George Weasley's One and Only

By DakotaNee

688 18 0

Heaven, that's what she is called. The girl that went to Beauxbaton school. She just transferred to Hogwarts... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

43 1 0
By DakotaNee

Before I knew it I was in DADA i sat next to Harry in the middle row and second colum. He starts talking on why these curses are forbidden, "Because the use of any can get you a straight way ticket to Azkaban." "Does anybody know one?" He asks, "Ah, Mr. Weasley." "Uhm, my dad did tell me about the Imperious Curse." "Yeah your father would know about that since he works at the Ministry. He goes over to a spider, "Engorgio. Imperius." He then uses his wand to control it. He moves it in front of me and Harry, I move back. "It's not going to hurt ya." He then moves it onto a girls hand she screams, then he sets it on Ron's head. He whimpers, I hear Draco laugh loudly. "What are you laughing at." He puts it on Draco's mouth, he screams as Crabbe tried to get it off.

"What should I do now?" He says laughing as he makes one of his legs touch water. He then moves the spider onto his hand, "Another one, Mr. Longbottom?" "Cruciatus Curse sir." "Yup, come on up boy. Come come come!" Neville goes and stands in front of the spider and the professor. "Crucio!" The spider starts squealing. I stuff my head into Harry's shoulder, only peaking out, Neville winces. "Stop! Please stop! It's hurting him!" I yell.

The teacher looks at Neville and stops, he goes and sits down, He waves me up, "What is that most unforgivable curse Ms. Heaven Black?" I look at Harry as people gasp. "The killing curse." I whisper, "Louder?" He asks knowing very well everyone heard me, "The killing curse." I say louder. "Good." He points his wand at the spider, I look away, "No, no, no. Ms. Black." I look around the room, a lot of people looked concerned, others about to cry. I finally land my eyes on the professor then the spider. "Avada Kadavra!" He yells, the spider twitches and falls dead with a loud squeal.

I move my eyes away, tears coming down my face, until I just run out of the room. My friends and brother calling my name. I stop as I fall to the ground sobbing. "Heaven!" I heard someone yell, in my blurry vision I didn't know who, and my head was so fogged up. I saw a blurry man with red hair. "Heaven." He says again, I recognize the voice as George. "What happened?" He wipes my eyes so I could see him better. I cleared my voice. "Moody." Is all I say.

"Unforgivable Curses?" I nod, "H-he made me stand up front as he killed a spider using it." He pulls me into a hug, "Well class is almsot over what do ou have next?" "Defense Against The Dark Arts." He nods as he sits down next to me, I cuddle into his chest as we wait till the class is over. When I had to go back, my face didn't look like I was crying.

So I walked into class confidently. "Good your back. I am having the class line up." I nod, getting in the back with Harry, Hermione and Ron. "You alright?" "Yeah I am great." I respond, he tried the curse Imperius on us to see if anyone could resist it. When it got to me I heard his voice in my head telling me to do a backbend then a front flip. My body started to hurt as I started to bend my back a way it shouldn't bend. I clenched my teeth as the pain started to hurt.

I try to resist, before I knew it, I fell back. I saw the teacher do a backbend then a front flip. I was breathing heavy. "25 points to Gryffindor." He said then dismissed class. Harry helped me up then we went to the common room for break. "How did you do that?" "I have no idea." I tell Ron as we all sit on the couch.

"God I have a lot of homework." Hermione says, "Same." I tell her. After all classes were done I went to Professor Flitwick. "Ms. Black you know Expecto Patronum. Can you do it non verbally?" "I've never tried." I tell him. "Well Professor Moody would do this with you since he is defence against the dark arts teacher but he asked me to help you. He had a dementor in his chest that he let me borrow." He says pointing to it.

I nod I get my wand ready and then he opens it, the dementer looks at me, I think of a really happy memory when I was playing Quidditch with George and everyone and he had caught me when i almost fell. Expecto Patronum! I yelled in my head, my patronus came out as a doe. It chased the dementer into the chest and Professor Flitwick shut it. "Great job!" We keep on working until my break was over. I went to Potions, there I saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Professor Snape teaches us about a new potion, I already knew it. "Ok get in partners." He says slowly. "Will you help me?" Harry asks, I nod. We get a coudron and everything we needed. "Ok and now open your text books to page 386." I roll my eyes, putting my book in front of me and Harry. I wave my hand at the book, it opens to page 386. "Wow! How did you do that?" Neville asks from behind me, I look back as he was till in the 100's. I smile, waving my hand at his book, it opens to page 386.

