This Isn't The End

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People were staring at us. At this point, I was fairly certain the blush that stained my cheeks was going to stay there forever. Sure, I was beyond pleased that Snape was going to escort us to the Winter Ball, but Merlin, I didn't want to be put on display like this. 

Naturally, Rock wasn't giving a damn about what anyone thought. In fact, she seemed so smug that the cat that swallowed the canary had nothing on her. Plus, as Rock had pointed out to me in an excited whisper, he was slightly intoxicated. I remember the last time he was intoxicated. Actually, that was a pretty awesome night. My mind drifted off on its own cloud and I noted that the blush had faded. Thank Merlin. 

"Why don't you two stay here while I get some drinks?" Snape suggested, seemingly reluctant to let go of our arms. 

Rock smiled sweetly. "That would be nice, Sexy," she winked. "We won't go anywhere." The moment his back was turned, she turned to me, a glint in her eye. "Oooo, he likes us. See, I told you this would be great." 

I rolled my eyes. "The night, as yet, is still young, my dear friend." 

"Why are you so negative?" she pouted, glowering at me mockingly. "You're a killjoy. You killed my joy. Jen, you took my joy in the dark alley out back and you hacked at it with depressing thoughts until it drew its final breath." 

"Dramatic, much?" I stuck out my tongue, smiling. "Okay, fine, I'll try to be happy. Is that good enough?" 

She stared at me as if I were missing some big picture. "Jennifer, we're with Sexy. The entire school is jealous, we're with the man of our dreams at the best dance of the year. 'Try to be happy' shouldn't be on your list. Being happy is the first thing you should do." 

"Sorry," I laughed. "I'll be happy. I promise." I took in the Great Hall. To be honest, it looked spectacular. There was a giant chandelier instead of candles and it cast an unearthly glow about the room. Everyone was wearing muted colors, but they still looked brilliant. The ceiling was enchanted so that it looked as if snow was about to fall at any moment. "Doesn't the place look great?" 

Rock shrugged, not paying attention. "Yeah, it's pretty," she said distractedly. "Hey, is that the boy who annoyed the hell out of us?" 

I peered in the direction she was glaring. "Yep, that would be Toby," I scowled. "He better not come over here because I'll -Oh, hey, Toby, how are you doing?" I pasted a fake smile on my face in an attempt to be polite. Rock didn't even attempt. 

"Go away." 

He frowned, but brushed it off. "I was wondering if-"



"Boy, what part of 'no' don't you understand?" Rock snapped, placing her hands on her hips. "I said to go freaking away. Why don't you listen?" Toby was about to respond when someone yanked him by the back of his collar. Suddenly, Toby was face-to-face with an extremely angry and slightly intoxicated Potions Master. 

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Snape said softly, "You heard the young lady, you little fool. Unless you wish to face something extremely embarrassing, I suggest you move on and cut your losses."

Toby, in a rare moment of Gryffindor courage, narrowed his eyes and said, "Why don't you make me?" 

I didn't even see Snape move a muscle, but the next thing anyone knew, Toby was hanging from the chandelier by his underwear. Rock had doubled over with laughter and Snape was smirking. Honestly, was I the only one who was appalled by this sort of behavior? If I had my wand with me, I would've gotten Toby down, but... well... he did kind of deserve it for not listening. And the professor had warned him beforehand. It was his own fault for not listening.

So I turned away from the ghastly sight and focused my attention on the two people in front of me. "You shouldn't have done that," I informed Snape.

He arched an eyebrow. "Are you saying you want him down?"

"No." Then I smiled. "But you should've at least have given Rock a good chance to do that." 

Rock nodded. “She’s right, Sexy. I would’ve liked to take a crack at him. But whatever, the nasty little boy is gone now,” she grinned. “Let’s dance! This is a good song.” Snape’s face held a little apprehension, but he allowed Rock to drag him by the hand onto the floor where several other couples were dancing. I was perfectly fine watching the two of them dance. I wasn’t big on the whole dance thing –I tended to mess up the moves.

But then Rock beckoned me to come onto the dance floor and join them. I wasn’t quite sure how the three of us were going to dance together. Dancing was more of a two-person activity. But I supposed there was a first time for everything. So I plucked up my Ravenclaw wit and strolled forward before my feet could decide to run in the other direction. Rock laughed, and abruptly grabbed my hand, twirling me around. I snorted and joined in the laughter. We looked ridiculous, but we were too blissful to care. In that moment in time, we weren’t teacher and students. We were three people who loved each other very much.

That’s when it happened.

It was so beautiful and perfect; it was almost dream-like. It started to snow, of all things. I looked up, blinking. Then for some reason, my gaze was drawn across the room. Professor Dumbledore had a small smile on his face and his blue eyes twinkled kindly. So he was the one. I returned his smile, turning around again.

“Let’s go outside,” Snape suggested quietly, but loud enough for us to hear above the orchestral music. We linked our arms through his and happily walked outside. There was a fountain with crystalline, flowing water. It both made me feel peaceful and thirsty. Mostly peaceful. It made a slight tinkling sound. I followed Rock over to the edge of the stone and we sat on the ledge of the fountain.

Snape was observing the flowing water carefully. Rock, not being one to beat around the bush, ended the silence. “What is it?” she questioned.

“Nothing,” he sighed. “But, as always, there are consequences to certain actions.”

Oh, for Christ’s sake, I thought irritably. He was being depressed on a happy occasion. Usually I was the downer of the group, but Snape took the title for himself tonight. Apparently, Rock was thinking along the same lines I was, because she blew out an annoyed puff of air before standing up on the ledge, grasping Snape by the collar, and tugging him forward into a kiss. I looked away out of politeness, but I couldn’t help the smile on my face. Rock sure knew how to win an argument.

Rock had seemingly tugged too far or used too much force because she fell backwards into the fountain, pulling Snape down with her. Both splashed loudly into the freezing water.

I laughed uncontrollably. That was just too funny! “Oh, my God,” I snorted. “Way to go, Rock.”

“Should we get her?” Rock grinned, looking to Snape for an answer. He nodded once, smirking. All traces of humor disappeared from my face.

“Wait. What?” I demanded, panicked. I let out a short scream before turning around to run away. But they caught me. “No! No, no, no, no, no!” I protested, half laughing. The water was absolutely chilly. I had also gone underwater, so when I sat up in the icy-cold fountain, I was gasping for air.

Of course, the two of them were chuckling. “Did you have a nice swim, Jen?” Rock teased.

“I hate you both,” I said, trying to sound cross, but I couldn’t manage it. I was laughing at myself, too. 

"We should probably go inside," Rock mused. "We could all use a towel and some warm, dry clothes. Or we could warm each other up, if you know what I mean, Sexy." I refrained from rolling my eyes. Even cold, Rock could still make jokes like that.

Snape took out his wand and cast the Warming Charm. "There," he said. "Now there is no need to change clothes." 

"That escalated quickly," I muttered wryly. 

There was a pause before very hastily, but very sweetly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Rock's lips and then to mine. "You two both look quite lovely," he whispered. "Good night." Rock and I both watched him walk back inside the castle, hardly daring to breathe, let alone move. 

"This isn't the end," Rock declared. I nodded in agreement.

"Things have just begun."

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