Braver - Jack Brewer

By nverFallinloveagain

51.3K 991 551

"She's braver. Braver than most." "You got that right." Jack Brewer is the new kid at Seaford High. Naomi Ada... More

1. Wasabi Warriors
1.5 Rudy and Naomi's talk
2. Fat Chance
3. Dummy Dancing
3.5 Jack and Naomi's moment
4. Dojo Day Afternoon
5. Swords and Magic
6. Road to Wasabi Part 1
6. Road to Wasabi Part 2
6. Road to Wasabi Part 3
6. Road to Wasabi Part 4
8. Rocky Beaver
9. Wax On, Wax Off
10. The Commercial
11. Kung Fu Cop

7. All The Wrong Moves

2.2K 58 81
By nverFallinloveagain

Eddie, Jack, Kim, Milton, and I were sitting in the cafeteria for lunch. I brought an apple just like everyday. I got a tray but I would always give it to Jerry or Jack. Sometimes they split it. I was sitting in between Jack and Kim.

"Guys," Jerry runs up to our table with a flyer and his speaker. "I got us the opportunity of a lifetime. We're gonna be rich!"

"For the last time, your mom's car has a leak. There's no oil under your house." Milton complains.

"No, I signed us up for The Battle of the Dance Crews competition at the mall. Check it." He holds up the little flyer letting us all look at it.

"Whoa, first prize wins $1,000." Kim snatches the flyer out of Jerry's hand.

"It's not just about the money. I've always loved dancing. You know, when I was a baby, my mom hung a disco ball over my crib."

I chuckle, "Did it ever fall on your head?" Jack let's out a small snicker, giving me a high five.

"Did what ever fall on my head?"

I sigh, leaning my head on my hand. "It was worth a shot."

"Jerry, that sounds great, but we're not a dance crew." Eddie points out.

"I have the skills and I'll teach you the moves. And if we work hard, we can win this together. Now what do you say?" Jerry asks.

"I'm in." Eddie states.

"Okay. Absolutely." Kim smiles.

"Let's do it." Milton cheers.

"Jack? Naomi?" Jerry asks, hopefully.

"Uh, I don't know, Jer." I say.

"Why not?"

"I can't dance to save my life." I look at my apple. I felt really bad for lying but I didn't know what else to do.

"Please, Naomi."


"I'll let you use me as a punching dummy the week after the competition."

"Make it a week and a half and I get ten bucks."








"Fine. I guess I'll try it out."

"Okay. Jerry, you got yourself a crew." Jack dabs up Jerry.

"Yeah. Wasabi?" Jerry puts a fist to a flat hand.

We all stand up and do the same. "Wasabi."

"Whoo!" Jerry cheers as we all sit down. "Aye, you gonna eat that?" He points to the mash on my tray.

"Have at it." I pass it to him.

"No, I want some." Jack reaches for it.

"Haha! Naomi likes me better."

"No, she doesn't."

"Yes, she does."

I glare at the boys. "Do you guys want me to go all mom-mode on you two?"

"No." Both say.

Jack, Jerry, and I were at Falafel Phil's.

"Is it just me or are these falafel balls greasier than usual?" Jack picks up one of the falafel balls and squeezed it. A whole bunch of grease just squished out into the tray.

"No, that looks about right." Jerry nods.

"And, I'm not hungry anymore." I dump my falafel balls into Jerry's tray.

He shrugs and pops one into his mouth. "Yo, check it out." Jack and I turn around. "That's Dan Brennan. He's the best dancer at our school. They call him Smooth."

"Because he's got great dance moves?" Jack asks.

"And his skin is crazy soft. Yo, we're talking velvet." Jerry states.

"I doubt that." I say.

Just then, "Smooth" walked up to our table.

"Hey, Jerry." He looks over at Jack.

"Jack." He introduced himself.

"Eh. Oh, hey Naomi. Lookin' good today, as always." Smooth winks at me.

"Thanks, I guess."

"I heard you karate clowns- no offense Naomi,"

"Offense taken."

"signed up for the dance contest. You know my crew, The Step Brotherz win every year."

"Yeah, I know. Just 'cause you win every year doesn't mean other people shouldn't try." Jerry looks up at Smooth.

He scoffs, "Yeah, it kinda does. See, I suggest you leave the dancing to us and stay in your little karate club." Smooth starts walking away.

Jack turns around, "You know, we're not just a karate club. We also offer free counseling to people with bad nicknames. You should come by and see us. "Smooth"."

