"Girl." / style

By d1lf3nj0y3r

5.1K 157 263

crossposted to "death2loscamp" on ao3 !! More

2 / Stark's Pond
3 / Thinking Too Much
4 / Crushes
5 / Revelations
6 / Boy-Ish
7 / Eggshell
8 / Out
9 / Kyle
10 / Fin.

1 / "Kylie"

1.2K 25 47
By d1lf3nj0y3r

I hate taking showers in the morning.

I hate taking them in general, actually. Not showering itself, I like being clean so that part is fine I guess. But after I get out. Because after I get out I have to look at the stupid mirror and in the mirror I have to see my stupid boobs and stupid long hair.

But, if I take long enough in the shower and then get dressed quick enough, the mirror is too foggy to see anything. But then I can't tell whether I look like ass or not until I unfog it.

"Kylie! Hurry up, Ike needs to brush his teeth!"

"Okay, mom! Hold on a second!"

I get dressed quickly and blow dry my hair. I found an old sports bra that's probably way too tight, but when I wear it nobody can notice my stupid boobs.

The only reason I basically hide them is because if I don't, they'd just bring unwanted attention. I think. All my friends are guys and guys are jerks so they'd be jerks about them.

I'm sure Wendy and Bebe and all the rest of the girls would too if they were given the chance. Right?


"Right! Sorry!"

I grab my hat off the countertop and put it over my hair, then put it in a ponytail (even though ponytails make it frizzy). It looks shorter that way. I like it. I'm sure the other girls would feel the same if they saw themselves with short hair.

I leave the bathroom, Ike immediately going in and slamming the door shut, and I go downstairs to find my mom and dad talking. My mom turns around when she hears me putting on my coat.

"Aw, Bubby, get over here!" She says, coming towards me instead. "My little girl looks so cute today!" She grabs my face and kisses my cheek.


"This is the same thing I always wear, mom." I say, pushing her hand away.

"I know, but it's the first day of the school year, let me be a little excited for you." She says, walking back over into the kitchen with my dad to grab my lunch.

And I guess it is a bit exciting. Junior year. And then next year will be my last with these shitheads. And the last with my friends.

Mom walks back over with my lunch in a paper bag as I'm grabbing my backpack, "Why don't you start heading out to the bus stop? Ike asked me to drive him since he's nervous about his new school."

"Yeah okay, bye mom, love you," I say, grabbing it and walking out the door. Ike got suspended last year, I don't exactly know what for, but my mom deemed it "unacceptable" that the district would suspend him over it so she pulled him out and enrolled him in a Denver school. I feel bad, making friends sucks ass. But, he is 10, so I guess it won't be that bad. 10 year olds don't suck as much as 16 year olds do.

I almost make it to the bus stop, and look up from the ground noticing that my friends are there already, arguing about some stupid shit. I guess I am running a bit late.

"Hey, guys," I say, slowing down my pace as I make it over.

"Hey, Ky!" Stan says, hugging me. Stan's my best friend, so he does this every day. Which makes me happy, and I guess it makes him happy too if he keeps doing it so that's good. The other guys tease him for it, but he seems to just brush it off.

I think that after Stan, I'm probably closest to Kenny. He's sweet when he wants to be, and whenever I get birthday money I put some aside to give to him on his birthday 'cause I know he could probably use it.

Then there's Cartman. He's a fatass fucking shitbag, I don't even know why we even hang out with him. He teases Stan for being "sensitive", picks on Kenny for being poor, and just blatantly bullies me for being Jewish.

They keep arguing until the bus comes like always. It gets pretty fucking tiring. And eventually I get pulled into it, too. But, at least I have Stan to back me up. And maybe Kenny, though I can't really tell what he's saying.

The school day goes by pretty fast, and there's no homework since it's the first day so we all just start walking straight home. While we're walking, Stan pulls me aside from the group, though I don't think they noticed since Butters walks with us.

"Ky, do you wanna hang out later?" He asks, looking down and making eye contact for a change.

"Yeah, of course. With the others, or?"

"Nah, just us. The others are annoying, they can all suck a dick," He says, letting out a small laugh, making me giggle. He has a nice laugh, it's different from the others'. And he calls me Ky, which the others don't do either. I like Ky. Ky is a lot better than Kylie. Kylie is a dumb girl's name, but then again I am a girl so I guess I have to keep it.

"Ky?" Stan says, tapping me on my shoulder and pulling me out of whatever daze I was in. "So, we're meeting, like, right after we get home? At Stark's Pond?"

I nod in agreement. I guess I zoned out for a while because by the time we were done talking we had already reached my house. I said goodbye to the guys and ran inside, going upstairs to out down my things. I go into the bathroom to fix my ponytail since it's starting to frizz up already, and I look out the window to see Stan walking past his house. I guess he's heading straight to the pond. Huh.

I go back downstairs and almost get to the door when someone stops me.

"Bubby, where are you off to in such a rush?" My mom asks from the kitchen, making something for Ike to eat.

"I'm hanging out with Stan, we didn't really talk much today."

"Alright, but be careful I don't want you getting hurt. And be back by 12!" She yells the last part as I leave and shut the door behind me.

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