His Princess: A Draco Malfoy...

Oleh Maggieh25

341 5 6

A Draco Malfoy story There is some smut in this story, just a warning. I do not own any of the characters, ex... Lebih Banyak

First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year (Part 2)
Fourth Year (Part 3)
Fifth Year
Fifth year (Part 2)
Fifth Year (Part 3)
Sixth Year
Sixth Year (Part 2)
Sixth Year (Part 3)
Seventh Year
Seventh Year (Part 2)
Seventh Year (Part 3)

Fourth Year

27 0 0
Oleh Maggieh25

Staying at the burrow for most of the summer this year has been incredible. We didn't have to deal with the Dursley's treating us like Cinderella, and I really got to get to know Fred and George. Godric, I think I found two more best friends in those crazy pranksters. I've never had so much fun in my life. This morning, we had to wake up super early, Mr. Weasley has us going on a surprise trip but instead of driving or flying, we are hiking to it. Walking through the forest with our big group, even early in the morning, was entertaining, as I walked inbetween the twins. I could not stop laughing at the goofballs. I saw Mr. Weasley stop up ahead and greet a man about his age, then out of nowhere someone familiar dropped from the sky.

"Ced!" I yelled excited, as I made my way over to him. His already incredibly bright smile becoming even more so when he spotted me.

"Mags! Long time no see" he said scooping me into a hug.

We walked side by side, catching up on everything from this summer, before I spotted an old boot on the top of a hill.

"What is that?"

"It's a port key," he said, leaning in close to me, "hold on until you see me let go. Trust me, it's fun" he finished with a grin.

Everyone grabbed on to the boot, then suddenly we were spinning through the air. I heard Mr. Weasley yell for us to let go, looking to Cedric, he did a quick nod as he let go. I let go as well, falling to the ground and landing hard on my back with the rest of the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione. Looking up I see Cedric, Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Weasley gracefully making their way down. Cedric walks over to me, chuckling as the helps me up off of the ground.

"You alright? That looked painful" he said laughing

"Yes, I feel totally graceful" I said, rolling my eyes

He chuckled again, "You'll get used to that eventually"

"Sure I will" giggling back

We made our way to the craziness of the quidditch world cup, Cedric letting me know he'll catch up with me later, we made our way to the tent we would be staying in. It didn't look like it at first, but it was massive, Merlin I loved magic.

Making our way to our seats, the twins had me dress up in Irish colors. They wanted to paint my whole face but I told them they could do a green and white stripe under each eye. Luckily, they settled for it. As we were making our way up higher, I saw two familiar platinum blondes walking under us.

Leaning over the railing, I said, "Well, if it isn't Prince Malfoy" I grinned

Looking up towards the sound of my voice, I saw a bright smile from my best friend, "Princess, how was your summer?"

"Better this year, I'll tell you all about it later"

"You could come join my father and I in the minister's box" he stated, Mr. Malfoy looking in my direction nodded, agreeing to his son's request.

"Tempting offer, Dray" I stated as Cedric walked up behind me, "but Mr. Weasley bought my ticket so I think I'll have to pass, this time." I saw Draco's face drop a bit as he stared at Cedric standing behind me.

Cedric leaned down to whisper in my ear, "We should get going before the match starts."

I looked towards him, nodding my head, "Sorry Dray, I have to go, but I'll see you later, Love?"

He shot me a smirk at the endearing name, nodding his head but before I walked off, Cedric poked my side making me laugh and I ran off with him chasing after me.

Draco's POV

I heard my angel's voice, literally from above me. When I looked up, she was leaning over the railing, smiling her bright beautiful smile down at me. Her long, dark, wavy hair flowing down over one shoulder, and I could see her bright green eyes from where I stood. Salazar, I needed to finally ask this girl to be mine. I miss her every summer and my heart always stops when I see her after a long time. I could feel my father watching my interaction with her, but I didn't care, I just wanted to see her longer, so I invited her to sit with us. It honestly hurt when she turned me down, but that didn't last long. All I could feel was anger when I saw Diggory step up behind Maggie.  He whispered in her ear with a smirk on his face, I knew he was trying to get under my skin, and Merlin, it was working like a charm. I couldn't stop the skip that my heart made when she called me 'Love', this girl had me wrapped around her beautiful little finger, but my smirk faltered when she ran off laughing with Diggory. Last year, she told me I had nothing to worry about when it came to him, but I'm going to have to fight for her, I can feel it.


After the terrifying experience at the world cup, we finally made it back to Hogwarts. Sitting inbetween the twins at the Gryffindor table was so distracting, especially as Dumbledore was speaking. Apparently, we were having some new students from a couple of other schools joining us this year.

"Please welcome the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress Madame Maxime", Dumbledore spoke as the doors to the Great Hall opened.

As we watched them dance their way through, Hermione and I rolled our eyes at the boys practically drooling over the French girls. I pinched Fred and George in their sides, both jumping and turning to face me with a grimace.

"You've got a little drool on your chin boys" I said giggling as they wiped their faces on their sleeve. I turned around to spot Draco, he was also practically drooling over the girls. When he met my eyes, he smiled sheepishly at me as I rolled my eyes before turning back around, clapping when the girls finished their entrance.

"Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their Highmaster Igor Karkaroff"

Now, I won't lie, when the boys entered, it was very difficult to keep my eyes off of them. They were very strong and attractive, but their routine was extremely entertaining. Then I realized, the Viktor Krum, was walking in front of his Highmaster. Viktor Krum, seeker for the Bulgarian team, was in Hogwarts right at this moment, he made eye contact with me, and had a small smirk on his face. I couldn't help my jaw dropping at the fact that he just looked at me, my eyes continued to follow until I felt a pinch on both of my arms. Jumping slightly, I turned towards the twins.

"Someone's drooling over Krum" Fred started cheekily

"You've got a little on your chin there" George said chuckling

I elbowed both of them, "Oh shut it, I get it" I giggled. Looking up I made eye contact with Cedric, he had an eyebrow raised in amusement with a smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head, laughing at myself. I turned around, looking for Dray, when I saw him glaring in Cedric's direction, What is his problem?

Once the feast started, I got up and walked towards Draco. Deciding to speak up about his odd behavior, I asked, "What's going on with you, Dray? Why do you keep glaring at Cedric?"

"Why are you constantly flirting with him?" He asked back

"I'm not flirting, he is just a friend!"

"Right, just like you aren't flirting with those Weaslebee blood traitors either"

I know he wasn't thinking, and this sounds a lot like jealousy, but the moment that came out of his mouth, I felt my blood boil. I saw Greg elbow him, pulling Draco out of whatever mindset he was in. He looked up into my eyes, and I saw immediate regret, but I was too furious.

"You know my blood status, Draco. I would be very careful with what you say next. Just because you're jealous over nothing, doesn't give you the right to be a prick", my voice raising with each word.

I turned around to walk away, he grabbed my sleeve to stop me, "Princess-"

"Don't!" I said firmly, looking at him with fury and sorrow in my eyes, he dropped my sleeve as I turned back around.

I saw everyone staring in our direction at my outburst, before tears sprung to my eyes at what just occurred, I gathered my courage, lifted my head and made my way to the Gryffindor table. I grabbed my bag, letting the twins know I would be in the common room and made my way out of the Great Hall before letting my tears escape.


Entering the room with the goblet of fire, I made my way over to sit next to Hermione.

"How are you holding up?" She asked

"I'm okay," I said quietly, "I was so mad in the moment, but now, I'm worried that my dumb outburst caused me to lose my best friend."

"I wouldn't exactly call your outburst dumb," she started, "but it's Draco we're talking about. Anyone with eyes can see how in love he is with you. Give him some time, he'll be by your side in no time" she giggled

I gave her a small smile, "Thanks 'Mione, I really needed to hear that"


Next thing I heard, was Cedric's buddies hyping him up. He stepped into the circle to put his name in the goblet, looking my way before dropping his name in and winking at me. Before he made his way back to his friends, he stepped up to me, kneeling down so he was eye level.

"How are you doing, Mags?" He asked with a small smile

"I'm fine, Ced"

He looked at me unconvinced, "Seriously, I'm okay! Now go enjoy yourself, I'll see you in a bit" I said, smiling at him

He grabbed my hand while standing back up, "Our spot in the courtyard later?"



I giggled, "Promise, Ced! Now go!"

He smiled brightly, leaned down and kissed my hand before walking back to his friends. Hermione nudging my shoulder with hers and giggling at our interaction. I may be in love with Draco but Cedric really did know just how to cheer me up. As I looked around the room, I saw Draco looking in my direction, sadness drawn across his features. I drew my bottom lip into my mouth and chewed on it while looking down.

Fred and George run into the room, making people cheer. They run over towards our bench.

"Well lads, we've done it"

"Cooked it up just this morning"

"It's not going to work" Hermione cuts in

I nudge her, trying not to smile, as the boys get on either side of her.

"Oh yeah, and why is that Granger?" George asks

"You see this? This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself"

"So?" Fred asked

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by an idea as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion." I giggled at her response, making George turn in my direction for a moment.

"But that's why it's so brilliant" Fred started

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted" George finished, Fred getting up from beside Hermione and settling on my other side as George turns to face me.

"What do you think, Maggie?" George asks

I sat with a smile on my face, "I think you should try it"

"You think it'll work?" Fred asked

"Personally, I hope it doesn't just so my two favorites don't get hurt in the tournament, but-" they looked at me expectantly, "if it does work, that just means my two pranksters are getting that much better at their craft."

"This is why you're our favorite" they said in unison, kissing my cheeks and standing up.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George"

"Bottoms up"

Hermione leans in to me, "You think it's going to work?"

"Not at all, but we could all use a good laugh" she chuckled from beside me.

"You are just as much trouble as them"

"Thank you!" I said while watching them jump into the circle. It did not work, they came out the other side looking like old men. I got up and made my way over to the fighting brothers, and cleared my throat. They looked at me, "At least I got a good laugh" I said while giggling.

"Come on, Maggie" Fred said

"It was a good effort at least! Figure out the kinks, It'll be a top seller in your prank shop one day" I said smiling

They got up and hugged me, as I made my way back over to Hermione, everyone stood in their place quietly as Viktor Krum walked in to place his name in the goblet. Only, his gaze lingered a bit on Hermione's, I saw her small smile and couldn't help but rush over to her.

I looked at her expectantly, with the biggest smirk on my face.


"Don't 'what' me! I saw that"

Trying to hide her smile, "I don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't bullshit me 'Mione"

She just smiled at me. This will be an interesting year.

A/N: 2,259 words. There will be 3 parts for fourth year, there was just so much and I didn't want to make one too long!

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