"Ok you have an hour to finish your Calming Draught potion." I grab everything we need. "Ok first you have to chop the lavender in squares, then let it sit in the coudren for 8 minutes while stirring counterclockwise slowly." I say, doing exactly that. "Harry don't touch anything! You put that in the couldren now and it won't work. Patience Harry." I tell him as professor Snape walks around. "Mr. Potter I don't see you working with your partner." He says, "That's because Professor I am cutting the lavender." He just glares at me and walks away. I put the lavender in and Harry begins stirring counter clockwise. I set a timer for 8 minutes. "So have you talked to him yet?" Harry asks, "Who?" I ask, "Sirius." Harry whispers.

"Oh, no I haven't." "He might want to write soon." I nod. After the timer goes off I look at the next instruction. "Put in a crocadiles heart in stripes. Stir clockwise for 5 mintes." I quickly do as it said, i put them in and stir it clockwise. "What does it say next?" I ask. "Put 3 sticks of peppermint in, one at a time, stir counter clockwise 10 times, then clockwise 15 times, then counterclock wise once again 25 times." "I'm lost." Harry says, "Ok, you put a pepperment stick in one at a time first you stir 10 times, then you put another one in stir 15 times and the last one 25 times." He nods.

Once the timer goes off once again he puts the peppermint stick on, I begin counting. "Ok next one." I say, he puts it in, i begin counting again. "So-" "Shh!" I say, almost losing my spot. "Another one." He puts it in as i begin to count. When i was done the potion was a light blue color like it should be. The professor comes around and looks at the potion. "Potter did you do any work at all?" "Yes sir." "Ms. Black, did you cheat." "No sir. I followed the instructions as it said sir." He just walks away. "Ok class, I want a full parchment page on this Calming Draught potion due, Friday." Then he dismisses us.

When I got back to the common room I got out some parchment paper and began writing a letter to my father.

Hi, I'm sorry I didn't send a letter when I arrived at Hogwarts, it got busy, but I am now in Gryffindor! Just like you! I am so happy, Harry now knows that he is my sort of brother. And then Professor Moody said my last name in class and now the whole school knows about me. No one has been mean to me about it, and if they did I would punch them. Well the Ministry is probably intercepting letters, that sucks like what if something happened and you send a letter and then the whole ministry knows about it. It makes privacy almost impossible now. I just hope it is going to blow off soon. But Hogwarts has been good so far. Hermione is an amazing friend, she is awesome. Harry is the best too, and I thought you might want to know, but I kind of snogged George on the train, then here in school. But don't worry, he is awesome! I promise.

I almost forgot about the Triwizard Tournament, It is being held here at Hogwarts! I don't have a good feeling about it but it may pass. Durmstrang and Beaxbaton school is coming here October 31st. I didn't really have friends there so I am not worried but do you know what I am worried about!? Me! I am half veela and when they arrive my hair is going to turn blonde! I look terrible with blonde hair! Though only have changes I still hate it! I can't even put a spell on it to make it not change! God it is really annoying, the same thing happened at the Quidditch game over the summer. I am not looking forward to it at all. Since I am half veela the boys are going to not leave me alone! Then George is going to get very jealous cause he is the jealous type, mind you! And then there comes the fights, I mean I can't control my hair George! I like him, like a lot, but man do I wanna punch the guy! I guess I am like you in that way.

Well, I love you,
Love, Heaven <3

I look at the time seeing it isn't past curfew so I went to the owlry, when I got there my owl was there. "Hey buddy, I need you to give this to Sirius Black, try to avoid the Ministry, they are intercepting letters, Love you." I kiss him on the head and he flies out. I didn't want to go to the common room so I sat down, before I knew it footsteps were coming up, I look and see Cedric. He stops when he sees me. "Heaven you scared me." He says with a laugh, he goes to one of the school owls, whispers where to take the letter then he sits down next to me. "Don't wanna go to your common room?" I shake my head. "Was it a rough day today?" "Yeah." "What happened?" He asks me, "If you don't mind me asking."

