The Idol and the Artist ( a J...

By mrsPKJ

25.3K 684 355

There are a million reasons why you should stay away from him. Pick one, and leave... Park Suseonhwa joins as... More

The First Time
The Red Coat
The Drive
The Fool
Crossfires and Explosions
One Call Away
Relapse Rebound Retreat
Edge of the Cliff
The Tenth Day
The Betrayer
Kim La-Hee
Heartbeat Lullaby
Out of the darkness, into the Ambush
Salvation (Finale)

Party Time!

1.2K 28 19
By mrsPKJ

Recap: Su is accused of leaking pictures of Jungkook and Lauren. The APD department is about to suspend her but she fights back and questions. She low key threatens to make a big issue about the explosion on Fake Love set which could have been life threatening to her. She says she needs 24 hours and asks the APD department to hold any statement being released. Meanwhile she and Jay figure out that the person involved in leaking the hotel location and having the pictures clicked and leaked, is none other than Lauren herself.



"Oh. My.God.....could this mean what I'm thinking?" Jay asked, spooked.

I looked away, gritting my teeth. "Depends what you're thinking  I was mad. At the girl who called herself a friend of his. I can understand she wants me out of his life. But why stoop so low? Why did she stage such a malicious, evil attack? Didn't she care about his career?

My blood boiled thinking of her invading his personal space without his permission. The photos could fool the world. But I had glanced at it and within a second I could tell the uncomfort behind his smile. I don't know how but I could just tell.I'm going to expose her. Not just because I was mad at her. But also because that was the only way to do complete damage control.BigHit announcing that #LauKook was real was not a solution, it would be a tragedy.Whereas exposing Lauren would set everything right.

"Did you know she was also accused of bullying in her school? Of course they hid it all, during her debut." Jay added.

"Are we sure it was Kim Lae-hyun who took the pictures?"

"Yes. We will know that soon. I asked Seoyun to speak to someone who knows someone who finally agreed to go get the CCTV, records everything checked at the hotel."

"But even if it was her brother who took the pictures, how will it prove anything?"

"At least it will take the screen off APD's eyes. At least they'll know there is more to this than what seems."

I nodded, still disturbed.

Jay leaned forward and whispered." But why do you think Lauren would do that? Isn't she a friend??"

"She was supposed to be. But she has been giving me wrong vibes." I said dryly. I didn't know why she did it. Was it just to frame me? Or was it for more?

"Will you tell Jungkook?About this?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No...He considers Lauren to be a really good friend. They are....pretty close. He'll never believe me if I tell him all this without any evidence."

Jay suddenly looked shifty and guarded. "Hey.....I meant to ask you....are you and know...'close'..?"

I felt blood rush in my ears and cheeks. Oh no. If Jay had noticed, it meant many people had noticed. Damnit.

"What? What do you mean 'close'?" I said, overtly casual. "He is just a kind superstar who well, has helped me many times....that's it"


"Yeah the usual, common, good ol' help..."

Jay nodded and I gulped. I was pretty sure personally dropping me home multiple times, doing my first aid...all this wasn't exactly common....he had even lent me his freaking bedroom.

Jay didn't stop there. "I guys were you know.. dating or something."

"Excuse me?" I said quickly and forced out a laughter. "Why on earth would Jungkook date me? I mean why would he date me?? come onnn." I again chuckled, feeling sweaty.

"Okay so then are Lauren and Jungkook dating-"

"NO!" I snapped without meaning to. "Seriously Jay, can we for a second not worry about who is dating who?"I glared at him and he nodded fast. 

There was silence for a while and just when I thought it this discussion was over, Jay spoke again. "Do you know who Sasaeng fans are?"

"Sasaeng?....No, why?"

Jay now looked serious. "Did you know Jungkook is not just the most popular BTS member, but also the most popular KPOP IDOL?"

I smiled, feeling a new sense of pride. He indeed was a meta human, super talented, kind and stunning artist. And to think that I knew a little bit more than his other fans just was so special to me. All species of butterflies erupted in my stomach and I had to keep the blush in check.

I shrugged, pretending to not care. "Yeah, so?"

"SO....he has the most number of sasaeng fans. And let me tell you, when sasaengs find out that their bias is dating or something, they go just be careful..."

His tone made me a little wary."We're not dating, Jay."

"Okay I'm just saying...And anyway, idols aren't allowed to date. 2 years ago, Hyunwoo from the band Domino, he got close with a backup dancer, and he was kicked out of the group. And Domino got disbanded."

