Sun Wukong x Reader The Monke...


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Heheheehhe here's one of my promised projects~I'm not gonna discuss much! Bc I want you all to read it and en... More

A/N Reader Info.!
Chapter 1 Close Call With Death Before School
Chapter 2 A Tiny God?! And A Familiar Stranger!
Chapter 3 Splishin and Splashin Before Meeting A Little Fox
Chapter 4 A Fiery Annoyance Before Being Heaven Bound

Chapter 5 Some Monkey Mischief Means Mayhem~

1.1K 26 226

A/N helloooo!! bet you guys are excited about getting a new chapter on the same day huh? huh? but that just shows that i love you lovelys sooo much and wish to spoil you! hope you enjoy some of the shenanigans our sweet monkee man and Y/N get into in this chap! 😂 enjoy and i will shut up now! On to the chapter!


You laughed as she smiled nodding happily, while waving you both off. Turning back to the sky, Sun looked at you before asking, "Ready for this?" You grinned while squeezing his hand saying, "Always."

———————-Meanwhile Below———————

The figure of the Demon King stood as he watched the two figures fly off into the distance. His plan was almost complete.


We see a familiar rocky cliff and two figures standing beside each other. One in golden armor while the other was garbed in black. Erlang-Shen mused, "This monkey spirit is powerful. He has learned his magic from a master, but he is still not powerful enough to break the Southern Heavenly Gate. His female friend has learned plant magic and healing from a little Earth God, and her skills have caused the Goddess Huotu to bless her soul."

The Demon King stated, "There is an elixir pill in the Heavenly Palace." Erlang-Shen hums, "Jade Emperor's elixir pill. It boosts magical power a hundred times, but if you let these untamed monkeys have such magical power, will they still listen to you?" Not fazed by the question, Demon King replied, "I'll instigate his hatred to fight inside the Heavenly Palace. You take care of the rest." Erlang-Shen huffed at the order.

———-Back w/ Y/N and Sun——-

The two of you had finally made it to Heaven. Wukong landed the two of you at what looked like a gate. You had never seen anything this grand back home; Sun looked around in awe with you at the huge structure. The both of you came up to a blue gate as a person's head appeared in front stating, "This is the Southern Heavenly Gate. A demon monkey like you two cannot enter." You frowned as Sun commented, "We are not demons. What about you with three eyes.... A monster? Who are you?"

The figure replied, "I am Erlang-Shen. Guardian of Heaven. The Southern Heavenly Gate is off-limits to evil demons such as you both. Any demon that enters will be burned to ashes by the crystals." You lightly snorted as Sun huffed, "I don't care who you are. I am Sun Wukong the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. The Handsome Monkey King from the Water Curtain Cave at Mount Huaguo." Sun turns before gesturing at you before proudly stating, "This! Is Y/N! She's my greatest friend and the best healer at our home!"

You smiled at his proud praise before Sun took you by the hand and waltzed to the gate. Erlang-Shen looked down at the both of you as Wukong huffed, "What are you looking at? You think three eyes makes you tough?" You both prepare yourselves to enter before a flying bat creature cut in front stating, "I am Thunderbolt from Three Generations. Today is the day I break through the Southern Heavenly Gate." The two of you stared in horror as the small demon burst into flames right before passing through. Its piercing shriek caused you both to wince.

Now uncertainty filled the both of you before Erlang-Shen called, "If you want to pass through, I won't stop you. But I think you'll both burn. Because you both are demons." Sun scoffed before looking back and exclaiming, "I am a King. I am a Great Sage. Y/N is my confidant. She is my healer." Turning back to the gate he adds, "Watch us!" Sun quickly looks at your uncertain face before squeezing your hand and stating, "Don't let go of me at all. I got you Y/N." You smiled at him before the both of you ran forward. Your eyes shut while you tensed as the two of you passed through.

You felt cold crystals press against your body and Sun's. Those crystals caused the two of you to stop completely as they pressed closer; never letting go of Sun's hand you prayed the two of you got to live another day. Please don't kill us. Please don't kill us. The crystals didn't sense any demonic energy in with of you before releasing and sending you off to the other side. Teleporting to a different side, Sun and you both looked at the other in disbelief before shouting in happiness. Quickly hugging the other in celebration before letting go and studying your new location. Sun happily exclaimed, "We're in! We're in!" before taking you with him into the air.