I shake my head, "Uhm, DADA." "Oooh, the unforgivable curses." I nod, "He made me literally stand in front of the class and watch him say the freaking killing curse! Right in front of me." "It made me get reminded what happened to my father. Oh and he also said my last name in front of the class so everyone knows I am a black and my father is supposedly a freaking serial killer!" I huff, "I'm sorry Heaven." I lay my head on his shoulder. "And I also have a lot of homework." He chuckles, "Your life is so hard for poor Heaven." "Glad I'm not the only one that sees it." He chuckles. "It's almost past curfew." Cedric says I huff and stand up. I give him a hig, "Thanks for letting me talk." "Anytime, you know where I am if you need me." I nod with a smile, we walk down the stairs and part ways.

I get back to my common room I do some homework with Hermione, Ron and Harry until late at night, when I was done I went to bed after talking a short shower.

Weeks pass, the school were coming tomorrow night. It was a Saturday, I was bored. It was currently noon, everyone came back from lunch, no one could go to Hogsmeade for some reason. "Fred George wanna play a game of Quidditch?" "Sure." I go to Angela, "Wanna play a game of Quidditch?" "Yeah." "I'll play to, Katie says, I nod, going to Ginny who was also on our team, "Wanna play a game of Quidditch?" She nods, I go to Oliver, "Wanna play a game of Quidditch?" "Who are we going to play against?" He asks, "I'll deal with it." He nods. I go to Harry and he said yes.

I told him to grab my broom, I ran out and found Cedric, "Wanna play a game of Quidditch against Gryffindor?" "Sure, let me get my team. Also I'll ask a Slytherin Buddy if he wants to join in." "I'll get Ravenclaw." I found Cho, "Hey get your Quidditch team up, all of us are going to play outside in 45 minutes ok?" She smiles and nods. I find McGonagall, "Hey all the houses want to play a friendly game of Quidditch can you ask Madam Hooch and Professor Dumbledore if they want to be the witnesses and what ever?" I give her a smile, "Ok." I smile, heading to my common room.

"Get in your old team outfit." Oliver said, I smile and change quickly. I walk down with my broom in hand, we all walked outside where everyone, and I mean everyone in the school was going. We stood out onto the field, when everyone was where they wanted Dumbledore's voice rang out,

"We are going to play a nice and friend'y game of Quidditch, first Gryffindor against Hufflepuff, whoever is the winner will go against the winner of the other 2 teams, both the losing team will go against each other then the winner, whover wins both though's games will once again go against each other. This all is dedicated to Ms. Heaven Black!" He yells, everyone screams, for once including Slytherin.

I get into my position as chaser next to Ginny and Angela. Lorina is the one who will play if any one of us gets hurt. "Captains shake hands!" Madam Hooch says Oliver and Cedric shake hands, then she lets the buldgers and snitch go. Keeper's get in their position, Seekers, Harry and Cedric, fly above everyone. Then madam Hootch throws the Quaffle in the air, I was the first one to catch it.

"THE GAME BEGINS WITH HEAVEN TAKING THE BALL!!!" Lee yells in the microphone. I throw the quaffle to Ginny who throws it to Angela, I get ahead of them, "Heaven!" Angela yells, I twist back as she throws me the ball. I speed towards the hoops, then I trick the seeker by pretending to throw it left but I throw it right.

"HEAVEN MAKES THE FIRST 10 POINTS!" Lee yells once, "Zach now has the quaffle!"

I go after him, but he throws it at James, "Heaven watch out!" Someone yells, I look behind me to see a buldger coming at me fast, I rise my broom up, I then jump off it as I catch the quaffle as James tried passing it back. "Ginny!" I yell throwing it at her, still airborn. "Heaven jumps off her broom and catches the ball!! Amazing!" Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw yelling and cheering. The teachers all gasp.

As I fall towards the ground I turn on my back, "ACCIO FIREBOLT!!" I yelled, it sores at me, I swing my leg around it, "Heaven saves herself! Another amazing move by her!!" Lee yells, I smirk, "Formation T!" I yell, this is where we all make a triangle, I'm at the bottom, the peek, Angela and Ginny across from each other. Ginny who was on the right, threw the ball down at me, we zoomed forward, in the process I throw it at Angela. Then She scores a point. So we make our way to our hoops, "Looks like Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter are going agaisnt each other zooming past players to get to the snitch!" Lee yells.

"George hits the buldger towards Zach who has the Quaffle, but Mavis hit it back now it's soaring in the sky! Where is it going!?" I heard, but i wasn't paying attention, I zoomed up in the sky chasing Zach. I was about to steal it when I got knocked off my broom, falling and falling fast.


"ACCIO FIREBOLT!!" I yelled so loud I bet everyone heard but it was also falling.


