Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 49

223 5 0
By WishingOnStars99


The next morning I woke up slowly with the sun coming in through the window. I slowly stood up, and went to the bathroom. I took a shower to wake up, and let the warm water hit me. I hoppped of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body. I went back to my bedroom, and saw a black haired girl sleeping in the bed next to mine.

At first thought, I would immeadiately scream, but then I remembered it was Izzy. All the thoughts from yesterday came back into my mind, then it hit me. Harry was coming.


"Harry is coming." Niall said, not making eye contact with me. With that, Izzy instantly sat up, and was looking at me nervously.

"Bu-bu-but why?" I asked, trying to process it.

"He's still kind of sad about Izzy, and he needs someone to talk to. The other boys are all busy, so I said he could stay here." he said, smiling.

"But Nialler, isnt this our vacations from the boys, and everything?" I asked, kind of confused, but a bit sad too.

"Yeah, I know. But you brought Belle, so I guessed..." He trailed off, and I reasoned it. I did bring Izzy here, and he was so sweet to let her stay.

"I know. But she said she would give us space." I said, remembering our little chat yesterday.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Will I still get to meet your dad, and go on dates with you?" I asked, smirking.

"Yes. I guess Harry will just have to spend some time with Belle." Niall said, giving me a kiss.


So, today was the day Harry arrived. Niall said he would have to leave early, because Harry chose the first flight avaiable. I guess he would be back soon. I opened my suitcase, and got out a dress. It was purple, and strapless, which went to my mid thigh. It had some ruffles on the lower half, and had a big belt in the middle. I quickly put it on, and matchded it with black ballet flats.

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. Niall was already there, sitting with Harry. A bright smile appeared in my face when I saw both of them.

"Hey," I sang happily, opening the fridge's door.

"Hey," they both said. I got an apple and sat in the middle of them.

"How was your flight?" I asked Harry happily.

"It was ok." Harry shrugged.

"Ok... What happened?" I asked. No answer. "Guys, I'm not clueless. I know something's happening, and its bothering both of you." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Its just that-" Niall started, just to get cut off.

"Izzy doesnt want to talk to me. And I cant find her anywhere." Harry said quickly. I could tell by his tone that he was sad, angry, and tired.

"Its gonna be ok Haz. She just needs some time." I said, patting Harry's back.

"How do you know that?" he asked, as if I was no one in the world.

"Haz, she's my best friend." I said matter-of-factly.

"But, I just need to sort things out with her." Harry said, looking to be in some faraway place.

"Morning." Izzy said, walking into the kitchen. Her eyes were barely open, so she rubbed them, and ended up opening her eyes. As soon as her gaze met Harry, she gasped shocked.

"Belle, this is Harry." I said pointing at Harry.

"Wow." Harry said, seeming to analyse Izzy.

"What?" Izzy asked confused.

"You look a lot like my girlfriend. However her hair is light brown, but I swear you have her eyes." Harry asked, seeming amazed with Izzy's, I mean, Belle's appearence.

"What a coincedence?" Izzy said, seeming like she just asked a question. Harry stood up, and moved closer to her. His face were just a few inches away from Izzy's, but she didnt seem to mind. I could see the magic there. Their gazes locked and they instantly smiled at each other. I know, right? I sound so chessy.

"Babe, I wanna take you out." Niall said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"And I'd love to spend time with you. But what about the whole 'getting to know your dad' thing?" I asked.

"He can wait. We still have another week here." Niall reminded me.

"Ok then. So, I guess your taking me out now?" I asked, turning around to face him. His hands were still wrapped around my waist, as he pulled me closer.

"Yeah. I'm thinking, because you love Harry Potter, we could watch the fifth one." he suggested.

"If we're going to stay home, I'm gonna change. And if we watch Harry Potter, we could also listen to Justin Bieber. I know how you love him." I told him happily.

"Ok." he said. I gave Niall a quick kiss and went upstairs.

I entered my bedroom, and loked the door. I quickly took off the dress and put on my PINK sweatpants. Yes, I brought mostly stuff to go out, but I also brought some comfy clothes. I put my hair on a messy bun, and went back downstairs.

