Always Okay | (Adopted By Eli...

By skye_0213

205K 5.2K 1.9K

"All I needed was you....but you left me" ~Alexis Chase Olsen "Giving you up was the hardest thing that I ev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 (Flashback - March 2008)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 56 (Part 2)
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 58 (Part 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Author's Note

Chapter 40

3.1K 81 31
By skye_0213

Word Count: 4420

Alexis's POV

I woke up alone in the guest bedroom and hurried out of bed to find Lizzie. I kind of wish I'd woken up before her. I headed straight into the kitchen to find Lizzie, already dressed and making breakfast. The stereo was playing in the background and she seemed to be in some sort of trance. I didn't want to spook her, so I quietly took a seat at the bar.

I watched Lizzie get lost in cooking for a while until she finally noticed me. She jumped a little making me avert my eyes out of fear. "Well good morning to you too!" Lizzie chuckled.

"Hi," I told her softly. I wasn't entirely sure if Boyd was here or not and if and I wasn't sure what had happened after I fell asleep last night. I'm just assuming something did because while Lizzie was trying to get me to sleep last night, her eyes were glued to her phone. I wanted to ask her but it didn't seem like the right moment. I eventually fell asleep either out of exhaustion or Lizzie's persistency, she was alternating between playing with my hair and rubbing my back.  It felt nice, safe even, which is something I rarely feel after a nightmare, especially one like last night.

Lizzie looked like she had gotten barely any sleep, so I was wary. When Josh was this way, I just did my best to avoid him at all costs. I also felt bad because I knew Lizzie's lack of sleep was my fault.

"We're gonna eat some breakfast, then we're gonna go explore New York," Lizzie smiled at me but it seemed a bit forced.

"Didn't you live here for like a decade?" I asked wittily trying to match her energy. Her lack of acknowledgment about last night was concerning, but the fact that she didn't mention Boyd made me think he was gone.

"Yes, but there's a lot I want you to show you," Lizzie answered.

"Like what?" I prompted.

"Tons of things," she grinned.

"Do I get to know? Or is it a secret?" I questioned sinking deeper into this blissfully ignorant conversation.

"It's a surprise, all you need to know is that today is just me and you and no one else," Lizzie beamed.

"Okay," I agreed simply with a small smile knowing that I was correct that Boyd wasn't here.

Breakfast was painstakingly long and after a few rounds of me crying over waffles, it was finally over. I don't know what clicks in my mind anymore but it's like leading up to the meal when I know it's coming I'm anxious, my brain is just screaming no. Then during the meal, I'm desperate as hell to get it over with whether it's refusing or slowly gulping down the food. And after it takes a while for me to calm down and get a grip that it's okay.

"Why don't you go get dressed and we can head out?" Lizzie suggested planting another kiss on my head as I was currently wrapped in her embrace not wanting to let go. If I had to pick a favorite place, I think it'd be right here in Lizzie's embrace where I can hear her heartbeat, where I know she's real and she's here with me, and most importantly that this isn't a dream.

"Fine," I huffed letting go reluctantly as Lizzie let out a small laugh. I headed into the bedroom and grabbed my overnight bag to bring with me to the bathroom.

I shut and locked the door behind me before turning in the water and undressing. I peeled off my bandaids including the large one on my wrist before getting in. Lizzie will have to help me rewrap it. Standing under the water I could fully see all the scars that littered my body like the stars in the sky. Each one is unique, telling a different story, and always there even if you can't see it at first. I love the stars but I hate my scars. I hate the attention they bring me, the pitiful stares and sick feeling that people say they have when they look at me. Luckily I'm in the shower so my tears blend right in without anyone needing to know. Showers have started to turn into a safe place for me in a way that probably wasn't the best. It was the one place where I was pretty sure Lizzie wouldn't interrupt me, I could lock the door and feel my feelings without worrying about those around me. It was like a hidden gem I never knew could exist, at Josh's my showers were rarely warm and ever pleasant.

I wrapped a towel around my body making quick due to get dried off and dressed. Soon I was standing in some calf-high socks with blue boot cut jeans matched with red and blue flannel. I had to rearrange the sleeves so that Lizzie could come and wrap my wrist back up. Once I was dressed I brushed my teeth and hair before calling Lizzie to come help.

