illicit affairs | Charlie Bar...

By spookydal

64.1K 2K 2.7K

Attending classes at UCLA full time, you had to work hard unlike your other classmates. They partied and dran... More

illicit affairs (IA) opening credits
chapter one: new beginnings
chapter two: comparison of literature
chapter three: first impressions
chapter four: invitations
chapter five: burning questions
chapter six: forbidden fruit
chapter seven: manhattan
chapter eight: shared hatred for socks
chapter nine: office hours
chapter ten: shaken up
chapter eleven: the world of charlie barber
chapter thirteen: sacrifices
chapter fourteen: right and wrong
chapter fifteen: cardigan
chapter sixteen: under the weather
chapter seventeen: opening night
chapter eighteen: caught red-handed
chapter nineteen: thanksgiving
chapter twenty: great expectations
chapter twenty one: welcome to new york
chapter twenty two: exit ghost theater
chapter twenty three: you can hear it in the silence
chapter twenty four: the only soul worth getting to know
chapter twenty five: dress
chapter twenty-six: finding a new routine
chapter twenty seven: introductions and questions about oneself
chapter twenty eight: a cozy day in
chapter twenty nine: i told you so
chapter thirty: solace
chapter thirty one: clandestine meetings and stolen stares
chapter thirty two: when things go right
chapter thirty three: wages earned and lessons earned
chapter thirty four: time to go
chapter thirty five: an affair to remember
chapter thirty six: "until the end"

chapter twelve: the lost art of distraction

2.1K 64 46
By spookydal

HAPPY 'IA' DAY AND HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I'm gonna make this quick since dal is tired from working all day!

REMEMBER!!! Once we hit 10K, that IA day we will have two chapters instead of one, stickers (hopefully) and I will go live on tik tok!! There will be more information when we get closer to it!!

Make sure you check out the links at the end of the chapter and let me know what you guys think :)

All my love, Dal.

Things were the same as before... Well, sort of.

You were still attending classes and working, flipping through your notes when things got slow around the bar. Things were the same, only now, you weren't ahead in any of your classes anymore. You were struggling to read whatever book Andrea picked out for you. Still, you working and going to school, right?

Things were pretty much the same... Only now, you had to add Charlie to the equation.

The free time you had in between classes were now designated to him. If you weren't sneaking into his office, playing another round of the quiet game, you parked yourself underneath one of the many oak trees around campus. Before, you would have one of your textbooks open, taking notes and ignoring the chatter from students passing by. Now, your textbooks would be tucked away in your bag as your phone was glued in your hands.

When Charlie wasn't asking about your day or asking more of his burning questions, he would entail all the details of what he wanted to do the next time you were alone. It was really giving you whiplash, wondering if you were starting to develop feelings for the forbidden six-foot-something as you read his last message.

'I want to see you on your back with your legs wide open. Do you think you can be good and do that for me, sweetheart?'

Not only did your breath hitch at his message but you could feel yourself swooning at the nickname he was using on you a lot. You had to just tell yourself it was nothing, it was just a name... You repeated this in your mind as you responded: 'Without a doubt.'

When three dots popped on your screen almost immediately, that told you he was eager to respond to you. That certainly didn't help the situation you found yourself in, did it?

'Fuck, sweetheart. I'll see you tonight then.'

Reading his last text a few times, you were torn on whether to be excited or not. Of course, you wanted to know everything else Charlie had in mind for tonight, but you knew that deep down it was wrong.

Well, not taking advantage of your study time was wrong.

It was a dead giveaway that you thoroughly enjoyed whatever was between you two. Even while you questioned the way you felt about him, it wasn't enough to cut things off with him. For the first time in years, you were finally enjoying yourself, so why end things now?

In reality, you weren't that behind. If you were still keeping up with the content in class, you had nothing to worry about, right? If it became clear to you that you were having problems keeping up, then you would reassess the issue then. Why go out of your way to ruin how perfectly things were going?

'Tonight.' You replied.

Snapping out of it, you decided to put your phone away. It was time to pull out your next reading for Comparison of Literature. Pride and Prejudice. While you leaned back against the tree trunk, you read through the pages, getting temporarily lost in the world of Elizabeth and Darcy.

You did a good job of keeping yourself preoccupied the rest of the day, trying not to think about your meetup with Charlie.

Doing your student duties, you paid attention during your classes and never thought about the six-foot-something professor until you stepped foot in the library that night.

While avoiding the gaze of the students' walking out, you could feel your heart rate quickening. Step by step, you watched your feet guide you to Andrea's desk, chewing on your lip as you looked up at her.

"Hi, dear." It seemed like she was in a rush tonight, already standing from her chair and packing up her things.

