Sun Wukong x Reader The Monke...

Autorstwa HAHAK80

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Heheheehhe here's one of my promised projects~I'm not gonna discuss much! Bc I want you all to read it and en... Więcej

A/N Reader Info.!
Chapter 1 Close Call With Death Before School
Chapter 2 A Tiny God?! And A Familiar Stranger!
Chapter 3 Splishin and Splashin Before Meeting A Little Fox
Chapter 5 Some Monkey Mischief Means Mayhem~

Chapter 4 A Fiery Annoyance Before Being Heaven Bound

614 18 2
Autorstwa HAHAK80

A/N hi it's been a while since I posted with this book. If you wanna know the reason I explained in my other books so I'm gonna only say eat up lovely's! On to the chapter!


    Your face shifted into realization while the heavenly soldier grabbed onto both of your hands and held them behind your back. You struggled against his hold while he laughed at your attempts, "Aww, it's cute how you think you could escape. However, I must ask you to stop resisting, you'll only end up hurting yourself."

     Keeping a firm hold on you, the soldier began flying off into the horizon. "Now, why don't we go fetch your friend hmm?"

    Your eyes were set in an icy glare while the eccentrically garbed human held you in his firm grasp. Having your arms pinned behind your back with one of his hands wasn't the most comfortable feeling in the world. It seemed any time you wiggled to relieve the pressure; the male's hold tightened. Your actions seemed to both amuse and annoy the human as he harshly jostled you while threatening, "If you don't stop moving, I'll be forced to make you stop! And trust me you definitely don't want that!"

    You huffed angrily before smirking while mocking, "Hah! You wish! I'd like to see you try human!" At your mocking comment, the male growled before the pressure around your arms gradually heated up. The sensation caught you off guard before you winced as the temperature increased drastically. Too hot! Too hot! Your short yelp of pain brought a smirk to your captor before he stopped. Satisfied that you learned your lesson, he mocked, "That's Nezha to you! And where's that fierce attitude now huh? You'd be better off not making me angry again little monkey."

    His comment brought a scowl to your lips before your tail whipped angrily. Even without looking you could tell where he held you there would be a bad burn if it wasn't treated properly. I'd rather not have 2nd degree burns all over my body, all I can do is try to get some answers without setting his temper off. Making your mind up, you grumbled out, "What exactly does Heaven want with two monkeys, Nezha?" Your question brought a huff before your captor chastised, "Did you already forget? I told you that you and your friend have to answer for the crimes against one of the Dragon Kings!"

   At his exasperated tone, you rolled your eyes before sarcastically grumbling, "Wow! Thank you so much for that descriptive info! Really appreciate it." Hearing your snarky response, Nezha scowled before seething, "Your careless actions caused massive destruction amongst the Eastern Sea, not to mention the two of you stole the King's things!" The last of his words made you scoff, "We didn't steal those things! The Dragon King told us that we could try on the armor and even complemented my friend saying that he could even borrow it. And he told my friend he could take the golden cudgel if he was able to lift it. So technically the Dragon King gave us those things."

    At your statement Nezha lightly chuckled before taunting, "Maybe to you monkeys, but in my eyes you two took advantage of the hospitality the Dragon King displayed." Just as you were about to defend you and Sun, Nezha cut you off by saying, "Save your excuses for Heaven's judgement. Besides we are almost close to your friend." Your eyes widened before your gaze searched the distance for any glimpse of Sun and your fox friend. Your worry grew as you caught sight of two pinpricks of figures sitting on a twisted tree. Sun please help!

———————Meanwhile w/ Sun———————

   The night air is serene while the stars twinkle above peacefully. Sitting on a curved tree body with multiple tiny roots running up and around it, the fox girl looked out into the sky with a smile. Her head turned at the sound of her monkey friend, "Come on." Smiling as he eagerly held a clump of leaves in his hands, she watched as he sniffed them before nodding. Sun eagerly placed the clump against her mouth while urging, "Eat." She took a hold of it with a confused look before he explained, "You see my coat? It's bright and soft."