"Hey, Lizzie?" I called from the bathroom after opening the door.

"What's up?" she replied appearing in the doorway.

"Can you wrap my arm again?" I asked her a bit nervously. I don't know why but it still felt a bit weird to be asking for help, especially with an injury.

"Of course, I think I put some clean wrapping in my purse?" She said walking back out of the bathroom. It was so weird to me that she was acting like nothing had happened yesterday, this was not the Lizzie I knew. She overthinks everything, dwells on sentences that were spoken last week, so what was going on? Or what if she is like this? And what if she was completely okay when I was taken away?

Lizzie returned not too long after and had me sit on the bathroom vanity as she rewrapped the delicate scar on my wrist and double-checked the scratches from last night. I only need some light gauze and a wrap around the large scar on my wrist as it finishes healing. It's mainly to keep me from picking at it and reminding me of that night. I avoided eye contact with her the whole time. I don't want to talk about my scars, especially the last one Josh gave me. Last but not least, she also added some light antiseptic cream to a few of my scratches before putting a bandaid on top.

"Okay, all done," she declared throwing away the rest of the bandaids wrappers.

"Thanks, Doctor," I joked jumping off the counter.

"Of course, are you almost ready?" She asked as she finished washing her hands.

"I just need my shoes," I told her.

"Great, I'll meet you at the door in five then," she told me before I left the bathroom taking my bag with me.


I climbed into the car with my overnight bag on my bag as Lizzie followed behind me with her purse. I had a beanie hat on along with my winter coat while Lizzie was wearing a velvet trench coat-looking thing. We were both wearing sunglasses as she had informed me it might be a bit busy where we're going. Thankfully Aunt Ashley was letting us use her driver, so we didn't have to deal with navigating around the city on foot.

"Ok, first stop the Empire State Building," Lizzie gushed once we started to pull away from the curb.

"Ok," I answered, I still had an unsettling feeling about this day.

"It's actually really cool to look out at everything in New York from the top of the building, you'll love it," she assured me.

"It's like twelve hundred feet tall?" I asked.

"No idea but it's cool, it makes you feel like you're standing on top of the world," Lizzie told me excitedly. At this point, I was sure that Lizzie was way more excited about our tourist day.

We pulled up to a street a few blocks away from the building a good while later. Lizzie told me to leave my bag in the car, so I pulled on my hat and followed her out of the car. So far, so good. No one was yelling at us yet, maybe these disguises do work?

I spoke too soon. I followed closely behind Lizzie as we made our way towards the building entrance only to be met with a long line. It's not that I'm not a fan of lines or that impatient. It just seemed weird to me that people would wait in line to see a building. You can easily see the outside of the building just as fine. As we were standing in line and began to transition inside, Lizzie removed her glasses sliding them to sit on top of her head and that's when people began to recognize her. I kept mine on like a smart person, I don't know why she thought she should take them off obviously I can still see.

"Oh my gosh! You're in the new Avengers movie!" this group of teenagers gawked at Lizzie.

"I am, yes," Lizzie chuckled as I stepped closer to her not enjoying this whole talking to strangers idea.

"We can't wait to see the movie," another spoke up.

"Nor can I," Lizzie replied causing them to laugh as well.

"Do you mind if we get a picture with you? It's okay if not, we don't mean to interrupt your day," the teenager asked as he nervously put his hands in his pockets.

"Sure," Lizzie gave in a bit hesitantly before she whispered a short "Stay here," to me. Then she stepped a bit off to the side from the main line with the group of teens and away from me. I immediately knew I didn't like this. She wasn't far from me but I still felt the distance. I don't want this. I don't want her to go away from me. I watched helplessly from the sidelines as she took a couple of pictures with the group.

It felt like forever until she finally made her way back to me. I kept my eyes on the floor avoiding her gaze, not wanting to let on how much I feared being separated from her. "Sorry, that took longer than expected," she told me but I didn't know how to react to that. I know her job is weird but why does it include separating from me. I didn't lift my head but I could see her hand hanging loosely by her side. I didn't want to be a baby but I also didn't want her to leave me alone again, so I quickly reached out to hold her hand.

