The prince and the servant (K...

Chlomagic tarafından

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Sapnap is the prince or soon to be king. Karl is one of the servants at the castle. What will happen after th... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Important a/n
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

553 18 16
Chlomagic tarafından

Trigger Warnings - Mentions of death

This writing is a/n during the chapters but will be important sometimes. So read them.

Karl's pov

It's been a week since I started this job and I'm getting along with everyone but I still keep bumping into people. I've been doing Hannah's hair every day since I started and she has loved all of the hairstyles. I've done buns, braids, and half up half down. I've been able to nearly been able to pay for my mother's hospital bills.

I'm getting ready for the day talking to George talking about random things. I have 15 minutes before I have to wake Hannah up at 6:30. The reason I've been waking her up at 6:30 is so I can do her hair. Today I've decided to do space buns.

(Kinda like this)

"Hannah it's time to wake up," I say while opening up the blinds. I look over to the bed to see she isn't there. "Hannah!" I yell a little louder. I check everywhere. Now I'm getting really worried. I quickly walk out of the room and go to the dining room.

She's not there. "Karl are you ok and where's Hannah?" The king asked. How am I meant to tell them that their daughter wasn't in her room and I can't find her? "We have a problem!" Punz yells running in. All of us look at him. "Is it Hannah?" I ask. "Yes, she's missing!" Punz yells worried. "How do you know that?" "She wasn't in her room this morning," I say.

-Timeskip to when all the workers and royal family are in the ballroom-

"So what do we do," Techno said. (Techno is a guard like Wilbur and they work together) "Karl, where was the last place she was with you?" Everyone looks at me. "In her bedroom, but I have an idea where she is." I look at Punz and he knows what I'm talking about. "Where?" The Queen says calming down a bit. "Follow me," says Punz. _

-At the place-

"Hannah?" I say. Hannah goes to the treehouse when she's sad. "Go away!" Hannah yelled with slight sobs. "Hannah, what's wrong?" and she still replied with a go away. Everyone starts to leave except for me. I decide to climb up the ladder. She was hugging her teddy with tears rolling down her face.

"Check the date," I look at the date and realize it was the day the special person died. She hasn't told me who this is but I know they're important if she's crying. "Come here," I say as I bring her in for a hug. "The special person was my best friend," she said crying even more. Soon I could hear soft snores. I call Punz to help me carry her back to her room.

Punz puts her in her bed and we walk out. "Thanks, Punz," "It's my job," He says walking down the stairs. I run after him but then I trip down the stairs. I could hear Punz laughing at the top of the stairs. "Karl," Punz says. "Do you need help?" I look up to see Sapnap with his hand out. Dream and George were laughing a little. "Thanks, Sapnap," I quickly walk past them and continue to talk with Punz.

Sapnap's pov

Why did he have to look cute? I make my way up to my room quickly. Dream and George went to their room. "You like Karl," I look over to my bed and see Hannah. "What are you talking about?" I say nervously knowing my family didn't want me to fall in love with a servant.

"The way you looked at him, the pink cheeks whenever someone talks about him, the always helping him." She was right but I didn't want to admit it. "I'll help you but mum and dad are what you need to watch out for." "Wait really but you don't want him to fall in love with me,"

"You just admitted it and I guess I didn't want him to fall in love with you but your my brother and you need a husband or wife. I'll try and convince mum and dad," That's the first time she wants to help me "let's make a plan now,"

Karl's pov

"Punz stop laughing at it!" "I can't it's too funny," Ugh I hate him sometimes. "I'm going to check out the ballroom decorations," "Why will there be decorations Punz?" "The masquerade is in two days. You didn't know?" "Maybe I did know I just forgot,"

We walk towards the ballroom and there are tables placed around the room with chairs. Candles on each table. Plates and serviettes with forks, knives, and spoons. A small stage for the Royal family. A beautiful chandelier right in the middle. It was gorgeous. "Ok royal families will be coming so it has to be perfect," I heard Puffy yell for Niki because of how shy she is.

(Puffy is one of the main servants like Niki who are very important. Niki is for the Queen and Puffy is for the King)

"What do you mean Puffy?" I ask confused. "There are two masquerades. One for royals and one for the town. The town one is next month," Wow, one every month. "Karl!" I hear someone yell from the other side of the ballroom. It turns out to be Tommy. "What," I say when I get close enough.

I see the Queen walk in. "Karl I need you to do two things for me. One do Hannah's hair for the masquerade and tomorrow you will have to stand with us the George, but that's all who gonna be standing there," The Queen says. "Yes your highness," I say.

"Karl, Hannah needs you," Bad says. (Bad is the doctor and messanger for everyone in the castle) "Thanks, Bad," I walk up to Hannah's room and open the door to see her sitting there zoning out. "Hannah I'm here,"

Quick Sapnap's pov

I'm nervous for Hannah to do the thing she doing. The only other people who know what she's doing are Dream and George.

Hannah's pov

I'm gonna see if Karl will be Sapnap's date to the masquerade. I want Karl to say yes for some reason. "Hannah I'm here," I look over to see him. "What did you need," He asks "I was wondering if you could be Sapnap's date to the masquerade?" He looked so confused with what I said. "First you don't want us to flirt with him but then you want me to be his date to the masquerade!" "yep,"

I could just force him to do it as I am a princess. "I'm sorry but no Hannah," I'll just force him to go. "As a princess, you are forced to go with my brother. His face was priceless. He was mad but he was also confused. "This is a joke right," "Nope now I have to tell him and my parents and you can't tell me not to," He's gonna be so annoyed but this is the only way.

Karl's pov

I walked out pissed but I can't do anything to her because she's a princess. I've got to tell Q I walk down to the ballroom to see if Q is there but he wasn't. I walk over to Wilbur to ask him. "Hey, Jacobs what do you need,"

Continuing with the Jacobs. "Where's Q?" "In the garden Wh-" "Thanks!" I say running away before he could finish. I stop running when I reach the garden and see Q sitting there next to George. I guess George is fine to know about it.

"Q I need to talk to you," "Do you want me to go?" George says going to get up. "No it's fine, I'll tell you to," I say. "Whatcha want to talk about?" I told him all about the rules and Hannah forced me to be Sapnap's date to the masquerade. "QUACKITY YOU NEED TO START COOKING!" I heard Tommy yell from the kitchen. "We should go in to," George said while walking in.

-After Karl does his night duties-

I'm mad because the whole castle knows about the masquerade. Dream and George are teasing me say stuff Karl x sapnap and I ship. I know I'm gonna have a long day tomorrow and it isn't even the masquerade. "I'm going to bed," I say. "We should come up with a ship name for them," Quackity said.

"Honk no!" I yell but they completely ignored me. "Karlnap!" I hear Dream yell. I'm going to sleep. The last thing I remember is them coming up with secret ways to say karlnap.


Word Count - 1456

Random fact about the author - I'm from Australia

These take me about 3 hours to write so please don't be rude. Feel free to give other book ideas cause I have a whole plan ready. Just so you know I may add homophobic people if i want to. Probably won't. Please eat and drink today.

- Chloe

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