I chuckle and high five Jack.

"You guys are just gonna embarrass yourselves." Smooth states.

"No, we leave that up to you since you're so "Smooth". Should have been called Clumsy." I fire at him. He rolls his eyes.

"You might have some moves. But can you move... like Smooth?" Smooth does some weird dance moves before falling into the splits, getting up and wiping his nose, sniffing. He walks out.

"Lame!" I yell out. Smooth looks back at me and glares before just walking out of the mall.

Jerry scoffs, "Yo, I can move like Smooth. It's just a split. I can do a split. Check it." Jerry mocks Smooth's sniff before turning and sharply landing into a split... with his pants ripped.

Jack and I grimace and look away from our friend on the ground in pain. Jerry groans.

"I think your pants just ripped." Jack laughs, resting his arm on the booth we were sitting in, behind my head. I snicker.

Jerry's head pops up from under the table, "That wasn't my pants." Jerry strains. Jack and I grimace again as Jerry groans.

"I'm not looking." I climb over the back of the booth, walking away from the two boys and into the food court.

I walk into the dojo seeing Jack, Eddie, Milton and Jerry all huddled by the closest bench to the opening arch. I go over and sit down at the bench, taking off my shoes for Jerry's dance practice thing.

"Dang, Naomi. Your outfit looks good." Jack smirks.

"Shut it, Brewer." I put my heeled boots off to the side, going to my locker and grabbing my black converse, slipping them on.

I set onto the mat and start stretching.

"All right. Now, let's run the whole thing from the top. Naomi, start stretching and join in soon." Jerry instructs.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I shoot Jerry a glare.

"Hey, where'd Kim go?" Jerry pushes my comment aside. "Also Naomi, you're late!"

"I know, okay. My skateboard still isn't fixed from when True-man jacked it up, so I had to walk with heels on." I grumble.

"Dang, Naomi. You could have just asked me to fix it." Jack states. "And Kim wanted to change into her dance gear." Jack shrugs.

"Okay, let's do this!" Kim walks out in a ridiculous outfit. Her hair was crimped and in a high side ponytail. She had a blue and pink fuzzy head band on her head. She had a yellow tank top with a blue shirt with the word 'BE' on it. On her legs were purple tights and pink knee high socks and matching wrist cuffs. She runs from the back of the room to the front doing some weird step-ball-change. We all just look at her weird.

"What? This is how dancers dress." Kim shrugs.

"Maybe in the '80s in Poland." Milton states.

"Kim, look at Naomi. That's how dancers dress." Eddie speaks.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how dancers dress." I say, continuing my stretching.

"Come on, guys. We've got a lot of work to do. Are you ready?" Jerry says, kind of annoyed.

"Yeah." Everyone but me says.

"I can't hear you." Jerry tries to hype up his team.

"Really? 'Cause that was pretty loud. I think you might have some hearing loss!" Milton shouts in Jerry's ear.

"All right. Naomi, just watch and mark, okay?" Jerry says, I nod, walking over to a bench and sitting down. "Here we go. Whoo!"

Everyone gets into place as Jerry points at me to start the music. I sigh, pressing play. Some weird funky type of music starts. I cringe as everyone does weird dance moves.

"Ah, Esta gentle que esta hanciendo? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cut! Stop! Okay, I taught you this." Jerry does the wave with his arms before jumping a bit forward. "You guys are doing this!" Jerry does the same weird moves as our friends were. "Come on, guys. Don't you have any dancing experience at all?"

"Well, uh... I have my own victory dance I do every time I win a match. Ready?" Jack starts doing a chicken walk of some sort.

I stand up and put a hand on Jack's chest, stopping him. "If that's your victory dance, I'm gonna start rooting against you."

"It's been a while since I've danced onstage. But I think I'm just as good now as I was then." Kim wipes her shirt giving us a questioning look.

"Milton, tell me there's a dancer hiding in there somewhere." Jerry sighs.

"Oh, believe you me, I have busted many a move." Milton grimaces at a memory.

"Eddie, please give me some good news here." Jerry pleads.

"Well, I did go to Mrs. King's Dance Academy." Eddie smirks.

"Don't even, that's my cousin!" I point at him.

"Naomi, please tell me you can dance." Jerry comes up to me.

"I can't lie, Jer. I can't dance to save my life." I speak, looking to the side.

"This isn't working! You guys know how important this is to me! You gotta start trying." Jerry gets mad.

"Whoa, we're trying." Jack sits next to me.