I started at him. Kicked out? disbanded? This couldn't be real. "This can't be true-"

"It's very much true. Don't you follow Kpop news?" He asked and I shook my head, worry already starting to set in at a fast pace in my mind.

Lauren's words rang in my ears.

There are million reasons why you should stay away from him. Pick one and leave.

I felt an alarm in my head. It yelled 'what the fuck are you doing, getting involved with him, Suseonhwa?!'. I knew I was treading on dangerous grounds but I didn't know it was this bad. For a dark and weak moment, I felt like maybe it was better if I got kicked out of BigHit....Like that, there wont be any threat to his career. No complications...

I stomped my foot, pulling myself away from such thoughts. I can't be weak now. Right now, Lauren is a bigger threat. I will expose her. Even if thats the last thing I do.

"I have to do this for him..." I said, mainly to myself.

"RevG is hosting a party tonight. Maybe that will give us some time to do some investigation..."

"What? A party?"

"Yes. It's on the schedule...don't know if Lauren will attend it or not."

"Where are you going?" he asked, when I stood up.

"If we're going to expose Lauren, we need more help. I'm going to make some calls."Before leaving the canteen, I told Jay what to do next.

It was late afternoon when my phone vibrated. It was Jungkook:

Hey where are you?

--------------------------------------------------Just working

Meet me at the amphitheater.

--------------------------------------------------Umm...okay. but aren't you busy?

I'm done with practice

--------------------------------------------------You have a party tonight right?

My career is in crisis so I'm kinda not in the mood to party. Hyungs are going anyway.

--------------------------------------------------Oh. But don't you think you should go too?

No. Su is something wrong?

--------------------------------------------------No, why? just felt don't want to meet me.

--------------------------------------------------No it's nothing like that.

Okay. Then come to the amphitheater, it is just beside our dorm. Ask anyone for directions.

I sighed shakily reading our conversation.



When I came to the quiet amphitheatre, the evening wind was starting to blow. And the sun was setting. It was very picturesque. I saw jungkook sitting alone on the steps. He looked sweaty and exhausted. The wind was blowing through his dark hair, giving glimpses of his smooth forehead. The sun splashed a golden glow on his face. If it was any other day, I would have stood there marvelling the sight. He was simply too handsome. Too precious. Too good to be mine.

When he saw me, I saw a train of changed expressions. From happy to relief to concern back to worry. Did I affect him so much? Why?

I went over to him as he stood. He looked disturbed. "I'm's for Friday's comeback."

I couldn't believe it. Was he really apologising for being at practise? I took a seat next to him."Kook, NEVER EVER, say sorry for being at practise....for being who you are.If you want to apologize, say sorry you sent this god awful phone." I took the phone he had bought for me.

iPhones sucked. It wasn't user friendly at ALL. I fumbled with it and Jungkook snatched it from my hand and did what I was struggling to do, chuckling. "You just have to get used to, it"

"What's the point of such an expensive phone?"

"It has the best microphone...and it records video like a pro. We use it all the time."

I rolled my eyes. "Why would I want to record videos-"

"Did you find any lead?" he said, ignoring me and coming straight to the point.

I sighed. "Yes....sort of... I'm on it."

He blinked at me like was expecting more info. "And?...."

"Kook.....I can't tell you anything right now..."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Why?"

"It's better if you are out of it. Trust me, we are working on it-" 

"Out of it? Su, I'm right in the middle of it. And who's 'we' ?" he sounded a little agitated.

"Me and Jay."

Jungkook blinked, without any expression "Jay. You mean the hairstylist you hang out with..." he did not sound impressed.

Jungkook chuckled darkly. "Su, I'm pretty sure I'll be of more help than 'Jay'"

I ignored his pointed jab. What was I supposed to tell him?- Hi Kook, your best friend of 5 years is backstabbing you, and you have to believe me coz I am Sherlock Holmes?

Suddenly Kooks eyes narrowed, suspiciously. "Are you trying to avoid me again?"

That caught me off guard and I didn't know what to say. But to be honest, ever since Jay told me about that idol whose career ended, it was damaging my mind significantly.

Jungkook scooted closer, his voice getting soft and concerned. "What is it, Su?"

Oh god, I faltered. Under his gaze, I felt so unarmed.

"Kook... Today Jay asked me if we were dating. You and I." I blurted out, not able to hold it back.

Jungkook blinked at me, processing my words. I saw him gulp. "And?"

