Publicity (One Direction Fanf...


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How would you feel if you were hired to date someone... Someone you hate. Harry and Ashlynn dont get on very... More

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)
Heartbreak is the worst
Here She Is...
Settling into America
Taking the Blow
This will only work one way...
Pretending Isnt Easy
The Truth Hurts
This Is Going To Be Different
Dates, drama, departure
People to Talk to Are All We Need
Christmas Spirit
We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.
Piece of My Heart
Our Relationship Shouldn't Be A Decision?
This Will Always Be Hard
Wrong Timing
What Is It Going To Take?
Author's Note
Authors Note~~~
Back To Normal
I Just Met You
Dang You Do Have It Bad
Well Shit...
Meet Kat...

I dont deserve this

2K 30 2

Sad Sad Chapter.  Just to let you know, im not nearing the end I promise!!!  No worries, I have alot of ideas yet to come!  PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT!  I cant tell if you like it or not unless you share your thoughts!  Thanks loves!  (: 



Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"Niall what is it?" Liam asked, taking my water cup and setting it on the nightstand.  I watched as the blonde boy walked to my side, and gently sat next to me.  

"Niall?" I quirked an eyeborw at him, taking in his befuddled appearance.  His blonde locks were all astray, and his eyes looked shocked.  I was quite nervous about his news!  I had a feeling it wasnt good.  

"It's Harry... He and Callie...." My stomach dropped at just the thought of them together.  I didnt trust that girl with Harry.  What the hell did Niall have to tell me?

"What about them Niall!?" I asked urgently, preparing myself for extremly bad news.  

"They kissed." He spat out.  My stomach fell, my breath hitched in my throat, and my whole body went numb.  How...  How could he kiss that whore!?  

"Oh.... I see.  Did you see it happen?" I responded, not sure what else to say.  All I knew is I didnt want the boys in any sort of drama, so I'd try and keep calm for now.  

"Yes.  This isnt some trickto get you to fall for me Ashlynn.  I just figured the longer I waited, the more I wouldnt want to tell you about it.  But I know you deserve to know..... So here we are." Niall placed a hand on top of mine, but I couldnt bring my self to look into his eyes.  The pain surging through my body right now, was just to much to handle.

"Well Niall, I dont think youll have to worry about her falling for you.  After I explain what happened, things will get better for us." I heard a very familiar voice comeing from near the hotel door.  My eyes shot up to find Harry, angrily gripping onto the door handle.  

"But... Explain to me why Niall might think you would fall for him.  Truly, I really want to know."  Harry stepped inside the room, slamming the door behind him.  I jerked my hand away from Niall's, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.  

"Why dont you explain that kiss?  You have no right to turn this on me right now Harry." I spat back, climbing out of the bed.  The cool air of the hotel room, sent chill bumps up my legs.  Although I wasnt so sure it was the air conditioner, or Harry's deadly facial expression, sending the bumps all over my legs.  

"The whore kissed me.  Niall saw.  I knew he'd gotten the wrong idea.  I pushed her away, and told her to leave, and never contact us again."  Harry answered walking over and standing next to a quiet Liam.  He hadnt said much since Niall told us about the kiss, but I was glad he was there to chaperone the argument I knew was about to break out.  

I thought about Harry's explanation, and suddenly I felt silly for believeiung he would ever cheat on me with a tramp like Callie.  We are truly in love, and I have faith he would never screw up what we have for somthing that would only last a night.

"Your turn." Harry glared down at me, waiting for an explanation.  I took a deep breathe, contemplating whether to lie or tell the truth.  I figure Harry deserves the truth seeing as we're now an extremly serious couple.  Well atleast for a few more minutes we are.  

"Niall and I... We were pretty close before you and I started to date.  He was there whenever I needed to talk, and when we would get into our arguments I would run to him for help.  But then things started to escelate between me and you, and I cut things off with Niall.  There wasnt anything going on with us, but I made it clear all my feelings were for you.  Well then..." I choked up.  How was I supposed to tell the boy I was in love with, that his best friend threw me up against a wall and kissed me... and that I kissed back for a moment.  

"And then I kissed her.  I kissed her a few days ago."  Nialls voice made me freeze.  I wanted so badly to look up and see how Harry was taking the news, but I couldnt bring myself to move.  I was scared.  I was horrified!  I couldnt let Niall take all the blame either.

20 days ago I was confused about which boy I wanted to be with.  Niall had every right to believe he stoold a chance with me.  This wasnt all his fault! And Harry needed to know that.

 "YOU BITCH!" The loud scream made me jump, my eyes snapping up to find Liam trying to pull Harry off of Niall.  