She reacted by giving me a gentle hand squeeze. "I didn't mean to scare you," she told me in a hushed whisper. I nodded to show her I was listening but didn't raise my head. I didn't want to cry over something this stupid. We were having a tourist day, it was supposed to be happy.

Many, many minutes later, we were heading up in a very cramped elevator. I held onto Lizzie's hand tightly as I hated this claustrophobic feeling. She kept giving me gentle hand squeezes as we took the long elevator ride. I was so relieved when we made it to the top and finally stepped off the elevator.

I followed Lizzie's lead as she dragged me towards the edge of the patio of the building, I think. I'm not sure what to call it, but once I looked over the edge I could definitely see what she meant by the top of the world comment. "Look how pretty it is!" Lizzie beamed enthusiastically swinging our intertwined hands.

"We're really high up," I observed.

"Yeah but look up not down," she directed me.

"It is really cool," I awed.

"See and that over there is the Chrysler building, the Rockefeller center, and that down there is Times Square," Lizzie began to point out the many, many monuments of NYC. I just listened and was awed at the sights. It was breathtaking. Everyone around us seemed to be in their little world, no one was bothering us like downstairs. Lizzie had put her sunglasses back on avoiding the gaze of others.

We stayed up there for a good twenty or so minutes before it started to get cold as the breeze picked up. Lizzie ushered me back towards the cramped elevator and we headed off to our next adventure of the day.


After a full day of sightseeing, well full meaning until about dinner time, we headed to Aunt MK and Ashley's office. I wasn't entirely sure why, Lizzie hadn't explained it besides the fact that we were going there next.

"Alright, here you go Miss. Elizabeth," the driver announced pulling up to the curb.

"Thank you!" Lizzie cheered before getting out of the car.

I grabbed my backpack pulling on the straps before giving him a hushed, "thanks, bye," and following Lizzie.

"You excited?" She asked heading towards the door of the office building.

"Yeah," I nodded. It had been a long day, we visited about half of New York today and a lot of it was overwhelming so I was ready for a good rest. Maybe a book or movie or something of that sort.

"They'll be excited to see you," Lizzie told me as she held the door.

"I hope so," I muttered a bit quieter, not thinking she could hear me.

"I know so," Lizzie replied quickly. How does she always hear me?

"Did you tell them we were coming?" I asked, wanting to make sure this wasn't a complete surprise. Josh hated it when I interrupted him if he was at an important meeting or something. We had to set the system so that I would stop interrupting him. Looking back now, I guess there were probably multiple reasons, he never wanted me to interrupt those meetings.

"Yes, I called them this morning," Lizzie grinned at me as we walked past the front desk and headed towards an elevator.

While she was keeping this happy facade going all day and I had pushed last night into the back of my mind for most of the day, I still was confused about why she was acting this way. It seemed so strange that it was never even brought up. It made me wonder what was she waiting for, was there something that happened that I didn't know about? Is she going to tell me about it?

"Alexis?" Lizzie said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Coming," I answered following her out of the elevator.

"Aunt Ashley's office is just down the hall and Aunt MK's is on the other side, who do you wanna see first?" Lizzie asked, making me nervous that I'd have to choose. I didn't want to have to do that, what if I made one of them upset? Or worse what if Lizzie got upset again?

"You can choose?" I tried turning the tables.

"Or we could split up?" Lizzie suggested. Is she crazy? What if I got lost? Or taken? What is going on with her today? Did she just forget everything? I have tried so hard to talk to her and now it's like doesn't even matter. "Or not?" Lizzie tried to correct herself but I was already down a new thinking rabbit hole. What the hell is going on here?

"No," I said firmly trying to wrap my mind around Lizzie's absurd actions. I told myself last night, I'd stop picking the fight, but right now it's becoming increasingly hard.

"Okay," Lizzie agreed quietly as I looked down either end of the nearly empty hallway trying to decipher what was going on. "Hey, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Lizzie said gently tugging on my chin to turn my face towards her. I glared directly at her no longer caring if I'd upset her because, at this point in the day, I was tired, and frustrated at her behavior which was quickly turning to an angry sadness.