I went to the TV room, where Niall was sitting/laying down staring at the TV. The sofa was long and wide, so you can either sit or lay down on them. I looked at the TV, and it was just waiting for us to click play. I sat down next to him, and he instantly wrapped an arm around my waist. He pushed me closer, and we clicked play.

By the middle of the movie, Izzy barged in, wearing a strapless brown dress. Niall paused the movie, and we both stared at her.

"What?" I asked her.

"You've got to come meet The Wanted with me." she sayd, making puppy eyes.

"No cant do. I'm on a date with Niall." I said, giving her a 'you promised you would give us space' look.

"Please! Niall can come too!" she pleaded. I looked at Niall, and then back at Izzy.

"Sorry I-Belle." I said, giving her an apolgetical smile.

"C'mon, pleeeeaaaasssseeee!!!" she pleaded, and I looked back at Niall.

"Fine." I said, giving up. "Only if Niall wants to." I then looked at Niall apolegetically.

"I'll go. But Harry's coming too." Niall said.

"Ok." I said, and gave Niall a kiss.

I went back upstairs and put on the same dress I was wearing earlier. I combed my hair, and let it fall losely to my chest. I put on some mascara and lipstick.

I went back downstairs, and entered the car with Harry, Niall and Izzy. Niall gave me a smile, which I returned, and drove off.

When we arrived at the mall, and went to find The Wanted. Izzy said Nathan told her that they were in the food court. We walked over there, and Niall went to buy himself, and me, a smoothie. Izzy, Harry and I then found The Wanted, and walked over to them.

'Hey," Izzy and I said at the same time.

"Hey," The Wanted said in different times.

"So, how are you?" Tom, not Izzy's cousin, the one from The Wanted, asked..

"We're good." Izzy said, scooching in next to Nathan. Nathan wrapped an arm around Izzy's waist. Niall arrived with two smoothies, and handed me one. I dranked it, and there was a really awkward silence between us. Harry and Niall were sending death glares to The Wanted, and The Wanted were returning them. I shared a confused look with Izzy, and we watched their staring contest.

"Uh... Niall? Harry?" I asked.

"Yes?" Harry asked, without looking me in the eye.

"I need to go to the... groceries, will you come with me?" I asked, standing up. Without giving them a chance to answer me, I pulled them away, and dragged them to come with me.

We walked out of the food court, and the boys didnt seem to mind. We were all walking, and when we were no longer in sight for the Wanted, I stopped walking. Harry and Niall didnt seem to notice, until they were a couple of feet away from me. They turned around, and gave me a confused look. I crossed my arms over my chest, and waited for them to walk in my direction.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked me. 

"What happened back there?" I asked seriously.

"What? Nothing." Harry said. I could tell he was lying. I raised an eyebrow at them, and waited.

"Ok, lets just say that The Wanted, and One Direction arent the best of friends." Niall said, not making eye contact with me.

"Meaning..." I asked, wanting them to continue.

"Meaning we're kind of enemies?" Harry said, as if it was more like a question. 

"Enemies?" I asked, shocked. They nodded. "Ok then. Lets go back there, and thank you for telling me." I said smiling. Niall wrapped his arms around my waist, and we went back to the food court.

"Ok Izzy, I'll try not to hate them so much." Jay said, nodding his head at Izzy.

"Izzy?" Harry asked, looking at her.

"Yes?" Izzy asked, without thinking twice. When she noticed what she said, she covered her mouth with her hands, as if noticing what she just did.

"Are you really Izzy?" Harry asked, shocked and confused. Izzy thinks about it for a while, and nods. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked, confused. Instead of answering, Izzy just ran away. 

"Did you know about this Kenzie?" Niall asked, shocked. I nodded. "And why didnt you tell me?"

"Because-" I started, but he quickly cut me off.

"I cant believe you didnt tell me. I know it isnt a big deal, but I thought I could trust you." Niall said, looking dissapointed.

"You can, its just that-"

"Its just that nothing MacKenzie." Niall cut me off. "I cant date someone who lied to me." I froze.

"A-A-Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, shocked, and a bit hurt.

"Yes." He said, looking sad. I felt tears falling from my eyes, but I tried to keep them from falling. 

