Don't Ask, Don't Tell

By electric_s0ul

390K 5.3K 6.5K

All you had to do was stay away from him. Rafe Cameron x Reader Started: 1/6/22 Completed: 5/25/22 More

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51.3K 392 858
By electric_s0ul

Your parents had had enough. They'd had enough of your sneaking out, your incessant partying, your lying, your entire existence, honestly. The thing was, you weren't even the most offensive one of your friend group — most of your other friends had been cracked down on for shoplifting and vandalism, and you had only gotten in trouble with the law for underage consumption a couple times, and there may have been a possession charge expunged from your record by your grandfather at one point, but who's counting? Overall, though, they'd had it, and the solution for your wild behavior was simple: send you away from your derelict friends for the summer.

The arrangements were already made, and there was nothing you could do to change the inevitable. Your aunt Cynthia, who lived on some little island in the Outer Banks, was taking you in for the summer while your parents took a break from your antics. While they were jet setting around Europe, you would be on Kildare Island, learning a thing or two from your absolute square of a cousin, Topper Thornton. He was the golden child of the family; top of his class at his fancy private school, volunteered every other weekend to do beach cleanup or read to senior citizens, gave private golf lessons at the local country club to underprivileged youth. He low key made you sick. His perfect teeth, frosted tips, and pastel wardrobe only added to your image of him.

To be fair, the two of you weren't all that close, so you didn't actually know him all that well. Your perception of him came from what was talked about in the family newsletter, and the snippets of time you spent with him at holiday gatherings. He'd always been pleasant with you, never had a cross word to say about anyone, and seemed to be able to go with the flow of your intense family. It's why his family had been picked as the one you would be shipped off to until you "straightened up".

Your parents had you packing the second you got home from school on the last day. While all your friends were preparing for their senior trip, you were preparing for a summer-long lock down. You were scheduled to fly out of your hometown early the next morning, where you would be whisked away through a series of flights to your new temporary home. You had thrown a fit, of course, gave the whole stereotypical "you're ruining my life!" speech when they had first told you that you'd be sent off for the summer for "a chance to sort out your priorities". You were pissed about it, and when Topper had tried to reach out to you after hearing he'd be hosting you all summer, you lashed out at him as well. He had nothing to do with it, but just the idea that he was so accepting of you invading his life and dominating all of his summer plans made your blood boil. Of course he was being nice about it. Of course he was thrilled at the chance of growing closer to the only cousin his age. You knew it wasn't fair to take your anger at your parents out on him, but did he have to be so goddamn cheerful about giving up his entire summer?


It was the middle of the afternoon when you landed at the Kildare County private airstrip. Aunt Cynthia and Topper were waiting on the tarmac, all smiles, as you climbed out of the small prop plane you arrived on. With a heavy sigh, you hiked your carry-on bag up on your shoulder and crossed the pavement towards them.

"Y/n, so good to see you," Aunt Cynthia says warmly as she pulls you in for a hug. "Topper and I are so happy you're here."

"Bring it in, y/n," Topper says, giving you a stiff hug of his own. It feels awkward being this close.

"Topper, go see about getting her luggage," Cynthia tells him, gesturing to the men unloading everything from the bottom of the plane. She swiftly pulls a crisp $100 from her purse and hands it to him discreetly, shooing him off. "So," she says, turning her attention back on you. "I spoke to your parents this morning as you were leaving. They leave for Paris tonight, so I'm sure you'll hear from them sometime tomorrow."

"Goody," you say sarcastically, and Cynthia frowns momentarily before putting back on a smile.

"Yes, well, I've made up the guest room for you, and if there's anything you want to do to change it or personalize it in any way, let me know and I can have my decorator come in and help you get the ball rolling," she says. She looks away for a moment. "Oh, looks like Topper's managed to get your luggage brought around to the car. Shall we?"


As the three of you drive across the island to the Thornton's home, Topper talks about his weekly schedule and all the things you're going to accompany him to. It all sounds boring, and exhausting.

"Do you do anything for fun? Do you even have friends?" you ask as you turn down a long street. You're pretty sure you're close to your new home for the summer; you'd been to their house one time when you were younger, but it had been so long that you didn't remember much about the visit.

Topper scoffs lightly. "Of course I do. I'll introduce you soon."