She searched my eyes, my face for a clue while I tried to decipher if I should tell her or not. It didn't seem like anything I said last night had made a positive difference. "Alexis?" Lizzie pressed on as I tried to make the decision.

"It's nothing," I said blowing her off. I needed more time to think this through, if I'm mad when I tell her, then I might say something I regret and I'm not supposed to be fighting with her anymore. I'll just ask someone else.

"Are you sure?" Lizzie asked as she let go of my face. I nodded quickly not trusting my mouth to keep the lie. "Okay," Lizzie sighed deeply before pulling her phone out of her coat pocket, "well you're Aunts are both in Ashley's office, so we'll go this way," Lizzie decided heading down the hallway as I trailed after her.

We headed into Aunt Ashley's office and were immediately greeted with hugs. "Why so sad, little one?" Aunt MK whispered in my ear while she greeted me. I didn't respond, not ready to talk about it. Aunt Ashley gave me a tight hug but didn't say anything out of the ordinary. After all the warm greetings and the adults talking about their day for a little, Lizzie asked to talk to Aunt MK privately while I stayed with Aunt Ashley, which seemed like a fair split to me.

As soon as they exited the room Aunt Ashley started asking me questions, "what's going on with you and Lizzie?"

"It's nothing," I tried brushing it off as I looked away.

"It's not nothing, Lex. Did she do something to upset you again?" Aunt Ashley prompted Scottish closer to me on the couch we were seated on.

"No," I told her sternly, but still failed by adding a short, "not really."

"How did last night go in Brooklyn?" Aunt Ashley asked cutting right to the chase.

"Not great."

"Why? What happened?" she pressed on, jumping into her normal protective aunt mode, which made me smile a little at the gesture.

"It just wasn't good," I answered not wanting to admit what really happened. I still felt terrible about giving Lizzie a bloody nose, I hit her right on the nose and I'm honestly really surprised that she hasn't punished me for that.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing," I shouted angrily, at this point in the day, I was done with this nitpicky questioning.

"Hey, hey, you don't need to yell, we can work through this. You just need to tell me what's happening?" Aunt Ashley tried again.

"Lizzie is confusing me," I started but it came out more like a question.

"What is she doing that's confusing?" Aunt Ashley pressed on.

"She's acting like last night didn't happen," I told her quietly.

"Well, what happened last night?"

"I had a really bad nightmare and I uh I accidentally hit her," I admitted as my cheeks burned red with shame and embarrassment. Aunt Ashley was still wearing the wrist brace from when I pushed her on Valentine's Day. I've already hurt two people in a week.

"Oh," Aunt Ashley hummed, "did anything else happen?"

"She fought with Boyd and told him to leave," I told her, thinking back on Boyd's harsh words and Lizzie's sad expression last night.

"Ok," Aunt Ashley nodded taking in the information I just dumped on her.

"It was a really bad night," I tried to explain.

"We all have those, we'll do something fun tonight! I think you're staying at my house today," Aunt Ashley said trying to cheery me up but she hadn't answered my question about Lizzie.

"Does Lizzie not care anymore?" I asked cautiously glancing over to read her expression.

"Of course not, she cares," Aunt Ashley answered immediately.

"Ok, but she was so strange today. She left me alone and more than once, she was acting like she didn't care," I argued.

"What do you mean left you alone?" Aunt Ashley prompted.

"She would sometimes go away from me to take pictures or something and I'd be alone," I explained in a small voice, I was doing my best to not sound like a baby.

"Oh, like with fans?" Aunt Ashley corrected.

"I guess," I agreed.

"Did you tell Lizzie you didn't like it?"

I shook my head no as I stared down at my lap. Aunt Ashley laid a gentle hand on my shoulder as I felt tears rush to my eyes. I quickly shut them not wanting to make a scene over something as stupid as Lizzie moving away from me. I heard Aunt Ashley's phone buzz and some taps on her phone screen while I tried my best to focus on the room and not the intrusive thoughts.

"Well, we can try to make tonight's better?" Aunt Ashley tried to cheer me up, even though my eyes were still closed. "You get to have a sleepover with me tonight," Aunt Ashley explained calmly.