"Making a quick getaway, are we?" You squinted in her direction, watching as she pulled her coat on along with a smile.

"Greg is taking me somewhere special tonight." She exhaled a breath, humming to herself. You could see her eyes light up as she thought about it, the excitement starting to build.

"That sounds like fun." You smiled in her direction, watching as she did a little dance as she walked around her desk.

"A night of dinner and dancing... It's just what I need." She took you by the hands, spinning you around with her as she continued to dance.

"Andrea!" You laughed until she freed you from her grip, adjusting the purse hanging from her shoulder.

"When are you gonna have fun like that, huh?" She cocked one of her brows towards you. "When was the last time you had dinner with someone?" Andrea folded her arms across her chest now, tapping her foot against the floor. Oh, God, could she see right through you?

You could have sworn the blood drained out of your face, feeling like your entire world came to a stop. With the new onset of dry mouth you were experiencing, you were glad Andrea spoke again.

"That April woman at the bar doesn't count." The corners of her lips curled into a smirk, causing you to huff out a forced laugh. Her gaze lingered a little too long for your liking, making you wonder... Could she see right through you?

"It totally counts." You swallowed the lump sitting in your throat. Anxiety infested your body, confident that she could see right through you.

"She drink's too much."

Could she see right through you?

"She's nice."

You could see right through you...

"I need to find you a date before you graduate." While you hid Charlie's leftover handprints over your body, you furrowed your brows as she started to walk out.

"No, you don't, Andrea." You called out to her, watching as she pushed the door open.

"I'll find you a nice man to go out with!... Oh-" She seemed to run into someone, causing your heart to stop altogether. "Hello... Have a good night." You heard her soft voice now, acknowledging someone before the doors shut. Knowing exactly who she saw, your feet were glued to the floor, not letting you take another step.

A few seconds went by until you saw Charlie walking through the front doors of the library. His gaze immediately found yours, never looking away until he made his way over to you. With him only a few inches away now, you could feel your heart skipping with excitement.

"Hello." His baritone voice was like the devil trying to seduce an innocent angel, his eyes now lowering to your body. As he stood in front of you, your lips parted before you forgot every word in your vocabulary.

You could hear the voice in the back of your mind, yelling out for you to speak now.

"Hi." You finally managed to get out. Before his eyes lifted back to yours, he turned his head back to make sure it was the two of you alone.

"Wanna sit?" Your voice was so low, it was almost a whisper as you gestured to the table you two would always sit at.

"Actually, I have something else in mind..." Charlie trailed off, staring between both of your eyes.

"What do you mean?" You furrowed your brows.

"Let's lock up the library a little early tonight... I want to show you something." Charlie tilted his head at you before you caught him winking down at you. Your body tensed, lips parting as you felt the floor growing over your feet. You were frozen where you stood as Charlie chuckled down at you.

"Come on." His lips curled into a soft smile before he walked off, starting to gather some of the loose books lying around. When he called out your name, whatever was holding you in place set you free.

The both of you remained silent, staying on track of tidying up the library. You remained quiet as you locked the doors to the library, having a few respectable feet between the two of you as he guided you down the hall and outside of the building.

The crickets chirping in the night was the only thing you could hear when he led you down one of the paths. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you looked up to find him pulling a set of keys from his pocket as he came up to another building.

"The theater?" You whispered, furrowing your brows as he pried the doors open. He refused to answer your question until the both of you crossed the threshold, locking you two inside.

You knew the campus well enough to know where you were but after three years, this was the first time you stepped foot in the theater.

"Give me this." After dumping the keys back into his pocket, his hands were now peeling your backpack from your shoulders. He was standing behind you, setting your bag on the ground as you looked around.

There wasn't much to see considering the only light was coming from one single light bulb standing in the middle of the stage.

"What's that?" You turned your head over to Charlie as he stood beside you now. He had his gaze forward on the light bulb, his plump lips curling into a soft smile.

You were busy counting the moles littered across his face when you felt a spark of heat spreading across your skin. It seemed to start from your hand as he slipped his hand into yours. It spread over your entire body when you started to feel butterflies swarming your tummy.

"It's called a ghost light." His voice hummed, locking his fingers with yours before starting to tug you towards the stage. The closer you got to the light, you realized he was leading you down an aisle. Passing by multiple rows of seats on either side of you, his thumb started to caress your skin back and forth.

"Its purpose is to guide the first people in the building like it is now..." He trailed off, tightening his grip around your hand. As the two of you approached the stage, he steered you around the side to find a few steps.