My eyes widen, then someone grabbed my hand, I slowed down and stopped, I looked up, "AND GEORGE WEASLEY CAUGHT HEAVEN!!!" Lee yelled, everyone cheered.

I looked at George who was barely on his broom. Fred came over and helped George up, "Heaven!" George yelled, I looked behind me, a buldger again. I swung myself up and did a flip, taking my broom with Fred's hand, I slipped the broom under myself as the buldger flew below my feet barely missing them.

I smiled, "Thanks now don't let it happen again boys." I say with a smirk as I fly away.


I look over and see Harry holding it up a huge smile on his face. I cheered. Madam hootch sat up the chest again, my team went to the Griffindor's. Everyone congratulated us. I looked at the teachers stand and saw more then i thought I would. There was Moody, Dumbledore, Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Snape, and a few others I didn't know.

"Thanks for catching me George." "Anytime." I laughed as the next game began. Right away Slytherin's started to cheat, yet no one said anything since they would still do it no matter what. "Heaven?" I heard Oliver say, I leaned forward, "Glad you didn't get hurt to bad." I smile at him widely and fist bumped him. "Thanks." After 20 minutes Slytherin's won.

"Ok Slytherin's won and so did Gryffindor's so they are going against each other now. Come on out here Gryffindor's!" Dumbledore said. I stood on a bench and jumped off, swinging my broom under me. I was the first Gryffindor in the sky since the others took the stairs and flew from the ground. Losers.

I got in the middle of the field, I cracked my neck then my hands. My team got into position again. "Now I want a CLEAN game Slytherins!" Madam Hootch emphathized. She let the snitch and buldgers go, then the Quaffle, Ginny caught it. She passed it to me, I sped in front of Angela and Ginny. When I saw 2 Slytherin Chasers coming up to me one on each side, when they were close enough i dropped, making them bang into each other. I scored 10 points. A Slytherin chaser got the Quaffle, we chased him, he went to throw the ball and I intercepted. "HEAVEN INTERCEPTED THE QUAFFLE!" Lee yelled.

I zoomed down the field, "Formation A!" I yelled. I slowed down, Ginny went to the far right and Angela went to the far left. I shoot it at Ginny, she caught it and shot it at Angela, then I got it, I gave it to Ginny and she scored us another point. "20 vs. 0!" A Slytherin Chaser shot it at a hoop but Oliver blocked it. He threw it at me, I had my arms up to catch it and a casher knocked into me, making me fall off, I also felt his broom smash into the back of my neck. My vision went black for a second. "That's a fowl for Slytherin!" Lee yelled. "Heaven!" I heard someone yell. I hit the ground, "STOP!!!" Madam hootch yelled, running onto the feild, everyone stopped moving. "Heaven!" I heard Harry yell. "Heaven, dear are you ok?" Madam Hootch said, I had my eyes barely open. Her voice rang out through the feild, as everyone was dead silent.

I groan, rolling onto my stomach, "Damn that hurt." I heard someone chuckle. I look up and see Harry, "Are you ok to play?" "Have Lorina take my place for this game." She nods, "Lorina in position!" Madam Hootch yelled, I groan holding my head. "Come on up." Harry said. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let's get you up to the teachers stands Madam Pompfry has ice." Madam Hooch says. Harry helped me on his broom and flew towards the teachers stands. Professor McGonagall helps me down, Madam Hooch hands her my broom. "Harry go, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm dying." He smiled, "That's not even funny." "You smiled." He chuckles. He then gets in position. Madam Pomfrey puts the ice on my head making me gasp. "THE GAME IS BACK ON!!!" Lee yells, "Lee." Professor McGonagall says, he gives me a sorry expresion. I close my eyes as i lay my head on my knees with the ice on my neck.

"Gryffindor won." I heard Lee say a while later. Then Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff went on. It was another 45 minutes before Ravenclaw won. "Ok now the last game of the night then food! Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor!" "Heaven?" I heard, I looked up, Oliver was there, "You wanna sit out or play?" I move my neck, it hurt a little bit but i could survive, "I'm playing." I look at Madam Pomfrey.

"Take this quickly." She hands me a potion, my team coming over. I take a deep breath and chug it. I gag and hand her the potion. Now go!" She says with a smile, "Win for Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall said quietly. I smile at her. "Well i cna't jump off if you all are there." I say with a smile, they laugh and get into position, then I dive off the stands. "HEAVEN IS BACK IN THE GAME EVERYONE!!!!" Lee yells as i put my broom under my legs and fly onto my spot.

