up carefully. He barely reacted to the movement as I walked over to a door that was boarded shut. Not wanting to waste time taking off the boards, I kicked the center of the door. The boards split in half as the door swung open. The loud noise caused Masaru to flinch, but he didn't react past that. 

I silently exited the building and headed towards the hotel. It began to rain soon, so I headed into the nearest shelter and set Masaru down, looking at him. He slowly looked up at me, his eyes slowly focusing "w-who are you?" I took my mask off, staring down at him silently. He stared at me before tears ran down his face "M-Mr. Kamukura... Why is this happening.. Why does everything go wrong around me. Why can't we just live a normal life! Is there something wrong with me? what did we do to deserve this?" I knelt down and hugged him, gently rubbing up and down his back "it's not your fault that any of this happened. The world went to shit because people didn't act before things went too far. You shouldn't blame yourself in this situation." He hugged onto me tightly, sobbing "What should I do then!?" I grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him out of the hug, looking into his eyes "You should stand up and fight. You are a warrior of hope aren't you? The hero of the party. When things go wrong, you stand up and fight to protect those close to you." he stared back into my eyes, the tears slowly stopping. "h-how can I... I'm not strong enough on my own." I pat his head "You don't need to be strong on your own. You have the others to stand with you. Jataro, Nagisa, Kotoko, and Monaca. You're not alone, and you don't have to fight alone." He sat there silently for a while before nodding. "y-yeah... I'm not alone. . . I just need to get to the others and we can get through anything together" I nod and stood up. "That's right. Now let's go meet up with the others so we can make a plan to get Monaca back." The rain let up soon and Masaru nodded "Okay. Lead the way sir." 


Monaca's Diary Entry No. ?

A weird lady came into Monaca's room today. She didn't speak much, only dressing Monaca up as a princess and putting a camera down. She looked scary, but also sad like Monaca. After she finished with the camera, she left Monaca's room. Monaca thinks someone is using the camera to watch her, but why would someone do that? Monaca wishes big brother were here. He may have strange friends, but at least he cared for Monaca. Now Monaca is alone. And sad. Where are you big brother? ;(



hooray, another chapter out. probably one of my least favorite chapters in existence though. Now that The other 4 are gathered, it's almost time for the party to storm the tower and get back best little sister. After all of this gloomy stuff, I need to go get some ice cream to repair the innocence that I damaged. 

In the meantime, I have a question to ask the few commenters. So far in this FanFiction, Who is best girl? I've been watching a podcast and they talked about best girls, so it got me thinking about that. Who in this story would be best girl?

Anyways, as per usual, Until next chapter.

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