"Yeah." We all say.

"Maybe we should just take a break." Eddie sighs.

"Fine." Jerry groans. "But before you go, think about this. When you dance... you gotta- you gotta totally feel it. When I dance, I'm not even thinking about anything. My head is absolutely empty."

"Right, just like right before an algebra test." I state. Jerry huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Jerry, Kim, Milton, and Eddie run out.

"Hey, you guys better be ready to work when you get back." Jerry yells at the group he was following as well as me and Jack behind him.

Jack turns to me, "You lied."

"What? No, I didn't."

"Yeah, yeah you did. To Jerry. You looked to the side when you said you couldn't dance to save your life. You always look to the side when you lie, Naomi."

"Okay, maybe I did lie to him, but it wasn't that big of one."

"You can dance, can't you?"

"I used to dance, Jack. Not anymore. Never again."

"Why not?"

I sigh, "Because I'm traumatized, Jack. Five years ago it was my last dance competition I was going to get to do before I moved here. My grandpa was finally going to come to it, after all of the years I wanted him to. What I didn't know was he was diagnosed with cancer three days before my competition. I was on stage, doing my solo when I heard gasps and cries. I look over to my brother, mom and grandpa to see that my grandpa was laying still in his chair. I stopped dancing once I saw my mom and brother in tears. He was dead, Jack. Right before my dance, he died." Hot tears pooled in my eyes. I slowly blink, letting the tears roll down my pink cheeks.

Jack pulls me into a warm hug, my face buried into his chest. "I'm so sorry, Nai." He whispers in me ear. He held me close yet gently as if I was made of glass. He pulled away, wiping the tears off my cheeks. He kissed me forehead. "Do you need some time alone, bub?"

I slightly nod my head. He nods back. He gives me one last quick hug before walking out of the dojo and into the food court, leaving me all alone.

I pull out my phone and look at a picture of my grandpa. I smile to myself before going to my playlist on Spotify. We on Top by Photronique, Shari Short starts playing. I set my phone down on the bench, preparing myself to dance again for the first time in years.

(Pretend this is a solo, it is improv, and that the flips and stuff isn't in there. You'll know why later. I didn't know what to do lmao😭)

Jerry's POV:

I walked around the mall to blow off some steam since no one was working hard enough and it frustrates me. I'm trying my best and I don't get anything in return. I huff, walking back through the food court and into the dojo. I hear music and look over on the mat to see Naomi... DANCING! She was really good, too!

I smile, maybe we do have a chance at winning this. She finished in a crouched down pose. I start clapping loudly.

She looks over, shocked to see me at the door way. She quickly stood up, stopping the upcoming song and walked over to me.

Naomi's POV:

I look over, shocked to see Jerry with a huge smile on his face, clapping. I hurriedly stop the music and walk up to him.

"That was amazing, Naomi! Where'd you learn to dance like that?"

"An old friend." I smile, remembering Lacy. She was my old best friend and her and her mom, Maggie, had a dance studio together. I wonder what ever happened to them.

"Why'd you lie to me about you not being able to dance?"

"I was scared to dance until now. I had a really traumatizing experience the last time I danced." I explain to his questioned look.

"That's okay. That right there, that's what's gonna make us win. Whoo!"

I laugh.

"Mind teaching me, Miss Naomi?" He bows.

"Hmm, okay Mister Jerry."

We both laugh.

"Let's start at the chorus?"

He nods.

I start the song from the first chorus part. I start teaching him the dance and he catches on pretty fast. He adds his own moves to it, making it more his style.

We worked on the dance for about 30 minutes and I think we finally had it. Jerry added some flips and tricks. It looked pretty good.

"Okay, from the top?" Jerry asks. I nod.

I press play as we get into position.

(Flips are now added thanks to Jerry and it's a duet now obviously lmao)

Jerry and I do his little "The Jerry" trick before ending in the final pose. We get back up and high five, smiling.

"What's up, Jerry, Naomi?" We look over to see Smooth leaning on the archway to the dojo.

Jerry runs and stops to song. "Smooth."

"What are you doing here?" I sourly say.

"That was a pretty crazy trick I saw you two do. I liked it." He smirks, walking over to us.

"I've been working on it for a long time." Jerry smiles.

Smooth nods, smirking. God, I hate that smirk.

"I call it "The Jerry."" Jerry says, smiling.

"How'd you come up with that?" Smooth asks.

"Well, I'm Jerry and I added the "the."" Jerry explains. Smooth nods.

