His Guiding Light Atemu X Re...

By ThatBookishWitch

12.2K 312 108

You Are A well known Egyptologist fresh out of collage and are now studying the Origin of the Millennium Item... More

The Mysterious Dream
Mysterious Dream cont.
Author's Note
The Mystery Necklace Part 1.
I'm Back !
The Necklace (Cont.)
The Mystery Necklace (cont. par.3)
Mystery Necklace (cont.)
The Mystery Necklace (part 5)
One Visit Means A Million Words.part 1
One Visit Means A Million Words Part 2
New Addons and Authors Note
Im back and ready to keep writing!!

A Night In My Story

280 10 3
By ThatBookishWitch


The night grew darker and colder as hours passed, my eyes could not; would not close. I only sunk into my bed further and more into my ivory bed, I laid still dreaming with my eyes open. Embraced within the pale moonlight that filled the starry sky, where every star had a unique story of its own.

I felt its shimmering hands holding me within its eyes, the moon kissed my fair skin and I found myself taken aback eternally flowing in its brilliant everlasting glow and the desert was now illuminated with this brilliant light. My eyes could not pull away from the moon-- I was entranced, so much so that my body seemed to lift itself up and make its way to the window. I remained etched on the moon and stood there, simply enjoying its embrace. 

Before I could make my way back to my ivory bed,  far within the distance in the sheer darkness, the covered the only section the moon did not touch I spotted a darkened silhouette, elegantly clothed in blue and white, around his neck a beautiful gold necklace with stones even more beautiful, and atop his head a grand headdress that of which looked ever so regal. Something I have only heard of high ranking priest wearing in those times, it was said to symbolize power and authority.

As I watched, the man had a very stern glance across his face; his piercing eyes alone made my chest hurt and before I knew it a very sharp pain struck my chest. My body was paralyzed in mere moments, but only physically and mentally, my brain and all its function drifted off into oblivion. My eyes remained stuck on the figure in mere seconds and my body  began to give out and I felt myself falling, falling, falling, until finally my back hit a cold floor and I was knocked unconscious. I felt nearly weightless as I fell deeper into my slumber. 

Moments passed and strong hands grasped my cold body in a warm embrace as if to protect me, I continued to fight with my sleep until I could no longer hold on and just like that, as quick as I caught a blurry sight of my savior, I saw his smile and I felt at peace but before I knew it he quickly vanished and I lost my battle to stay awake and fading and fading ever so still in a vast sea of stars; I continued to fall until my body touched a cold floor and I laid still --- As a beating drum.

When I finally came to, I glanced around unaware of where I was now. My eyes readjusted  and I realized I was locked in a dark, cold, earie stone prison. In my attempt to make light of my situation -- I found their was no way out, just a way in.

It wasn't very long before I noticed that this dungeon was far beneath the palace, the same palace I was in the first time, except this time I was locked up for reasons I didn't know or had any recollection of. This was the type of prison used in ancient times to keep traitors of the empire, people who rebelled against the pharaohs locked away until the time came for their untimely demise. Thieves and beggars were often brought here for "disturbing the peace with their petty pleas". Moments passed and all I can do is sit there, afraid, confused, unaware of what was going on around me outside, soon enough my eyes adjusted to the never-ending darkness that surrounded me. I now was trapped within the depths of my mindscape in a place that is very unfamiliar to me.

After getting up back on my feet to explore, I nearly tripped on my clothing my eyes looked down to my feet only to see that I was now wearing beautiful gold sandals and I no longer had my silk nightgown, instead in its place was probably the most beautiful gown I have ever seen. A sheer white gown now stood in the place of my nightgown, gold trimmed adorned it from top to bottom, around my waist a gold sash held my gown together and embedded within the sash, the most beautiful and the most regal embroidery. Placing my hand on my neck, I touched a shimmering, golden necklace decorated with rubies and sapphires, emeralds, and gold pieces. My arms were adorned with gold bands , bangles and atop my head a headdress fit for a goddess.

Fear, it continued to fill me and my tears poured out of my delicately painted eyes; I couldn't do anything, but pound on the walls and scream, calling out for a savior. I did not stop to wonder if anyone could hear me-- even so  I screamed louder; my cries were full of effort but to no avail.

"The lady is nothing but a traitor! she poisoned our pharaoh! She's a fraud, not fit to rule over us with the mighty pharaoh!" the shouts of the people became stronger and they continued repeating, "traitor, traitor!" the screams had me cowering in fear within moments. I was being called a witch and a murderer. My heart continued to sink deeper in my chest-- "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!", those words just poured out of my mouth like a waterfall as tears ran down my peach colored cheeks. "I didn't do it!" I myself didn't understand yet why those specific words were coming out of my mouth, even so I felt in my heart that I was somehow obligated to say that in order to save myself physically and mentally.

