Camilo Madrigal x Fem Reader

Oleh ChampagneCloud1610

3.6K 71 65

A new family comes to the marvelous Encanto. The brand new family entices the younger Madrigals members. Beca... Lebih Banyak

The News
Escaping her
It's Her
Aftermath/Back Home
Author's Note โœจ๐Ÿ’–(Read?)

Moments Before

564 12 11
Oleh ChampagneCloud1610

"Neat trick"


That was the only word going through Camilo's mind as he searched from where he thought the sound came.  Eyes shifted everywhere as he stood there, spooked by the voice he heard. His poncho flaps around as his arms jerk around with his body. Still searching for the owner of the voice. Fearing it be Mirabel or Lusia or anybody from his family.

"Over here!"

Where is her-....oh

Your Pov

(Record Rewind sound)

These baskets are getting heavier and heavier.  "Geez, why couldn't my brother take these instead" mumbling to yourself as your muscles contract. The plaza isn't that far from my house. BuT-(grunt) The baskets make it feel farther.

"GOD! These are heavy." You shouted out.

My muscles are giving up.  If the stuff falls out while I'm walking, I can't turn around every single time to stop and pick it up. More stuff is just gonna fall out when I go to pick it up. 

(Deep Sigh)

I need to take a break.

A tree with some cool shade offers a helping hand. I can take a break under here. I'll just put them next to the tree and finally relax my muscles.


"OKay that was (Pant) heavier than I thought." I just want to go back to bed. Why did we have to set up our shop immediately? We didn't even relax a little.

"We have to set up soon, so we can meet the people here, and they can meet us." Mom's voice echoed in my head.

(Flashback warping sound)

"Your brother can't help you take these back. He's helping build some things for the shop with your dad."

"Yeah!" The guys said in unison, with their heads popping around the corner on cue. Your face was very clearly unamused while you held a broom. They kind of got the hint and disappeared instantly too. Your eyes shift from where they popped out to your mom. "Sorry (nickname), but come on, I need you. Just take these back home, and you can do whatever you want." She said while putting away a wet cloth to rub your shoulder in comfort. 

Whatever I want? Interesting. Looking up to her, "Can I go back to bed?" with a small smile, knowing she'll probably say no. But you still hoped.

Wearing the unamused face, you sported earlier. 

Like, mother. Like daughter.

Pulling back her hand from your shoulder to give a little flick to your face. Receiving a little yelp from you. "Don't fall asleep already. It's still early. I thought you'd want to explore or keep decorating your room." Reminding and trying to convince you to do anything but lay on your comfortable bed and sleep the day away. It's the only part of your room that was done. You thought while putting the broom back into the corner. Blankets and pillows were sewn or crocheted together. Placed on the bed in a way that made it look super comfy.

She saw you lost in thought.

She spoke as she went back to wiping down with the wet cloth again."You heard about the Madrigals, right?" Kinda piquing your interest, "I think so...but I don't really know their powers or what they look like. But-" Looking at the baskets waiting for you to carry them back home. Aah geez, that's gonna be heavy.

"But what?" She asked, wanting you to continue. "But I saw the mural. But that's not like a picture or one of those really detailed paintings. So I don't really know what they look like." You continued, leaning against a wall in the shop. Crossing your arms while watching your mom work. 

She tossed something at you.


A Rag?

"Mind helping me wipe down the walls while we're talking?" She asked you. "Yeah, okay, I'll help..." Walking over to a bucket near her that had water to dunk the rags in. It has some soap bubbles floating on top of the surface. Twisting the rag to get out the excess water, to not spill water all over the floor. Going to the wall to start wiping it down. Keeping the conversation going, she continues.

"Well, you might see one of them today."

"Huh?!" You exclaimed while turning to look at her. "Yeah- I heard some people going towards the center of town to get some food-" 

She turned back to you, keeping some eye contact. "But guess what (Lifting one hand towards you)'s Magical food." She wiggles her fingers as she says the "Magical " part. Smirking while she finished her statement. Then turning back to her area.

Questioning what she meant. "Magical food?" You questioned. "SOoo it doessss..." Dragging the last letter hoping she'll finish the sentence and answer your question. While you slowly wipe the wall horizontally, still peeking over to see if she responds.

"ThAt's actually, kind of the only thing I don't know," Pushing against the counter with her hands, looking back at you. 