Golden structures decorated the Heavenly grounds everywhere it seemed. You looked around in awe as you both passed under golden dragon arches. In front you saw multiple clouds in levels just like Ruxue said. Sun soared over them before flying you two towards the floating structure that stood by itself. Peering closer at the ledge you saw what seemed to be a horse and a human. Pointing at them you told Sun, "Look down there." Following your finger and seeing the two, Sun smiled before taking you both down.

Landing beside the man as he looked at the both of you in calm surprise. Looking at the horse laying down, you gently put your hand on its side while Sun mused, "Your friend doesn't look so happy." You nodded before rising with Sun and the male. Moving to the other side, you gently caressed the horse's head as it softly whinnied into your touch. The male watched in wonder as you traced your other hand down its neck before stopping at its shoulder. Nodding at the problem you tapped the saddle before Sun followed your unspoken words and carefully removed it. He stated, "With all this stuff on his back, how can he be happy?"

The male smiled in amazement as the horse reared on its legs with a happy neigh. Sun urged it off, "Now go! Have a nice walk!" Watching the horse gleefully race off, the man stated, "That's strange. I have had this dragon horse for many years. He won't let anyone else touch him. You two are the only exception." You bashfully smiled as Wukong turned back and leaned in asking, "Where is Jade Emperor?" Smiling gently the man responds, "The Emperor is here." Confused Sun mumbled, "The Emperor?" to which the man replied, "I am." Taken aback by his reveal, Sun steps away before asking, "You are the Jade Emperor?" You softly giggled as he patted the man's shirt in disbelief while the Jade Emperor points at the two of you and stating, "And you must be Sun Wukong and Y/N."

Pleased to know someone knew his name in Heaven, Sun pranced before bragging, "The King is here! As well as the best healer!" His response brought a bark of laughter from the Jade Emperor. Behind you three, five figures appeared before kneeling. Erlang-Shen called, "Please forgive them your majesty." You blinked in shock at seeing the man that took Sun all those years ago and the familiar tiny earth god. You softly muttered, "Master?" Your response was a disappointed gaze. Behind the two floating females, the rest of the Heavenly army appeared. Seeing his master again, Sun gasped, "Master Subhuti!" to which Subhuti replied, "Your Majesty, my disrespectful disciple Sun Wukong is new to Heaven. He got lost. I hope your majesty will forgive him."

While Subhuti spoke, Sun and Erlang-Shen were having a stare down. It was broken by Subhuti stating, "Wukong. Come here." Behind the old master the two females both happily exclaimed, "Wukong!" Sun smiled at seeing familiar faces, before moving to them saying, "Sister students! You look even more beautiful than ever." One responded saying, "Wukong, you look so handsome in your armor." Shocked Sun gasped, "Really? I borrowed it. Need to return it later. You look great too!" The Jade Emperor chuckled at the innocent scene while you cautiously approached your master. Seeing your form approaching, your master sighed before smiling gently as they patted the ground beside them.

You smiled in relief before sitting down beside them. Your reunion was short lived as Erlang-Shen seethed, "How rude to chit chat in front of the Emperor!" Subhuti rose before saying, "Erlang-Shen, you are much too serious." Sun turned around upset at the three eyed male. Jade Emperor calmly passed by and standing before the two of you saying, "I understand the joy of reunion with old friends. Sun Wukong, why are you and your friend looking for me?" Sun eagerly pressed, "I have to learn the trick to 'Resurrect the dead'."

At his reply, the Jade Emperor asked, "Why do you want to learn this?" Sun looked serious as he stated, "If I learn this trick, I won't have to watch my monkey brothers and sisters die one by one. Please teach me." His plea was answered with, "You do not become a deity overnight. You need many experiences and much practice and in the end it all depends on you. One day you will understand the true meaning of life and death. Look here, you'll see what I mean." The Emperor points to the sky at the happy dragon horse the both of you helped.

You smiled as the Emperor explained, "This little dragon horse is so happy today." He turns back to look at the both of you before saying, "It seems you two have a way with the animals. I will make you both the Heavenly Horse Keepers. From now on, the two of you are in charge of all Heavenly horses." Sun seemed excited at the idea as he smiled, "I like you." The Jade Emperor chuckled asking, "Why?" Sun smiled, "Because you appreciate the King's talent." The Emperor replied, "I do." Sun turned to you before taking your hand and walking forward; he stops by Erlang-Shen before smirking happily and walking away.

