One Hundred Ways To Annoy Sna...

By Crazy4Severus

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Rock and Jen, a few odd and weird people and lots of Snape, sound good? Jen and Rock have been friends since... More

One Hundred Ways To Annoy Snape
Killer Idea
Come Again
Top-Less Dinner
Be Prepared
The Chase Is On
Dying For Change
Stunning Insults
Working On It
Mean Sexy
Hurtful Words
Confession: We Love You
The Best People Are
Sexy In The Middle
The Best Medicine
Petulant Child
If You Play With Fire You Are Going to Get Burnt
Filch Is A Perv
Vengeance is Sweet
Exposing A Rat
Putting Himself At Risk
In His Court
Memory Problems
Formal Invitation
As Ready As Can Be
This Isn't The End
Killer Plans Come to Light

The Man In The Mirror

218 10 2
By Crazy4Severus

Jen is brilliant have I ever told you that? Well I am now. Unbreakable vow hell that girl has the brains and the looks, the whole package. I was sure sexy agreed and I was going to make sure she kept to his suggestion starting with getting those jeans off her, my hair lose with a few slides holding it off my face I turned from the mirror and raised an eyebrow, t-shirt and jeans on a Saturday I think not!

“Jennifer just what do you think you are doing?” I demanded seeing her head shoot up in shock making her light chocolate hair go swinging over her back, “Huh? I am getting dressed Lula, are you still drunk?” She asked narrowing her green eyes as I placed my hands on to my hips shaking my head.

“I was not drunk” I growled seeing her smile slyly as if to say 'oh yes you were' I was not drunk I was tipsy, different then been drunk.. It is- oh shut up! “I was tipsy, are you dressing for the convent? I can not let you go out wearing that” I hissed seeing her frown as she thought what is wrong with it?

“Jen dear what is right with it? Yes I am in your head and no I am not getting out, try this” I smiled holding up a short denim skirt, by the way she was biting her lip I could tell she was not happy about this, tough! “Rock” she muttered but I gave her my ice look and she sighed her shoulders slumping, no one wins where Rock Lula Riddle is concerned mawahahahah.

That is my evil laugh and it rocks, “Um Rock it is a lot on the short side” Jen muttered trying to pull the hem down as I sighed and swatted her hands away. “Leave, just let me work my magic” I smiled as her eyes became wide and I knew that look it was the 'oh no Rock is determined' look and yes I am.

By the time I was finished Jen looked hot, the dark denim skirt with a frayed hem sat on top of red leggings, a pair of my small white heels were on her feet followed by a grey vest top. The top sitting on her shoulders had the design of black butterfly's in a swirling pattern so they really stood out.

Now me I am in shots in a light denim sitting right at the top of my thighs yes they are called shorts people, my hair down in soft waves of ringlets and my top a crop t-shirt so my toned stomach was on show. Grabbing my jacket in the style of a zip up cotton grey I slipped my arms in twirling my wand with a smile.

“I bet you ten gallons sexy is mad” I smirked seeing Jen grab her wand and a dark grey hoodie that went quite well with the outfit so I left her, “he is always mad Lula” Jen informed me and I all ready knew that, way to tell me what I all ready know.

Slipping my tanned boots on I pulled the door open waving to Evan as he rushed to get into his room, he was the guy who thought I was going to bang him. Well I did hit him quite hard but he literally asked for it, “I can't leave you alone two seconds” Jen sighed glancing at me with a disproving look that I shrugged off. “Can too” I growled as she laughed lightly and linked my arm.

“Whoa Rock who is the sexy girl hanging of your arm?” I heard and turned to see the guys blue eyes bulge out of his head as he saw it was none other than Jen, yes I do good work I already know this. “Honestly Toby, six years we have been here and you don't recognise my best friend when you see her, I am offended” I hissed seeing him run his hand through his chestnut hair as he laughed nervously.

Seriously why do people do that? Laugh just to fill the silence I mean my- well him that I am forced to call father he does it I just want to slap him, well I have! Yes I hit Voldermort get over it people, maybe if more people hit him than cowering away from him he would not have so much control over everyone? Good point I reckon.

“Um I di-didn't mean to offend Rock, I-I just not seen her.. Well out of jeans” he muttered and I rolled my eyes as Jen flushed and smiled slightly at him. “I um had no choice” she muttered and I frowned, Jen did to have a choice. Okay maybe not, but I was right! “Well this is two minutes I will never get back.. Toby stop drooling, I know you are named after a dog but there is no need to act like one. Jennifer we have a sexy man to try and find, before he finds us” I informed to see Toby back away as if I had said I was going to curse him in to insanity. Well he was acting like a dog and with a name like Toby what do you expect? (No offence to all the Toby's out there just what I think)

“What do you mean find him? Lula he is going to want to kill us” Jen hissed as I pulled her out side that was the place I would want to be if I had a hang over. “Nothing new there Jen, look last night was a break through at long last even if we did have the aid of Mr Fire and Whisky. Now tell me how it good it felt to have him so close to you, think of the dance.. He has to take us, sexy has no way out of this, even more so after last night” I smirked and then a shadow feel over me and Jen and her eyes dropped to the floor as I turned seeing just the sexy hunk I wanted to.