I whipped my head up at that comment, "just me?" I asked in a faint whisper. Aunt Ashley nodded in a pained fashion. "No Lizzie?" I asked again for confirmation. She once again nodded painfully slow. "Wait, where is she going? She's going back to Boyd's?" I said rushed as I can to that conclusion myself. I felt my breathing begin to pick up again as I started to jump to all the possible reasons for why she kept leaving me places. 

"She just needs to clear up some things then she'll be back early tomorrow," Aunt Ashley tried to console me but I was jumping all over, trying to figure out what's she leaving me for. She won't be at dinner, or bedtime, or even to read me a story!

"Bu-but I need her," I stuttered. 

"She's gonna come back tomorrow," Aunt Ashley tried again.

"She left already?!?" I yelled.

"She really had to go. It was a time thing she was cutting it close but she'll be back before you know it," Aunt Ashley tried to explain.

"No, no, she's doing it again!" I yelled jumping up from the couch, "She's leaving me. You don't understand, she's never gonna come back now. She'll stay there forever and forget about me. Boyd hates me so she'll do the same and when you figure out you hate me too, you'll leave me," I shouted as I burst into tears falling back on the couch, pressing my hands against my face. Today was too much and now Lizzie's gone without a second thought. What did I do? 

"Alexis, she's gonna come back. Don't say that, she'll be back. Do you want me to call her?"

"No, it's fine. If she wanted to say goodbye, she would've made the effort," I cried hopelessly

"I'm calling," Aunt Ashley decided.

"No," I whined at her.

"Here ya go," she said passing me the phone. I shot her a glare as I held the phone up to my ear, these things still fascinate me.

"Hello?" Lizzie's voice came through the phone. "Hello? Ashley?"

"Lizzie?" I asked in a shy tone.

"Alexis?" Lizzie questioned as if she was unsure who was talking.

"You just had to leave," I spat before quickly hanging up on her. I'd don't care about her explanation. She just needed to know I was mad and sad, mainly sad but still mad.

"Lex," Aunt Ashley sighed as I tossed the phone back.

"What! She left me this time," I shouted. She promised, she literally promised me not too long ago, and here she is already gone. 

"Okay, okay, come here," she said holding her arms out. I moved over and hugged her but all I could think about is how much I wanted Lizzie back. She gives the best hugs, the ones where I feel the safest. But she's gone now, without a goodbye or anything.

Nobody's POV

After the Olsen sisters split up, Ashley took Alexis home and tried her best to have a fun night, but the eleven-year-old was much too tired and sad. Mary-Kate would've joined but she had prior engagements with her soon-to-be husband's family. Dinner was long and frustrating for both of them. Ashley didn't have the energy to cook so their ordered pizza and Alexis barely made it through half a slice. All she wanted was Lizzie back and as much as Ashley tried her best, she just simply wasn't Lizzie. 

It was around eleven-thirty that night when Ashley had finally gotten Alexis to sleep. Both were in their matching PJ's thanks to Ashley's suggestion, which ended up being one of the few ways she was able to get Alexis to get ready for bed. Now both were laying in Ashley's bed with Alexis curled into Ashley's side, her Winnie the Pooh bear tightly in her grasp. Ashley had just finished reading some of the Little Women book where Lizzie left off yesterday. It had taken quite a while to get Alexis to do anything, sleeping was one thing she was extremely stubborn about. Alexis was so scared to sleep, worried she might have another nightmare and injure someone else.

Unfortunately, Alexis did have a nightmare that night but it wasn't the typical one that brought her to Josh's house, no this one was way worse. It was real, or at least it felt real because, in this nightmare, Lizzie had left her alone in New York and without even bothering to look back.

In the next town over, in Brooklyn, Lizzie and Boyd were at it again. The all too familiar screaming, yelling, and crying sounds were clear as day in their two-bedroom apartment. Both were questioning how this had become a norm for them? How did things get to heated so quickly? Why is it a fight every time they see each other? But mainly the question popping into Lizzie's mind was is it worth it? Is this love worth the fight?

Another update yay! Why do you think Lizzie is acting this way? Any guesses?

Also, would you guys ever be interested in getting an update that is more moments of Lizzie and Alexis's life before she was taken? Or even just more in-depth on life during that time?

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