"STOP!" I screamed, racing over to the boys.  

"What the hell is going on in here!?" Another voice yelled.  Relief flooded over me as I watched Louis enter the room with Eleanor.  He ran over and threw Harry onto the bed, pushing Niall to the corner.  

"Harry." I cried, covering my mouth with my hand.  The tears flowed out of my eyes, as I was unable to choke them down any longer.  The sight of Harry crying into his hands emotionally drained me.  I wished so badly the pain would just leave.  There is no worse pain than watching the one thing you love more than anything, cry because of you.  I walked over to him, pulling his chin up to look at me.  The room was silent, and I knew all eyes were on us.  He was perched at the end of the bed, as I stoold in front of him, his face in my hands.  

"I love you.  I love YOU. " I cried, letting my hands stroke his cheeks.  The warm feeling made me even more upset, ontop of the tears that were falling from his eyes.  

"I liked it.  I liked her kiss.  I hate that I liked it.  But I did.  I liked the feel of new lips on mine.  But you know what?  That liking?  That lust?  It lasted 2 seconds.  Then I pushed it away, because although I liked her kiss, I LOVE yours.  Nothing will ever compare to the way you make me feel Ashlynn.  Ever!  I want you forever and ever and ever." Harry whispered up at me.  His words stabbed me in the heart, making the terrible feelings multiply by 100.  

"Did you like Niall's kisses? Did my face flash in your mind the second he kissed you?  HUH!?" Harry stoold up and pushed me away.  The cold gesture sent another set of tears flowing out of my eyes.  

"YES HARRY!  BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!  I HATED THE KISS!  ALL I WANTED WAS YOU TO HOLD ONTO ME!  I NEVER LIKED IT HARRY!  NOT FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND!"  The anger was pouring out.  The anger that he enjoyed the kiss for one second at all.  I never liked Niall's kiss.  Ever.  Sure i kissed back, but that was merely for Nialls sake.  I was confused, and I didnt want to hurt Nial.  But I never liked it. 

How could he betray me like that?   How could he stab me in the back?  How?

 "Get out.  We're done.  Your to much hurt for me to take.  I'm done with this whole fucking deal.  Screw the modeling company.  Screw your fucking career.  IM DONE!" I pushed past Liam and Louis who were standing in front of the hallway.  I flung the door opened, and waited for him to leave.  

"Ash-" I cut him off.  Harry didnt get to speak this time.  Not after all he's done tonight.  

"OUT!" I screamed, staring at the wall across from me.  I couldnt look at him.  I couldnt look at any of them.  I just couldnt anymore.  I looked to the floor as Louis, Niall, Harry, and Eleanor solomnly walked out of the room.  

"Liam." I scolded, waiting for the last guest to leave.  

"I think I'll stay here tongiht.  I'm not so sure you need to be alone in this state.  Plus your still violently ill." Liam sighed, walking over, and helping me to the bed.  

"Liam go.  I'm fine.  Dont you understand I just want to be alone?" I growled, angry that he wouldnt comply.  

"Sleep.  I'll take the couch." Liam ordered, walking over and falling onto the green leather sofa.  

How could all of this happen?  My head was pounding and I'm not sure exactly why.  Was it my flu, or the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me and found out id cheated and now we're no longer together?  My head was spinning as I tried to retrace the events of tongiht.  Me and Harry were no longer together.  He was mad at me.  He was pissed.  He hated me, and I hated him.  He took me into his family no less than a week ago, and now we're seperated.  All of the thoughts made me nauseous and I couldnt take it anymore.  I shot out of the bed, and into the bathroom, throwing up what little I had to eat today.  

"Ashlynn!?  Are you alright!?" I heard Liam knocking on the door.  I just couldnt answer him.  Not through the tears, and the massive headache I had.  The aching in my heart made it impossible for me to speak.  I fell to the bathroom floor, hiding my face in my hands.  I didnt want to see anything.  I didnt want to hear anything. I wanted to pretend the world didnt exist.  I wanted to be alone.  

"Ashlynn!  Ashlynn answer!"  I felt a pair of large hands shaking me, but I ignored them, unable to move.  Everything was overwhelming me.  My thoughts were jumbled into a mass amount of depression, and I could barely remember how to breathe.  

"LIAM!" I screamed, pushing the boy away from me.  The action was to much, I fainted right thenn.  

Harry's P.O.V.