The days passed and I continued to scream and cry until I hit my third month of being locked up. Time here seemed to pass quickly unlike in my world, the real world, where time moved slowly and the days lasted longer. During these months, I was locked up here without food or water, all hope I had of escaping had long since vanished and had began taking a toll on my body. Slowly but surely I began to fall ill and my scream, pleas, and cries had become silent and ever so distant, my skin pale and cold, colder with every passing day and I was becoming weaker with no means of surviving  no chance of returning to what I called "normal".

I took one last glance at the sky, the Egyptian sun touching my once fair skin, I felt its warmth for what I thought would be the last time I'd ever see it. Unable to keep my head up any longer, I wallowed in the sheer cold that now surrounded my body, "can anybody hear  me?" my voice hoarse and sickly "anyone?",  I called out to my beloved pharaoh, even he couldn't hear me, but that was not enough to keep me hopeful--- with that my body began to shut down and I slipped into unconsciousness and my body became ever so numb, with one last glance my eyes closed and I was gone again, but this time even I knew it would be hard to come out of this deadly slumber.  

Mere moments had passed and my body was nothing but numb, as cold as the frosty winter mornings back home, as if frostbite had taken my whole body, unable to move yet, I can still feel and hear and see even with my eyes shut. Moments went by and I felt as if time had been going so slow while in my unconscious state, time would not stop for me not now, not ever. Soon enough, I felt soft, delicate hands grasping me, hands too soft to be my beloved pharaoh that seemed to have  pulled me out of my stone prison. A struggle and a grunt at every moment with every lift and pull. My body was so limp that no matter how hard I tried to wake myself up or push myself  out of my slumber I couldn't. I was still trapped in unconsciousness, but my subconscious could see, hear , and feel everything.

The ability to hear came with the terrible sense of being able to hear what the people, who already hated me had been saying as I was being taken out of my cell and carried to the palace on behalf of the pharaoh as the woman who held me had said, the pharaoh in my last encounter with him had said to me in he beautiful, powerful voice that no harm shall come to me as orders from him.

All I could hear though was the anger filled shouts, "Witch!! Traitor!! Murderer! " and It played in my mind like a record player constantly on loop, the words echoed and pounded in my head "she poisoned him! have her executed! " and to my surprise even in my current state, I heard the familiar voice I had heard, but only once when I was locked in a battle that I believed would have been the death of me, it was him the high priest, tall in stature, he who had wielded the legendary Blue-Eyes White dragon against me all but a fortnight ago.

Some hours passed, I was finally coming to but somehow it still felt as if my head was spinning in an endless loop and my thoughts felt wrapped. A quick glace to the side I spotted a young girl with Sunkissed skin and light brown hair, the girl was a familiar  face I had seen a few times before. It was none other then Mana, my trusted companion, my only friend besides the pharaoh that made me feel welcomed the first time I had arrived here. Mana was at my side nursing me , tending to my wounds from those terrible people, but she was not alone this time she was with a tall, beautiful yet somewhat mysterious woman --looking at the woman I felt  as if perhaps I've seen her before or at least a depiction of her from my books to different hieroglyphs engraved in the faded walls of ancient pyramids and tombs telling stories through the ages and even in some museums.  Ishizu Ishtar, the high priestess, right hand woman to the pharaoh, and the keeper of the millennium necklace. This relic was said to give the wearer the ability to see into the far past and near future. 

Fully regaining  my consciousness I looked at both women beside me , I could feel my arms shaking and my heart sinking deep into my core as tears streamed down my cheeks ; I was frightened and confused and yet I felt so so guilty that the pharaoh was now near death because of me . Out of nowhere as if my heart spoke on its own I spoke softly "Its not my fault and It wasn't me " my voice broke softly and both women just watched me-- silent, unafraid and, concerned. Mana handing me a cup of lavender tea she said it would calm my nerves and relax me .

The panic seemed to be growing rapidly within me and my breathing became so heavy that I felt as if I was going to pass out anytime soon. "My lady please calm yourself you will make yourself sick " Ishizu had her hands on my shoulders reassuring me that everything will turn out all right .

As the two women continued to reassure me all I can think about Is how I was now the face of Egypt and not in a good way at least in this time period, here I wasn't a highly trained Egyptologist or new museum curator here I was no more then a witch a monster...a murderer and it was MY fault the pharaoh was sick.

These thoughts continued to surge and pulse through my head and the feeling of dread and sadness and disappointment were becoming much to strong in their own right making my heart beast faster then normal I felt like I was going to go into cardiac arrest almost immediately, but I looked within myself closed my eyes and relaxed my mind only thinking of the positive outcome the future that could be shared with the man I believed stole my heart. 

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