The Royalty's Game

By NycHijabi

457 61 281

Her parents died in front of her hours after she discovered her father had signed an agreement for her to mar... More

Map and Characters.
Quick A/N
2| Greetings
3| Invasion
4| Kiss
5| Secrets
6| Trust


59 9 106
By NycHijabi


"No, I'm not willing to sell a section of the land," I said as I crumpled the piece of paper my adviser handed me. Everyone believes that because I am a woman, they may purchase a percentage of my land. They don't comprehend that becoming the first female queen makes me wiser. I know what every single king wants from me, and I simply avoid it.

"How's my favorite Queen?" Alaric walked into my court. Instead of tending to his own kingdom's business, he pokes his nose into mine.

"The Godgizian Theocracy wants some of my land. They are nowhere near us but want to own land. It's the dumbest thing I've heard of," I explained to him.

"What will you get in return?" he asked.

"Weapons, Dragons, and elves" I answered him.

"Seems like a good deal to me," he said, and I shot him a glare. "I said the same thing," My advisor added.

"I already have elves, fairies. I'm scared of dragons. Doesn't the King of Sinnest Kingdom have a thing for dragons? They can take their proposal to that kingdom," I stated, and they started to laugh.

"The king of Sinnest Kingdom will kill you if you look at him the wrong way or even breathe too hard next to him. You think he will share land with someone. Come on Reya, you've heard the rumors about him," Alaric sat down on the king's seat.

He knows he's not supposed to sit there but does it anyway.

I have yet to meet the King of the Sinnest Kingdom. Except for him, every king attended my parents' burial. Even the grey-eyed man whose name I never found out attended the burial. People treated him like a king, therefore I suppose he is one as well.

The Sinnest Kingdom is our next-door neighbor. They are my ally, but the king won't agree to meet me. Everyone tells me that the king believes no woman should rule a kingdom. Maybe if he wasn't playing with people's souls, he would have seen how much of a great queen I am.

I heard the rumors that everyone must greet him when they see him. If he is in a bad mood and someone greets him happily, he kills them. If someone stares at him the wrong way or in a way, he doesn't like he kills them.

I also heard he is friends with many girls. Kings and queens shouldn't have friends with the opposite gender, but he doesn't care. I pity his future queen. Once she knows that most of his friends are girls she will be pissed. I am already pissed at him for her.

A part of me feels like I've met him at least once in my life. My mother had said I heard of him, and I've met him. Alaric refuses to tell me.

My birthday is in two days. I am mentally prepared for the amount of men that will propose to me. It will be fun and miserable saying no to each and every one of them. What if an incredibly hot King or even prince asks for my marriage, and he is also kind? I will have to say no.

I don't even know the person I am marrying. He could have turned into a jerk these last two years. He may be ugly. But I'd like to think my father knew my type. He said he chose the right king for me, so I am going to trust that he knew what he was doing.

Thinking about him brings back all the memories we shared and makes me miss him even more. My advisor's voice brings me out of my mind. "Why are you crying, my royal highness?"

I hadn't realized I was crying until he said something and lifting my index finger under my eye, I found that he was right. A few tears had slipped from my eyes. I haven't cried in over a year. I thought I was past this. Apparently not.

"Reya, what happened," Alaric's voice catches my attention.

"Nothing, something flew in my eye," I lied, turning my position in my seat to look at Alaric. "I'm not stupid Reya. I know you more than you think. You are having flashbacks, aren't you," He moved closer to me in his seat.

"Yeah, I am,"

"You will get over it at some point in life. It's the things us kids from royal backgrounds go through," He said. I open my mouth to say something, but a familiar voice beats me to it.

"How can you tell her that she will get over it? Her parents passed in front of her. That won't ever leave, but after a while, you get used to the pain," I looked over the entrance and it's the shirtless, grey-eyed man.

He was leaned up against the wall. I examined his new features before looking him in the eyes. His hair was whiter than snow and longer. He had grown taller since the last time I saw him. His physique was more muscular. Everything about him appeared to be angelic. I wasn't aware I was staring at him until I heard his voice again.

"Once you're done checking me out, your royal highness, I'd like to talk with you privately," He said.

"I wasn't checking you out for sure. Boys you may exit," I said to my advisor and Alaric. My advisor exited the court, but Alaric remained still. "Ric, out," I warned him.

"No, whatever he has to say. He can say in front of me," Alaric stated. The grey-eyed man pulled away from the wall and stood up straight. He walked over to us.

"It's none of your concern, prick. It's business between two Kingdoms. You have our own to handle, why are you here," The grey-eyed man said to Alaric.

"It's not your business," Alaric argued. "Exactly, my alliance with Reya is none of your business,"

If I don't stop this, they will argue till dawn. "Both of you enough. Alaric, he is correct. It's not your concern. Just go. We can talk later," I told Alaric. He stood up groaning and walked out.

"How come you let him sit on the king's throne?" The grey-eyed man asked me. I shrugged. "I've told him many times not to sit there," I answered him.

"Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, shifting the topic.

"It's come to my attention you turn of age in two days, meaning men all around the realm will be wanting to marry you. Have you met the man your father wanted?" He said and I shook my head.

"I have yet to meet him. Why do you ask?" I responded.

"Nothing just interested. Do you plan on agreeing to marry him?" He asked.

"It's my father's last dying wish and honoring his wishes means everything to me but I simply cannot go along with marrying someone that I don't know. This man is a complete stranger to m—,"

"No, he isn't. You've met him," He cut me off without hesitation. What is it with this man and cutting people off? "So, what do you propose I do?" I asked him.

"I suggest you let every king from the neighboring kingdoms propose to you until the king your father intended for you to marry proposes and when he does, I suggest you accept. For your own good and the good of the kingdom." He suggests it like it was obvious all along.

"So, make him my last option? I'm afraid I don't know what to look for in a man. I don't have many lady friends to help me. All I have is Alaric. Mayb—,"

"Yeah, no. I will help you. Your father's dying wish was for me to be here on your birthday and wedding date. So I will be here for a long time," he interrupted me again.

"Can you please stop interrupting me?" I spat from between gritted teeth. He rolled his eyes at me but continued to stare at me.

"You have yet to give me an answer." He reminded me, slightly calming the overwhelming anger I was feeling just a second ago and bringing me back to the conversation we were having.

"What's in it for you?" I inquired wondering why he would do this for me when I don't even know him. He showed up out of the blue before my parents died and now, he wants to help me find the man my father intended for me to marry? That can't be a coincidence, can it?

Maybe my father told him to keep an eye on me. That seems like the most logical explanation as to why this man is still here. "Nothing. I don't get anything out of it. Except for the knowledge that you know who you are supposed to marry and that you accept their proposal," he stated a matter of fact.

I could be just overthinking it. He could be sincere and just want to help me. There's just one flaw, "I don't want people to think we are friends."

He lets out a chuckle, a pretty loud one. "Why? Do you hate me that much?" He asked with a mock frown on his face, as I shook my head. "I can't hate someone I just met. I just don't want to ruin my reputation," I answered his question.

He stares at me in amusement. I stare back, confused on what's assuming.

"So being friends with Alaric doesn't ruin your reputation?" He asked and I nodded.

"I've known Alaric since we were kids," I explained. He still looked amused.

"Being friends with the opposite gender won't harm you. As long as you don't do anything you shouldn't," he said and I tilted my head in confusion. What does he mean in his last sentence? Now I'm even more confused than I was a second ago. Why does this man always have to make me confused? It's like he lives to confuse me and it grates my nerves.

"As long as the friends don't have sex or something, it's ok." He clarifies, making me wonder what he's talking about. Remembering that he has more women than men as friends makes me realize that he's not as pure as I thought he was. I was definitely a lot more pure than he was. That much was clear when he talked about friends of the opposite gender doing things they weren't supposed to or whatever he meant by the term sex.

I must've been staring at him for too long because I was brought back to the present when I noticed his giant fingers waving in front of my face. I hadn't noticed how long and veiny his fingers were until now when they were directly in front of my face. His nails weren't long but not too short either and they were extremely clean.

"What's sex?" I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth with my hand. His eyes widened suddenly. "You don—Never mind. Um... Yes, take my advice. Let men come to you and let the mystery man be your last option."

He is right. Whoever I am destined to marry still hasn't made an appearance. I'm supposed to wed him four days after I turn of age. I can't marry someone I don't know. Four days after I turn eighteen, I have to sign the marriage papers and spend time at my husband's palace. A month after the grand wedding, that I'm not looking forward to will happen.

"Thank you—," I paused when I realized I didn't know his name. "—what is your name if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

"Zei," He answers.




The name alone seems strangely familiar. "Is it abbreviated for something?" I also had a question for him. He gave a nod. I wonder what his full name is.

Right before I got the chance to ask him about his full name Alaric reappears. "How long are you guys going to talk for?" He asked.

"For however long we desire," the grey—I mean Zei answered. "Isn't that right, Reya?" Zei asked me and I gave a hesitant nod.

"Who are you to call her Reya? Don't you know what respect is?" Alaric growls at Zei. What is his problem with Zei? Ever since that day two years ago in my father's office, Alaric has been aggressive towards Zei.

"Cin ed- -o all núr shouldn't talk nia respect. Don't Test nin, Prin," Zei spoke in a foreign language. I only understood some words. From what I can understand. Alaric must have done some kind of betrayal towards Zei. (You out of all people shouldn't talk about respect. Don't test me, Prin)

"Ve if tye indóme care- anything," Alaric spat back. Knowing what Alaric had said, I stood up. "Can you two stop it?" (As if you will do anything)

"Sorry, love," Alaric turned to me. A low snicker came from Zei. I sent him a glare, and he looked away.