“You and You come with me now” he hissed his eyes hard as he clenched his fists, “demanding and there I was thinking you liked some one else in control. Jennifer what was it he said as we tied-” “-Utter another word Riddle and I will have you thrown out of this school” he threatened but I was bothered about that, what the hell is with the Riddle? Gripping mines and Jen's arm he dragged us back into the school with force and if his grip was anything to go by he was mad and hot as hell due to it, this would be fun!

Pushing us into his chambers I thought this brought back memories, Jen standing frozen with her eyes lowered he slammed the door making the frames rattle due to the force. His back tense he slammed his hand against the door and let out a deep breath. “What happened?” He snarled not facing us, now that is just rude!

“I am offended Severus, how could you forget what we did? You really must have drank a lot” I smirked as he turned slowly with fire alight in his rage filled eyes. “I wonder why?” He remarked shaking his head as he closed his eyes taking a deep breath and unclenching his fists.

“I resent that” I hissed as he growled and stood before me, Jen silent lifted her head and quickly dropped it. “You resent that? Well Miss Riddle I resent doing what ever I did with someone related to the Dark Lord. You are no different from your father and you Mis-” I was not having that, my hand crashed over his face as Jen's head shoot up sating at me in horror.

“NO DIFFERENT FROM THAT FOUL MURDERING EXCUSE OF A WIZARD? YOU HAVE REALLY PUSHED IT NOW” I screamed as my hair lifted off my shoulders and Jen dove in front of the man I intend to hurt, “Jennifer move out of the way of the dead man walking” I asked sweetly my voice filled with pent up rage.

I was not really going to kill him but a few more slaps were defiantly in order, “Lula calm down honey.. He did not mean he is just confused and enraged, professor it may be a good idea to apologize” Jen muttered as Snape stood flicking his eyes from Jen to me and back again.

“Jen I am not going to kill our date for the Winter Ball, just hurt him a little” I growled as his eyes widened oh dear I let slip what happened last night. “D-Date?” He growled, who would have thought the feared potion master would stutter? Oh well, “yes date.. I think you have something to say” I hissed seeing his face pale beyond what I thought was possible.

“Kill me now” he hissed and I thought I could but then I would have no date so I am not going to. “That is not very nice sexy.. The word you are looking for begins with S and ends in Y. I would have thought you would have known that” I growled as he narrowed his oxen eyes to barley there slits, “Story?” He offered in a biting tone and a slight smirk, oh I would give him a story..

“Awwww Jen sexy Snape wants a story, I can do that” I smirked as Jen moved away with a slight push from sexy, “Rock I really don't think we-” “-Should tell him everything yes I agree, now sexy you make yourself comfortable and then I will begin. If you're a good little potion master you can have a drink, though I think you had plenty of that yesterday. It is not mine and Jen's fault that you can not remember what we told you” I hissed as he sank into the arm chair covering his face with his hands.

“Who's fault is that?” He growled running his fingers through his hair, something I very much wanted to do as I crossed my long legs over one another seeing his eyes subtly watch the motion as Jen sat on the edge of the sofa pulling her hair over her face as I twiddled my thumbs.

“What do you recall?” I growled as he sighed and slumped back in the chair with his ghastly potion robes on; bad robe not allowing us to see the sexy chest hiding underneath! “Fragments, drinking.. You and Jen- Miss Dewitt, a hug and this” he hissed snatching his arm up to show the lines that were on my arm too.

Standing I saw his eyes narrow as I got closer, “I am not going to hurt you” I growled snatching his hand up and holding as I did last night, the bond we made instantly became brighter and sparks flew around my body as Jen looked over at the two of us.

“We made this last night” I explained as he snatched his hand away sharply making me sigh, “and so we come to our little tale” I muttered as I pushed off the floor sitting back next to Jen who looked very apprehensive so I held her hand lightly giving her small smile as sexy glanced over the both of us, his look was not one I could read and this did worry me because me and Jen know this man inside out.

