Moments Before

564 12 11

"Neat trick"


That was the only word going through Camilo's mind as he searched from where he thought the sound came.  Eyes shifted everywhere as he stood there, spooked by the voice he heard. His poncho flaps around as his arms jerk around with his body. Still searching for the owner of the voice. Fearing it be Mirabel or Lusia or anybody from his family.

"Over here!"

Where is her-....oh

Your Pov

(Record Rewind sound)

These baskets are getting heavier and heavier.  "Geez, why couldn't my brother take these instead" mumbling to yourself as your muscles contract. The plaza isn't that far from my house. BuT-(grunt) The baskets make it feel farther.

"GOD! These are heavy." You shouted out.

My muscles are giving up.  If the stuff falls out while I'm walking, I can't turn around every single time to stop and pick it up. More stuff is just gonna fall out when I go to pick it up. 

(Deep Sigh)

I need to take a break.

A tree with some cool shade offers a helping hand. I can take a break under here. I'll just put them next to the tree and finally relax my muscles.


"OKay that was (Pant) heavier than I thought." I just want to go back to bed. Why did we have to set up our shop immediately? We didn't even relax a little.

"We have to set up soon, so we can meet the people here, and they can meet us." Mom's voice echoed in my head.

(Flashback warping sound)

"Your brother can't help you take these back. He's helping build some things for the shop with your dad."

"Yeah!" The guys said in unison, with their heads popping around the corner on cue. Your face was very clearly unamused while you held a broom. They kind of got the hint and disappeared instantly too. Your eyes shift from where they popped out to your mom. "Sorry (nickname), but come on, I need you. Just take these back home, and you can do whatever you want." She said while putting away a wet cloth to rub your shoulder in comfort. 

Whatever I want? Interesting. Looking up to her, "Can I go back to bed?" with a small smile, knowing she'll probably say no. But you still hoped.

Wearing the unamused face, you sported earlier. 

Like, mother. Like daughter.

Pulling back her hand from your shoulder to give a little flick to your face. Receiving a little yelp from you. "Don't fall asleep already. It's still early. I thought you'd want to explore or keep decorating your room." Reminding and trying to convince you to do anything but lay on your comfortable bed and sleep the day away. It's the only part of your room that was done. You thought while putting the broom back into the corner. Blankets and pillows were sewn or crocheted together. Placed on the bed in a way that made it look super comfy.

Camilo Madrigal x Fem ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora