Note and Tone of Love (Shirok...

By MiraWhitlock

1.2K 49 7

Genre: Drama, Music, Romance, and School. (Updating) Status: On going Format: Fanfiction [Music, illustration... More

Disclaimer and Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Piano That Gives Tone to my Life
Chapter 3: The Thing That We Promised
Chapter 4: Student Council Problems
Chapter 5: Date with Rinko?
Chapter 6: Lingering Doubts
Chapter 7: Feelings That Was Hidden In The Bottom Of Our Hearts
Short Chapter: My First Disciple

Chapter 2: Alone Together with Him

141 3 3
By MiraWhitlock


After I took a bath and take a dinner, I lie on the bed and covered myself with blanket.

I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but unfortunately, Amasawa kun's figure still lingers in my mind making myself awake.

What he did earlier was so amazing!

I didn't expect him to play a piano that good!

It was like he is playing it for decades!

I wonder what makes him motivated to master the piano....

In the nex day, after I prepare myself, I go to school.

Currently, Im the Student Council President in our school.

The reason why I join Student Council is because I want to get rid my social anxiety.

Even my reason are lame, I still have a quality for being one so the previous President accept me.

The class goes smoothly and when its already break time, I head straight to the Student Council Office to do my duties as a president.

When I arrived, Hikawa san and Ichigaya san is already there

"You're already here, Shirokane san. Me and Ichigaya san are discussing about the collaboration festival between Haneoka and Hanasakigawa High School to celebrate the friendly relationship between the two school, and to strengthen our bond to them. Our previous senpai called it Hanasaneoka festival. It is celebrated yearly and our duty is to preserve that tradition." Hikawa san explained.

"The budget and expenses are being taken care by the Student Council in Haneoka, and we were tasked to organize the event." She added.

"I see.... But before we start organizing things, we need their report about the budget, and we will act accordingly to the info they gave." I said as I sat on my chair, then started to write things on my paper about on what will we supposed to do.

Ichigaya san who's having a sip on her drink until now, started to speak.

"I don't know how will they get the budget for the festival, but Im pretty sure its in a minimum. Let's just hope that everything will go smoothly." I know its wonderful to hear those words, but we know that reality is cruel.

As a members of a Student Council, we are always prepared for the worst case scenario.

After school, as usual, we go to the Live House and started to practice.

Right now, I felt some motivation in my heart to play piano so I played it more beautiful than before.

Others maybe noticed that something good happened to me so they ask out of curiosity.

"Rinko, did something good happened to you?" Imai san asked.


"I mean, you look motivated. I wonder if it is about Amasawa kun." Imai san said teasingly.

"T-that's not it! I just happen to amaze by his piano skills yesterday!" Once I realized what I said, I knew I made a mistake.

They all smirked at me.

"Looks like Rinko is already in a puberty stage."

"Rinrin, if you already got a boyfriend, please still hang out with me!"

"Shirokane san, being in love is not a bad thing because it helps you to be motivated, but remember that your relationship shouldn't be in the way of our practice."

"Minato san is right. And also, please be sure that Amasawa kun is the right person for you."

Like I said, that's not it!

After they tease me, we continued to practice until we decided to go home.

Ako chan said she was going out with her sister tonight so she can't go home together with me.

Hikawa san had the same reason as well.

She said that she was invited by Hina chan to eat potato fries, while Minato san and Imai san will go first to the cat cafe before heading home.

Because of that, I will go home today alone.

"Bye bye Rinko!"

"Bye Rinrin!"

"Be careful out there Shirokane san."

"Potato, potato, potato."

"Bye guys!" I said as I wave my hand to them.

While Im walking my way back, two suspicious guy approach me.

"Hey miss, wanna hang out with us?" Said the one who had red spikey hair with black colored eyes.

"We promise, this will gonna be fun!" The other one said who had black long hair with sky blue colored eyes.

"S-sorry, actually, I-Im in a bit h-hurry so I t-t-think I will pass." When I was about to leave, the guy with spikey hair grab my arms.

"Wait! Don't you think we gonna let you off easily?" This time, my hands and knees are shaking.