————Scene Change———-

The Royal Stable is responsible for training the Heavenly horses. They accompany the Jade Emperor when he travels. Both you and Wukong were dressed in the traditional horse keeper garb. You laughed at how happy your friend looked before slightly scratching your shirt. Man, this stuff is itchy, not to mention constricting. I miss my other clothes! Your thoughts were broken as one of the followers behind you two stated, "All horses are beautifully groomed. They are taught absolute obedience." You frowned at that bit of info. That's kinda saddening.

You all entered causing the horses to look towards you in unison. Freaky. You blinked at the event before Sun cheerfully called, "Hi everyone! From now on we are your bosses. My name is Sun Wukong, this is Y/N." His cheer paused at the silent response. Alright then.

Time passed before the two of you were seated at a small table. Nothing happened for what seemed to be forever. You amusedly watched as Wukong grew more and more bored until a fly buzzed by and seemed to pull him from his silence. You laughed as he jumped and began performing tricks with his tail before the horses while cheering, "Look what I can do!" You laughed at the show seeing the horses bob their heads in unison. Sun cheered, "Isn't this cool?" He came to a stop before exclaiming, "Let's go pee." One of the horses unexpectedly responded, "No we can't, only at 9 and 2 o'clock."

You walked toward your friend before purposing, "Then let's eat. You can eat, right?" A different horse replied, "Not now. Only at 7 and 5 o'clock." You met Sun's perplexed gaze before he mused, "Well how about some water?" The response was the same, "No, we can't. Only at 10, 3, and 6." You frowned before muttering, "Are you kidding me? Even drinking water is scheduled?!" Suddenly Erlang-Shen floated downward to you two while stating, "Heaven is the sacred site for the deities to manage affairs among the Three Realms." The helpers you two were given quickly exclaimed, "Kneel down! Right now!" Paying them no mind, you stared as Erlang-Shen continued, "The laws of Heaven must be strictly obeyed. You must kneel to anyone wearing a silver robe and gold armor. Got it?"

Sun snarled beside you while saying, "I am the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. I won't kneel in front of a three-eyed monster like you! And neither will Y/N!" You nodded before scowling at Erlang-Shen's comment, "A beast will always be a beast. You don't understand divine discipline." You watched confused before he summoned a whip and floated up. The sight that greeted you made your blood boil as he began whipping at the horses. Sun shared your sentiments as he yelled, "Stop that!" Seeing the innocent beasts being beaten made you glare daggers at the male as he stated, "Every beast should be disciplined."

Fed up with his actions, you hit his back with your tail harshly. Knocking the whip out of his hand as he turned around in shock. Sun mocked his expression before teasing, "Does it hurt? Of course, it does! We are the horse keepers. We are in charge here." You look at the animals before ordering, "All right horses, let's go for a walk." You saw excitement in their eyes as the roof opened up. The two human helpers yelped out, "Wait one at a time!" Blowing a raspberry at Erlang-Shen, you and Sun flew up after them. Breathing deep, Erlang-Shen muttered, "Notify the Heavenly Army."

You, Sun, and the horses were having the time of your lives as they passed some onlookers. You looked back to see the incoming Heavenly Army, turning to Sun he smiled before you led the horses towards a beautiful tree.

Around the tree females clothed in Heavenly garbs float as they take in the peaches. "These peach trees take 6,000 years to blossom and 6,000 more to ripen. Only privileged deities can enjoy these peaches." "The other ones take 9,000 years to bear fruit." "I want to try the one that takes 9,000 years!" "No, you can't. They're sacred and for the banquet." You heard murmurs beyond the trees but paid no mind as you softly giggled as you and Sun sought refuge in one tree. Looking through the branches you both smiled seeing the army giving up.

Looking away you grinned as Sun sniffed before the both of you awed at the peaches in the trees. You watched in amusement as Sun approached one tree before turning away. Knowing he wouldn't be able to resist you laughed before he turned back around and rushed to pick one. He took a bite before handing it to you allowing you to have it. He went to pick another and repeated the same thing. You frowned at the bad taste each peach had, Sun spitting in agreement as he tossed them away.