    He pointed at the clump vehemently stating, "Because I've been eating this since I was little! Eat!" His friend cautiously began eating the grass as Wukong stated, "I've known you so long, but I never knew your real name." She smiled before replying, "I'm Ruxue." Letting out a chirp of, "Oh!" Sun looked to the right while mumbling, "Ruxue." He turned back to Ruxue before stating, "I'm Wukong!" He gently laughed before blinking in surprise as Ruxue gave some leaves to him. The two smiled before Ruxue asked, "What about my other monkey friend? I never got to learn who she was?"

    Hearing her question, Sun blinked before gasping, "You mean Y/N? Oh! Y/N's the greatest! If you want, I could tell you more about her!" His fox friend smiled before timidly asking, "I'd like that, but do you think she doesn't like me since she declined to come with us?" Sun gasped before shaking his head while exclaiming, "No! No, no. Of course not!" At his words, Ruxue asked, "Then why?" Sun hummed before saying, "Well I've only been back home for a little while; you see I was with my Master far away training."

    Ruxue nodded as he continued, "Y/N stayed and took care of everyone else here at home. When I returned, she had completely changed. I mean she was already great before, but after it seemed she was wonderful! Always helping our family and taking care of them; in fact, that's why she stayed! You mentioned your group was exhausted and Y/N already saw you all as new additions to our family, so she wanted to look after them first and make sure they were okay." Ruxue smiled before mumbling, "So that's why she stayed? To check over my group?" Nodding his head Wukong smiled, "Mhmm! I promise! Y/N's really the sweetest once you really get to know her. Didn't you notice how happy she looked after seeing you again for the first time since we were little? She was practically radiating joy!"

    Ruxue was reassured by his words as she smiled in relief while her tail gently curled around his. Taken off guard by her actions before relaxing, Sun smiled while Ruxue gently mused, "You used to be Monkey Boy, now you are the Handsome Monkey King. And Y/N used to be Monkey Girl before becoming the Attentive Monkey Girl." Sun chuckled before adding, "You have grown up too!" He held his hands up and had them a small distance from the other before adding, "You used to be this small!" Bringing his hands away and out he finished, "Now you're this big!"

    Ruxue smiled before commenting, "I'm still young. 120 years old this year. How about you and Y/N?" Sun blinked before softly scratching his chin while mumbling, "I don't know." Seeing his saddened spirit, Ruxue reassured, "You both look young! I guess 250 monkey years at most!" Turning his head with a smile, Sun exclaimed, "250 years?!" He cheerily placed his hands on his hips while proudly declaring, "Me and Y/N are both 250 years old! We're so young!" He laughed before Ruxue looked into the sky and stating, "Minor spirits like me live for 200 more years at most." She turned back to her friend while somberly adding, "I'll die after 200 years."

    Hoping to lift her mood, Sun looked to the sky before gently humming, "You can resurrect after death." She doesn't look convinced as she asks, "How will I have that kind of luck?" She paused before looking forward and softly adding, "That's why I cherish every day." Raising her hand to point at the sky she exclaims, "I wake up early to see the sun rise." Following her finger to the horizon, Sun muses, "Of course. The sun rises every day." The two gaze at the pretty spectacle before Sun cheers, "See! Here it comes now!" Still awing at the sight, Ruxue slowly reached her arms out towards the sun and spread her arms out. Sun copied her actions while smiling, their tails still wrapped together.

    Around them the scenery was breathtaking from the flowing falls and the sound of rushing water. After a moment of basking in the rays pouring down, Ruxue blinked before muttering, "The sun looks different today." Agreeing with her words, Wukong added, "The sun is very...." He gasps as the both of them stare wide eyed at the ball of burning flames coming closer and closer. Seeing this Wukong exclaims, "The sun is very different today!" It seemed the burning ball in the sky was not stopping in its path toward the two; shocked, Sun quickly turned while grabbing Ruxue and leaping away to safety.

    Not a moment too soon after the giant ball of flames come crashing right into the tree they were on. The collision caused an explosion to ring out across miles; the others down on the ground away from it all jumped in shock from the sound. Ruxue yelped in shock as the blinding light disappeared to discover she was slung over Sun's back as he flies through the air. Scared out of her mind, she clutched onto his shoulders as a booming voice rang out behind them, "Hold on you monkey spirit!" Wukong briefly glanced back while flying, but Ruxue's form blocked his view.