After arriving at the house, Topper has a private golf lesson scheduled, and Cynthia has work to attend to at the hospital, so you're left alone for the afternoon to unpack and settle in. Of all the things you had to complain about, your living quarters wasn't one of them. The guest room they'd put you up in was massive, and it included it's own little bathroom. It also came with a bay window that you absolutely saw yourself sitting in and staring forlornly out of as you contemplated your life.

They return around dinner time, and over your meal, Cynthia listens proudly as Topper explains the "fun" things you'll be doing tomorrow; picking up trash on the beach with some of his peers from the Kildare Academy Environmental Club, then having lunch with his girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" you ask, your interest piqued. You were picturing a female version of Topper, with the same straight laced personality and an affinity for sweater sets and pearls.

"Yeah. Her name is Sarah. We've been going out for almost a year," he says proudly.

"Her father is a prominent figure on the island," Cynthia says as she sips her wine.

"Fantastic family," Topper adds.

"For the most part," Cynthia says under her breath, taking another sip of her wine.

"What does that mean?" you ask.

Topper rolls his eyes. "Mom's not a huge fan of Sarah's brother. He and I are friends. He's not so bad."

Cynthia sighs. "I just think he could learn a thing or two from Sarah. He's already nineteen and he isn't very... accomplished."

"Ah, a black sheep like me," you say, finding comfort in the fact that someone exists in Topper's perfect world that is more like you than him.

Cynthia waves her hand. "You'll do good to stay away from him. Trouble, that one is," she says, giving you a look.

"Right," you answer. "So what time do I need to be ready in the morning? I was going to finish unpacking my room and read a little bit before bed."

"We need to leave a little before 9:00 tomorrow," Topper answers.

"Cool. I'll be ready."


You and Topper hop in his SUV at ten til 9:00 the next morning to head to the beach. He's telling you about a few people you'll meet during the beach clean up.

"So my girlfriend will be there, her younger sister, and my friend Kelce. You'll like all three of them," he says confidently.

"And we're there how long?" you ask.

"It's from 9:00 to 12:00, then we have plans to go to lunch with Sarah," he replies. "Do you like seafood?"

"Love it," you tell him. "Is that what we're having?"

"Yeah, a little place called the Wreck. It's run by pogues, but the food's amazing," he explains.

You give him a funny look. "The fuck's a pogue?"

"You know, like poor people?" he says with a shrug.

"So there is a bit of asshole in you," you say with a laugh. Topper gives you a look. "What? The entire family thinks you're this perfect child, but here you are calling people who aren't rich and privileged like you some kind of weird name."

"Everyone on the island does it, y/n. The poor people are the pogues and they live on the cut, and the rich people are called kooks and live on Figure Eight. I don't make the rules," he says with a shrug.

"Whatever," you say as he pulls into a spot in a parking lot near a sign that says PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS. "Let's get this over with."


Topper's friends turn out to not be totally awful, much to your surprise. Sarah was actually pretty, and super nice. You saw yourself becoming friends with her over the course of the summer. Kelce was really chill and funny, and he earned major bonus points in your book when he offered you a drink from his water bottle and it burned going down.

"Vodka with a Crystal Light packet," he whispers to you as you try not to make a face from the giant gulp of liquor you'd just downed.

"I see that now," you reply, taking a more conservative sip the second time around.

"Hey, save some for me," Sarah says, snatching the bottle from your hand and taking a few quick sips.

"Guys, can you chill? It's like 10:00 am," Topper says, eyeballing the sponsor of the Environmental Club carefully.

"Relax, Top, no one's looking," Sarah says. "We aren't going to get caught."

"Get caught doing what?" Sarah's younger sister asks.

"Taking a break. But it's over now, anyway," you tell her, covering for the three of you. "See? Getting back to work."

With a shrug, she walks away, and you share a look with Kelce and Sarah before bursting out laughing. Topper looks on, annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell me your cousin was cool?" Kelce asks as he picks up his trash bag and slides the water bottle into his back pocket. He bends down to retrieve a styrofoam plate.

"The whole reason y/n is here is because she does this all the time," Topper says, gesturing to the half drunk water bottle. "So I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't corrupt her further."

That sends the rest of you into another laughing spell. "Oh, Topper, you sweet, sweet boy," you say lovingly, patting his shoulder. "If anything, it's you that needs corrupted."

"Nah, Top's a beast," Kelce says. "You'll see at the next party."

