Center Chase

By LAArms21

1.1M 30.3K 4K

Book 1 of 3 Lindsey is looking for a fresh start. She's spent the last two years hiding away from everyone, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 37

16.2K 444 42
By LAArms21


I'm sitting on the bench in the locker room getting ready for practice, shooting the shit with Liam when T.J. comes bursting in the room. He looks irritated this morning.

I toss a look to Liam before asking, "hey, man, what's up?"

T.J. turns his head my way with a gruff. "Why didn't you tell me who your other roommate was?"

Liam quirks an eyebrow, and I tell T.J., "Tay? I thought you knew she was our roommate. Why? Did something happen?"

Too quickly, he responds, "no! Nothing happened, just would have been nice to know!" He walks off to his locker and mumbles something unintelligible under his breath.

Liam slaps my shoulder. "How much you wanna bet that she ends up slapping the shit out of him before too long?"

I laugh, imagining that scenario. "Shit, man. Maybe she already did."


Coach had everyone stay for a meeting when practice ended. He said he had an important announcement for us. I fully expected another reminder about Benjamin Cassidy coming in as Chuck's replacement, but Coach didn't mention him at all.

"As you all know, we have a little stint coming up where we have no games scheduled. The rest of the coaches and leadership have all been impressed with your hard work this season. If you keep up this pace and keep putting in the effort, we have no doubt you will get a shot at the cup this year!"

He pauses and looks us all over, eyes full of pride. "That being said, we all think you deserve a little time to yourselves. So, this upcoming weekend, Friday through Sunday, since there are no games scheduled, we will not be holding practice either. You have a long weekend to do whatever you want, within reason. Pull anything like Chuck did, and you'll be out so fast, you won't know what hit you!"

With that, he ends the meeting and reminds us we still have to work hard this week and the rest of the season, and he will not tolerate anyone slacking off. Once he leaves the locker room, everyone starts in on their own conversations, planning what they're going to do with their free weekend.

Liam asks what we should do. The only thing I want to do involves a whole lot of Lindsey and very little clothing- not something I should share with my girlfriend's older brother. So, instead of answering, I shrug my shoulders and avoid eye contact.

After thinking it over for a while, Liam asks if I'd want to take a weekend trip. He suggested we ask the girls to come Upstate for the weekend and pay his and Lindsey's parents a visit. It's been a while since he's been home, and I'm sure it would make his family incredibly happy. I'm sure Lindsey would like to see their parents too. She hasn't seen them since the day they dropped her off. The day that changed my life forever.

I smile as I think back on that fateful day. "Yeah, we should do that. I'm sure your parents would love to see both of you."

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been back there. They'll be over the moon!" He nudges me in the side and gives me a slight smirk. "And you and Lins can tell my parents that you two are dating."

I gulp. I've met their parents before. They're both awesome people, super friendly, very welcoming. It's just the thought of their dad finding out what I've been up to with his baby girl is terrifying. Even more so than when I was worried about Liam finding out. He's built like a tank, and I'm sure if he wanted to, he could make my death look like an accident. I get the feeling that he's the kind of guy who knows people who know people if you catch my drift.

Yeah, if we make this trip, I'll have to be on my very best behavior around Mr. and Mrs. Barnett. The former especially.


Back at the apartment, Liam and I ask the girls about the upcoming weekend. Lins agrees right away and says she'll put in a request with her boss to take Friday off. She's so excited to see her family and introduce me as her boyfriend. I tell her I'm excited too, but I think she can sense my anxiety over telling her dad. She squeezes my hand and gives me an encouraging look that gives me all the courage I need.

Taylor tells us it sounds like a great time, but she can't make it. Since she was gone last week, she has several things to catch up on with her clients from the baseball team. Apparently, she has a few fires to put out. So, unfortunately, she won't be joining us. She tells us to have a great time and to give the Barnetts extra hugs for her.

We start to help Taylor and Lins with dinner and chat with them about what they did while we were gone. Halfway through our prep, T.J. walks in fresh from the gym. He insisted on staying after practice to get some more reps in.

When his eyes flick over to where we are, he eyeballs Taylor quickly, then grabs a few things from his bag before heading to the bathroom. After a minute, we hear the shower turn on. I swore his hair looked wet when he walked in like he'd already showered; maybe I was wrong. He's been acting weird since this morning when he found out Taylor was our other roommate.

Liam and I exchange a look before turning to Taylor. "What the hell was that about?" Liam asks her.

She shrugs. "I think he's just intimidated by a confident woman who's turned him down like fifty times."

Damn! Leave it to Tay to just tell it like it is!

We all start laughing, but then I remember the upcoming weekend. I like T.J., I really do. And I'd hate for the two of them to kill each other when we're gone or have him leave because she's too hard on him. I'd feel bad if that happened.

So, I try to play peacemaker. "Hey, just play nice when we're gone next weekend. Please."

She holds up a hand to her heart, feigning hurt. "Do you really think so little of me, Chase?"

I roll my eyes and give her shoulder a little shove. "You know what I mean, Tay."

She chuckles and waves me off. "Yeah, yeah. I'll try to play nice. But, I make no promises!"

Lindsey gets a kick out of her answer and laughs as she starts setting the table, and Liam just shakes his head.

"That's all I ask."

We finish getting dinner ready and set everything on the table. T.J. finally emerges from the bathroom. I think he's just been standing in there trying to work up the nerve to come out. The shower has been off for quite some time now. Damn, Tay must have done a number on the poor guy!

Everyone takes a seat at the table- I'm in my usual spot at the head, Lindsey is on my left next to Taylor, Liam is on my right next to T.J., who is making a huge effort not to make eye contact with Taylor. She doesn't seem to notice as she's talking animatedly with Lindsey about our upcoming trip to see her parents.

I try to ease some of the tension by talking with the boys about upcoming games and our match next month with Los Angeles. We can't wait to get another go at Tatum and his team. It was so satisfying to wipe the ice with them last time. None of us can wait to do it again.

We continue talking about our rivalry with L.A., among other things, throughout dinner and bond over our mutual disdain for Tatum Charles. The girls are still gossiping with one another through dessert, not conversing much with anyone else- I think partly because Taylor is trying to hold up her agreement to play nice with T.J... Her solution? Just ignore him. Whatever she needs to do, I'm just glad they are being civil.

I just hope that civility lasts through the weekend. 

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