He guided you up the steps first, his hand letting go of yours as he held onto your hips. The little light you two had was at an all time low, Charlie holding you until the two of you were now standing on stage.

When his hand found its way around yours again, you licked your lips as he led you to the light bulb.

"Some believe it guides ghosts to the stage, giving them a place to perform." With this, you turned your head in his direction, studying him as he continued.

"If you let them perform, they won't curse the production." His lips curled with another smile, shrugging his shoulders before he met your gaze. "Theater people are really superstitious."

"You don't seem like the type to be superstitious, Charlie." You bit down on your lip when you felt his thumb stroking your hand again.

"Who said I believed in any of that?" He chuckled underneath his breath, his gaze switching back and forth between your eyes and lips.

You didn't dare to interrupt his thoughts, noticing how his eyes lit up. It was a few moments before he inhaled sharply, turning his head back in your direction.

"Ever seen a show before?" He cocked his brows down at you.

When you shook your head no, you felt him tugging you towards the stairs again. As he led you back the way you two just came from, the both of you remained quiet. He made a sharp turn, the both of you now walking in a row between seats. You shuffled sideways until he came to a stop, bringing you to what seemed like the middle of the room.

You quickly filled your lungs with a breath as you sat down, watching him take the seat next to you. Your eyes found his hand, still intertwined with yours as he looked up towards the stage.

"These are the best seats in the house." The single light still standing on stage was enough to show his muscles in his jaw clenching.

"Really?" You ignored the view in front of you, only focusing on the way he was here. The little time you've known him, he seemed to be his happiest here.

"Really." He blinked a few times, shaking himself out of whatever thought was running through his head. You watched as his chest rose with a deep breath before he looked over to you.

"I'll have to put that to the test then." Your voice was quiet as a soft smirk spread across your lips. Charlie cocked his brow down at you with this, his lips mirroring yours.

"Yeah?" He adjusted himself in his seat, his hand still gripping yours tightly. "There's a show coming up in a few weeks... Maybe you can join us on opening night."

With your heart dropping, you could have sworn the color in your face drained.

"Then you can tell me how right I was afterward." Your eyes caught a glimpse of his tongue sliding in between his lips, a shaky breath filling your lungs.

"Y-Yeah." You nodded your head, swallowing the lump in your throat. You looked out towards the stage now, too nervous to keep his gaze. He still looked at you, feeling yourself shrinking in your seat.

"Will it be your first time directing in LA?" You tried to distract yourself while you were just a specimen under his microscope.

"Yeah." He finally turned his head away, joining in you looking up at the stage. "For the first time in a while, actually."

"Are you excited?" You questioned, gaining the confidence you needed to turn your head towards him. You could tell he was stuck in deep thought, wondering how to answer your question.

"In a way." He responded in a whisper, his thumb stroking your hand as you watched the dim light shimmering in his eyes. He adjusted in his seat again, clearing his throat.

You didn't know why but a thought started to form in your mind. Maybe he missed New York and his theater. Maybe he didn't want his first time directing to be here... He wanted it to be in the place he missed the most.

"I know you probably miss your other theater..." You took a sharp breath in. "It must be hard directing somewhere you hate."

"I don't hate it." He huffed out a breath before you could continue. He turned his head to meet your eyes, the corners of his lips curled with a smile. His soft chuckle filled your ears as he released your hand, now holding you by your forearm.

"And I happen to actually like the space here." His voice was soft like velvet as he nudged you up onto your feet, recalling your previous conversation. He was still parked in his seat as he stared up at you.

"Really?" You furrowed your brows down at him when he tapped his lap with his other hand. You shook your head at first, noting just how small the seat looked with him in it.

"Here I was thinking you despised this place." You mumbled down at him before he tugged on your arm again. It didn't seem like he was going to take 'no' as an answer, watching as his lips curled into a smirk. He guided you to straddle him, his hands finding your wide hips immediately.

"Why would I despise it?" He leaned forward, now humming his question against your neck. This caused your breath to hitch in your throat, your brain failing to remember how to function properly.

"I... I don't know-" Words seemed to fail you as your eyes fluttered shut, tilting your head over to the side. Your body obeyed him, doing whatever it could to get more of him.

You could have easily teased him back but that thought simply flew from your mind. There wasn't anything more important than this feeling right now. Your head wasn't screwed on right during times like these, only being able to focus on certain things.

The heat spreading across your skin starting from your core, his fingers kneading your hips, and his low hums against your skin as he left kisses against your neck. The thought of being caught was always in the back of your mind, unfortunately. The fear instilled into you was one thing but the exhilaration it spread across your skin? It was almost orgasmic.