"Aye Dios Mio." I face palm, walking out of the dojo.

"Look, you guys got talent," Smooth speaks from a booth in front of Jerry and I. We were at Falafel Phil's. "but you're wasting it trying to make dancers out of a bunch of karate rats."

"Hey, those are our friends!" I slam a hand down on the table.

"But go on." Jerry pulls me back. I glare at him.

"Let me ask you something. Are you the best karate student in that dojo, Jerry?" Smooth leans back.

"No. Jack and Naomi are." Jerry frowns.

I scoff, "Me? P-lease. Jack would beat my ass in a second."

"Well, I'll give both of you the chance to be the best at something. Jerry, Naomi, I want you two in my crew." Smooth stands up. "You in?"

I would say no 100,000,000,000 times but I look at Jerry. He seems to be actually thinking about it.

"Yeah. I guess so." Jerry gets up too and dabs up Smooth. "Wow, even your hands are smooth. Dude, what's your secret?" Jerry rubs Smooths hand like a genie would come out it.

"I make my own cocoa butter." Smooth pulls his hand away. "What do you say, Naomi? You wanna be apart of my crew?"


"No? What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? Nõ!" I exaggerate.

Just then, Jack, Kim, Milton and Eddie walk in.

"Guys, what are you doing here? We were waiting for you back at the dojo." Jack points behind his back at the dojo.

"A little change of plans... Jerry and Naomi are apart of my crew now. They want to dance with the best." Smooth smirks. That God damn smirk!

"Uh, no, no. No, I'm not!" I throw a Falafel ball at Smooth.

"Uh, no, no. No, I'm not. Shut up, Naomi!" Smooth mocks me.

Jack walks closer to Smooth, "Don't ever talk to Naomi like that again, okay?"

"Or what? You gonna go all karate on me. Oooh, I'm so scared." Smooth mocks.

"Maybe he won't," I stand up and get closer to Smooth. He towered over me but I don't care. "but I'll round house your ass in a second if you talk to Jack like that one more God damn time." I go to charge at Smooth, but Jack grabs my waist, pulling me back and into him.

"It's okay, Nai." He hugs me from behind. I slowly start to calm down.

"Jerry, is that true?" Jack asks, still holding me close to him as I start to control my anger to beat the shit out of Smooth.

"Yeah, it is true. Hey. Smooth's a great dancer. And he's my only real shot to be a part of a winning crew." Jerry shoots.

My anger spikes up again. I clench my fists so hard, I could feel my nails start to dig into my palm. Jack could tell. He grabs my hands, prying them open. He kisses my palms, relaxing me a bit, taking away the stinging pain.

"It's okay, I got you. You can beat up a punching dummy later. And that punching dummy being Jerry." Jack whispers in my ear. I let out a breathy laugh. Jack knows just how to make me laugh or calm me down.

"So, you would rather win than be with your friends." Kim's voice brings me and Jack back to reality.

"Look, it's not about winning, okay? This guy also makes his own cocoa butter."

Smooth nods, plowing through our friend group with Jerry following him like a lost puppy.

"I swear to God, if that boy tries to teach Smooth my dance, I don't care how many times he got dropped on his head, I'd bring the fucking chancla to it!" I storm out of the fast food restaurant.

"Can we see it one more time, Naomi?" Kim asks. For the last hour and a half I have been repeating the dance Jerry and I tuned up for the rest to mark.

"Come on, guys. You don't seem to be marking anything." I groan, frustrated that I have been doing this dance on repeat. I was tired out.

"Exactly how do we mark?" Milton asks.

I groan. "Okay, everyone just take five!" I walk over to my locker as everyone rushes off.

"You okay?" A voice comes from the side of me. I look over to see Jack. I take a sip of my water.

"Not really." I sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything. I'm pissed at Jerry. I'm frustrated with the dance. I'm frustrated with everything and I don't know how I'm the hell I'm supposed to pull the dance competition off without Jerry helping me and it's just a lot for me to handle right now. I mean, I just barely got back into dancing after five years, Jack! I have no clue what I'm doing and I'm kinda freaking out!" I rant.

Jack just walks forward.

"What are you doing?"

He pulls me into a hug.

"Oh. Oh, that's nice." I snuggle into him. That boy can take all my worries away with one movement.

We all decided to wrap it up for the day and got changed.

I change into a black tank top crop top with ripped jeans, a belt chain, combat boots, a blue flannel, and a black beanie.

