Chapter 6: Lingering Doubts

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A/N: Don't mind this picture. I just experimenting what would it look like if I put a cover page for every chapter. Next chapter, I will draw the main character. Of course, together with his uniform for you guys to visualize more.

 Of course, together with his uniform for you guys to visualize more

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"Is it alright for you to help me? I mean, you're busy, aren't you?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Im currently on break. Also, Hina already called for help so there shouldn't be lack of manpower in the council." It's already an hour since we started our search for Rinko, but we still can't find her, not only because the whole school is big, there's also a lot of people in here.

We look every classroom, but still can't see any sign of her coming in there.

After an hour of walking, we decided to take a sit somewhere.

"Here." After buying a water from the vending machine nearby, I gave it to Hikawa-san as a token of gratitude for helping.


"Ummm..... Hikawa-san? Can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"What do Rinko likes and dislikes?" Before answering my question to her, she opened the bottle I gave, and drink the water inside.

After wiping her mouth, she look at me seriously.

"Eating potatoes, I guess?" I just sigh hearing her response.

Isn't that the one you liked and not what Rinko likes?

"Thanks for the water. I finished rehydrating myself so we should continue." When we are about to leave, someone unexpected suddenly appeared.

"Kuro-kun....?" It was Rinko.

"Rinko! Where did you go?! I was worried about you!"

"Looks like you don't need my help anymore. See you later, Amasawa-kun and Shirokane-san." With that, Hikawa-san left us.

When Hikawa-san vanished into our sight, Rinko continued what she was about to say.

"Kuro-kun, I have something to tell you." Her words are very heavy and tension will be felt around her.

It was like she learned something horrible while I was gone.

Since there's something that Rinko was worried about, I didn't think twice to accept her request.

"Ok, but lets find a place with lesser crowds first." She just nods her head and followed my lead.

Note and Tone of Love (Shirokane Rinko x OC) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now