Tangling your fingers into his hair, you tried to focus on the little noises around you. Other than your soft breaths escaping your lips, there was nothing.

Until his hands grew tight around your hips, dragging your core straight across his wide thigh.

A moan pushed past your lips, your fingers gripping his hair tighter. Against your skin, a dark chuckle escaped from Charlie, his hands pushing your hips back. Producing another moan when his lips found the base of your neck.

While he started to suck on your skin, his hands tugged on your hips again. He pushed and pulled your hips slowly at first, milking those soft moans out of you. The pleasure shooting across your body was enough to distract you, losing focus on the purple mark he left against your neck.

It wasn't until he lifted his head, his lips finding a new spot on your neck that you realized what he was doing.


Before you could point out that leaving hickeys was a bad idea, he quickened the pace of his rhythm. Your argument was cut short by another moan, getting louder as he sucked on another spot on your neck.

"Charlie..." You repeated his name. This time it wasn't to start a debate, but it was to tell him just how good he could make you feel. Even in this tiny theater seat, your body was reminded just how badly it needed his.

With another successful mark on your neck, he lifted his lips to your ear now.

"Keep the pace, sweetheart." He whispered, freeing your hips from under his grip.

You didn't dare disappoint him, rolling your hips back and forth at the pace he set. Brushing out the tangles you caused in his hair, you set your hands against his shoulders now. You grabbed hold of him, trying to control your respirations as your moans were losing control.

Charlie clenched his jaw as his hands now tugged down on your shirt. With your cleavage now revealed to him, his lips found new territory to mark up.

With his arm wrapping around you, his other hand wrapped around one of your tits. Kneading it underneath his grip, his lips found your tender skin bulging out past your bra. Bouncing with each deep breath you took, he hummed against you as he left more marks on you.

He wrapped his arm tighter around you, pulling you closer and driving your hips past the set rhythm he set for you.

"P-Please-" You squeezed your eyes shut, muttering down at him. He lifted his head after being successful in another hickey.

"Begging to cum like a good girl, hm?" His voice left you a mess, your lips trembling as you nodded down at him. Your chest shook with shallow breaths, wishing he could give you any sort of release.

"Use your words, sweetheart." His devilish smirk greeted you as you stared down at him through hooded eyes.

"Please, Charlie-" Another moan ricocheted through your body, struggling to keep your gaze on his.

"Please, what." He hissed through his teeth, his arm around your waist grew tighter. He held you tight against his chest, not leaving a lot of room for your hips to keep going.

You managed to catch your breath as he stared at you. It was different this time... He was searching for a part of you that you didn't even know. It was a stranger to yourself, but he would stop at nothing to find it.

But that was the thing about Charlie. Even though he knew exactly what to do to get the heat sparked in your core, there was almost more behind it. Holding your hand, showing you his theater, and asking about your day? That was the part of him that you craved.

Yes, the man could make you cum harder than anyone else you've been with, but you wanted more. You wanted to know his secrets and what made him laugh. The reason why he was so hesitant on coming to LA at first and the reason he doesn't hate it now.

There was more to Charlie Barber and you were determined to find it out.

"I want to cum." You whispered down at him, staring down at those green-rimmed eyes.

"Hm... Fine." He licked his lips. "But not like this." This didn't catch you by surprise until you found his hands grabbing hold of your hips again. Instead of guiding your thrusts, he stopped them altogether.

"It would be such a waste if you didn't cum around my cock, sweetheart." He drew a slow breath in through his nose, now lifting his hand to rest against your cheek. Butterflies flew around your tummy as he stroked his thumb back and forth.

"Isn't that right?" He whispered your name, staring at your soul again.

Words failed you again, nodding down at him as you leaned into his touch. He felt warm against you, holding you close until he lowered his hands to your jeans. His fingers worked slowly despite how desperate you two were for each other.

His growing cock screamed for your attention as you worked on freeing him. He seemed to enjoy your hands tugging on his shirt to untuck it, groaning underneath you. His eyes shot between your hands and the marks he left against your neck and chest.

"Get these off," He mumbled your name, sounding like music to your ears.

You didn't keep him waiting, of course, kicking your jeans off while he shoved his pants down his thighs. You were quick to straddle him again, reaching your hands out. You held onto his shoulders, looking around the theater when he snaked his hand in between your bodies. While you focused on all the empty seats around you, he guided his cock to your folds.

You whimpered as you slowly slid down his cock, gasping for air as you stared down at him now.

"Fuck," He hissed your name as his fingers pressed deep against your hips. Adjusting in his seat, he leaned back as the muscles around his jaw tensed.