Me and the whole group, minus Jerry, walk into Falafel Phil's to see Jerry sitting in a booth by himself.

"Well, if it isn't Eggs Benedict." Eddie says confidently. Everyone looks at him with a confused expression.

"Ha, pendejo." I mutter understand my breath, getting an elbow in the gut. I look over at Jack. He looks back at me with a look saying to keep my mouth shut. I give a sarcastic smile, rolling my eyes before looking back at the traitor *cough, cough* Jerry.

"You mean Benedict Arnold?" Milton asks.

"No, I don't think I do." Eddie states.

Jack crosses his arms over his chest, "Shouldn't you be practicing with your new Smooth dance friends?"

I cross my arms over my chest, too. "Yeah, where are your little friends? How's the dance routine going? Is it all Smooth and dandy?"

"They're not my friends." Jerry states.

"Oh, so now you betrayed them, too and joined a new group. Gotcha." I sarcastically smile. What can I say, I'm a very sarcastic person.

"No, I didn't. Smooth just used me to steal my move."

"They stole the Jerry?" Kim asks.

"You better have not taught them my dance, or so help me God, I will murder you." I start walking to Jerry, threateningly.

"No, you don't." Jack grabs me and stops me from walking any farther.

"You know, you say I can use Jerry as a punching dummy one moment, but the next, you stop me from doing so." I glare at Jack.

"A. I didn't teach them your dance. And B. It's not even called the Jerry anymore. Now it's called the Smooth." Jerry scoffs, "He just named it after himself. Ah, zero imagination."

I glare at the guy.

Jack speaks up from beside me. "Jerry, you got us so excited about this dance thing. Hell, you even made Naomi start dancing again after five years."

Our friend group gasps at Jack.

"Yes, I said hell. Naomi isn't the only one that is aloud to cuss here."

I chuckle at Jack, turning to Jerry. "Yeah, Jerry. You made me want to dance again. You said we were all gonna do this together and then you bailed on us and tried to drag me down with you to join Smooth's dance group. I know what kind of person he is. For God's sake, I dated him and he still wants me back!"

The friend group gasps again.

"Okay, come on! I'm not a total loser. I've dated guys at school and that was when Smooth was Dan. And then Dan turned into Smooth and cheated on me so."

"You dated that jerk?" Jack looks at me, clearly mad.

"He wasn't a jerk when I first met him. We got paired up for history fair and it kinda just... happened. Then, like I said, he turn into Smooth and was and still is a total jerk." I rant. "Besides the point." I look at Jerry. "You bailed on us when we all got excited to do this together."

"Yeah." Jack says.

Jack, me, Kim, Milton and Eddie go to walk to order food, walking past Jerry.


We turn at the sound of Jerry's voice. He had gotten up out of his seat and was behind us.

"I'm never gonna be great at karate or... or a great school person."

"Student." Milton says.

"Whatever." Jerry shrugs. "Dancing is the one thing I'm really good at. And I just wanted everyone to see that. But you guys are my friends, and... I shouldn't have walked out on you. So, I'm sorry." Jerry turns on his heel and walks for the door.

"Jerry, wait!" I yell out as he turns around, halfway through the door. I sigh, walking up to him. "If you still wanna be in the contest," I hear the rest of the group walk up behind me, Jack placing his arm on my shoulders. "We'll be your crew."

"Really?" Jerry has hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean you didn't just get Naomi to dance again for no reason, did you?" Jack chuckles.

Jerry's smile widens. "Yes, the kid is back in the game." Jerry and Jack do their little handshake. Jerry high fives me and holds his arms out for a hug.

I sigh, "Cherish this moment, Jer, 'cause this is the only time it will happen." I walk into his arms.

He gasps, "Ah, my first Naomi hug. Is this what it feels like to be Jack?"

I chuckle.

Jack sits down behind a booth. "Don't get used to it, Jerry."

Joan gets up out of a booth in the corner, grabbing a blow up... man? "Yeah, would you excuse me, please? I'm on a date!" She rushes by us, hitting Jack in the face with the blow up's head.

I laugh, pointing at Jack, "Ha, you just kissed a blow up boy."

Our dance group stood at the entrance to the dojo in our special gis for the dance competition.

(Pretend Naomi is there in between Jerry and Jack in the gi)

The Step Brotherz were dancing. Well, more like stealing Jerry's moves and his song. Smooth ended it by doing the Jerry.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"That little stealer." I whispered to myself. "Stealer!" I yell as Smooth turns me as the group looks away, snickering.