"HARRY ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR!"  Louis was causing a scene in the middle of the hallway I just knew it.  But I didnt care.  I didnt want to see anyone.  Not even Ashlynn.  How could she?  How could she betray me like that?  I suppose I did the same, but she did it with my bestfriend!  Even if we did work things out, our relationship could never be the same.  It just couldnt.  Same goes for fucking Niall.

"HARRY ASHLYNN IS IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!  GET YOUR SORRY ARSE OUT OF THAT DAMN ROOM AND TO THE HOSPITAL!  NOWWW!"  Louis' voice boomed through the door, and a large crack sounded afterwards.  I assumed he'd just kicked the door with all his might.  I didnt honestly believe Ashlynn was hospitalized. It was probably just a ploy to get me out of my room.  Not going to happen.  I slid my body under the covers of my warm sheets, and tried to sleep.  After about ten minutes I realized that was going to be impossible.  

"Harry?" I heard a new voice sound from outside of my room.  Eleanor.

 "Eleanor go away!  I'm not coming out!" I barked.  I didnt have the patience for this shit.  Not even with Eleanor.  

"Harry Ashlynn truly is in the hospital.  The rest of the boys are there now, and I'm about to head out.  She fainted and Liam found her.  They arent sure whats wrong.  I think you need to swallow your damn pride, and get down to the hospital."  Eleanor yelled through my door.  I waited a few seconds, until I figured she was gone.  Was Ashlynn really in the hospital?  She had been sick before the fight.  Well, I could atleast go check and see if everyone was in there rooms or not.  I slowly opened the door, and walked to Zayns door first.  I knocked, and waited, but nobody answered.  I recieved the same results from all of the other rooms.  Shit.  Ashlynn really was hurt.  And I needed to get to her fast.

"WHERE IS SHE!?"  I screamed, running into the waiting room of the hospital.  I literally sprinted all of the way from the hospital, my adrenaline pumping.  How could I not be here for Ashlynn?  What the hell was wrong with me!?  

"Harry.  She's in room 206." Liam queitly answered, pointing towards a brown wooden door.  I slowly walked over to it, hesitating before walking in.  I couldnt prepare myself to see her.  The thought of Ashlynn laying helplessly unconscience in a hospital bed frightened me.  But she needed me.  So I would be there for her.

"Ashlynn?" I spoke, knowing she wouldnt hear me.  But my stomach fell as I took in the sight.  Niall was on the side of the bed, holding one of Ashlynns perfect little hands.  His head was laying on the matress, and his body was shaking.  I imagine from crying.  I cleared my throat, grabbing his attention.  

"Get out." I spat, glaring holes into his head.  Niall looked up at me, disbeliefe on his face.  How dare he sit there with MY girlfriends hand in his!?  How dare I let him take my place.  What the fuck have I been doing!?

"Harry really?" He spoke.  I didnt have the patience.  He had no right to be in here with her.  

"GET OUT!" I yelled, causing Liam to run into the room.  He pulled Niall out, opening up the seat next to Ashlynn, for me to take.  So I sat and waited.  and waited.... and waited.

"Harry?" A dry voice whispered my name.  I'd fallen asleep by Ashlynns side, waiting for her to wake.  No matter how upset I was with her, id always be there.  Right now, I was more scared than I'd ever been.  I couldnt imagine life without Ashlynn, and it'd dawned on me just how sick she was.  The doctor had said she had an olser, due to large amounts of stress, and a stone in her gullbladder.  They'de taken out the stone, and would put her on some serious antibiotics for her olser.  After receiving this information, id kicked myself for letting somthing like this happen to her.  How could I not be aware of such a serious problem with Ashlynn!?  I couldnt help but blame myself.  

"Harry." The voice called again.  My head shot up, and relief flooded my body as I took in Ashlynn's state.  Her blue eyes were open, but not as bright as usual.  But they were open, and thats all that matters.  

"Ashlynn your awake!" I whispered, pulling her into a gentle hug.  I didnt want to hurt her, but I had to hold her some how.  

"Your here." She whispered, as I pulled away.  

"Ofcourse I am."  I whispered back, kissing her forehead.  

"Harry I'm tired." She sighed, letting her gorgeous eyes fall closed again.  

"But we need to talk later." She mumbled.  Her words made me nervous.  I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.  

"Alright.  Get some sleep love.  We'll talk later."  