   Not stopping to fully see who was chasing him, Sun raced away as the figure continued, "You and your friend destroyed the Dragon Palace. You stole the Ruyi cudgel and caused the tsunami in the East Ocean! Now come with me and your friend to the Heavenly Palace to stand trial!" Nezha sucked in a deep breath before s blowing out a giant ball of fire at the two. You watched in fear before yelling, "Sun! Behind you!" At the sound of your panicked voice, Wukong's mind raced with worry before he followed your warning as he dodged to the right. Instead of crashing into him and Ruxue, the fire ball raced by with alarming speed. Down below the other monkeys and new members screamed in fear.

    Not fazed from the miss, Nezha breathed in before blowing another fire ball out. Seeing this you exclaimed, "Wukong! Dodge left!" Ruxue could feel the heat from the oncoming missile as she screamed while Sun followed your orders. Fed up with being target practice your friend yelled out, "Who are you?!" Hearing the question, your captor replied, "I'm Nezha, assigned by Erlang-Shen to arrest you and your monkey friend!" You watched as Nezha prepared another fire ball before yelling, "Behind yo-Aghhhh!" Your warning was cut off as Nezha quickly burned your arms.

    Hearing your cry of pain, Sun lost his focus while the attack raced behind him. Ruxue cried as the flame hit her, "My tail is on fire! My tail's on fire!" She reached behind while trying to fan the flame out; hearing her cry, Sun flitted his gaze around before landing on the body of water below. Using one hand, he tugged her body off his before dropping her into the water yelling, "You will be alright!" Quickly turning around to face the Nezha, his eyes narrowed at seeing your pained expression as well as your struggling form. Raising his gaze up he yelled, "Let her go!"

    You winced from the pain as you watched her body roughly hit the surface of the water before sinking deep. That harsh of a drop plus speed would cause major injuries! She's probably unconscious! Realizing that you looked at Sun's worried gaze before yelling, "Sun! Take care of Nezha! I'll go help our fox friend!" Hearing your words, Wukong nodded before watching as you wiggled and wormed in Nezha's grasp. All the while getting more burned before you kicked a leg back and harshly hit Nezha's side.

     The force from the hit caught him off guard as he harshly coughed. Feeling his momentary lapse in focus, your movements increased before you roughly broke out of his hold. Sun couldn't take his worried eyes away as he watched your form drop before you dived headfirst into the water. His attention was brought back as another fiery attack was sent his way. Dodging left and right before breathing sharply at the offender's advance.

———————Meanwhile w/ Y/N———————

      Your body had dived into the water with ease before your eyes looked around. Come on, come on! Your gaze spotted a figure deeper down that slowly sunk farther. Gotcha! Kicking your legs behind you, you ventured deeper down before making out the furry white tail. Reaching your foxy friend's body, you wrapped your hands under her arms before strongly kicking your legs back up. Stay with me! Faster and faster, you swam before finally breaking the surface with a huge gasp of air.

    Your eyes spotted the others gathered at the shoreline as well as some of your friend's members as they swam towards you two. Meeting them halfway, you kept your fox friend's head up as you swam. Reaching the two others, you gratefully passed her to them before all of you made your way to the bank. As you got out of the water, you quickly urged, "Bring her here! Quickly!" Doing as you said, the lizard and gerbil looking members lates her body down carefully. Her form was soaked from the water weighing her fluffy coat down before you pressed your ear against her chest.

    The other monkeys had seen you do this before when one of the little ones decided to test how far they could swim. Well, turns out they couldn't swim at all, so you had to dash in and pull them to safety. Knowing you needed your space for this, they carefully ushered the new group members back. You kept your eyes opened as you listened for her heartbeat and watched her breathing at the same time. Come on work with me here. You waited before, Bumbum Bumbum, smiling in relief you raised up saying, "Her hearts beating; however, she's not breathing."

    You looked over before motioning the two that helped you early over with, "I need you two to lean her body over." They quickly did as you said and moved her to where her top half was leaning over her legs. You nodded a thanks before moving behind her and wrapping your tail around her midsection while raising your arm high. Counting down in your head you breathed in before harshly tightening your tail at the same time you landed a heavy hit against her back. The combined squeezing and heavy hit jostled the water in her lungs while simultaneously forcing her to heave at feeling her organs being squished down. All at once she gagged before the water she swallowed rushed out. You patted her back as she coughed from the air entering her lungs.