"I just know it's one of the girls in their family. I heard someone say, "she's coming today." while they were walking past the shop," She said while dunking the rag into the soapy water.

"Okay- let me help you with the wall. I was already almost finished with the counter when you started here." Now standing next to you with a rag. Starting on the other half, both of you taking half of the wall. 

It was kinda nice.

Quiet, too, with it still being early. Some people walking out and about. Birds chirping and flying in the sky.

A cool breeze came through the shop. An audible shiver came from you. 

"PFfft-" You turned to see what made that sound. Mom quickly said, "Sorry! Sorry- I just (chuckle) I thought I was the only one who felt that."  

"Oh! Yeah- You felt that too?" You questioned your mom while rubbing your arm to heat up. She answered you, "Yeah, the cool breeze probably came through one of the openings..."

Breathing in the clean air through your lungs. As you took a step back to see if you missed a spot on your side of the wall. Mom spoke up, "I think I got it from here. We only have the top part left." She said while following your moves, then looking back at the work you guys did. The tiles glistened, with barely any soap on them, but the smell was there—a clean, fresh smell. 

"BUt-" Giving you a small quick hip bump. "YOu need to start heading out if you don't want to walk in the sun." Realization hits you a little. 

Yeah, she's right. That does sound worse. I mean, it's still not gonna be fun no matter what. (groan) 

You almost fall to the ground as she hands you a basket. "Oh geez- Sorry!" Mom said in a worried tone. "NO- no- no, I'm fine, Yup!" You said while quickly grabbing hold of the basket. Hugging it before it slams onto the floor. "Well, get ready for the next one," She said, unsure if you can actually carry both. Gently passing you the next one.

Reaching out for the next basket. Its weight brings you down a little,

Oh god, this is where it ends. You thought preparing to fall the second it's in your grasp.But you gathered yourself and managed to stand up with some help from mom. 

"Well... (Looking at you with a worried look on her face)  you can take two trips to the house if you wanted. These might be too heavy for one person."

Mmm, I could but do I really want to? 

After I drop these off, I can relax...

You thought for a second, feeling the weight of the baskets. (sigh) "I can do it. The house isn't far away." Giving a reassuring smile, even tho the weight was kind of becoming too much. "Mmm, how about two trips." Mom said as she reached for a basket.

Yanking the baskets away from her hands, almost falling over. "No- I really got it, mom. I don't want to make two trips; I just want to get home already." Trying to convince her to let you go. 


"Are you sure?" She said while giving you an intense look. Hands-on her hip, still worried for you. "Yeah, mom," Head tilting to the side so she can see you clearly.

She still doesn't look convinced even when her intense stare faded. "Please." You said softly as a final attempt to convince her. 

She took a deep breath, "Fine. But hurry your arms about to shake right now." Walking away to probably grab a stool to reach the last bit of the wall. "Hurry!" She shouted one last time after disappearing around a corner.

Go go go go go! She was right- These just got heavier RIght Now!

Waddling out of the shop while carrying the baskets as they swayed you. Following the path, you barely remembered taking earlier in the morning, with your brother after he came to fetch you. 

Mini flashback in a flashback

You were flattening out the bedsheet while quietly singing a tune. Your window is left open to let any dust escape. The smell of food still lingered in the air after breakfast.


Spinning around. 

That came from the door, didn't it?!

The door opened slowly, with your brother holding his forehead in his hand. Then, in a strained voice, "Hey sis- (looking up at you as he held himself by the handle) we need some help at the shop," Rubbing his head.

"...You okay?" You stared back at him, walking towards him.

"Yeah...Probably" He assured you as you helped him up "I slipped on the rug near the tiles"  You scoffed at him. "Hey- Come on, I'm pretty tough!" He said, straightening his back. Flexing his arms while closing his eyes. Posing.

Yeah he doesn't have muscles.

He didn't see you stretch your arm to squish his "Muscles." 

"AcK," He yelped. Covering his arm as he moved it away from you.

"Pfft- Okay." You said unimpressed but still in a joking sibling way. He smacked your head. You returned the favor by quickly smacking him back. "Ay!- But come on, you felt SOme muscle." Rubbing the spot, you just smacked.

I guess I might've.


With a sarcastic tone," Sure, Hercules, I felt something." You stated while making your way through the door. Before he could say anything, you spoke again, "But come on, I don't know where the shop is." Walking away from him.