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"There.  You look even more gorgeous than before!" Eleanor giggled, sticking the lipgloss back into her makeup bag.  Thankfully, El had been the only one treating me like a normal person lately.  I'd been awake and in the hospital for 2 days now, and everyone treated me like a little child.  Eleanor had just done my makeup, in preparation for me to go home later on today.  "Hey El." I called to my friend as she fixed  her hair in the hospital bathroom.  "Yeah love?" She raised an eyebrow, not looking away from the mirror.  "Ha- Has anyone seen Harry?" I asked reluctantly.  Unfortuantly I couldnt shake the angry feelings I had towards him, but  Istill wanted to see him.  I missed him alot, and was willing to forget everything just to have him kiss me again.  "Yeah... um, he's been in the waiting room the whole time.  Just doesnt want to come in and upset you what with... well what with the little debocle a few nights ago." ELeanor sighed awkwardly, walking over and sitting on the bed.  "Oh... Well could you go get him for me.  I really want to see him."  

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry man, you really need to just go shower and change man!  You've been in the same clothes for days!" Louis sighed, taking a seat next to me in the hospital waiting room.  He was right.  I hadnt left this bland room for days, just sitting and watching hospital beds with the illl roll right past me.  I just couldnt bring myself to leave.  What if Ashlynn asked for me while I was away?  What if she passed out again!? I couldnt leave.  No.  I couldnt.

"Nah I'm fine."  I sighed, leaning back and rest my head against the wall.  

"Yes well, the smell is a bit harsh." Louis chuckled, clapping my back.  "But I understand.  You want anything from mcdonalds?  Me and Niall are about to make a run." Louis asked, getting out of his seat.  I shook my head.  Louis accepted my answer with out protest, and walked away.  

Truth was, I was to nervous to eat.  I eventually had to go into that room and break up with Ashlynn.  And that made me nervous.  I loved her more than my own life, but it could never be the same with us.  Our relationship was so special simply because it was full of trust.  But we'de both ruined that.  She deserved to have 100% happiness with someone, and I just couldnt give her that anymore.  So I had to break up with her.  I had too.

"Harry.  Ashlynn's asking for you." Eleanor's small voice rang from above me.  I opened my eyes to find the brunette sitting to my right.  Her words made my stomach drop, as I realized it was time I dropped the bomb.  

"Really!?  O-Ok." I lept out of my seat and to Ashlynns room.  Truth was, all I wanted was to see her face.  To hold her hand.  To kiss her lips.  But I couldnt.  The thought of seeing her smile made me excited though, so I dashed into the room, and to the side of the angel of a girl.

"Hey." She mumbled, looking down and playing with the sheets on the bed.  I sighed, my heart already crumbling to peices.  I cant.  I wont.  I just cant hurt her.  I cant break up with her!

But I have too.  Because thats whats best for her in the end.  When you love someone the way I love Ashlynn, you want whats best for them.  You put them before yourself, and go out of your way to make sure they live a happy life.  The worst feeling in the world, is knowing that you can no longer make the feel their happiest.  So I have come to the decision that letting Ashlynn go, to find another guy who could make her live a life of joy, was the best option.

"Hey love." I mumbled back, trying to choke back the tears.  It was so feminine of me to cry, but honestly I dont think that I couldve helped it.  

"So about that talk" She sighed, finally meeting my gaze.  

"Yeah.  Ashlynn listen.  I think we should end things." I pushed out, trying to hide my sadness.  She couldnt know this hurt me.  She needed to think I actually wanted things to end to believe it.  I didnt want her to know I didnt actually want to break up with her, because then she wouldnt stop fighting until we got back together.  

"What?" She froze, her eyes wide open.  

"Things.  Things wont ever be the same.  We were unfaithful.  Our romantic ambiance will never be the same.  We'll be happier with other people."  I pushed the words out of my dry throat.  I felt like  i could throw up.  I'd never lied to her, and now I was using it to break her perfect little heart.  I was horrible, but I just had too.  

"Wha- what are you saying?  Harry no.  I'll forget.  I'll forget about Callie.  She kissed you. I believe that.  I just love you so much the thought of it made me crazy!" Ashlynn's eyes glazed over with glassy tears, which almost made mine fall out of my eyes as well.  

"But you kissed Niall.  And thats why this had to end.  I've already talked to Milly and Paul and the deals still on.  You can go back to modeling.  I'll get you aton of deals."  I spat the words out like a sip of bitter wine.  This was killing me.  If she fought me for much longer, I might just give in.

"Harry stop."  Ashlynn cried, the wet tears dripping down her face.  

"I have to go.  I'd stay to help you home but I've got some pre show errands.  Good luck."  I stould up and kissed her forehead, as if I didnt mind a bit that i'd just left the most magnificent thing thatd ever happened to me, behind.  

"Harry!"  She cried, and the sound shattered me.  I let the tears flow miserably as i walked out of the room.  

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