     You watched as she gasped in air greedily while the others cheered around you. Looking at her shocked friends you stated, "You can both lift her up and let her rest over by the tree there." They nodded before everyone made their way to the tree trunk. Gently laying her body against it, her lizard friend asked, "Are you ok?"

—————————-With Sun—————————-

     Another two fireballs were sent hurtling towards him before he quickly reached a hand to his ear. Pulling out his cudgel before stating, "Transform!" as it grew to the right size in perfect time as he swung it at the flaming attacks; sending both back to their creator who dodged their path as he shot towards Wukong. Below the rest of you watched in anticipation from the fight happening. Swinging another hit away, Sun called out, "Enough fire tricks!" The attack fly towards Nezha before he lunged his spear tip at it and sent it back to the monkey.

     Sun repeated the other's actions as the attack hurtled away again. However, it seemed Nezha used that attack to quickly approach Sun. Seeing his attacker startlingly close, Wukong flipped up and over as Nezha sailed by. Seeing that close of a call happen, all of you grew worried from your places below. It seemed Nezha stopped his fireball attacks and instead switched to close range fighting. Spear and cudgel collided against the other in delivered attacks; one attack caught both weapons before Nezha spewed a flame at Wukong from point blank range. Sun quickly ducked his head to avoid the attack before the two broke apart and returned to their deadly dance.

    Dodging behind Nezha's attacks, Wukong quickly grabbed onto one of Nezha's legs. The action caused Nezha to kick his other leg out and narrowly grazing Wukong's hand. This caused Sun to wrench his hand back from the burn as he waved back and forth, looking back at Nezha before lunging his cudgel at the other's torso. Making his weapon grow longer before Nezha grabbed the top and used the length as a long rail. Sliding towards Sun on the cudgel with his flaming wheels. The sparks created hit Sun's hand before he let go from the hotness. Wiping his hands off before quickly flying to fetch his cudgel that had wedged itself in a mountain side. Nezha followed not far behind him before speeding up with his flaming wheels.

     Wukong glanced back before Nezha grabbed onto his tail and yanked him backwards. His movements halted before Sun ducked down as a spear was lunged at him. Flipping himself to be behind Nezha caused the other to release his tail. Before Nezha could turn around, Wukong quickly jumped on his back and wrapped his arms and legs around the other. Nezha struggled to get the monkey off him before Sun jumped off and kicked his legs into the other's chest. Using Nezha as a launchpad, Sun raced to his wedged weapon before taking it out. Nezha summoned a giant golden hoop before hurling it at the monkey.

    Seeing this, Sun paused before it was close and lunged his cudgel through it. This was the wrong move as it twirled around before it fell around his form and pinning his arms down. Wukong struggled to get free as Nezha sent a giant ball of flames at his body. No matter what he did he couldn't escape while the attack came closer and closer. Sun closed his eyes thinking it was all over before a strong gust of wind sent the ball of flames hurling back to Nezha. However, the strength behind the wind was too much for Nezha to dodge as he was hit by his own attack. This event caused the hoop to disappear from Sun's body.

     Turning his head to the left, Wukong blinked in shock at an unknown figure floating in the air. They were clothed in black while two black horns protruded from their head. In their hands a giant golden fan was raised high before he twirled it and lowered it to his side. Sun's eyes widened before he mumbled, "The Demon King is here?" After the spectacle, Wukong raced back down to where you all were. He walked to be in front of who you learned was Ruxue before kneeling down and asking, "Are you ok?" Ruxue nodded replying, "I am fine." You stood to the side as the interaction occurred before turning with a sigh.

   You were about to walk away when both the sight of an unfamiliar figure landed near you and you picked up Ruxue adding, "I wouldn't be fine if it weren't for Y/N. She saved me." Her words brought you to a halt as Wukong exclaimed, "That's Y/N for you! She's the best healer I know! Oh!" You turned as you heard your friend's gasp before he raced to you with worry. You blinked as his hands landed on your shoulders while he moved you to and fro; his eyes scanning for any injuries before landing on the burns marking your arms. His hands left your shoulders before moving to gently grasp your arms.