Party? You weren't expecting any mention of a party. "Oh yeah? When?" you ask.

"Probably this weekend. I'm waiting on my dad to tell us his finalized plans for his trip to the mainland. He's supposed to be gone a couple nights," Sarah explains. "So keep your weekend free."

"It's a done deal."


"So, first full day on the island. How'd it go?" Aunt Cynthia asks over dinner that evening.

"Great," you answer around a bite of food. "Topper's friends were really nice to me, and we had a nice lunch at that restaurant... the disaster?"

"The Wreck," Topper corrects you. "We went there with Sarah after the beach cleanup."

"Oh, lovely," Cynthia says. "And then I saw you went to the grocery store for me. Thank you so much."

"No problem, mom," Topper says. "After dinner, is it okay if y/n and I walk down the street to the Cameron's to watch a movie with Sarah?"

"I suppose that's fine. Will Ward be home?"

"Of course," Topper answers.

"Splendid. Just come in through the back when you two come home later, okay? I'm sure I'll be in bed by the time you make it back."

"Will do, mom," Topper responds.

After dinner, you and Topper retreat to your respective bedrooms for a bit. You spend your time texting your friends from home, updating them on your first day with your cousin doing volunteer work. They, too, are surprised that he actually knows and is friends with normal people, despite his squeaky clean image. You speculate that maybe he isn't as innocent as everyone thinks he is, which intrigues you. You're excited to see how it all plays out, despite all the lame stuff you know you'll be doing all summer.

Topper comes to collect you from your room a little after 8:00. He insisted the distance to the Cameron's house was short enough to walk, even in the early summer heat. True to his word, they only live about a block down, and Sarah greets you at the door when you arrive.

"Dad and Rose are at the country club for the evening," she says. "I raided the wine cellar. Y/n, I wasn't sure what you liked, but I figured moscato was a safe choice." She pulls a large bottle of the sweet, white wine out from behind her back.

"Topper, I say this with all due respect, but I think I'm in love with Sarah."

Topper laughs, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, she's mine, so..."

"Come on, I already have the tv ready," Sarah says, motioning for you to follow her into the living room.

Most of the movie and two bottles of moscato later, you and Sarah are ripping into Topper (who is taking his roast very good naturedly) over every little thing you can think of. You're in a constant state of laughter and amusement. When there's a lull in the conversation, heavy footsteps on the stairs in the next room fill the quiet. You hear the rummaging of keys, and a soft, masculine "fuck". A tall, broad shouldered figure appears in your peripherals.

"Sarah, tell me you have cash."

Sarah sighs heavily and digs into her shorts pocket. "I have a twenty," she says, holding up the crumpled bill.

The tall figure approaches, and you turn to get a better look at what you are only able to describe as a Greek god comes into full view. He walks towards the couch where Sarah sits with Topper, snatching the bill from between her fingers.

"Thanks. I owe you," he says, running a hand through his floppy brown hair. His gaze shifts to Topper. "Top, we still on for golf Wednesday?"

"Yup. 11:00 am tee time," Topper answers.

The Greek god's eyes shift towards you. "Who's this?" he asks, taking his time to examine you thoroughly. You force yourself not to blush under his heavy gaze.

"Don't worry about it. You got your money, just go," Sarah says, waving him off.

He raises an eyebrow at you, as if to silently share the joke of his sister's dismissal of him with you, and smirks. "Fine. See you Wednesday, Top," he says after a pause. With one last glance at you, he heads for the door. You hear the roar of an engine starting just moments later.

Topper sighs and leans his head on his hand on the back of the couch. "Well, that went better than I thought it would."

Sarah shrugs. "I guess."

"Who was that?" you ask.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "My brother, Rafe. Just ignore him."

"That's your brother?" you ask, gesturing toward the door.

"Unfortunately," Sarah says, sounding bored. "Like I said, just ignore him. I usually do."

"Right," you say, glancing back towards the door again.

Sarah and Topper get absorbed in the next movie that plays, but you are stuck on Rafe. Based on what you'd heard about him, you had conjured up a completely different image of him in your head, an image that didn't even come close to matching what he actually looked like. You'd seen him for all of sixty seconds, but you saw all you needed to see. You were distracted by the thought of him for the rest of the night, and something told you this definitely wouldn't be the last time he preoccupied your thoughts.

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