A girl in a pink beanie walks onto the stage with a microphone. "Wow, how about that? Come on, people. Give it up to the Step Brotherz. Did you see that last move? That was crazy! How do you come up with something like that?"

"By stealing it!" Jerry yells out.

"Yeah!" We yell out.

"Oh, and Dan. They know and Jack's gonna kill you." I smile sarcastically at the boy on stage, telling him to watch his back. "Cheater." I look over at Jack. His jaw clenched. His hands balled into fists. I hold onto his arm. "It's okay, Jack." I feel his muscles release from the tease form they were in.

"Now, let's give it up for the last act of the competition... The Wasabi Warriors." The girl announces.

We run up onto stage. Smooth comes up to Jerry and I.

"Good luck with your little loser friends, Jerry, Naomi. I just crushed it." Smooth smirks.

"Just like you did my heart? Yeah, no. You didn't crush it, Dan." I wink.

"It's Smooth."

"Well, I remember a really great guy named Dan. Call me when you're him, yeah?"

"Whatever. I better go clean out my pockets to make room for my prize money."

"I wouldn't do that just yet, Smooth. We got a routine that is pretty swag." Jerry crosses his arms over his chest.

"I told you before, those guys aren't dancers. All they know about is karate."

"Exactly." Jerry and I say.

"Guys, we're on." Jack comes up from behind us. He looks at Smooth and glares at him, before puffing his chest at him.

"Easy there, tiger." I pull him back into his place on the stage as Smooth walks off.

(Ok so bare with me here. After Jack does his karate moves, Naomi and Jack spar a bit. Then at the end before Jerry does his new move, the song cuts to Naomi's dance song at the chorus and they get in a triangle with Naomi at the front and do the chorus part. Then Jerry does his new move with Naomi doing it with him right next to him. Hope that makes sense.😂)

"Wasabi!" We yell as we finish the dance. I was really happy that Jerry incorporated my dance. Jack comes up and high fives all of us as the audience cheers.

"Think you might have dropped something, Jack." I hold up the boy's shiny belt he had around his head.

"Oh, that. Psh. I meant to do that."

"Mhm. Sure."

"I swear."

"Since when?" I gasp sarcastically.

He chuckles, leaning his head down so I could put the belt back on. "Thanks, Nai."

"No problem." I look up into his eyes. Those dark, beautiful brown eyes. God, how could you not fall for him. I fell down a ten story flight of stairs.

"That was amazing, Naomi!" Jerry pulls both of us back to reality. "I love your dance. Too bad we couldn't have added more of it."

"It's all good, Jer. The chorus is the best part so." I smile. He pulls me into a side hug. "You're lucky you added a part of my dance, otherwise you would be dead right now."

"I know." Jerry sighs.

The girl walks back into the stage. "Wow, that was awesome. I have the judges' results. The winner of the trophy and the $1,000 prize. Is... The Step Brotherz." She holds out the envelope and the trophy to them.

"Bullshit." I mutter under my breath.

"I thought you guys were awesome." Jerry states.

"Yeah. We all did amazing. Even though that is bullshit." I snicker. The rest join.

"I was proud to have you as my crew." Jerry smiles.

The girl walks back out with two more trophies. "This year, the judges are also awarding two trophies for the best duo dancers."

Smooth and his friend walk up to the girl.

"And that duo is... Jerry Martinez and Naomi Adams." She hands the awards to us. Everyone claps for us.

"What? Jerry and Naomi?" Smooth questions. "They're not that great. I can do what they did. Watch this." Smooth tries to do a flip but ends up landing on the judges table, breaking it in half. Everyone laughs at him.

"Not very smooth, Smooth." I say as Jerry and I walk over to where he was laying on the ground.

"Whoo!" Jerry give me a high five. "Yeah, that's right. I'm taking my "whoo" back." Smooth walks out angrily. Jerry goes and grabs the mic from the girl. "Uh, yeah, I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, Rudy, my crew, Naomi... Couldn't have done it without you guys. Oh, and uh one last thing I wanna say is, five, six, seven, eight and..."

Dance music starts playing as Jerry's and Jack to Jack's winning dance.

I chuckle to myself.

"Come on, Nai." Jack grabs my hands, pulling me towards him. He starts doing the victory dance again. I sigh, joining him. "There ya go, Naomi."

I chuckle, "Only this once, Brewer. Only this once."

Long chapter I say! Anyways please comment and vote so I know you like the story. I love seeing you guys comment!

Word count: 5132

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