The game begins, Ravenclaw has the quaffle, they try to shoot but I intercept. Zooming towards the other side, I pass Angela the quaffle, she passes it to Ginny, and she passes it to me and we score. "Gryffindor has the first point in the game!" The Ravenclaw keeper throws it at a chaser, I bang into him, he looks at me, I wink and smirk, jumping to the otherside of him, I take the Quaffle, getting back on my broom, I take a sharp turn heading back to the Ravenclaw side, I shoot the Quaffle and make it in, earning another 10 points. "Looks like the seekers had found the snitch!" I glance and see them chasing it.

I zoom over to Oliver as a chaser throws it in the hoop, scoring a point. Oliver throws the Quaffle to Ginny. She passes it to Angela, then she passes it to me. I shoot it and score another 10 points. The keeper throws it at a chaser near me, I again jump off my broom and take it, scoring another 10 points, "Accio Firebolt." I get back on, catching up to Angela who tried to intercept but failed to do so. Oliver wacks it with the back of his broom, it comes soaring at me, I catch it, flying to the other side. I pass it to Ginny, she then passes it to Angela who scores us another 10 points.

"50 vs 10. Gryffindor in the lead. The seekers both chasing the Snitch and, and HARRY POTTER CATCHES IT!! GRYFFINDOR WINS!!!" I cheer so does the Gryffindor's and Hufflepuffs. After that everyone goes to their towers and changes, I take a quick shower washing the sweat off, when I walk down to the common room I see Fred, George, Ginny and Harry.

We all make our way down all talking about the games. When we got in the Great Hall, Gryffindor's clapped, I smile. I sit down next to Hermione. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine Mione." I say then i stuff my face with food. When I got back to the common room I did my homework for all my classes, then I did my extra homework. When I was done I got bored so I went into Fred and George's dorm. I didn't even bother to knock.

They didn't look back, already knowing it was me. "Are you ok?" Lee asks as I walk over and plop onto George's back. "My neck is killing me." "Yeah he wacked you pretty hard with his broom." Fred says, I nod. "Why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey?" Lee asks, "It's such a long way." I whine. "I'll.give you a piggyback ride." George says, "Ok." A smile quickly come across my features. Lee and Fred laugh at me.

"I'll give you one when we are in the halls." I nod as we make our way down to the common room. "Heaven can you help me?" "I would but I need a potion or something for my neck, Ron." He nods, "Hope you feel better." "Thanks." I say as I walk out. I climb on George's back, he makes his way to the hospital wing. "You had me very worried out there today." "Sorry Georgie." "Mostly when that Slytherin knocked you off your broom. I wasn't fast enough." "It's alright Georgie, it's not your job to catch me when I fall."

"But I want to be the one to do it." He whispered, I barely heard him, I didn't think he wanted me to hear him. It made my heart jump a little. When we got to the hospital wing I got off George's back. "What do you need Heaven?" Madam Pomfrey said, "Can I have a potion for my neck. But one that doesn't make me fall asleep. I'm already tired." She nods, "Yeah just sit down on that bed I will be back in a few minutes." I nod as she leaves.

I sit on a bed, George follows me. "Got any plans this weekend?" "Not really I am decided if I want to go to Hogsmeade or not." "Wanna hang out at The Three Broomsticks?" I look at him, "As friends or like on a date?" I ask tilting my head with a smile, "Uhm, uh, date thing?" He questions. "Sure I'll go on a date thing with you next weekend." He smiles and nods. "Ok a date thing." He says with a nod, I laugh. Madam Pomfrey hands me the potion. I take it quickly and gag.

"Thank you." She nods. We head back to the common room in a comfortable silence. I go to my dorm to see Ginny and Hermione. "I'm going on a date next weekend with George!" I yell, drawing the attention to me. "I'm freaking out guys." I say, "No way?!!" Ginny says running over to me. I nod with a laugh. "Yeah." She hugs me, "I am so happy for you!" Hermione says and hugs me tightly. I laugh, we all hang out and talk till we fall asleep on the floor.

Very long chapter, hope everyone still loves this book. I know that I love it and I am so glad I have published it. I am so sorry I haven't been posting. My Senior Year of high school is starting soon and I've been focused on looking at colleges. I am going to be a registered nurse and I can't wait. Again I am so sorry, I love you all ❤️😁

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