    His fingers barely brushing over them while he muttered, "You're hurt!" You had remained frozen at his actions before your eyes took in the guilty look on his face. Sun frowned as he softly added, "You're hurt because of me." Smiling gently down at him, you moved one of your hands to his cheek before lifting his head up. Once his eyes met your reassuring gaze, you gently said, "Hey, this isn't your fault. I promise, besides it's only some minor burns, I'll be fine after I treat them." Your words seemed to do the trick as Sun returned your small smile. The moment was broken by the sound of more feet as the two of you looked over to see multiple demons behind the horned male.

    Your confusion rose as Ruxue's companions rushed to the male saying, "He's here!" The lizard and the gerbil both bowed before him saying, "Your majesty." Not knowing this person, Sun led the two of you back to stand by Ruxue's form. Peering at the other male, Sun asked, "Who are you?" You watched before Ruxue's panda companion stated, "He's the King of the Demons from Flaming Mounatain. It's the Buffalo Demon King." At the reveal Sun brought his hands together before saying, "Thank you!" His gratitude was answered by the Demon King saying, "It's nothing."

   From beside the two of you, the 'elder' whispered to Sun, "It's not a bad idea to be his friend." Turning to face the Demon King, the 'elder' continued, "He is the King of all Monkeys of Mount Huaguo. The Handsome Monkey King. Ever hear of him?" You lightly laughed as Sun smiled from the introduction before proudly stating, "I'm Sun Wukong." Turning to you, he says, "This is Y/N, our best healer." At his words you lightly blushed while the Demon King pressed, "It was you two who caused the tidal waves?" Wukong only grinned, laughing in response while you nervously smiled away. Both of your responses seemed to please the Demon King as he grinned.


    Erlang-Shen kneels on one knee with both hands clasped as he addresses, "Jade Emperor, there is great trouble at Mount Huaguo. Two monkey spirits are doing terrible things. They have even joined with the demons. I need to capture them." A voice calls out, "He is not a monkey spirit." Both Erlang-Shen and the Jade Emperor look to right as the voice continues, "That naughty monkey Wukong, is my student." The voice belongs to one Subhuti, as he approached the two adding, "The female is his bonded half. She is not my student, however..." Subhuti paused as another voice chimes in, "She is mine."

    Subhuti moves his arm and reveals the form of a tiny Earth God. At the sight of the little being, Erlang-Shen scoffed before stating, "And that matters why? You are only a little god that resides on the surface. What difference does it make if this female monkey is your student?" At his statement, the Jade Emperor turned before calmly chastising, "Erlang-Shen, you'd do well to remember that minor gods like our little friend here are just as important as any of us in Heaven."

    At his words, the Earth god kindly replied, "Thank you Jade Emperor. Your words flatter me. And to answer your question, I have been teaching her plant magic as well as healing. She has excelled far beyond my expectations ever hoped." The Jade Emperor calmly smiles before asking, "And that is a good thing, isn't it?" Their head nodded before they stated, "Very good, Jade Emperor, good to the point that the Goddess Houtu has blessed my student's very soul." Their words caused the Jade Emperor to smile while saying, "What remarkable news indeed."

     Subhuti smiled before stating, "As for my student, he was born from Princess Nuwa's crystals that restored Heaven." Walking closer to the two, he continues, "He has a divine future as well as his bonded half, and both are destined to deities. He just needs to learn." The Jade Emperor looked up while musing, "Though he is naughty and immature, he is not evil. He causes disasters because he needs to learn self-control."

   Walking forward the Jade Emperor continues, "Princess Nuwa made the ultimate sacrifice to use her crystals to rebuild Heaven. Thanks to her we've enjoyed years of peace. Sun Wukong is born from her crystal, so we must honor her and teach him." Turning to Subhuti, he says, "Master Subhuti, let's give him and his bonded a chance. As I'm certain he will be more willing if she were with him." At his words, both Subhuti and the tiny earth god smiled in appreciation. While Erlang-Shen only sported a displeased frown.

——————-Back w/ Y/N and Sun——————

     You all had settled down and were peacefully hosting the Demon King with food in the Water Curtain Cave. You had already treated your burns with leaf wraps coated with aloe vera. Currently you were seated beside Wukong while treating some burns you noticed he had unknowingly received from his fight. He was mindful of you working on him as he lounged back. Turning to the Demon King, Sun stated, "My Buffalo brother, this is for you." He cheerfully tossed thing of fruit at the Demon King; catching it in return he replied, "Thank you."