I can't hide my fear anymore.

The guy with long black hair push me to the wall, slam his hands into it, then lift my chin upwards while looking at me maliciously.

"You're cute aren't cha? Why don't you take our offer and have some fun with us?" In this situation, I don't know what to do anymore.

I felt helpless.

I realize how weak I am.

Somebody, please help me!

When the guy was about to touch my body, we suddenly heard a police siren from a distance which makes the two guys alert.

"Shit! Who the fuck called the police?"

"Man, let's get away from here before we get caught." As the two guys fled away, a familiar figure appeared.

A guy with a normal height, nightsky hair, and sharp emerald green colored eyes.

"Are you okay, Shirokane san?" He asked.

"Y-yes, thank you f-for saving me Amasawa kun. By the way, where is the police?"

"Police? Ahh.... I didn't call a police."

"Ehh? Then what is those siren we heard earlier?"

"You mean this?" He took his phone from his pocket and he play the police siren.

"I downloaded this in case something happen like what happened earlier. By the way, Im sorry if I didn't interfere earlier. I thought you know those two thugs so I didn't act first, but I noticed that you're in trouble so I played this record. Damn, I don't know what to do if those two are your acquaintance." I just chuckled on what he said.

"As a thanks, please let me get you a drink." Amasawa kun just nod and we go to the nearest vending machine.

After I gave him an apple juice, which he requested, we decided to go to the park first before heading back to our home.

As we sat in a bench, we drunk the juice that we buy earlier.

Then, few minutes later, I realize that we are alone in here.

No light post are located nearby so we have been eaten by a deep darkness.

The only source of light we have is the one on the sky.

When I look upwards, I saw a shining gibbous moon, thousands of glistering star surrounding it, and clouds that scattered throughout the sky.

A wind breeze blews unto us and we both felt cold.

"What the fuck is this cliche situation?" Amasawa kun muttered.

Not knowing why he said that, I asked him.

"What's wrong Amasawa kun?"

"Ahh! No! Nothing!" He said while flustering.

"I just suddenly felt that someone is reading our story from different dimension."

"Fufufu~ Are you in Chuunibyou mode again?"

"Im serious here! You see, Im trying to break the fourth wall!" While we throw banter on each other, I became serious all of a sudden.

"Say Amasawa kun, what makes you motivated in playing piano?"

"Are you curious?"

"Yes. Im curious." Amasawa kun sigh hearing my answer.

"When I was young, Im neither great at everything. Im just your average kid. But one day, all of it change when I saw a girl with the same age as I, playing a piano in a competition."

"5 years old girl playing a piano in a competition? Sounds like me."

"That girl and I make a promise that when we grew older and we met, I will show to her my improvements in playing any instruments.

"Did you already met her?"

"Yes. Yesterday, I finally fulfilled my promise to her."

"Yesterday? If Im not mistaken, you watched our practice right? Im glad that you fulfilled your promise to her." For some reason, Amasawa kun became disappointed.

I wonder why.....

"Shirokane san, let's head back home. Its already getting late." When he was about to stood up from his seat, I grab his arm.



"You can call me Rinko."

"Are you sure? I mean, we just met yesterday."

"You're right, but I felt that we already met before. Its really weird. Is this what they called deja vu?" Amasawa kun just sigh and smiled at me.

"Then you can call me Kuro."

To be continued
Chapter 3: The Thing That We Promised


A/N: Happy New Year for those who's celebrating it. Note, I don't celebrate Roman New Year. I follow the Hebrew calendar so my New Year is on April.

I change the way how they call Kuro because saying your given name in Japan means you have some special relationship between that person, and since they just met a day ago, I decided to let them call him in his family name until they develop to the point that they will call each other by their given names.

I already have an idea on what will be the plot of this story and I think this will finish after 20 to 30 chapter, I guess? Sorry if the chapter is short.

[If you liked the chapter, I recommend for you to click the vote button, and comment your thoughts about the story. Add me on Facebook, @Amasawa Kuroneko and please follow me here on Wattpad!]


- 1/1/22
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