He rushed over after closing the door. "It's close by, don't worry." He told you while you both made your way down the entrance.

"We just have to follow the path and make our way near the plaza."

"Okay," You responded. 

Then I remembered something, "Wait, why do you guys need my help? I thought I was okay to stay home?"

"Oh yeah- I told you that we need your help, right?" He asked before continuing.

"Yeah, you did." Quickly responding, looking back up to him.

"Well- Mom wants to open the shop SOon, like- soon soon." Looking back at you while talking with his hand. 

"I think they're actually trying to open the shop tomorrow."

( Pausing, looking back to the road) "Or the day after. I think it depends on how much we get done today." Letting his hand fall. (sigh) "Or something like that-"

"Hmm, okay, but dang tomorrow?! We just got here-"

"I know, right- I was fine with it, but me and dad are building some furniture for the shop. Aaand I might've hit my fingers a couple times already." Raising his messed up hand, which was littered with some small cuts, bruises.

"Yo- Is that one broken-" You said, pointing to his ring finger.

He raised it to his eye level, "I honestly don't even know," Shaking his head slightly while looking at his POSSIBLY broken finger.

Chuckles erupted out of both of you.

"I Mean, IT COULD BE-" He said between his laughs, "I don't even remember what I did to THat one," Flipping his hand around, trying to see how messed up it really looked. Snickers came from you. "Well, I already told you that I'm strong!" He said, returning to his pose from earlier.

 After calming down a bit, you said.

 "Yeah...But if it actually starts hurting more, you should probably tell dad."

"Yeah, you're right," He said while holding his hand. "Oh- Look! You can already see the shop!"

Mini Flash Back Finished

 and FlashBack Finished~

What was I doing? Oh right. 

Your muscles threatening to cramp up, came back to remind you of what you were doing.

Looking up to the sky as you took deep breaths in.

I don't want to move two baskets anymore. But I can't just leave one here and go to the house. Someone could take them, or a kid could come and break something. Then mom would get mad. In a stern voice, "I told you to take two trips." A prediction of her reaction shot through your brain. At the same time, you look back at the baskets. Cringing at the thought of being scolded.


Arms hanging as you tried to look anywhere but at these baskets. Looking at the side, you see a guy farther down the path, crouching.

I shouldn't stare at some random guy- But what is he doing? Looking at flowers? He's standing back up. AANDIShould probably..stop..Staring? 

What the- He changed?! It kind of looked cool. Like a-

Before you could stop yourself, you shouted.

"Neat trick."

Then you panicked.

Why'd I say that- AcK He's looking for me now! I can't just hide now. 

You thought, looking back at the baskets sitting on the floor. Under the tree, basically ignoring you while they relax.

More panicking.

Just say hi- be friendly, right?! Mom wants to open the shop and be friendly that way. Aand I'll just talk to them. And. Be. Friendly that way? Even though I didn't mean to say anything. It just kind of happened...

Okay! Go for it!!

"Over here!"

You said while waving at the boy. Who now, at a second glance, looks like he's your age.

Oh, no. 

And he looks cute.

Confidence leaves you immediately when he spots you. 

I'm screwed. I should've made two trips.

End of Chapter four~

🎉Surprise you have a brother!  Also Happy New year!🎉

(Author's note)


I accidentally uploaded it halfway through, and it took my tired brain a second to even understand what just happened. As I stared at my laptop in confusion. 😭

Then I fixed it. I unpublished it, and I don't think anyone got a sneak peek. Luckily.

Somewhere around 1034 or 1111 words is where it got uploaded by accident. But geez, I got to 1000 words, and I'm like another 1000 to go! (started sweating) Sorry if my style of writing is confusing at times. But WOO!!! We're at 406 views and 19 votes!!! 

(Tapes up fingers) OKay! Let's write another chapter!

If I actually manage to squeeze another chapter, you guys should be surprised since school is about to be back in session. That means updates are gonna be scarce. I have to retake some of my finals and get ready to sign up for some testings later in the year. I hope to do weekly updates but even that might not be possible for me. Sorry... BUT

Find out how to help me a little more on my "About" page on my profile!

But I'll try to write one more chapter right now, it just might have be shorter than 2000+ words. Thank you guys for the votes! Sorry if this chapter had some weird commas grammarly was kinda being weird.

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