"Ok then." I said, and ran in the direction Izzy had ran before.

I tried to wipe some tears from my eyes, and finally found Izzy. As soon as she saw me, she froze. She looked at my eyes, which ust be red and puffy, and instantly gave me a hug.

"What happened?" she asked. 

"N-N-N-Nial b-broke up with m-me." I said, crying. 

"Oh My gosh, I'm so sorry Mac." she said, rubbing my back. "Its all my fault."

"No its not." I said, pulling away, and wiping tears from my eyes. 

"Are you ok?" I heard someone say from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Jay and Nathan. I shook my head at them.

"What do you want to do about it?" Nathan asked us. I thought about it. Until I remembered about something I always wanted to do.


I was sitting on a foam, with Izzy and Angie in Izzy's room too. We were talking about totally random stuff, and laughing.

"Ok girls, so, what would you do if you ever had a really broken heart?" Angie asked us.

"I would go on a road trip," I said happily. That was easy.

"Me too. I'd go with both of you, and we could go on places we've always wanted to go." Izzy said happily too.

"What would be your first place?" Angie asked, curiously. Izzy and I shared look.

"Paris." Izzy and I said together. We always wanted to go to Paris. Its where everything needs to go right. Its the city of love...


"We could go on a road trip." I suggested looking at Izzy.

"Yes, totally." Izzy said, turning her frown upside down.

"Lets go then." Jay said, and we went to his car. 

He started to drive, and we had no idea where we were going. And I think I didnt want to know. The whole idea of this road trip was for us to see what was our destiny. I guess we were going to the airport for us to catch a flight to Paris. 

However, my thoughts were going back to Niall. I just cant believe he broke with me. Cant he see the position I was put in? I couldnt tell him. If I did, he would tell Harry, and then Izzy would hate me. But now, Niall hates me. He broke up with me! I just cant believe it. 


"No!!!" I screamed, while I ran away from Liam. I started to laugh a bit, and turned around to see where Liam was. Bad idea. Liam didnt see that I stopped, so he threw himself at me. I squeled, and we both fell down. He was on top of me, and we were both laughing. 

"What's happening here?" Someone asked. We both turned to see who is was, and I saw Karen, Liam's mum. Liam got off me, and gave me a hand. I took it and stood up. 

"We were just playing." Liam said, wrapping an arm around my waist. 

"Great. Its good to know that you're having fun." Karen said smiling at us. She was that kind of mum that if anyone made their son happy, she already liked the person. "Anyways, Niall's on the phone." she said, and left.

Liam and I walked into the house, and I got the phone before Liam.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Angie?" I heard Niall's voice say, on the other end of the phone. 

"Yes?" I said, while Liam tried to hear the converstion. I pushed him off and giggled.

"Have you seen Mac or Izzy?" he asked.

"Uh... No, why?" I asked confused.

"Well, they just ran away." Niall said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Really? That's so not what Mac and Izzy would do," I said, trying to think where they went. "How many days have they been gone?"

"A couple." he said simply.

"Niall." I said, in a warning tone.

"Three days." he said, with a sad tone. Liam sat on the couch, and gave me a confused look.

"I'm sorry. I dont know." I said worried. 

"Could you and Liam come to Mullingar to come help us?" he asked.

"Us?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. Harry, Louis, and Eleanor are here too. Zayn and Perrie are coming tomorrow." he said.

"Wait a sec." I said, and placed a hand over the phone. "Liam." I said, trying to get his attention.

"Yes?" Liam asked.

"Niall is asking if we could go to Mullingar, because Mac and Izzy ran away." I said, not knowing what he would say.

"What? Yes we're going. Tell him we'll be there as soon as we finish packing." Liam said worried.

"I think its so cute when you're worried." I said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled, and went upstairs. As soon as he left, I placed the phone back in my ear. "Niall?"

"Yes Angie?" Niall said.

"We're going as soon as we finish packing." I told him.

"Thank you." he said, and we both hung up.

I went upstairs and began to pack. I started to fold some of the clothes I left around the floor when I suddenly remembered something. I know where Mac and Izzy is.  

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