You approached one tree and placed your palm on the trunk. Sun saw your actions before he came over and asked, "What are you doing Y/N?" You smiled lightly before saying, "I'm going to try and see what's making the peaches taste bad. In order to do so I have to commune with the tree itself." Sun awed at you before musing, "Is this the plant magic your master taught you?" You nodded your head causing him to jump excitedly before settling and watching you work your magic. You sighed out softly before huffing at not being able to properly sense the roots. Looking down you quickly tore the shoes they made you wear off. Placing your bare feet against the ground and feeling the response to your magic grow stronger made you sigh in relief.

Sun saw your actions before asking, "Why did you take your shoes off?" You tilted your head before humming, "Well, with bare feet I'm able to better feel the energy around me and the energy in the plants are able to respond better too. It's kinda like we become one soul and mind." Your words brought an "Ooooooo!" from Sun causing you to chuckle. Turning back to the peach tree you reached your magic out before feeling the tree respond. "Well, well, well. I've never heard of a monkey being able to perform plant magic before. Tell me young one, what is it that you need? I'm being generous seeing as you and your friend have picked several peaches from my tree and the others here before tossing them away."

You blinked before nervously chuckling. Clearing your throat, you softly mused, "Well... that's the thing. Me and my friend meant no disrespect I promise. It's just we wondered why the peaches here had a sour taste." At your question the tree spirit hummed before replying, "Well that's because you and your friend picked peaches that haven't fully ripened yet. You see the peaches in this grove take 6,000 years to blossom and 6,000 more to ripen. The peaches from the other tree are the same but it takes 9,000 years to bloom and then 9,000 to ripen. Theses peaches haven't reached full maturity yet." You nodded at the answer before quickly muttering, "Thank you. Me and my friend apologize for picking all these peaches." You bid goodbye to the tree's spirit before pulling your hand off the trunk.

Sun had been listening quietly to your one-sided conversation with interest. He smiled as you turned back to him before asking, "Well? What did the tree say?" You sighed before replying, "It told me that these peaches haven't ripened yet; that's why they were all sour." He pouted before the both of you looked for more trees.

Beyond the clump you two were at sat the group of peach pickers. One noticed a peach bounced out from the trees before another followed. Looking at where they were coming from, she said, "Sister, look!" The two of you had moved to another clump of trees before you used your plant magic to talk to see if they were ripe and if you could have some. When the tree had said yes to both, you told Sun before he happily began grabbing peaches and tossing some to you before eating. It soon became mayhem as he started juggling the peaches while taking bites of them before tossing them to you. The two of you had eaten quite a lot of peaches. Seeing this, one of the Heavenly pickers said, "I will take care of this."

You watched in confusion as Sun stopped juggling before women started coming out from the trees. One female circled the both of you, a frown set on her face as she said, "You! Horse keepers, how dare you eat the divine peaches without permission." Sun stuttered, "It's just a peach. What's the big deal?" Another female called, "They are for the banquet. Only the privileged ones can eat them, not you!" You scowled before saying, "I already asked the trees if it was alright, and they told me we could!"

Your comment brought laughter as one haughtily replied, "You asked the tress?! Thats ridiculous! No one can talk to trees!" You growled at her mocking while Sun stated, "We are the Heavenly Horse keepers personally appointed by the Emperor himself. We just won't eat at the banquet. Okay?" You both turned to see another commenting, "You are far from 'privileged'. If you know what that means. You couldn't possibly be invited." Sun ducked as she floated above him before timidly asking, "What is 'privileged'?" Another female floated by you two before replying, "Not us. We're not high enough up in the hierarchy. Not you two. You are both lower than us."

Another voiced, "You both know nothing about the rules in Heaven. What else should we expect from two monkeys." "Shame on you stupid monkeys." "How dare you eat our sacred peaches?!" As their voices grew louder and louder, the sound hurt you and Sun's ears before he exclaimed, "Stop all this noise!!! Freeeeze!" His outburst caused a wave of energy to blow out before it seemed time stood still. You both looked at each other in shock before Sun dejectedly took off his hat. You took yours off too before poofing your old clothes back on. Sun copied your actions before moving towards the closest female and putting the hat on her hair loop. Looking at how saddened he was, you moved to him before taking his hand in yours.

He looked at you sadly before you gently stated, "Let's go, okay? We can find a nice place to sit and relax." He nodded before allowing you to lead him away.