"I have some business to attend to, I'll be back," Zei said as he turned around.

"So, what did you guys talk about?" Alaric asked but my focus was still on Zei who came to halt when he heard Alaric's question.

"Your majesty, I would appreciate it if you kept our conversation private," Zei said, turning around facing me. I slowly nodded. I wonder where he is going. He just got here and is already heading off somewhere.

"Where are you going? I can get some guards to assist you" I asked. I glanced at Alaric who appeared to be angry at my inquiry.

"Why do you care," Alaric mouthed at me and I shrugged.


"Near Sinnest?" I inquired. He nodded.

"I have some business over there," He explained. My castle is in the north, walking there won't be easy.

"It will take you weeks to get there. It's far. Also, is the monster of a king expecting you—,"

"Why do you care?" Alaric interrupted me. What is his problem? "Also, you heard that? The King is a monster, her words not mine," Alaric added.

"I'm quite cognizant of how she feels about the king. She doesn't do a decent job of concealing it." Zei replied. Why does it matter? Everyone knows the king is a pure monster. I think he needs a queen by his side to control him. If his dark heart creates space for her, she might help save his humanity. I just wish I'd met him so I could knock some sense into his mind.

"Exactly and yet here you are about to go meet him," Alaric's voice took me out of my train of thought.

"Do you need men to assist you down south?" I asked. He shook his head. "Are you sure? I have more than enough men. You shouldn't visit that monster alone," I tried to convince him. A small but yet visible smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"No, thanks for the offer though. I appreciate the hospitality. It's a two-minute run back and forward to his kingdom. It won't take me weeks," He replied explaining. I stared at him confused, tilting my head.

"He is a speed assho—,"

"Ric language. Don't use those words in my castle," I interrupted Alaric shouting.

"Listen to your sister. Cursing is bad," Zei started to tease Alaric. He called us siblings.

"We are not siblings," Alaric and I said at the same time.

I wrinkled my nose at how anyone could think we were siblings. We look nothing alike.

"Hmm, sure. I will be back," Zei said. Where will he stay if he plans on staying till my wedding? There's an empty room near my chambers. My father and mother had a whole list of people attending my wedding. Many and almost all chambers in the castle will be taken besides the one near mine.

It might cause chaos and rumors if a male is staying in a chamber close to mine. I'm glad the chamber is five turns to the left and seven to the right from mine. It's close but far.

"Can we talk privately when you come back? Ask one of my ladies to locate me," I said my final words to him before he walked out of the court.

"What was that about?" Alaric turned to me and asked. I shrugged.

"Nothing, just showing hospitality to my father's friend," I answered his question nonchalantly. His face fell and his eyes shone with the anger I knew he was trying his best to hold back. His face turned slightly red against the pressure.

He looked at me with so much rage, I thought his head was going to explode. I couldn't understand why he was so angry. I was only trying to make Zei feel welcome and here Alaric is getting upset over that.

"Why do you care what happens to him? He's nobody to you. He was your father's friend, not yours!" Alaric yelled at me while still looking as furious as ever.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so upset? I was only trying to make him feel welcomed." I snarled at him. This seemed to only make things worse though as he started taking heated steps towards me. He gets in my face but I back up until I feel my legs hit the back of my father's throne. He grabs my waist, stopping me from losing balance and falling backward.

"Why do you want to speak to him privately when he gets back?" He questions me. His eyes bore into mine and I swear I can see a hint of jealousy in the deepest parts of them. But I'm not entirely sure because it disappears as quickly as it appeared. Is it possible that he is jealous that I might create a friendship with Zei?

I understand we've been friends since we were younger and we have a strong bond, but it doesn't mean he has the power to tell me who I can and cannot have friendships with.

"Are you jealous?" I asked Alaric while his hands still held my waist and I stared into his eyes. He didn't say anything but continued to glare at me. It seemed like trying to protect me from something but I can't seem to figure out what. I'm not looking forward to being close friends with Zei. Alaric will forever be my only male friend. I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation.

He remained silent and didn't respond. His right hand, however, made its way up to my face. "You will become an adult in two days. Meaning your kingdom will expect a lot from you," he whispered. His tone changed. It was no longer tense and angry; it became soft and sweet.

"And after that, I will be married to a person I've never even met in my life," I instantly regretted what I had said. The rage from earlier appeared back onto his face. He doesn't respond, instead, he takes a step back, pulling me along with him. As soon as I am balanced again and standing on my own again he lets me go and turns around to walk away.

He doesn't approve of the agreement my father made. I witnessed it myself two years ago when he was arguing with my father in the office. Wait! Zei was also there. Does he know who the man is? Does he also not approve of the man? Is that why he wants the man to be my last option?

He did in fact agree with my father about the marriage when I asked him two years ago. Could his mind have changed?


How was it??? I need feedback!!!

Until Next Time 🤍

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