“Okay so I will give the short story.. I am going to call it the man in the mirror (I smirked as Jen shook her head) On a cold night in a large castle two young girls set out to find something out, see if they were sure what they heard a certain man they wanted say. They thought they could have miss heard or it was not true so they set out to find out. Dressed up for aforementioned man they happened upon him in a slightly intoxicated state and took him up on his offer of a drink knowing they had to find out one way or another. Talk soon turned to an upcoming ball and weather the two young ladies had dates, as the talk went on he grew increasingly angry and some may say jealous of a guy they wanted to go with, so the girls told him he was in the mirror. Looking in the mirror the handsomely sexy man could not see who they wanted to go with so the two girl's kissed his cheek and then told him they had just kissed him.. He soon realized it was him and became very silent, his eyes told what he would not say. He did not believe they wanted him in the capacity of date or any other. Ready to leave and forget about the whole night even it thought it had been a most pleasant one he stopped them making both the girls confused, was he going to say yes? So they asked him a second time and he agreed, knowing he was intoxicated they did not want to take the chance that he pull out hurting both of the girls more then they would care to admit. So a most ingenious idea came to light, an unbreakable vow where he promised to take both girls to the upcoming ball both dancing and remaining with them though out the night and then he was free to go having given the girls a night they could never nor want to forget” I recited not adding names as I knew he would know it was about him and me and Jen.

Silence is what sat heavy around us as I ended, looking towards Jen she had her eyes trained to the man who my little was about and then her eyes snapped away as he looked at us pushing to his feet, walking towards us he starting pacing in front of us with his hands clasped behind his back a hard scowl on his sexy face. “Your hot when you are mad” I threw out there as he sighed and shook his head, “I'm not mad” he growled making me frown, not mad but acting like he is mad? This man needs to make his emotions clear.

“I-if your not mad professor then what are you?” Jen muttered as he sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “I am perplexed, it is clear that was account of last night but that is all that happened? You insinuated more might have took place” he muttered and I felt a little bad about that, “yeah um no that is all that happened, I was kind of pulling your leg. As I have already stated your hot when you are mad” I smiled flipping my hair over my shoulder as I slumped back into the soft green sofa.

“So you have.. In that case I have no choice but to accept and escort you both to the dance, if that is what you want?” He muttered still unsure and I thought stuff this. Standing I saw his eyes widen and Jen followed suite, “sexy nothing would make us happier. We would not call you sexy if we did not think it was true.. Just believe it Severus” I smiled taking his hand as he froze, I just wanted to kiss him so bad. “Will our date grace us with a kiss?” I asked sweetly seeing his eyes widen at my request, yes it was bold but that is something I wanted a lot and knew Jen would agree by the way she was gawking at me.

"You want me to kiss you?” Severus hissed his face turning a pleasant shade of red as colour rushed to his face at my request, it was a simple question a yes or no would suffice. “Very much so, Jen would you like sexy to kiss you?” I asked as her mouth dropped open.

“I-um.. If he wants to” she muttered, keeping her eyes trained determinedly on the floor and I rolled my eyes. “I did not ask that Jen” I growled and she sighed and looked towards the floor, her light brown hair falling over her face I could see the redness of her face and watched her feet shift, “y-yes” she muttered as I smiled and looked back up at sexy who was looking between us in shock.

“You both want me to kiss you? What if I refuse?” He growled and I frowned and shook my head, “then there is no reason for us to be here” I growled not able to hide the hurt in my tone as he frowned and looked a lot lost, well it is very simple sexy.

We want you, you have agreed to take us to the dance and now we want a kiss. S-i-m-p-l-e! “If I agree?” He growled his voice making me weak at the knees as I sighed and smiled, “you make our year” I muttered as Jen nodded in agreement. “This is very simple then” he muttered and I thought that is what I have been saying all along!

Taking Jen's hand her head shoot up as he drew her closer, I was standing a step or two before him, his eyes softer then I have ever seen them he pulled her to his chest with one hand on the side of her face and closed the distance while I stood not jealous like you would all think but over joyed.

My best friend who is like a sister got to kiss the guy we have been after since the beginning of the year, breaking apart Jen had the biggest smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes as sexy pushed her hair behind her ear with a hidden achievement or joy behind his coal eyes.

Turning to me I smiled as Jen fell head over hells onto the sofa and sexy chuckled walking towards me, “I told you it would make our year” I smirked as he took the few steps towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“It seems to have done more then that” he growled as I glanced over to Jen who was sitting dumb struck with a massive grin on her face. “So it has, less taking more kissing” I growled as he smirked and lowered his lips to my own, HELL ON EARTH.. Kissing sexy has to be the best thing I have ever done.. EVER.

What started as a sweet and tender kiss soon took a rapid turn as I bravely linked my fingers into his hair pressing myself tighter to his solid chest with a dying need to feel the rippling muscles underneath.

Moving in sync with his rough lips I was on the verge of moaning as he pulled back making me want to pout but there was plenty of time for kissing the sexy potion master. “Thank you, now me and Jen must be going” I smiled untangling myself with regret as he frowned, “go where?” He growled with a frown as I lifted Jen walking towards the door.

“Where do you think sexy? Dress shopping” I smirked seeing his eyes gleam as the door closed leaving can we call him our man? Stuff it I am calling him our man, leaving our man behind as we both recalled the sweet taste of his sinful lips on our own.

The first kiss was a perfect one but it will by no means be the last, or my name is not Rock Lula Riddle..

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