"And what?"

"And what did you tell."

I made a face like his question was ridiculous. "What do you mean? Of course I told him we weren't. Because we are NOT."

Jungkook nodded, looking away, with a hardened jaw. But was that disappointment in his eyes?

I stood up, ready to leave. "I should get going now-"

"Wait." He said, getting up and held my wrist.

I looked at his hand on mine and then back at him. There were no people around, but the fearlessness in his eyes kind of spooked me and I freed myself.

"People have started to notice, Jungkook-ssi." I said a little more strongly, stepping back a little.

He scratched the back of his ear, irritated. "By 'people' you mean Jay. And Su, can you remind me again how this discussion is more important than the issue at hand?" he said, his sarcastic jab on point.

He wasn't getting it. It was all connected. I was the root cause of everything. If Lauren hadn't seen us together in the Labyrinth that day, she wouldn't have thought of me as some threat. And she would have never hatched this plan. Instead, because of me, she had gone ahead and taken such a drastic step.....enough to spoil his image.

All because of me.

"'re making this into a roller-coaster ride. One minute your fine, the other minute, just because some 'Jay' tells you some bullshit, you're ready to forget what's important-"

I stepped forward and grabbed his hoodie with both hands, pulling him closer. "Because THAT bullshit is connected to THIS bullshit, Jungkook-ssi! This is all related! What we are doing is a HUGE mistake!"

Our bodies were close and my fists were clenched on his chest, around the fabric. That familiar intoxicating scent.... But nothing could shake the fact that he could never be mine. 

"It's not an entirely bad thing if they fire me..." I said and the way his eyes widened, scared me so much.

"You..." He trailed off, shocked.

I felt my eyes tear up."I promise, before leaving, I'll clean up the mess that I have made."

I don't know why I said that. But it felt right. Being near him only made his life complicated. I was a huge liability. I saw in horror as his eyes moistened. His facial muscles all tensed up, in hurt and pain. He held my fists which were still on his chest.

"The way you sound don't want to stay. You don't mind them firing you?" he asked, with so much depth.

"Kook I..."

"You don't mind not seeing me again?"

This question hurt me so much that I could gasp in pain. But I know my answer was going to be worse.

"Jungkook....even when the real culprit is caught........I think....I think I should leave BigHit."

God.....when I saw him, I wanted to take back what I said. He hell. He looked crestfallen and hopeless. He looked absolutely heart broken. Why what could I do? I was so scared. So frightened of saying or doing the wrong thing. I wanted the best for him. THE ABSOLUTE BEST.
My heart couldn't ignore the fact that our souls were two halves of the same. But my brain showed me scary images of him choosing me over his career, dream, everything. I wanted to cry out in desperation. What I just did, was it right? Was it wrong? Someone help me!

He roughly separated my hands from his shirt, nodding. "I can't stop you, if that's what you really want." 

No Kookie, that's the opposite of what I want. But what is RIGHT, is more important than what I WANT.
Can't you see from my perspective? How can I ever live, knowing that I was the reason everything started going wrong for you??
Today it's Lauren. Tomorrow it'll be your company. Then, the world. 
What if one day you have to choose? What if you choose wrong?

I don't want you to ever have to choose, Jeon Jungkook.

Am I overthinking? If yes, Please please please convince my stupid brain that what it's thinking is wrong.
Only you have that power, Kook.
I need you to tell me that I'm right....that I'm wrong...SOMETHING ..Anything...
I can't decide on this alone.
Either help me do this together or stop me!
Why do I have to play the bad guy EVERY FRICKING TIME! Dont just stand there, hurt! .....I can't see you like that...

Jungkook sighed warily, holding his emotions back. He chuckled darkly. "I'm tired of reassuring you..."

No no no....don't be tired, you can calm my doubts..

Jungkook looked at me and I wanted to hug him and cry out my heart. "Why did you give me the red coat that day, Suseonie" he said, his voice cracking.


He sighed. " doesn't matter now...I- I better get going. We don't want people to spot us now, do we?" he said in a jabbing tone and I shut my eyes, soaking in the hurt.

Don't go, Kook. Stay and convince me that I am wrong.... I wanted to beg this to him, but nothing came out of my mouth.
He turned, stopping in his tracks. "Come to the party tonight, Su....I want to give you something...A one last gift."

I could barely breathe when he said 'one last'. No...I didn't want anything to be the last one.