Closing his eyes shut, you could tell he needed a moment to pull himself together. His lips trembled while you were confident his fingers would leave a bruise where they laid against your skin. As you stretched around him, you wiggled your hips and made sure you didn't miss a single inch of him.

"Remind me how good you feel, sweetheart." He groaned up at you, once again guiding you by your hips.

The rhythm was slow, feeling the awful teasing of him rubbing against your ridges. You tried to keep yourself under control, watching his face twisting with pleasure in the little light you had in the entire room.

A thin layer of sweat formed across his forehead, now staring down at his cock disappearing into you. His face flushed as you went against his rhythm, working yourself faster on top of him. He had a hard time focusing when your tits started to bounce with each thrust. The purple marks he left against your skin seemed to catch his eye, groaning loudly at this.

The man you once thought was intimidating was now losing himself completely at the works of you. The stoic man you were so wondrous about was now the man you were riding in a dark theater. Funny what could happen in a matter of a few weeks.

With his hands now sliding just underneath your shirt, you found his arms wrapped tightly around you. He held you close again, only this time, he scooted towards the edge of his seat.

One hand slid up your back, holding your shoulder to give him enough leverage while his other hand wrapped loosely around your neck.

He thrusted his cock deep inside of you while lifting his lips to yours. The kiss was sloppy, muttering your name against your mouth. He met the movements of your hips, rubbing against that perfect spot. As his tongue slid against yours, you could feel his fingers inching closer around your throat.

Seeming like he wanted to claim you in a different way, this seemed to do it for you. The slow build of pressure in your body was coming faster than you thought, moaning louder down at him. Knowing that you were enjoying his new hold on you, he didn't hesitate any longer.

Wrapping his fingers around your neck firmly, you found yourself under his control.

The man who had a love-hate relationship with space could ruin your life and you would thank him for it. Risking it all just for the pleasure he spread across your body, was something you didn't want to live without.

"O-Oh, fuck-" Charlie trailed off, his brows furrowing as pounded up into you. Your fingers gripped the shirt around his chest, trying to ground yourself before it was too late.

"So. Close." You spit down at him between each thrust, vowing to keep your eyes on him. You wanted to see himself lose composure while he cursed your name. You wanted to remember the way his face twisted the closer he got to filling you up. The way he held you tight like you were going to disappear forever.

"Fuck, sweetheart-" He sucked in a breath, his eyes lowering down to your moving hips. He watched you working against him, trying to milk out everything you could from the both of you.

It wasn't long until his face turned red, his hips coming to a halt as you felt his load painting your walls. While he twitched inside of you, you weren't far behind him, bouncing on his cock a little faster.

You listened to his mumbled words, cursing you for overstimulating him. His deep voice spreading heat across your skin, you listened to him carefully as you guided yourself to your own destruction.

His hand around your throat loosened, his fingers fiddling as he wrapped his arm around you again.

"Fuck-" You muttered, lifting your head. You looked up at the ceiling and the various lights hanging from the ceiling. The tech book stood in the back of the room and it only reminded you that you two had this entire place to yourself.

Before you could call out to him, you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt everything crashing around you. Feeling your walls spamming around him, you noticed how close he held you against him. He wanted you to know that no matter how high you built yourself, he would be there to catch you when you fell.

Your hips came to a stop when you managed to tire yourself out, leaning your head against his. You lifted your hand to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair as you tried to catch your breath.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" You barely heard his voice, still mumbling against your skin.

You didn't say anything, though. All you did was hold him tighter, ignoring the fact that hopefully someday in the future you would be sitting in this seat again, watching one of his shows. You wanted to ignore that another night passed without getting any studying done. That the name you called out didn't belong to you and in only a few hours, you would have to pretend that you didn't know Charlie anymore.

You couldn't lift your head until his lips spoke out your name.

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay." You inhaled a shaky breath, watching as he lifted his head from your neck. He lifted his hand next, pushing some of your hair back.

"Hey, let me ask you a question." Charlie licked his lips, staring in between your eyes.

"Let's hear it then." A giggle pushed past your lips now as you stood from his lap, getting yourself pulled together. When you two were dressed, you headed towards the aisle, walking towards the exit. He floated behind you as you stopped in front of your abandoned backpack, picking it up off the ground.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" 

---------------------------THERE WE HAVE IT, FOLKS!! What did you think?

I'll see you guys next week :)

Make sure you guys check out these links:

Pinterest mood board for illicit affairs (IA):

Spotify playlist for IA:

An option to buy me a coffee and support my writing:

Twitter/Instagram: Spookydal_

Tik Tok: spookydal(if you guys make any edits or tik toks about IA, make sure you use the hashtag #illicitaffairsfic so i can see them!)

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