After the two of you flew off, Erlang-Shen sighed before saying, "Release!" The frozen females all fell down into a lotus leaf. One had a bruise on her nose and cheek, she gasped as Erlang-Shen floated down to her. Gently touching where she was hurt while the female called, "Your excellency." His face furrowed with calm anger as he mumbled, "You're hurt. Did the monkey spirits do this to you?" The female nodded, "Yes, we found them eating the peaches without permission. The female even talked about how they got permission from asking the tree."

Tensing his jaw before looking back at her, he placed his hand on her arm while gently ordering, "Go tell the Jade Emperor what the monkeys did to the peach garden. How they intentionally hurt you." She nodded her head, "All right." He rose up before pulling her from the ground; she eagerly said, "I'll do it now." She turned and left while Erlang-Shen sported a cocky smirk as he gazed into the distance. A sudden tap on his shoulder caused him to turn before two fingers poked him in the eyes saying, "Gotcha! Ooo! Wanted to do that for so long!" You laughed from the other side of Sun while he mused, "Feel good?" Moving down, you both mocked the male before he summoned his spear and launched it at you.

However, the spear was grabbed by the disappointed Jade Emperor before everyone kneeled down. You glanced in worry as the look on the otherwise peaceful man turned to fury as he shouted, "How dare you! You wish to strike me!" Erlang-Shen quickly responded, "I beg your forgiveness your majesty. The monkeys were stealing the divine peaches, I was chasing them. I am your humble servant; I want to rid Heaven of all evil spirits."

You looked at them in shock as the Emperor mused, "We have so many peaches in Heaven for what?" Erlang-Shen replied, "Don't they give power to the senior deities?" The Emperor commented, "But how can we eat so many peaches? Let Wukong and Y/N have some." You blinked at the unexpected statement before the Emperor tossed the spear to the side and approached Erlang-Shen' kneeling figure. Your jaw dropped as he began hitting his fist on the other head while saying, "I told you to give Wukong and Y/N peaches. Is that not clear. Isn't that completely clear?!" What in the three realms is happening?

Though you might not have liked the three-eyed general, you still felt pity from the humiliation. Why am I such a good monkey? The thought swam in your head before you timidly approached the Emperor. Seeing your form not obeying the rules by kneeling and that you had the audacity to approach the Emperor, the others all gaped in disbelief. Seeing your cautious form, the Emperor stopped before turning and asking, "Yes?" You cleared your throat before saying, "Your majesty, I may be speaking out of place, but I think the general got the message." Not expecting you to speak on his behalf, Erlang-Shen blinked in complete shock. You gazed at the Emperor worried that you would be punished before freezing as he affectionately pets your head.

You let out a small, "Eh?" while the Emperor uncharacteristically cooed out, "Y/N you are just too precious for this world!" Not knowing what was going on you blinked. Erlang-Shen looked in shock before noticing a movement coming from the Emperor's backside. His eyes narrowed before anger broke out on his face from seeing a tail.
Raising up quickly, Erlang-Shen grabbed onto the Emperor's arm while seething, "You nasty monkey spirit, how dare you offend the Emperor?!" From his third eye a wave shot out causing the Emperor to morph back into Sun. You gaped at not knowing the entire time it was only Wukong. Not fazed by his truck being revealed, Sun stated, "You three-eyed monster. Let go of my majesty."

The general reared his fist back before Sun quickly grabbed onto you and made you both disappear. The end result was a massive cloud of fur that coated Erlang-Shen. Causing him to swat it away while spitting from some getting into his mouth. Little did they know that the fur particles flew out of the lotus before merging into both you and Wukong. Being mindful to not alert them so close behind, Sun flew the both of you away. As he did you could only think, That's new.

--------------—-End of Chapter 5————————

A/N yayyyyyy another chapter done and done!! hope you all enjoyed the events that went on in Heaven cause theres a lot more to do before we are done! also its 2022!!! new year new me, or not really. technically it will be new year new projects that have been on my back burners for awhile. hopefully this upcoming spring semester ill be able to write more during it. I think i will since i wont have any 8 am classes like last time🙈 plus my classes will be more interesting since im starting my major.  Ill stop talking now, hope you lovelys enjoyed and see you next chapter! Author K80 out!😘

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