"Don't's not expensive. You won't owe me anything..." He said and turned. With that, he walked away. And with every step he took, I died a little more.


In a random dressing room, I sat as Jay did my hair. I felt like a robot. Numb and cold and lifeless.
Jay picked out a dress and even did my makeup and I didn't even bother to look at it. "Are you okay-"

"Just get done with it Jay."

"Ouch. Okay.....but chill. Coz Gohan is doing what we requested."

"That's the only shot we have. The only thing we can do it prove that she has been in contact with him." I said lifelessly.

"Gohan has gotten in touch with the hotels security team. He will soon be back with CCTV footages, and also all the calls made from the resorts vicinity."

"He agreed to all of this? How?"

"I ...I uh told him Sejin has sent me to investigate against you....So basically they are looking for evidences against you.. But that's what will help us-"

I stood up and hugged Jay, grateful that he was doing so much for me. Jay was confused but I didn't care. I felt shitty and I needed a hug. Even if it was nowhere near the hug I had shared with Jungkook in the morning.

"Woah.... ewww, Su what's wrong with you?" he said ridiculing me in a good-naturedly way.

"Thank you... for being with me" I said, tears forming in my eyes. The tears flowed down, the trauma of the entire day coming out.

Jay pushed me away and looked at me in horror. "Noooo you'll spoil the makeup!"

I sniffed and let him touch it up again. He said a few motivational things which didn't really work. And then he ushered me to go to the party, to collect my 'one last gift'.



I entered the red lit hall, my eyes looking for the one and only. I just wanted to see him once and then I would leave this place.

I finally found the 6 members, sitting on a large couch, talking. Jungkook wasn't with them. Instead, they all looked a bit stressed and kept glancing at a direction. I followed their gaze to the bar counter where drinks were being served.

When I saw him, it caught my breath. The jet black suit, the chiseled hair, the earrings, finger rings.

He looked like the Prince of Darkness.

 A Dark Angel.

God, I'll never get over how perfect he is. NEVER.

He stood over the bar counter, leaning onto it like a mafia king. Yes, a cold badass mafia king. That's exactly how he looked. He had a wine glass in his hand...
It was funny how he looked dangerous, yet I knew, with him I would be the safest. All I had to do was walk to him and he would protect me. From Ray, from Lauren, from this company. I just knew it.
But suddenly he turned towards the counter and I instantly knew something was wrong. His movement was slow and his eyes were unfocused. Was he.....was he drunk

Drinking lightly with friends was one thing. I didn't like how he was going on sipping the alcohol alone. The thought was enough for me to rush to him.

I put a hand on his shoulder and he turned. Our eyes met.
I couldn't tell what he was thinking as the light flickered in his eyes.

He glanced at me head to toe and quickly averted his eyes. Damn, I knew I looked like a clown in this gown and the makeup.

I gently took away his wine glass from his hand.

"Yahh-" he made a protesting face.

"Are you drunk, Jungkook-ssi?"

"Yes... Felt like it.." He said in a slurred voice.

There was silence between us, and we just stood next to each other, looking at the party.

"You came...I thought you don't want people to see us together." He said sarcasm dripping.

"I don't." I clarified with a heavy heart and even through the drunk stupor, he winced.

"I have asked Sejin sunbaenim to make the announcement first thing tomorrow." 

"What announcement." 

Jungkook looked at me, his eyes dazed. "That me and Lauren....we are officially together."

For a moment I was too stunned to react. My blood was on fire hearing that.

I caught his firm forearms tight, looking at him in shock. What was wrong with him? "You what? Why- Why would you do that?!"
Jungkook pulled my hand away roughly and stood up straight. I think he wanted to walk away with cold swag but his legs weren't listening to him. He stumbled, and fell forward. I immediately held him, stabilising. I felt his breath on my bare shoulder. We stayed like that a few seconds before I pulled away and carefully made him settle back on the chair.

"This was the gift you wanted to give?" I asked, deeply hurt.

He smiled, inebriated. "Told you it wasn't expensive." 

His attitude made a sob escape my throat. "Why?"

His eyes grew soft and he whispered. "Why? Because I can. I'm Jungkook"

I ignored his drunk vaunting comment. Maybe he wasn't serious. "You're drunk and not thinking straight-"

"I'm not that drunk Su, I can handle myself." He stood and stepped away from me but I caught his arm again. Panic hit me when I knew he had probably already told Seine sunbaenim.

