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My name is Kuro, just an ordinary high school student that has a talent when it comes to music.

Right now, I have been invited by my friend, Kazuto, to watch a live band concert in the place they called Circle.

For what reason he invited me?

Its because I love music.

"Hurry up Kuro! We're gonna late if you don't hurry up!"


This is my first time going in such place.

It was crowded here, and crowds are not my forte.

After we enter in a room where the band is performing, the crowds started to cheer once the five members of the band called Roselia, stood up in stage.

"Welcome to our live. We are Roselia, and we're gonna play....... LOUDER!" As soon as the crowds hear the song that they will play, the cheer become more louder like what they are about to perform.

A/N: Just in case someone didn't know that song, just play the music above☝️

Once they finished playing the song, I felt something in my heart.

I can't explain what it is, but there is one thing I wanted to say, the way how they perform, the way how they play their instruments are superb!

"Looks like you enjoyed their performance, huh."

"Well, I didn't expect that a simple band like that will make my heart race."

"Hahaha! I get you! Roselia are the best, right?!"

As soon as their performance are done, we leave the live house immediately.


After Kazuto and I leave the Circle, I quickly go home because I have something important to do, and that is........

To play Neo Fantasy Online!

Or in short, NFO.

By the way, if you ask what is NFO, it is a famous 2D MMORPG and it has 100k active players around the world!

Enough with that....

I find this new player where her character is a Fire Wizard Class.

How did I know that she is a girl?

Even though I never heard her voice before because we always off our mic when we are playing, I base her gender on her player name which is, RinRin.

Well, I don't care if she is a girl or he is a guy that pretending to be a girl as long as he/she and I are helping each other by doing quest together.

Sometimes, I got a chance to form a party with RinRin's friends named, Demon Princess Ako, and Sayo.

A/N: I don't know Sayo's username in NFO and when I search it, I found nothing so I just put her name there. Knowing her attitude and characteristics, there's a high chance that Sayo will put her true name in the game. Any thoughts? Also, if someone knows her username, please tell me.

Note and Tone of Love (Shirokane Rinko x OC) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now