    Sun's actions caused you to look up from treating his other hand, "Wukong. If you move again, I'm gonna hit you." At your words your friend only chuckled out, "Sorry, sorry. I promise to not disturb your work." You smiled before returning to the task at hand. While you were finishing, the Demon King said, "I have heard of the Handsome Monkey King's heroic story with the aid of his friend. You two wrecked the Dragon Palace and stole the Sacred Cudgel. Your magical powers surpass anyone in Heaven. But I don't think Handsome Monkey King does you justice. You need a grander name."

   His words brought bashful grins from Sun before his last statement easily caught your friend's attention. Quickly finishing your treatment, you patted his arm allowing him to raise up and move to the Demon King while asking, "What do you suggest?" You shook your head in amusement at Sun's eagerness while the Demon King mused, "You are as powerful as Heaven. Let's all call you the 'Great Sage Equal of Heaven'." Wukong turned away while testing the title on his lips, "Great Sage Equal of Heaven? What a great name!"

    He turns to you excited before timidly asking, "Y/N, what do you think?" You smiled at his wanting of your approval; smiling you hummed, "Great Sage Equal of Heaven? Hmmm. It sounds perfect!" Smiling wide at your approval, Sun turns to the others before exclaiming, "My dear monkey brothers and sisters. I am no longer the Handsome Monkey King. From now on, call me Great Sage Equal of Heaven!!" His statement brought cheers from the others before he turned back to the Demon King and saying, "Thanks. You are such a nice guy." He hugs him before turning and adding, "You know how to create a name. You can be my friend!"

   You watch with a smile before the Demon King states, "Great Sage, I heard you were born from Nuwa's crystal. You are as powerful as Heaven; you are not destined to stay here." Confused, Sun stated, "I love this place. I don't want to go anywhere else." Undeterred the Demon King voices, "You belong in Heaven's palace." You paused before rising as Sun looked up with an unsure face mumbling, "Uhhh, Heaven's Palace? Could that place be any better than my Water Curtain Cave?" From the sideline, Ruxue stated, "I hear Heaven is boundless and very beautiful."

    At her statement, Wukong eagerly sat before her asking, "Really? Tell me." You walked over to her side, interested to hear more about Heaven. I remember my master would sometimes mention it, but they never really went into detail. Ruxue smiled at seeing both of you being curious before she admitted, "There are many levels. Each has special treasures. On the 33rd they make divine potions that 'resurrect the dead'." Sun gasped at the statement while your eyes widened in shock. Beside you Wukong moved up and turned to grab your hand before pulling you to where the others were.

    Flying you both over the ledge and to the other rock platform, you saw he was taking you where the older monkeys were. You sighed as you realized what Sun was thinking about. He turned to you after having gone through flashbacks of the dead butterfly his Master brought back. I want to be a deity and learn to resurrect the dead. Sun looked at you with determination flying you both back to a rock ledge. Looking up at the night starry sky, Wukong mused, "So my friend, who is in charge of this Heaven place?" The Demon King replied, "Jade Emperor."

———————-Later that Morning——————-

    Below you heard Ruxue call out, "Where are you going?" You looked back down to her with a smile while Sun held your hand in his. He looked down before saying, "In Heaven I'll be an immortal and learn to resurrect the dead. Y/N is coming with me since she knows about healing already!" Ruxue smiled at you both before yelling, "This is where we met the first time when we were all little!" The three of you were outside near the mountains where everything began. Sun smiled at her words before yelling, "Wait for us! We'll be back soon. Stay here." You nodded at his statement before Ruxue replied, "Don't make me wait for a hundred years!" You both nodded before you yelled, "Ruxue! Take care of everyone would you?! I know they'll be safe with you here!"

    You laughed as she smiled nodding happily, while waving you both off. Turning back to the sky, Sun looked at you before asking, "Ready for this?" You grinned while squeezing his hand saying, "Always."

———————-Meanwhile Below———————-

     The figure of the Demon King stood as he watched the two figures fly off into the distance. His plan was almost complete.

————————-End of chap 4————————-

A/N Woohoo! Another chapter in the bag!!! Super excited for this book because I accidentally wrote one chapter that was almost 10,000 words😅 so I decided, ehhhh, let's make it two chapters instead. So expect chap 5 very soon since it made with chap 4. Anyway love you all and can't wait to see you next chapter! Author K80 out!

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