"You can't do this. Are you seriously going to pretend to date her in front of the world??! Kook-"

"How does it bother you? You're going to leave anyway-"

"No! I'm not going anywhere!" My heart was in my mouth. I knew I wouldn't make sense to a sober person let alone a drunk, heart broken idol. 

I don't want to leave Kook.  Not knowing that you will be forced to be with Lauren. Make me STAY.

"Do you have some bipolar disorder, Su? You are so unpredictable."

I was now almost crying. "I didn't know what to do..I don't know what to do...." I said in anguish.

(Authors note: Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health issue. It is not being trivialised or made fun of here. Jungkook is drunk and hence is not thinking through his words.)

Tears flew down my face and for a second I saw compassion in his eyes. But then it was gone.

"Please leave me alone for sometime" He said, sounding unfocused.

"No... Kook we will work this out. I'm sorry about what I said at the amphitheater-" 

"Just leave please" he said sadly and turned away, his back facing me like he didn't want anything to do with me.

A wave erupted in me. I swiftly walked away towards the bathroom before the dam of emotions broke in me.


I shut the door behind one of the cubicles and broke down. I should never have overreacted to what Jay had said. I should've waited till Lauren's episode is over. I have to talk to Jungkook...I simply have to. I have to beg him to understand that I never want to leave. He can't be disappointed in me like that.
20 minutes passed. And I tried hard to calm down.
I was about to come out of the stall when I heard voices and stilettos click in.

"Where is he?" a hushed tone asked.

"He is a waiter... Nobody will know till I want them to." another whispered replied and I recognised this one immediately. It was Lauren....I peeped through the door slit and saw Taecha, the other RevG member. I glanced at my high end iphone, an idea striking me. 

"Do you realize what you have done?" Teach asked angrily.

" had to be done." Lauren snapped.

Chloe Song walked in and the trio stood facing each other. 

Lauren turned to Taecha. "Chloe has handled everything. She knows what to do." 

"Yes. It's only a matter of minutes now. The proof is so strong that Sejin won't have any other choice..." Chloe replied.

"By tomorrow that god awful girl will be out of here. And....#Laukook will take off like a canon." She said seeming very excited and happy.

"Lauren you are crazy...." Taecha asked in disbelief . "You hired your own brother to take compromising pictures you know what can happen if this comes out? What if your brother lets this out?! RevG will be over!" 

"No Unnie.... My Lae-on is a fool. All he wants is money. Even if he opens his mouth, it will be for our own good."

Alright. It was time for the cherry on the top. I stepped out carefully from the cubicle. When I did, all three ladies stared at me like I was a ghost. It was time for some acting skills.

I pulled on a shocked, horrified face. "Oh my god. You- It was you who did everything!"

Without warning Lauren rushed to me and grabbed me by my hair, pushing me towards the sink.

"You bitch!. Chloe, close the door. She needs to be taught a lesson." she started to shove me by the hair. I deliberately didn't fight back. I needed to bring out the worst from her.

"The truth will come out, Lauren" I grunted.

"Like hell it will! I've researched all about you.... You are nothing but Kim Ray-on's little slut. And I'm not going to let dirt like you anywhere near my Kook."

I froze when she took Ray's name. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Lauren....let her go." I heard Taecha's scared voice.

"No. She deserves to hear it today." Lauren yanked my neck and pushed me to the wall, by my throat before speaking spitefully. "You little bitch. I had warned you that day in the Labyrinth. But you didn't get it, did you? What makes you think you are worthy enough to even stand beside him? Have you looked at yourself? I know sluts like you....just because he is kind, you think you can get close to him?!"

My ears could bleed hearing that but I held on.

Lauren brought her face close to mine. "Now listen carefully. You're getting fired anyway. But if you ever speak about this to anyone, firstly no one will believe you, and secondly, I will make sure the rest of your life is hell." she said before letting me go with a shove to the floor. 

Chloe pulled me up by my arm and straightened my dress. "Fix her hair. Quick." she said Taecha obeyed.

The they left. All three of them. I was shaken. To the core. My hands were shaking. But I walked over to the cubicle I had been hiding in and I pulled out the iPhone that I had placed.
I couldn't help smiling as I played the recorded video.
Kook was right. This phone was great. All faces, all audio, were crystal clear.
Three things were certain.
One, I don't know what but Lauren already had a solid proof against me so it was her proof vs mine. Two,More than 3 people from RevG's team were involved in this.

And three, worthy or not, deserving or not, slut or not....I was in love with Jeon Jungkook.


to be continued....

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